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Posts posted by Kidel.2057

  1. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > I've enjoyed the borrowed version. But the pitch up and down control gets a little annoying for me. Not a lot, just a little, and it's because I have to have my camera pointed up to rise which makes it harder to steer since I can't see the ground landmarks. I am not sure how to solve this. It's never been an underwater issue for me, either, and I certainly have to point my camera where I want to go there. Anyway, it took me a little time to remember the live stream that explained the pitch movement and until then I was losing altitude a lot faster than the canopy limiter because I was instinctively tilting down a bit to see where I was going. (This could be the issue for some of those who are counting the altitude drop as a huge negative, they may not realize they are actively steering downward).


    You can go up with [space] and down with [1] without moving the camera around. I find it harder to allocate a key to the dash since it doesn't accept the dodge key

  2. > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

    > Hi everyone,


    > I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns

    > We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.



    That's almost useless. Just change the tooltip for that achievement, you can find those elementals in other maps without waiting for an event. Took me like 10 seconds



  3. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

    > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > > That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Players not being able to understand ANet's motives is NOT a compelling reason for ANet to repeal time gated content.

    > > > >

    > > > > How, pray tell, are we supposed to "understand ANet's motives" when they haven't even told us what their motives are? We got no information on launch, can't even figure out information until the time-gates are passed, and have gotten zero response from ANet as to why this is the way it is.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > You're not, but you don't need to. That doesn't mean those motives don't exist and they didn't have a reason to use time-gating.

    > >

    > > Thanks for skipping over the first half of the post where I literally explained why people are thinking they shouldn't be using time-gating on this content just so you could say the same thing you said before I replied.


    > I didn't skip it ... I just didn't think it was relevant. Any argument where the premise is that there isn't a reason for time gating is not worth discussing to begin with. That doesn't make sense with the reality of the game. If you can't acknowledge there is a reason for it, your argument is dead in the water because it clearly opposes the reason Anet used it, whatever that reason is.


    > Like I told the other guy ... this isn't about who's right or wrong on time gating. It's about coming to some understanding that there is a reason for Anet to use it. If you want to make a case for why time gating is bad in this case, you can't assume off the start there isn't a reason to use it.



    I think you are not far enough in this collection to judge. I was fine with the first 3 steps being time gated. Took me long and with work and stuff I didn't care much (except for those poor souls that completed the first collection 1 minute after midnight).


    However at the point where you have to make/buy a 22 charged quartz (timegated) to feed the skyscale 12 times with a limit of 3 times per day (timegated), that's just trolling

  4. > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > I'm also slightly confused about the arguments in favour of the timegates.


    > It seems that 'One Collection Per Day' is your preferred approach. Therefore, this forced restriction has no effect on you. The only timegate would be yourself.


    > Your argument seems to be "if I have no issues doing it at my own pace, then other players shouldn't have a problem doing it at my own pace either". But that's not the case.


    > We have just as much right to do this at our own personal pace as you do. If you're getting what you want whether it's forced or not, what are you so afraid of losing if it were to change?


    > You have nothing to lose here.


    I don't have much to say about "1 collection per day", but the problem is much worse.


    1) if it took me 2 days to complete the collection, why should I be time gated another day?

    2) why should I wait 4/5 more days to feed the Skyscale 12 times, 3 times each day? That's not a collection, but 1 single step of a collection.


    Also, depending on how many charged quartz you happen to have stockpiled you either have to spend 100g or you can make 3000g.


    At best they completely failed to predict the market.



  5. > @"Melian.5368" said:

    > Timegating is one thing but making players depend on RNG just to be able to complete the collections is another crime in itself. In the Claw of Jormag boss event a lot of people can't progress because darned elementals don't freeze them due to the sheer number of players, pets and minions around.


    That description is misleading. You don't need Claw of Jormag for that.

  6. Are you having trouble using the dash? It says I can use [space] or [v] but only [v] works, and the dodge button (I have it mapped on mouse 3) doesn't work either. I hame kind of forced to click on the bar itself using the mouse. Have you solved this? Is there any smart key change I could do?

  7. > @"daydreamer.3092" said:

    > i think the reason for timegating this is to prevent a burnout by doing this boring port and run grind for too long...

    > why do we have to get back to the same positions again? why arent there any engaging quests to do instead? (brain drain i guess)


    > after finishing this i will never come back to this map again because i will remember this mindless grind and it will be a pain


    This only make sense for the collections that need the daily reset. What about the feeding achievement that requires 4 days of clicking 1 button once a day? You can only feed the skyscale 3 times a day and you need to feed it 12 times

  8. That's very helpful. I didn't notice, thank you. So I just have to wait because the food is time gated (and well I have to spend 100g whatever).


    Seriously however, I didn't mind the time gated collections too much. They were long and boring, so I would have never done them in 1 day. However having to wait 4 days just to feed an item is kind of stupid.

  9. So, I used 20 charged quartz pieces a couple of days before the parch and now I have 2. Meaning at best I need 10 more days to get the skyscale (if I spend 50g to buy a grow lamp, otherwise it's 20 days). I guess Anet doesn't want us to unlock this mount (or play to do it). This is just run around and wait at this point.


    Meanwhile if you've randomly stacked up charged quartz pieces, you get to unlock it in "just" 5 days, completely by chance.


    Is it too late to ask this to be patched? Or simply allow us to buy/sell/supercharge quartz?

  10. Hardening Persistence: Gain damage reduction based on your active energy upkeep, and your shield abilities now remove conditions.


    The shield will be useful again. This is enough for my tired Herald soul.

    I just hope that personal damage is not nerfed now that Power Herald is decent.

  11. We've also made some adjustments to improve the viability of a revenant power build in PvE.

    Thank you for listening to feedback. To me this is a step in the right direction and it doesn't have to stop to Revenant, but continue all professions.


    However Shield is still kind of weak and it's too bad since it's the best looking off hand weapon for Revenant (you even improved the looks of the Legendary shield :) )


    Oh and Power Herald only has condi removal if Jalis is equipped, making it impossible to have Shiro+Glint unless you give up to a huge damage multiplier to get condi removal by trait.

  12. As I said some days ago, ANet usually does nothing when the userbase complains about something, even if it's a vast majority. I at least hope that they understand that they've lost money and, probably, players. I've stopped being active on GW2 since this shit happened and I'm now basically only getting log-in rewards until I change my mind.


    I still hope they at least put an option to DISABLE mount skins, since some completely ruin the experience. https://imgur.com/a/ycOJG



    > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

    > ... We stand by the work our artists put into each skin...

    And again: https://imgur.com/a/ycOJG

  13. > @Yasi.9065 said:

    > Hey :)


    > I was seeing a LOT of new mountskins today in LA, and on Xera I had - again - someone with that obnoxious pink colored ravenglider blinding me on every leyline passage... thats when I thought:


    > Cant we PLEASE have the option to display glider and mounts clientside standard model for others?


    > Like we can limit the amount of charactermodels and then get standardmodels instead of fancy fashion wars?


    > I really dont have anything against personal choices, and if you like your pink raven glider, then imo... you should be able to enjoy it. And Im okay with people being able to display their legendaries with all the bling, dang and ta-dam.


    > BUT... the mountskins and gliderskins are getting out of hand. In some raids or openworld squads GW2 starts to resemble a badly colored 90s website instead of the stylish graphics I bought this game for.


    Yes please, new mount skins are terrible and completely ruin the game settings for me.

  14. > @gmmg.9210 said:

    > "The reaper specialization from Heart of Thorns™ is seeing a few significant changes in this update, primarily centered around Reaper's Shroud. We drastically increased the damage of all shroud attacks while simultaneously increasing the rate at which life force is lost while in shroud."


    > Glad to see the HoT Reaper get some changes but there's an elephant in the room that's causing quite the pirate ship meta to continue. And frankly I was surprised to see no significant changes to this class. Even Spellbreaker got a cooldown increase from 8 to 12 seconds with Full Counter, but nothing for Scourge??


    I was surprised too. Guess my pause from WvW will be longer.

  15. > @Brandkanne.8571 said:

    > I don't want to have another lootbox system in this (or any other) game!

    > Raise the price to 800 gems for a selectable skin and I'm sure to spend some money for mount skins. With RNG you won't get any amount of money from me!


    That's my opinion too. However they won't do it.

    The only time ANet listened to our complains was with the price of HoT for old players, and we just got an outfit and a title for that. Oh and an extra character slot, yay, I already had 8.


    Just look at the state of WvW, with 90% of the population asking for a fix to condi creep (and 10% playing Scourge happily) and yesterday's patch did NOTHING to address it.

  16. I'd have bought at least 3 of those skins for 800-1000 Gems each. 400 for a random one? No thanks.

    Not to mention completionists who could spend 30000 Gems to get all the skins for no reason. Compared to those who spent 9600 Gams, they lost around 200% of the income, at least on those players. Not to mention people like me. I'm no stranger to the TP, I've bought stuff to support this company, but I won't buy lootboxes. No, thanks.

  17. > @"Raeysa Penrose.8450" said:

    > > @"Changer the Elder.2948" said:

    > > > @Chadramar.8156 said:

    > > > > @Halbarz.3854 said:

    > > > > Also people have to remember that a company has to make MONEY they do not get around by paying everyone there with cookies.

    > > >

    > > > That is not an argument. The game industry is filthy rich, partly because it is badly regulated. Nobody, _especially_ not the corporate suits who tend to push these unethical and exploitative moneymaking schemes, "needs" to scrabble for every sad cent to survive. They do it because of sheer greed. And franky, if a company "has" to rely on lootboxes, that is not a company that deserves to continue business because it does not live on customer satisfaction with quality products, it lives on scummy predatory practices that are overdue for better legislation across the planet.

    > > >

    > > > When I look at the games I enjoyed the most over the past years, none of them engaged in this BS. Many games do not. Please do not help the shady parts of the industry, especially among the immensely rich AAA studios, normalize increasingly unethical practices. This is not a situation of "oh these poor devs need to make money every way they can or we won't have any games anymore". It never has been, it never will be. And even if it was, it wouldn't be _worth_ it.

    > >

    > > As much as I hate the new mounts, I'll be the first to stand up and shout this statement is false in pretty much everything it says. *ArenaNet, just like any company, has to make money to feed its employees.* Even EA, Bioware, Ubisoft and other studios need to do so. What you think being a multimillion dollar industry dilutes money very fast, because the food chain in entertainment business is very long and contains a ton of middle management to be able to offer what it does. If you think every developer can buy a new Mercedes every other week, you have absolutely no idea how gaming industry really works.


    > anet employees need to eat yes, but if you really think anet's struggling just to make ends meet and pay its employees you're really naive. the greed we're talking about isn't the devs, it's the corporations that own them and want to keep lining their pockets with more and more additional revenue.


    This is not going to pay them as much as an healthy TP would have paid. **RNG is NOT the best way to get money.**


    I'd have bought a couple or more of those skins if they were 800 Gems each, even 1000 each, but I won't even give 400 Gems for a random one.

    And I'm pretty sure most of the players I know would say the same. So they got 400-9600 Gems (depending on luck) from a small group of players, opposed to 1000-3000+ Gems from a larger group (including people from the previous one). **Not to mention people who would have bought ALL the skins for 30000 Gems.**


    Their marketing guys took economy lessons from Donald Trump.

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