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Posts posted by Kidel.2057

  1. > @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

    > ANet added Loot-Boxes and I didn't like them. But it was ok, since all their rare contents could be purchased on the TP.

    > ANet added random dies and I didn't like them. But it was ok, since you could buy them on the TP.

    > ANet added account-bound stuff to the Loot-Boxes and it was the first time I was genuenly disgusted. This was not ok. But there were plenty alternatives to these skins, so I did my best to ignore the Loot-Boxes.

    > Now ANet added random mount skins and I feel like the company is laughing at us. Laughing at all the YouTuber who worked their kitten off to draw new players in for PoF. Laughing at all the old players who came back for the expansion. Laughing at everyone who stayed even during the content draught. At the highest peak of player-activity since a long time ANet decides to start the whale-hunt of the century. And I don't know what disgusts me more, having to pay up to 120 € for the skin I want or the fact that LA is full of whales who did pay the 120 € for all skins.


    > Let me tell you: The end-time is near. The gem-shop is headed directly in the direction that many ftp games went before. It's only a matter of time now before ANet starts selling character progression (oh, they already did) and then raw power.


    True, but they're also already selling raw power, since TP boosters DO work in WvW.

  2. > @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

    > Can't say i'm surprised at scourge abysmally low popularity. Scourge seems like a spec that's great to play but revolting to look at.


    > I voted for renegade (despite being necro main). Kalla skills may suck, F skills be questionable, but the weapon was badly needed (finally ranged dps), and the traitline is diamonds - so many new builds available with free crit chance, ferocity, condi damage or condi damage reduction!


    except new builds (except condi damage) are being abandoned as they sacrifice Glint.

    And SB does less damage compared to hammer, that also has far more defensive and variety options and better range.

    Even condi builds often use Jalis instead of Kalla and mostly never use SB.

  3. > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > @Kidel.2057 said:

    > > All "meteor-like" skills can't hit the same target more than X times.

    > >

    > > Done.


    > If you're talking PVE you're too late ;)


    > "February 22, 2017

    > This skill now has a 0.5-second cooldown when hitting nonplayer targets."


    But it's not. Pve weaver is basically the onlu dps in the game, dealing 10k more dps than any other condi class

  4. on bosses what really matters is the dps. I get that power is more spike, but the dps should be around the same. Ok, condi should be a bit higher, otherwise nobody would pick it, but not 1.5 times higher like it is now. Power Revenant can do at best 25k dps, while any condi class is around 40k. The only power class atm is weaver and that's a problem on its own since it's aroun 50k dps on big targets.


    Also boons like protect lower power damage by 30% while do nothing against condi damage. We have cleanses to fight conditions, but **condi variety** makes it useless. A Scourge can apply instantly all the conditions (except confusion), making almost any cleanse useless.


    Resistance was a nice addition to fight conditions, but it's too hard to apply and now it can be easily ripped off (again, also by Scourge).


    Again on condi variaty: each class should apply ONE condition, 2 at best, with exceptionally long cooldowns. Give bleed to thief, torment to revenant, burning to guardian, and so on. Exceptionally you can give a long cd skill that applies poison to thiefs and necros, but that's all.

  5. > @Neage.3579 said:

    > i typically don'd mind condi builds...but kitten they did in this PoF. is just over the top... spvp I cant do anything when I have necro vomit all over me.... and lord forbid there are 2 necros...


    the problem is that they can output almost every condition in half a second, so whan you can only cleanse 1 or 2, you're still left with 3.

    Every class should have 1 condition only, 2 at best.

  6. Again, the problem is not condi power, but condi variance. When a class can output 5 different conditions, there is no option for cleanses. Every class should just output 1 condition, 2 at best. Scourge is currently a problem because it can spam all the conditions (except confusion) with no effort at all.

  7. > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

    > Is it too late to say ya'all need to adapt your playstyles and builds? Most PoF condi heavy classes are out ranged or are not that mobile (one of these 2 apply to them). I play D/P + rifle deadeye, pewpew soulbeast and condi scourge and can say that on my DPS builds, Mirage/scourges and firebrands don't pose that much of an issue. If ya dont wanna change your toon or even adapt your playstyle and/or build then you can't fully complain


    > Also, offer bacon to them and they will falter which means you automatically win :)


    Basically only a deadeye can outrange a Scourge. Plus deadeye is OP in wvw, so of course you don't mind condis and you suggest to "adapt", since you don't need to adapt to anything.

  8. Renegade is pvnothing. I mean, of course it has more condi dps than Herand (that can only have half condi spec), but even on condi builds you basically only use Renegade for the traits. And that's just in PvE, where it doesn't bring much since the bleed ghost got nerfed. Its dps is even lower than Tempest, not to mention all the new elite specs.

  9. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > In general usage, Jalis beats Kalla. Half of the renegade summons require teammates to work, particularly the damaging ones. You can use Icerazor and Darkrazor while solo, but their damage output is going to be lower than vengeful hammers. For kalla to beat jalis, you'll need the following conditions to be met:


    > (1) You're in a group

    > (2) In a fight where you'll stick close together.

    > (3) With teammates competent enough to do so

    > (4) Against enemies with little to no CC

    > (5) And only fighting one enemy (Razorclaw only)


    > Without all of those conditions being met, you'll find out exactly how bad each of the summons are. For example, in cm100 Skorvald and Arkk have a knockback component attached to nearly every attack, rendering Soulcleave utterly useless for the fights. Worst part is, this applies to Breakrazor as well, so you lose 42% out of your heal..


    > I'm not sure if anyone has run the exact numbers, since the buffs only apply to player teammates and it makes calculating DPS difficult. However, nobody has ever needed to run the exact numbers, because the sheer logistical problems that the summons face means you don't need a calculator. You can just see that Soulcleave is on her butt, doing nothing to contribute.



    Renegade is so objectively bad that I get the feeling that whoever made it has never played gw2 for more than the amount of hours required by contract

  10. The problem with conditions is that you don't really need skill to apply them, at least not the same skill required to clean or avoid them.

    A condi player just has to spam aoes and condis will do the rest. If the opponent is a power player he basically has to constantly dodge while trying to land 1 or 2 hits.

  11. > @Hulkmaster.1724 said:

    > GW2 is a great game, where everything is made towrads players help players


    > and i think giving mesmer-like portals to every job is a great idea


    > i want to play my favorite class, without being forced to log out and switch to mesmer, to help my friends

    It's not only that.

    Mesmers have huge advantages during jumping puzzles. I'd give at least a special portal skill during puzzles to every class.

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