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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. Soulbeast and Mirage are equally op, mirage is just even more disgusting to play against and gets more hate because of that. This isn't really news though. It's pretty clear those two specs have been massively overperforming when handled by high level players. Soulbeast can get possibly get even more value in clutch situations since it's basically the only sidenode spec left standing, but Mirage is also just disgusting with its combination of condiburst, elusiveness and still decent on mobility even on specs that sacrifice most mobility tools (aka the scepter/pistol+axe/torch one).

  2. Guard and Thief both have meta or semi-meta builds on core, Core War has gained popularity again recently. Ranger and Nec can be okayish aswell but already quity clearly weaker than their elite specs. Rest is useless on core or at least a lot weaker than the respective elite specs.

  3. It was dumb giving an Ele skill away for free on a rune with Shocking Aura on Surging and it's equally dumb with Magnetic Aura on Earth. Protection is already one of the strongest boons in the game, which add free reflect on top of it. The OP is right, it has no place in PvP, it's as dumb as Surging was, and that triggered only on elite, so at least you had to use it actively. This was one triggers on any dps you get, so effectively always. Sure you can bait it and wait out, but if a passive effect from a rune with other useful stats forces you to disengage for 5s, maybe that's a tad too strong?

  4. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > The problem is not people going far, it's that every kitten time people go into middle they don't care if you secured a two cap and starts disengaging, you always end up losing 1-2 players because they will fight to the death no matter what. And that is because 99% of this community does not know how to rotate



    That's why "Get Mid or Die Tryin' [mid]" is my favourite GW2 guild name of all time.

  5. The cinemats were good, but the fights were just boring as hell. I actually managed myself to get stuck on the way to the final fight and ended up in the wall. I was still occasionally hit there, but kept getting out of combat, meanwhile Aurene fought Kralkatorrik without me and actually without taking damage. So eventually she did the whole fight without me while I was deperately trying to get myself killed to get out of the fucking wall. Quite the underwhelming experience, and frankly in line with the fights before. Like, killing a few trash mobs close to the pillar with 3 extra buffs? Really?

  6. Unstick that map from the Unranked Selection please. People tend to play unranked during offseason since the matchquality is largely the same with far lower queuetime (at least I do) and that map is just way to meh to have Achievementhunters force you on it for months.

  7. Luana too high, Flänby too high, Diverse too low, ROM a bit too high, Zorg a bit too high, Obindo too low on Rev, Tenebrae too low, Mase too high, Faeleth too high, Cookie too low, Tage too high, Mde Mda too high, Zyntrex too high, Prickly Berry a bit too low. Rest I agree with except for maybe really small margins. Maybe slightly biased towards some old ESL players who were better in past metas.


    Also Sukaya and Zheart missing on the engi list imo.

  8. The badges don't say much anything since the rating span they cover is too wide and rating is volatile. Plat might be a top tier player who just had some unlucky matches and dropped from legend or a mid-gold player who had lucky placements. And yeah as Erzian pointed out and a certain mesmer is demonstrating here on a

    weekly basis, hitting legend doesn't stop you from being delusional.

  9. Especially after the last last balance patch there are already quite many matchups amongst sidenoders which can stall for ages without a +1. Reducing damage further would just result in another bunker meta, which probably was the most frustrating thing ever in 6 years of GW2 PvP history.

  10. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > Most changes look sensible, but giving mes a second distortion on the already strong Chaos line is a no go. Idk why people get so mad up about Eli S (in which you can't do anything) while full immunities that enable you to keep fighting are seemingly okay. The only good thing about the new distortion trait is that it collides with the protection on Chaos armor, which is pretty crucial for the current Meta Mirage build.

    > >

    > > On first look I'd say compared to Soulbeast, Spellbreaker, and Holosmith, (Condi) Mirage got off easy (again), with slight nerfs to Jaunt and Portal. The might change on Staff 1 Ambush might actually be a buff and the AoE removal on the Chaos Ultimate is pretty much a non factor anyway, since Mirage is not a teamfighter.

    > > The dps nerf on Full Counter looks excsessive, the one on tether is fine, nerfs on Boon Beast (+ plasma in general) and Engi, and FB, Rev (shackling wave), DE (Death's Judgement) mostly make sense. With core guard I can't really say how the changes impact it without it seing it in action, same for Nec.


    > It means you can distort for all of 1 second unless you resummon clones to make use of it.

    > If people havent learned they can AA clones to death in 2018 I don't see how getting an extra second of distortion is an issue.


    Resummoning clones isn't exactly an issue with the current build which uses both staff and the clone on dodge trait from dueling. It's a gift that keeps on giving...

  11. Most changes look sensible, but giving mes a second distortion on the already strong Chaos line is a no go. Idk why people get so mad up about Eli S (in which you can't do anything) while full immunities that enable you to keep fighting are seemingly okay. The only good thing about the new distortion trait is that it collides with the protection on Chaos armor, which is pretty crucial for the current Meta Mirage build.


    On first look I'd say compared to Soulbeast, Spellbreaker, and Holosmith, (Condi) Mirage got off easy (again), with slight nerfs to Jaunt and Portal. The might change on Staff 1 Ambush might actually be a buff and the AoE removal on the Chaos Ultimate is pretty much a non factor anyway, since Mirage is not a teamfighter. The axe nerfs are real, but some were actually running scepter even before and it didn't seem to reduce the strength of that build, so this might become a factor.

    The dps nerf on Full Counter looks excsessive, the one on tether is fine, nerfs on Boon Beast (+ plasma in general) and Engi, and FB, Rev (shackling wave), DE (Death's Judgement) mostly make sense. With core guard I can't really say how the changes impact it without it seing it in action, same for Nec.


    For the nerfed passive Eli S I'd like a viable alternative, since the other master traits on Alchemy are pretty meh.

  12. > @"Flandre.2870" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > We have a bug fix for the statues in progress. But unfortunately, it's unlikely we'll be able to fix the statues retroactively.


    > any chance to get something else instead of a statue or should i just forget it lol


    How about an extra potion?

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