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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. And which traits are they not in line with? With the one on Coreguard that gives you 50% Critchance + free Might Stacks on Reta, making a whole amulet stat obsolete? With the one that gives you 40% Crit Chance on Fury, which you have permanent access too, like Rev? With the one that dishes out 6s weakness and 4sec prot on every 15s on hit like on Ranger (Engi in comparison gets 4s Prot on CC every 20 seconds)? With the one that gives permaquickness + 300 ferocity while in Reapershroud? Is it those not powercreeped at all traits that 2 traits from different traitlines combined giving you perma vigor and 10% extra dmg on it aren't in line with?


    Also comparing an immunity that shuts you down to one where you can still dish out damage at will is just out of this world stupid.


    Also, if holo is so broken OP like this forum keeps claiming, why was there not a single holo in either the NA or the EU monthly final, despite at least one player in the EU final maining it? That makes the four best teams on the two continents, 20 players, without a single holo. Maybe it's not that op and just valuable for Ranked because it's stuck in an awkward spot between the three classical roles (Roamer, Duelist, Teamfighter) which makes it useful when you have completely random comps and generally chaotic rotations on the map? Considered that maybe?

  2. Build diversity is either Core with GS, core with Hammer or Support Firebrand on Guard, on Warr it's Tetherbreaker (with Sword) or Standard Spellbreaker (with Dagger). Obviously you can always play your own builds, just don't expect them to be as effective. If you're mechanically good player and know how to conquest you can probably get to Plat 2 anyway on a suboptimal build, but you will still be limiting your potential.


    If you absolutely want a ranged option you can pick Scepter for the second weapon set on Core guard. Maidaen for example does quite good with it. However, most guards will prefer to pick sword to have a second port, which is crucial as gapcloser or disengage tool.

  3. Rifle warr is a meme spec for trolling, but not really viable in high end PvP. Viable variants are both spellbreaker, either the no defense version (Tetherbreaker) with very high burst, cc and mobility or the classic one with defense, which is a more sustainy, defensive version.

    DH is somewhat on the edge of viability, it's not trash but also not an optimal build, because neither the burst is very high nor is it as survivable as the real bruiser specs. Core guard is generally more effective because of the high burst potential, either with hammer or GS.

  4. No, they don't. Nec is pretty horrible in ranked imo, even though DuoQ made it a lot more viable. But it's still a slow class easily picked off in focus in a gamemode where people will rotate incorecctly all the time. The problem is that people just go ham into FB/Nec with the worst classes for a tf, instead of using their brains and playing around it.

  5. In this high dps meta the answer is usually "Don't", unless you have dedicated rez abilities like Mercy Signet, Blood Nec, Scrapper, Druid with rez trait etc. In a situation where the enemy is low and your teammate still has a decent amount of downed hp you should almost always down the enemy first and then rez. Even if you dont get a kill right away he might be forced to disengage and you get a safer rez that way in the end. Obviously the whole thing is situational and you need to develop a feeling for those situations. Mistakes like those outlined are one of the main reasons why bad players still manage to lose outnumbering at times. It shouldn't happen in any situation. Also it obviously depends on what you are fighting. If you face a Trama War dishing out 8-10k with Arcing Slice and Final Thrust, or a holo with constant cleave and ccs it's almost never wise to hard rez while he's still up, while the situation is different let's say against a Weaver.


    As a rule of thumb I'd say if you are not sure you can a) get the rez or b) fail the rez attempt without losing signicant amount of health and/or cooldowns, then don't. Rather counterpressure the opponents' cleave or stomp attempt and then get a kill yourself - obviously only after your teammate died, in case he is beyond saving.

  6. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > Right now in ladder everyone plays defenseless warrior, using strength discipline spellbreaker.


    > I don't see why you come up now with rants about AH.


    Tramadex won two monthlies with it aswell, but muh AH, too much heal hurr durr.


    The old meta spellbreaker with Def/Disc/Sb and Dagger isn't even in a good spot since the dagger set lost so much pressure and RR got nerfed quite a bit. It's still a strong option vs mesmers with all the resistance and cleanse it can pick and can still hold/kite 1v2s for a while, but struggles against holo and gets eaten alive by soulbeast, because the pressure is just not strongh enough to win the 1v1 in most cases. Many warrs have experimented with other mainhands on the build, but so far none has really come out on a top.

  7. > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > This bug is as old as spellbreaker itself, so it seems hardly to be a priority. Check the boon bar for the FC symbol when it occurs to still stow/dodge in time

    > I prefer to watch my enemy's movements thanks


    Might be an idea to have an eye on both. Also to avoid wasting ccs into stab etc...

  8. Probably Boonbeast, constant Protection (and a lot of other boons - even all of them with plasma), a cascade of debilitating conditions (weakness, chill, slow, cripple, poison) and solid constant damage with axe and pet. Weaver is a very good holder aswell but lacks the pressure to actually flip a cap. Standard Spellbreaker is still decent aswell, albeit weaker than before due to the RR nerf. Combat FB with Axe and Radiance is solid for the job aswell, but overall probably less tanky than Boonbeast. I'd say boonbeast is overall the best 1v1er by now. Spellbreaker is still slightly better for kiting outnumbered, but it can't facetank in 1v1 as hard. Holo still a good 1v1er aswell, but not very tanky and reliant on stealth and Eli S when playing the new meta build, which isn't great for holding nodes. Chaos Staff mirage is somewhat tanky aswell, but with it's mobility and pressure on the Axe/Torch set its strength lies elsewhere.

  9. Everything. Everything is wrong with it. Close and far are basically the same point, you run into enemies before you even get to your close node, it snowballs like hell, the secondary mechanic is very strong in theory but awful in practice (you won't cap the orb unless you're either spawnfarming the enemy or it's a complete clownfiesta), the map design sucks mighily and overall it carries the odium of scrub achievement farmers derping around in PvP and irritating the actual PvP players. This map should have gone the way of Courtyard and Battle of Champion's Dusk long ago, but unfortunately it was kept in Unranked.

  10. Everyone whining about Elusive Mind, while the staff chaos mirages denies me even my holo 3 stab cause all clones spam dodges while flooding me with tons of conditions from three clones + the mes nuking me with Chaos Vortex (staff ambush skill), while also having permanent prot and lots of stab. Honestly, I'm thankful for any mirage that picks Elusive mind, even though that means that the strongest weapon of my build (CCs) have barely any effect, because the alternative is even more cancerous. But the Metabattle guy forgot to add it to his site, so I guess it's not a thing in gold league.

  11. How many patches that changed the underlying tournament code without actually changing tournaments except for bringing in new bugs did we have now? 3? 4? 5? I honestly can't tell anymore. I'm pretty sure the people working on pvp now have no idea how to work with the code present, probably because the people that made it have quit long ago. The pace of changes in PvP is abysmally slow and by now we've probably reached the state of the community has probably reached the point of no return.

  12. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > > > The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.

    > > >

    > > > How can you think that running los while casting is bad? Its a skillfull play and used to exist in vanilla gw2 with warbanner. Was high clutch from both sides if u get it or interrupt.

    > > >

    > > > This community jfc

    > >

    > > Warbanner warr didn't have multible instances of instant stability on demand, so there was a real chance to get an interruppt on it, with fb that's pretty much impossible due to the mantra. Also the cd on Warbanner is 180 sec which is appropriate for a skill with, while mercy signet is 90 sec. Also the warbanner rez often didnt go through cleave + poison, while mercy signet always works. So banner had numerous possibilities of counterplay despite running los and was high risk due to the cd, while mercy signet can basically be used for any downed and the only counterplay is highly unreliable (launching also doesnt work when the downed lies next to a wall since you dont have the time to reposition yourself).

    > >

    > > But thanks for your pointless rant, I hope you're enjoying WoW. :------)


    > I agree mercy should have counterplays as in poison however only point you made in ur original post was LOS being an issue which is kitten. War had 2x sources of stab if they picked it so no. 90s is fine which warbanner should have had as well.


    It is the combination of low cd, stab on demand, the fact that cleave/poison doesn't work and LoS that makes it op imo. Warr had the double stab in theory only, since meta specs like shoutbow relied on other utility skills to be viable, while the mantra elite for FB is pretty much a nobrainer.

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