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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.


    > How can you think that running los while casting is bad? Its a skillfull play and used to exist in vanilla gw2 with warbanner. Was high clutch from both sides if u get it or interrupt.


    > This community jfc


    Warbanner warr didn't have multible instances of instant stability on demand, so there was a real chance to get an interruppt on it, with fb that's pretty much impossible due to the mantra. Also the cd on Warbanner is 180 sec which is appropriate for a skill with, while mercy signet is 90 sec. Also the warbanner rez often didnt go through cleave + poison, while mercy signet always works. So banner had numerous possibilities of counterplay despite running los and was high risk due to the cd, while mercy signet can basically be used for any downed and the only counterplay is highly unreliable (launching also doesnt work when the downed lies next to a wall since you dont have the time to reposition yourself).


    But thanks for your pointless rant, I hope you're enjoying WoW. :------)

  2. The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.

  3. Spellbreaker, Holo, Necro, Core Guard are all fairly straightforward. But play what you like, honestly. if you attempt to get into the higher lvls of pvp the learning curve will be steep anyway, no matter what you play. Some classes might be a bit to pick up than others and forgive more mistakes in the lowers tiers but once you get to a higher level you will need a good level of mechanics, decision making, rotations etc with any class, like Hearteater has pointed out.

  4. Mirage is an amazing 1v1er (especially with the Chaos/Staff/Infinite Horizon build that is popping up everywhere) that also has a lot of mobility and the unique advantage of portals that can be used for your team in myriads of ways.

    Spellbreaker was hit a bit by the RR nerf, yet is still a strong duelist with a good mix of dps and sustain and able to survive 1v2s for a good while. Also has the high dps variant without Defense Traitline and with Sword available for higher pressure (aka Tramawarr).

    Holosmith is still very strong in 1v1s, very good CC application, mix of melee and range attacks, and able to resustain itself quickly, a bit fragile vs very high burst or 1v2. Protection variant and Eli variant are both viable, although Spectrum Shield is not recommended anymore after the nerfs.

    The boonbeast come closest to the classic bruisers of the HoT meta, very tanky with decent pressure and some annoying mechanics to bully people of node (muddy terrain).

    Weaver is a capable bruiser, very sustainy, a bit low on dmg and somewhat vulnerable to +1s.

  5. Pretty much what Trevor said. Dying often is obviously never good, but it isn't always your fault either. Let's say you play reaper and the enemy team agrees to focus you in tfs, yet your doesnt support you or peel for you and doesn't do enough counterpressure either, you might see yourself dying frequently to a focus spike of 3 or 4 without really being able to do anything about it.


    However if you play a bruiser like Ele, Druid or even Warr and duel 24/7 on an enemy node without getting a decap or kill you are completely useless to your team, yet might not have died once at the end of the match.

  6. It never made any sense at all in the first place...


    Many WvWers don't care about SPvP and vice versa, so dishing out rewards in another game mode than the one they were earned is already a bad concept.

    And also mounts in WvW would be terrible, it's just another way to avoid fights, which is certainly a kind of behaviour WvW does NOT lack. The gliders were already a bad idea, mounts would be terrible. The Raptor dismount skill also influences organized zerg fights in quite unpleasant ways, as seen in one of the GvG tournaments that was done in guildhall (mounts were obviously banned there but one guild did it for fun when it had already lost).

  7. The biggest problem with the ladder is the huge volatility, as an lucky or unlucky streak can push you quite high up or far down, way outside of your usual skill bracket. If you track the average placement over, let's say 3 months, it probably constituted a fairly accurate measure. With DuoQ that is likely going to change as synergy between your duo "comp" and how much it can snowball a game will affect rating way more than individual skill.

  8. Feeling of invincibility, ye, for sure. If you knew how quick a rev, reaper or even a condi mes can melt down a careless Holo you wouldn't write this. Also your description reads like it has 5 or 6 slot skills available (without elite and heal). Elixir S and and Spectrum Shield barely ever occur in the same build because Hard Light Arena and Photon Wall are pretty much autolock for the meta SD spec [with the conversion variant the same goes for arena and Thumper Turret]. I personally go even without either of them, prefering the on demand stab and quickness from Elixir U. The heal is also not uninterruptible and the only way to get an 800+ leap is picking rocket boots (even though it's technically a blast), which would take yet another slot skill. Holo leap has 600 range and is barely faster than normal running. Holographic shockwave is one of the best telegraphed spells in the game, therefore really easily avoided, similar as Chill to the Bone. Also its damage has already been significantly nerfed.


    Holo is in a good spot but it's not performing much better than other meta builds. It's one of the best duelists, but doesnt have the 1vX capability of spellbreaker or the mobility of Mes and is still susceptible to Condi Pressure/corrupt and well timed bursts/cc locks, making it a very rewarding opponent to +1 for most roamers and still fairly easily suppressed by scourges in teamfights.


    Against holos you need to play around their cds, similar to playing around the full counters of spellbreakers, and that's why bad players tend to struggle overproportionally with it. As a player with limited awareness, game knowledge and reactions it's probably easier to be effective as a holo than with most other classes, but once both players are on a decent level, most matchups become skill matchups for holos.



  9. As some people here pointed out, these builds are annoying to play against and can fuck you up, but generally aren't effective as soon as people are paying attention, since you dedicate basically all your ressources into a single oneshot and then are left extremely vulnerable and possibly not in the situation to finish off your downed enemy. It's not like the meta revolved around these builds, even though they pop up here and there.

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