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Posts posted by Falan.1839

  1. Okay, have fun with the quality matches in unranked then while I play with "trash" players like Sind, Zan, Sizer, Boyce etc. in Ranked.


    Also there is quite a few reasons for alt accs in Ranked, one of them being bad matches off peak that punish Legend/Plat T3 Players with 20-30 Rating losses while rewarding 1-5 rating for wins. The wintrading/match manipulation problem is also blown out of proportion, often as excuse by players who don't get a ranking that satisfies their ego. Most players in the top spots are really good players (and some got carried by a lucky winstreak + a strong meta spec (i.e. Scourge). That's not to say there is no wintrading, but I see no evidence for it being as prevalent as many "anti-pvpers" claim.

  2. Actually checked the ladder, won't do all 250 though. Feel free to fill the empty spots and question marks, I don't know everyone. EU:

    1. bluri (sind) - Thief

    2. captain nemo (forgot his name) - Nec (?)

    3. thijsken - nec/engi

    4. Iriel - mostly warr I think. might be multiclass

    5. destruction - ???

    6. R I P - ???

    7. koga - Ranger

    8. Metrix (misha) - Mes, been alting on engi lately

    9. Solmat - nec

    10. REAG - ranger??? (not sure)

    11. adolfas (zan) - engi

    12. chillex - ???

    13. hiokma - ???

    14. kokos banane - nec?

    15. beast - nec

    16. farrorz - ele mostly, possibly alting on nec?

    17. nathou - nec

    18. vlerk - mes

    19. pouloulou - rev? (might be alting)

    20. cjcrew - ???

    21. tolfdir - guard

    22. kain - ??

    23. dominik - multiclass, mostly core guard and ranger this season

    24. Nemesis - ???

    25. headcrowned - ranger

    26. lefrere - mostly ranger I think

    27. wismerhill - nec

    28. suffish (stronlo) - ranger

    29. bartek - ranger

    30. vimbi - nec

    31. envergure (thybzz) - warr


    Quite a few unknown names this season. Also some high ranked people don't have minimum games, boyce (warr), obindo (warr), saitara (ele) were in top 25, sizer (thief) dropped out (mb decay) recently. Kris (guard) dropped out due to shitty multiclassing yesterday. Obviously there is a lot of volatility, especially with those who only play minimum games, so even without the missing names this wouldn't be reprsentative.




  3. > @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > Ele and Rev, which were barely viable, got nerfs (mostly insignifcant ones).


    > Ele nerf to Fury wasnt slight. It was to EVERY build bar one, which didnt even need the change to begin with. Today ele got direct damage nerfs to pretty much EVERY attack (-20% Crit chance) as well as Condi nerfs which are rather funny - no one plays condi ele these days, it died when BurnGuard started...


    Yeah, I might have missed the fury nerf. Makes it even worse. All this makes it harder to defend a game that I still enjoy against those people who want to see it fail.

  4. Very few of these makes any sense in SPvP. Firebrand was already by far the strongest support that was mandatory for every comp and got buffed, making its rez ability, which was already very strong with Sanctuary, even mightier due to the buff on Merciful Intervention. Condi Burst was supposed to be nerfed, yet mirage as one of the main culprits got buffed. Ele and Rev, which were barely viable, got nerfs (mostly insignifcant ones). The slight nerfs on Scourge are probably the only good points. Most of the changes are insignicant, some even harmful, very few will actually have a significant impact on the meta. This represents a huge missed chance.


    The right idea would choice would have been to break up the scourge/FB lock (by nerfing Fb support and reducing the amount of pressure scourge can do on a single node), slightly toning down Mirage Burst and Engi Dodge Dps, maybe slightly reducing Druid and SB sustain, while buffing Rev and Ele (more Condi Cleanse and stability for Rev, significantly more dmg on Sword while toning down the Weaver Dps Traits a bit and possibly easier access to an "Oh Shit Button" for Ele, such as a passive Mist Form).


    Instead we get nerfs on specs like Condi Rev or Condi Engi, which no one ever uses beyond Silver League. Somehow it looks that the balance team doesn't even know the current Spvp meta and mostly reacts to vague QQ threads from four months ago about too much condi burst.

  5. This thread basically represents everything that is wrong with this forum, people who quit playing the game trying to spoil it for those that still enjoy it, for whatever reason. I really don't understand what motivates people that came to loathe their game to keep lingering in the forums and hate on it no matter what actually happens and if there actually are improvements.

  6. It was idiotic to mix duo and solo q in the first place, giving the duo Q a huge advantage. But the community welcomed it at that point because the older system of mixing even larger premades and solos was even worse. Solo Q has made the ladder more competitive and meaningful, even though many issues remain (balance, mandatory classes, wintrading). Please don't fall for "mimimi, solo Q ruined my bromance". If you want to play with friends, form a team for an AT, play unranked, or organize scrims on a server.


    Please leave Ranked as it is now, or enforce Solo Q regardless of division. 2v2 tournaments might be an option for the future, but in the current balance it would make no sense, since virtually every high lvl team would be FB+Scourge.

  7. I couldn't sleep and felt like doing something stupid, so I queued at 4am.


    ![](http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=ee6cb9-1512393836.jpg "")


    I don't even know what that match would have cost me in case of a loss.


    If it's true what Cynz says and the MM system only takes into account the average MMR of the opponent team and not your teammates' one, then this is really sloppy work and should be changed asap.


  8. Unless you have heavy burst, it's probably best to not 1v1 them on an enemy node. Either Condi Burst them a few times or pressure them hard enough to drop their Stone Signet and then quickly +1. In 1v1 they are hard to bring down for most classes. However it's fairly easy to avoid dying to them, unless the fight really stretches out for ages. Also their sustain usually involves Stealth and/or ocassionally leaving the point. So if you pressure them hard enough while being able to stay on the point you might get the cap eventually even if they survive. As Holo I can usually decap them at least, unless he is really good and able to pressure me into stealth/eli S myself. This becomes harder if they run Longbow though, due to the kick/root combo. Avoid facetanking the pet bursts and the channel hit from Celestial Avatar. Otherwise the best way to counter them is to avoid them decapping, even though it's not always an easy thing due to their relatively high mobility.


    Due to the fact that they're by far the best remaining bruiser which can solidly hold a cap but still play on range if neccessary (i.e. against Scourges) they're highly viable and probably the best HoT spec still around next to Daredevil (and to a lesser extent, Herald).

  9. It helps to play close to prime time and avoid ranked during crazy off peak times, such as 3 am. At least in EU that makes a huge difference, because during PT you'll have similar rated or slightly lower rated players in your team while offpeak it reaches down to Gold League and you gain little vom wins yet get heavily punished for losses. That is speaking from a Plat T3 perspective on EU, might be a bit different on NA with their several time zones. I often play late night but usually avoid ranked after 1am, because I'll just have crazy matches of which some are unwinnable and yet still cost me a ton of rating.

  10. PvP ded, since launch. With ATs and a functioning leaderboard it's actually healthier than ever. I still remember when in Season 2 or 3 (not sure which one it was) I ran into the same group of people every match when playing after 11pm, and it also stacked the players with the highest winratio in one team, so I was basically up against Obindo/Wishes/Maxi Flash or a JFK 4 man pre each time after reaching legend, with my winratio dropping from ~65% to shit. So compared to that it's pretty great now.


    Balance is arguably bad and the patch was a disappointment, but even that has been worse (post Hot Bunker Meta, Cele Ele domination etc.). FB/Scourge are too strong in teamfights, Holo has a bit too much passive dmg on Dodges while Ele and Rev are subpar, though not completely out.

  11. I have really no idea why they thought trashing Equlibrium was a good idea, Rev was already in a tough spot with all the CC and Condi Apply, but could still do allrightish with strong support and flawless gameplay and then it gets nerfed further. It just doesn't make sense.


    And btw, just because you can still do alright by being very skilled against players who would usually be 200+ MMR lower, it doesn't mean that the class is fine or that it's a "l2p issue". Once you run into people with a similar skill level, those balance issues will decide the outcome. I've known Wishes from Ranked Play for quite a while now and I'm pretty sure 99% of the shitposters here have more "l2p issues" than him...

  12. Most of what they did was alright, but what they did was only a small part of what should have been done. It's nice and fine they want to buff underused specializations, but bringing the OP stuff back in line would be more important. The nerf on Spellbreaker is alright imo (it's still strong but not broken anymore), but Scourge/Fb should have underwent a similar treatment.


    I still think Holosmith is alright, but obviously I'm a bit biased about that.

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