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Posts posted by Kidel.2057

  1. And I'll clarify.


    It's like that **by design** and I agreed with it because I thought they were going to give it away like the RB.


    Since it has this huge collection (and I'm fine with it) make it useful, make it at least better than a free Springer.


    After all we already have RB that replaced Raptor (and I'd say, even Jackal, that was already better than Raptor on most terrains), **what's the problem with replacing easy mounts? It's progression.**


    I bet 99% of players would be fine if a **flying dragon** replaced a jumping rabbit.


    You still need the Springer to get the Skyscale, what's bad about a straight upgrade?


    Griffon replaced gliding (99% of the time)

    Jackal/RB replaced Raptor.


    Why can't the Skyscale replace the Springer? I don't get this special pleading. Nobody cared about the raptor when the Jackal was designed.


    If you want you can even remove the Griffon from the equation and safely say that Springer+gliding is enough to replace the Skyscale entirely.

  2. Let's see.

    1) Skyscale is worse than Griffon in horizontal movement.

    2) Skyscale is slower than Springer in vertical movement.

    3) Skyscale is less tolerant with small ledges, diagonal surfaces and cliff edges compared to Springer. It often grabs diagonal surfaces.

    4) Skyscale is **by design** a lowerbound compared to Springer in terms of vertical movement. It still requires ledges to gain altitute, even with the masteries, and it's less tolerant to them.

    5) Skyscale is **by design** (see Springer buff) slower compared to Springer and Griffon, and it's also conceived as an easy option to climb, while Springer is faster but harder. Implying Skyscale is, by design, less fun to use compared to its 2 counterparts.

    6) If you don't need much vertical movement you're going to prefer Griffon or Jackal/Skimmer/RB. If you need vertical movement you're going to prefer the Springer every day.


    Yes, I'd say it's demonstrably worse under multiple points of view, and this statement can be strengthened by multiple quotes in the last Guild Chat.


    The fact that you're still going to use it if you're not in a hurry, or to show off, or for fun/variety, is not enough to justify the effort. That last part is, in case I need to specify, my personal opinion.

  3. Yes. Maybe I'd have a bit more rage on the feeding part. Somehow my skyscale can consume 14 monster parts in 20 seconds, but only 3 meals every 12 days (1 day in gw2 is 2 hours in real life) and its diet consists of timegated quartz.

  4. > @"navystylz.9745" said:

    > People who don't even know the basic controls talking about how bad the mount is... Smh


    > I will take SS over Springer any day. And will be Superior to Griffin except for low jumps, and distance flying/gliding. Even then it has to be pretty big distance or trying to achieve a lot of air because barrel roll dash and dipping speeds to movement and distance greatly on SS.


    > In those cases will likely climb on SS and then swap to Griffon. The things I normally use Griffon for now will be replaced with skyscale, since I rarely have the chance to whiz across a whole map with Griffon.


    The weird and counter-intuitive mount action only solves 1 minor issue (and I'm still not sure about it if you have to press S).


    Everything else you said is demonstrably false or just your own personal preference.

  5. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > > > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > > > > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > > > > > The final mastery doesn't solve the grab issue, it just delays it to the second grab. So it may be useful for the cliff edge problem, but not for small ledges in a long climb.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > The fact that you can only go down using engage is stupid. That should be a side effect of doing engage in midair, not a main movement feature.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You can also press c to descend.

    > > > >

    > > > > Maybe I have a different keybind. What do you have associated to C?

    > > >

    > > > Mount ability 2

    > >

    > > I can't open the game now (I'm at the airport), so just to be clear, you're not talking about the dash, right?

    > >

    > > I'll make sure to give it a try later.


    > No. Mount ability 2 is a keybind for the 2nd ability of a mount. Not all mounts have second abilities. ~~When used with the griffon, you can swoop downwards like with the engage skill, but when you hit the ground you will not dismount.~~


    > Edit: I made a small mistake. On griffon, ability 1 is dive, while ability 2 is to ascend. Using ability 2 to ascend instead of the down button is better, because you won't start lowering yourself when you reach max height. On the skyscale ability 1 is the dash, while ability 2 is descend.


    About your edit, Anet should probably make this a bit more regular. Or at least show the actions with some UI elements.

  6. > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

    > > Another thing I feel is necessary to mention is that PoF had rentable griffons in all PoF maps.

    > >

    > > Skyscale is only rentable in Dragonfall.


    > Well, that makes sense lore wise. It's a new species.


    It's also tied to the mists. Was created by the fall itself

  7. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > > > The final mastery doesn't solve the grab issue, it just delays it to the second grab. So it may be useful for the cliff edge problem, but not for small ledges in a long climb.

    > > > >

    > > > > The fact that you can only go down using engage is stupid. That should be a side effect of doing engage in midair, not a main movement feature.

    > > >

    > > > You can also press c to descend.

    > >

    > > Maybe I have a different keybind. What do you have associated to C?


    > Mount ability 2


    I can't open the game now (I'm at the airport), so just to be clear, you're not talking about the dash, right?


    I'll make sure to give it a try later.

  8. > @"Ganathar.4956" said:

    > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > The final mastery doesn't solve the grab issue, it just delays it to the second grab. So it may be useful for the cliff edge problem, but not for small ledges in a long climb.

    > >

    > > The fact that you can only go down using engage is stupid. That should be a side effect of doing engage in midair, not a main movement feature.


    > You can also press c to descend.


    Maybe I have a different keybind. What do you have associated to C?

  9. > @"Tazdingo.7213" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Just wait till the skyscale quest is completed and it becomes a non issue.


    > Yeah that's if or when I get to it. I'm still working on getting the griffon which seems to be more worth it anyway.


    Exactly that. If Anet doesn't buff the skyscale, just don't bother, especially if you don't have griffon yet. Unlock the griffon first, you won't miss the borrowed skyscale on any character. At that point you can work on that long skyscale collection for vanity/completion sake.


    I already know that I'm only going to use the skyscale to show off.

  10. > @"Min Gorad.8109" said:

    > @"Kidel.2057" Well to clarify few things, my post was aimed mainly to people crying that they are unistalling the game because of a mount collection, or because that collection made the game unplayble for them... thats not feedback/ constructive criticism.. its being a spoiled brat that wants everything now , for free without any effort. I can understnad feedback and constructive criticism, but that's clearly not it.


    > It feels like with lege armor all over agian when people cried that it's unfair that the armor is locked behind raids... and they demand Lege armor to be availble to them just because they want to have it if I recall they just wanted a simple coollection for it.


    > And about me saying that I don't find it appealing... nothing is wrong with it... I am one of those very few people that didn't like the idea of mounts in GW. I don't like mounts at all, i can admit they can be useful in certain situatiowithouns but for ME... they could not exist. I enjoy slowly exploring and do all my exploration without the use of mounts - mayby it's weird but I don't care this is how I like to play.


    > If the mount does not feel too rewarding for the way he is being unlocked fine write comment about it but creating 100 threads about it it's kind of an overkill.


    Yeah agreed. I never gave too much criticism against timegates (except the feeding part and the quartz requirement, that is just stupid, period). I feel bad for people who finished a collection 3 minutes after midnight, could have been handled better (or just announce it in advance, come on).


    My issue with the mount is that after 247 achievement items we basically get an afk hoverboard. No real usage in game if you have springer and griffon, that are much easier to get (and this mount doesn't even replace them).


    Want to make a timegated 247 item achievement? Fine, but do it well and make it worthwhile.


    I won't complain if they buff this mount or say that it will NEVER have tp skins (and that's impossible, so why get a vanity mount if you need a tp purchase to make it really vanity?)

  11. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

    > > I agree. In my opinion the skyscale is too weak in horizontal movement to be in any way better compared to a springer (or springer+griffon).

    > >

    > > Also I find odd that it auto sticks to wall if you press forward (that is also the only button to go down if you're close to a step).

    > >

    > > Also if you're very close to the top of a cliff, the skyscale just sticks to it instead of going above.

    > >

    > > It should have 3 dashes and a different key to stick to walls.


    > You do know you can use the 1 skill to go down right?


    For the third time, not when you're close to the landing spot. If you do it while at minimum height (and it's exactly the use case I'm describing) your mount does the engage and you fall of the small ledge.


    Dude, I'm pretty sure everyone and their mother used the springer to climb mountains, so you know what I'm talking about. Currently you can't do that with the Skyscale because of auto-grab.


    And what's worse is that if you manage to get near the end of the cliff by using dashes and skill 7, you may even auto-grab in mid air, and if you press S you start going down.

  12. I don't think they need (or have) to make it on par with griffon. They clearly stated that griffon will always be faster.


    In my opinion they need to make the grab mechanic less tedious by either add a button dedicated to descent/dive (as you suggested), even if not fast, or by making the grab not automatic on W.


    And they should add a third dash for a bit of horizontal speed.

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