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Posts posted by Kidel.2057

  1. Kalla skills are complete trash. Even on condi build they lower the DPS compared to (any legend)+F3 and swap to Mallyx, meaning you'll always use another legend instead of Kalla even on condi builds.

    Even if the summons are nice on paper, you need to factor the energy cost, the cast time and the fact that people can kill/cc them and you can't move away from them (as well as the enemy). Even on condi builds I'll always prefer Shiro or Jalis with Mallyx. They offer more utility and no dps drop thanks to F3.

  2. Tested both Power Herald with Shiro/Jalis and Power Renegade with Shiro/Jalis. Both with all boons and all damaging traits. Herald does around 2k more dps. And you're far more survivable and with an usable F2 skill.


    Talking about PvE and WvW, Power Herald is better.


    Also Kalla skills are complete trash. Even on condi build they lower the DPS compared to (any legend)+F3 and swap to Mallyx, meaning you'll always use another legend instead of Kalla even on condi builds.

    Even if the summons are nice on paper, you need to factor the energy cost, the **cast time** and the fact that people can kill/cc them and you can't move away from them (as well as the enemy). Even on condi builds I'll always prefer Shiro or Jalis with Mallyx. They offer more utility and no dps drop thanks to F3.


  3. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > The funny thing is this firebrand rotation is infinitely easier than the weaver one, and weaver provides zero utility to the group whatsoever.


    they both need a serious 50% damage reduction across all the top skills. Like they did with Ice Bow 4.

    There was a 75k burn tic, did you see it? Most classes take 3 seconds to do that damage, and that was only from the burning.

  4. Nice job planning the launch on a weekend, with the highest peak possible of players and the lowest peak possible of devs.


    Also nice job on making basically NO beta PERIOD that was worth people's time. By that I mean with progress saved on your actual character.

    Don't misunderstand me: I partecipated in all your "stress tests" that you made for half an hour at 2:00 AM, but they were pointless. Nobody gave a crap about them (except a few of us) since progress wasn't saved.


    > @Lunarlife.5128 said:

    > It's expected for the servers to go down on release of an expansion. In fact, things so far have gone really smoothly!

    > I'm guessing that most Anet employees have been working overtime for the past month or two, and are working overtime right now. It's part of "Crunch time" and part of the gaming industry. It's an expectation.


    What are you talking about?

    Smoothly? Everyone I know is basically starting to have stress disorders because you never know when you'll get a connection error at every story instance or map change.


    They could have just done an open beta period with full access and saved progress (that is basically what we are doing now, just shorter) and **launch the game on monday with all the devs and a gradually growing number of players**



  5. > @Stelmine.7093 said:


    > > @Stelmine.7093 said:

    > > Same problem loading from Desolation to Vabbi but getting error code=7:0:0:1026:101


    > Tested with other character and game loaded fine. So just my main character is in a loading screen limbo.


    Same. My characters that are NOT on PoF maps are fine. My main that is in Desert Highlights gets infinite screen + Code=7:0:0:1026:101 after a while

  6. After 2 hours I confirmed my thoughts from the beta. Aside from new animations and the obvious stun break fix, there were basically no changes in Renegade.


    I'll be sticking to my Power Herald that was even buffed for PvE.

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