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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > > If Anet stopped messing with Kyhlo every 3-4 months I'd be so happy.


    > \Starts messing with Kyhlo.


    Would you mind mentioning stuff like that in the patch notes? It might be more relevant than the latest llama exchange rate.

  2. I like the power rankings, and also Frostballs ranking of power rankings. I mean obviously they're biased, but that's kind of what makes the whole thing of competing rankings fun. And tbh 90% of the posts on this forum are either completely braindead or straight up shitting on the game mode (PvP ded for the 15989th time since 2k13, hurr durr), so posts that in some way actually deal with the PvP that still happens are a welcome alternative, even if the whole thing isn't exactly to be taken dead serious.

  3. > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > > > People keep saying holo is a glass cannon.

    > > >

    > > > No.

    > > >

    > > > FA weaver = glass cannon.

    > > >

    > > > 1 trick staff thief = glass cannon.

    > > >

    > > > Anything deadeye = glass cannon.

    > > >

    > > > Staff zerk ele = glass cannon.

    > > >

    > > > To a lesser extent, power shatter mantra mesmer = glass cannon.

    > > >

    > > > Glass cannon are those specs that are feast or famine, kill or be killed. No defenses, extremely weak to pressure, and pretty much dead if their main burst doesn't land.

    > > >

    > > > Holo is not that.

    > > Holo is pretty much dead if their main burst does not land (from a Power Reaper's perspective). He bursts, I dodge, I burst, he shrinks for 3 seconds, I wait 3 seconds, I kill him while he tries to heal up with his turret. Pretty much like a fight against a glass cannon should look like.

    > >


    > Nope. They have many tools (no pun intended xd) to fall back onto. Stealth up, rocket boots away, knock your kitten back, immobilize, shrink (active) or shrink (passive). What do the specs I listed have? They can't reset, they just die.


    > Holo is leagues ahead in terms of survivability.


    Rocket Boots aren't included in the current meta because it takes the tool line for them to be effective, which requires to ditch explosives that adds a lot of dmg to the build throw mines and the automated rocket. Alchemy is pretty much autolock because the survivability is utter garbage without passive Eli S and HGH. Engi has one secure option for stealth (Eli S toolbelt) and one RNG based one (the wall from Eli U toolbelt). However, stealth breaks extremely easy due to the mines, even good players will find themselves revealed A LOT almost immediately after stealthing up. Otherwise the only real survivability are the two elixirs S, with the passive one again being problematic cause it can fuck you over when you're heavily condi pressured or executing a vital skill (like Prime Light Beam). The only real genuine defence that the holo line gives is a ridiculously small barrier from the stability trait and a subpar reg after leaving holoforge (Heat Therapy). Mobility without rocket boots is largely limited to Rifle 5 to disengage (possibly Eli Gun 4 when used), since the holo leap barely deserves that name when it comes to distance covered (not saying the dmg is bad).


    I can understand the frustration about the high passive dmg from dodging, and to a lesser degree about the high cc/dmg output from holoforge (which is strong, but also vital for the spec to be viable), but saying that holo somehow has excessive defense is pretty much alternative facts.

  4. > @"Vebryan.7549" said:

    > Once again i'm not in the engi section, another wrong list yay :(


    We can cry together in the disregarded engi corner. :(


    At least this list tries to be objective though, instead of just putting your own friendslist + a few "stars" from top teams on there to make it look objective. :D That doesn't mean I agree with all of it, Blackjack is underrated imo, so is Floodi probably and even Miaz. Also Boyce overrated on Druid imo. But it's hard to agree on that stuff anyway.

  5. This always happens, since many people only do their minimum games in the last days. Legend on EU grew from ~40 players to over 80 in the last week. I know it can be frustrating, but it is to be expected at this point. Anets timing of the season was indeed unfortunate, as always. (Monthly one day before Christmas Eve, PoF launch mid season...).

  6. There's actually far more viable core builds than after hot release, too. Thief, Warr, Guard can all be easily played on core up to the highest lvl, and there are people in Legend who play these classes on core. But you will not satisfy the whiners here. Other games charge 15€ per month and release a more or less mandatory expansion every year and people here get emo if they need to buy 2 expacs in 5 years. Well.

  7. Team Q was a much bigger joke tbh, with none of the top teams even bothering to Q due to a total lack of challenging fights. Remember the kitten guild ladder where 9/10 teams were Car Crash, because no other decent team was bothering and they found it funny to fill the whole list?

  8. The system is pretty good imo, it's just the playerbase that's somewhat to low. And maybe the volatility should decrease further after a while, since many people easily bounce around in an 150-200 MMR region. Otherwise it's good, 5 man Q was always a joke that offered nothing except easy wins to any somewhat decent team. The removal of Duo Q for 1600+ was also good, I guess it could be removed altogether (doesn't make much of difference though).


    This is far better than grinding Pips to Legend on a 50% winratio nonwithstanding your actual skill, or the grind leaderboard withe the victory points that preceded the pip system.

  9. Mirage is probably the best overall package, with great mobility, insane condi burst and few counters. Spellbreaker is still strong, a better point holder while not as bursty and mobile. Can also hold a 1v2 for quite a while. Druid is most bunkerish of 1v1s, can survive 1v2 for ages, also has to offer support and okay mobility, however it does no burst and takes ages to actually get a kill. Holo has great burst and few counters, however the mobility is rather bad (unless with Tools Rocket Boots, which will decrease the burst) and can be easily +1d by high mobility/high dps classes such as thief, mes or even revenant.

  10. You should always be in the teamfights, and heal/cleanse/res your teammates, especially scourges. You can also 2v2 pretty much anything with a scourge on your side. Bunkering a point in 1v1 is not your job, even though it might be necessary once in a while. Always try to switch with a better situated class (Druid, Spellbreaker) in that situation though.

  11. Afking on an uncontested node is and always was a terrible idea, which will result in an almost certain loss against any other than the most inept opponents. The question if you play 2 or 3 nodes is mostly decided by your comp. Do you have the stronger teamfight and also a bruiser that can 1vX close until the rotations are made? Setups like this would include Scourge + FB for the Mid Fights and a Druid or Spellbreaker for the second node. If you have that kind of comp while your opponents lacks support and/or tankiness you might be better off focussing on 2 points (decapping an empty node if you have the time never harms though). If your comp is more reliant on roaming, high dps specs like Thief, Mirage, Holo and lacks the necessary support for drawn out teamfights you are probably better off roaming over 3 nodes, creating 2v1s to quickly burst down your opponent before they make the necessary rotations, then possibly abusing the spread out respawn times and snowball the match with high pressure (good opponents will do a full regrp if they see that happening though).


    Right now the meta tends towards the second tactic, because many high pressure burst builds are played while support (ie FB) is still relatively unpopular in Solo Q due to the lack of teamplay in random teams, despite being extremely strong in any team that has a minimum of coordination. The prevalence of high dps burst specs also results in a "kill-meta", where most people will happily hand out a decap if they think it secures them a kill (which will obviously result in a recap afterwards).


    Note that this refers to Ranked, tournaments with high end teams are a different matter, because rotations, awareness and teamplay are obviously on another level there.

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