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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. Don't understand the fuss about power mes, sure it can get you if you eat all the burst, but they're super easy to kill. As Holo I didn't have any problems so far. Tip: If you hear the torch stealth it's usually time to stealth up yourself or quickly get away and have your dodge key ready...

  2. The condi cleanse got absolutely crushed with the removal of alchemical tinctures, for whatever reason. I think it's still viable though, but it basically cost a slot skill since Elixir C seems to be mandatory now since there isn't really any good cleansing option I know of. Both Cauterize and the new Inventions trait are rather whack, and the Holo T1 trait alone with the heal is not enough.


    Metabattle usually just copies the builds from top tier players, usually with ~2 weeks delay (S/D hadn't replaced D/P on thief there until recently), so the decision doesn't say much. It might take a while until players come up with a good build, the explosions variant had also taken quite a while until being discovered.

  3. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > Good spellbreakers crush Holos, you just need to know your timings for endure pain, boon rip, CC etc. It's a matchup that has quite a different outcome in high end than let's say plat 1, because the skillcap for the SB is higher in this mu. But if the SB knows how to play it, it's quite a favorable matchup. SB can also kill druid, or at least force a full cap.



    > according to zan the odds holo vs sb so ur wrong


    > sb

    > 60/40

    > 65/35


    > 70/30 vs druid

    > 50/50 mirage

    > 20/80 scourge


    Well, my experience is different, but it's hard to argue about stuff like this, arguably different players have their strengths in different matchup. I would give myself a better ratio against mirage and a worse one against Druid and SB from the one you mentioned.


    Also with Zan the problem is probably that there are overall very few players on his skill level, so that might skew the numbers. The numbers vs mirage are probably against Misha, but I don't know if he fought a warr with similar skill. I'd really like to see him duel Boyce or Obindo though.


    Here is the a fight from the last monthly where the warr from my grp fights Angels. I'd say they're roughly on the same skill level, yet it goes really bad for the holo. The end isn't 1v1 but I think you get what I want to say. Also when I dueled that warr many of my fights against him looked similarly, I probably lose 7/10.


    Edit: The timestamp doesn't work, the fight is at 10:30.



    It's a bit easier for holo when you dont have to push the point so hard as in that situation, but it's still one of the matchups I like least (probably only beaten by scourge IMO).

  4. Good spellbreakers crush Holos, you just need to know your timings for endure pain, boon rip, CC etc. It's a matchup that has quite a different outcome in high end than let's say plat 1, because the skillcap for the SB is higher in this mu. But if the SB knows how to play it, it's quite a favorable matchup. SB can also kill druid, or at least force a full cap.

  5. Because 90% of the people either have no idea how rotations in this game work or zero awareness of what's happening around them. Or both. Some guys have called their guild "get mid or die tryin", which is one of my favourite GW2 guild names ever, because it's just so accurate.

  6. Also looking at my original posts I probably shouldn't have omitted S/D Thief, which is increasingly popular. Imo it's kind of a mix between the old d/p DD focussed on +1 and decaps and a 1v1 class. I would argue that it's overall not as strong as the other meta 1v1 specs, but has the big advantage of countering at least two of these specs, namely Spellbreaker and Mirage. For Spellbreaker it is frustrating to fight because of the constant engage/disengage with 2 sword paired with the constant dodges (sword 3 and normal dodge), which makes it extremely hard to capitalize on endure pain and land enough of bursts/fcs to build up adrenal health. Also shield 5 block is more or less useless against that spec because of unblockables. Against mirage it gets a lot of profit from the combination of double steal + double use on stolen items and the OPness of consume plasma (thief stolen ability from mes), which floods the thief with boons incl. resistance. Also it probably the only other class that can actually match the mirages mobility and chase him down. In a recent daily AT on Sind's stream you could see him shred through Frostball (was semifinals on Kyhlo I think), showing how strong that build is against mirage.

  7. Holo Leap has rather low range and isn't that much faster than running. It's good to disengage from melees but you won't get away with it. Also most melee specs have their own leaps/ports. Only way holo has good mobility is with tools/rocket boots, but that means you can't pick explosives and lose a lot of dmg. The meta spec has some mobility with jump shot and holo leap but it doesn't compare to SB, Druid, Thief or Mirage (which are the common 1v1ers in the current meta).

  8. > @"Guizao.4167" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > > @"Guizao.4167" said:

    > > > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > > > You are making it really hard to actually argue against the people who say PvP is dead in this game and isn't worth to be bothered with anymore.

    > > >

    > > > Now you see it - well I foresaw this situation in the very moment they revamped the trait system.

    > >

    > > Which was like 3 years ago. Why on earth are you still here then?


    > Because I play other parts of the game? Silly question.


    Still doesn't explain why you're on the PvP forum. Would be like me trolling the raid forum, since I don't raid.

  9. > @"Guizao.4167" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > You are making it really hard to actually argue against the people who say PvP is dead in this game and isn't worth to be bothered with anymore.


    > Now you see it - well I foresaw this situation in the very moment they revamped the trait system.


    Which was like 3 years ago. Why on earth are you still here then?

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