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Everything posted by KrHome.1920

  1. Seeing a dev on a certain class. Reasoning that this might be the reason one specific build of that class overperforms (which it doesn't btw.). Oh dear...
  2. > @"Milosz.5938" said: > Necro is truly OP in wvwvw and because of that he is very difficult to 1vs1. > {{{{{If you have "few lifes" vs "one life" - you call it not OP or even fair?}}}}} > I tried 1 vs 1 as elementalist, and i ALMOST kill him - two times - but when he was ~5% hp ++boom++ next hp bar. I know that it's normal for reaper (it's important mechanic) but really??... He could reactived it soo fast. > I'm aware that ANET has 'in deep respect' elementalists but this secund hp bar have to be nerf in wvwvw - it shouldn't work as 'few (3+) lifes'. In general stating that one class beats another is nothing less than a showcase of lack of understanding of game mechanics. Every build has a counterbuild in this game. A build is considered overpowered when it has very few counterbuilds and becomes so dominant, that everyone else has to adapt his build to this one specific overpowered build to stand a chance in a balanced fight. You lost against one reaper build on a specific ele build... bad for you, but doesn't prove anything. For ele vs. necro fights: If he is glass, then you go glass too and beat him with burst and mobility. If he is bunker then you go bunker too and outsustain him. See my posting about this topic from yesterday: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1396881/#Comment_1396881
  3. Bruiser ele is one-dimensional. Well timed dodges are irrelevant against it. It's just an endless storm of 500 to 1k damage hits. Either you have enough damage to kill it or you don't. If you don't, then you lose the attrition fight and if you do, then you win it. Last 50 fights against bruiser eles: - I am on wanderer template, the fight lasts 2 minutes, I lose - I am on marauder template, the fight lasts 2 minutes, I win against glass eles (FA): - me on wanderer: easiest matchup in the game - me on marauder: dodge perfectly or die That's how the piano class works. It's super predictable for the opponent and just memorizing skill sequences for the ele or you end up in the wrong attunement with the wrong skills.
  4. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said: > > @"KrHome.1920" said: > > Exclusive fullscreen prioritizes PC resources to the game. The drawbacks are the locked mouse cursor and the required ram data swap, when you want to alt+tab out of the game into windows, so this becomes very slow and can even crash the game. > > The locked mouse cursor is a function of the game rather than of exclusive fullscreen. Some games lock the cursor, some don't. (And some, like GW2, *try* to lock it, but it's possible to escape the lock, which does ... bad things.) You can not move the mouse out of exclusive fullscreen - never! Every game that supports this automatically runs in borderless window aka "fake fullscreen". When you think a minute about this, then everything else does obviously not make sense. For example you would get refresh rate conflicts if what you said was possible as you can select a different refresh rate in excl. fullscreen compared to your windows refresh rate. You can't do this in borderless window for the exact reason to maintain seamless task switching.
  5. The stunbreak on Spectral Return has been removed ages ago. Smart opponents will stun you right after you popped Spectral Walk too keep you at range for the case that you try to avoid the burst with a Spectral Return cast.
  6. Desert map is too big. The centre is useless, so the map becomes a donut and traveling becomes even worse than it already is because of the size. It's still better than alpine borderlands, which is boring and has ugly 2012 visuals with eye cancer causing post processing glow effects at night. The only really good map is EBG, which is also outdated in graphics, but has a solid design and lacks the ugly postprocessing effects. Queues on my server (incl. linked servers) support this opinion. We 've a 20+ queue all day for EBG and not a queue at all for every other map.
  7. > @"aleron.1438" said: > My server, Gunnar's Hold, has a notorious bot player, a core ranger that always run on foot around, Rachel Cage. The pathing AI it uses is so clever. Avoids RI camps, knows by API when something is available or about to, because we see it change direction radically. It uses the same rotation pattern when engaging or getting engaged into combat. And it makes it hilarious to see real player getting downed to that bot. Interesting. I've seen that character when we were linked to gunnar's. It's not obvious that this is a bot. Looks just like a bad player if you don't pay too much attention to it. If this is how far botting has come, then it outshines quite a few real players in terms of "skill".
  8. That's some nice zerker versus standing still target math here. Unfortunately the game has a bit more to offer in terms of fight mechanics. Besides that I have bad news for minstrel players: you play a build that relies on others to actually fight. This does not justify being unkillable 1v1. Your focus is at least playing as a duo with someone that can kill a target, but not to troll every single 1v1 you encounter. If you could sustain full zerk builds, then you would be the number one candidate for a hardnerf of your sustain skills.
  9. > @"Coelho Nat.4697" said: > As people already stated: graphics options - Resolutions: set Windowed Fullscreen > This allows you to move the mouse through the monitors and even open multiple instances of GW2 in case you have more than 1 account. > The only disadvantage is that the full-screen gamma cannot be adjusted. Not the only! You lose a lot of performance (up to 20%) in the window modes. This applies to any game - not just GW2. Borderless window mode (or just the normal bordered window mode) is nice for dual monitor setups and fast alt/tabbing to desktop, but significantly inferior to exclusive fullscreen in terms of performance. Exclusive fullscreen prioritizes PC resources to the game. The drawbacks are the locked mouse cursor and the required ram data swap, when you want to alt+tab out of the game into windows, so this becomes very slow and can even crash the game.
  10. Berserker/Marauder Longbow Soulbeast is countered by Soldier/Wanderer gear. Soldier/Wanderer gear is countered by Condi Builds. Condi Builds are countered by Berserker/Marauder Longbow Soulbeast. Rock Paper Scissors guys! That said: Neither Boonbeast nor Immob Druid are in line in terms of balancing (we are speaking about WvW here!). Both need further nerfs to sustain/cc. But Glass-Beast is simply countered by a Soldier/Wanderer template.
  11. The game is basically just two files: the .exe and the .dat. That's all you need to start the game. Technically GW2 does not need to be installed at all. If you want to backup the game, then you just need to save the .exe and the .dat. If you did this, then for recovery all you have to do at the first start of the game is selecting your language and reconfigure your graphics and audio settings (as these are stored separated in your personal appdata folder). Every other setting is saved online on the server and does not need to be reconfigured.
  12. > @"UNOwen.7132" said: > The problem is a passive defense traitline isnt going to solve Thieves defense issues. Thieves issue is poor *active* defenses. You can make an Engineer build that has massive damage reduction and is more or less a walking wall, that aint gonna save it if it doesnt have good active defenses. It worked as a defensive traitline. *That* is why it was useless. Thief has the best active defenses (dodges, mobility, stealth) in the game. It is THE active defense class. And that's the reason why it has fight presence issues, because active defense and offense at the same time are limited - which is good! Dodges or other active evades, that can deal damage (various dodge modifying traits in the game or skills like unrelenting assault) are stupid design, because they can't be punished with counter-damage application. Damage reduction is a passive defense. That's the main concept of armor as a passive defense. You can tank more damage (passive) while attacking (active). Thief is either attacking (active) or evading, disengaging, stealthing (active).
  13. If anet had the resources to rebalance the inevitable mess resulting from a condition rework, they would also have the resources to balance the current state of the game.
  14. Sigmoid's calculation is correct, but sounds more OP than it is, because shroud degenerates by 5% each second. So a simple kite for these 6 seconds will cost the reaper 30% of its life force. On top of that infusing terror cancels if shroud is left, so the reality benefit of all these damage reduction modifiers isn't that huge, when you face an above silver division opponent, that simply disengages when you enter shroud.
  15. Besides the mechanical split thing, a stunbreak in shroud is even less needed in PvE than in PvP/WvW. That game mode is too simple for any further training wheels. Stability: design wise, reaper as the necro melee spec has 2 stability sources with a baseline duration of 16 seconds in PvE (quite a lot, and onslaught's cooldown reduction even greatly improves this), while core and scourge are meant to go range when in doubt. I am not saying that they are super effective at range. That's a different topic, because just having the option to go range is already an argument against stability in terms of game design.
  16. There is not one single hint in this thread, that is technically correct. - Triple buffering has nothing to do with vsync being enabled or disabled. Triple buffering adds another frame buffer to the render ahead queue of the rendering pieline, which results in always being a completed frame ready to be displayed on the screen, no matter when the display refresh rate asks for it. This does of course only make sense when vsync is enabled, as this synchronizes the gpu refresh with the monitor refresh. If you enable triple buffering without vsync, then you add an additional frame buffer for no reason, which just increases input lag and vram usage (for the additionally stored frame). Btw. you can not force vsync and triple buffering in modern apis like dx12 via the gpu driver. The game engine has full control over it. - Don't (!) limit you fps 3 frames below your monitor refrsh rate - e.g. 57 fps @ 60Hz. This will just increase the tearing and a tear will move from the top of the screen to the bottom all the time. That's super annoying. - The best way to get rid of all the vsync issues, is buying an adaptive sync monitor and never look back. - Since the OP plays the game on a laptop a workaround to get rid of tearing would be enabling fast sync (enhanced sync for amd users) in the driver, which displays the last rendered frame at the next refresh cycle of the sceen. But also this has its flaws: 1) fast sync does only work above 36 fps (below it is tured off) and it tends to stutter even more than vsync. But I would at least give it a try.
  17. As others have said reflex eliminates latency originated in the rendering pipeline after the cpu has finished a frame. So it works only if your cpu renders faster than your gpu. If you are cpu bound or you use a frame limiter (which is basically a cpu performance limiter) to achieve a constant input latency (which is the most important thing at all), then reflex is completely useless.
  18. Both classes have horrible core weapons and are a pain to level up. It really doesn't make much of a difference. For aoe, necro has wells and engineer has kits. Only mesmer is even worse to level up than both.
  19. You can zerg with teef. Just pick staff, CS, Tr, Drd and something between marauder and soldier gear you feel comfortable with. It's not meta, but far from useless. Swipe (17s cooldown) grants might, fury, swiftness, vigor + 3 stolen boons (stability!) to nearby allies.
  20. I don't think that the small hits have the purpose to warn the opponent. That's what the animation is for. It's a technical reason. If not the projectile block mechanic mentioned in my previous posting, the reason for the small hits could be a simple collision detection. This means the hits prevent you from charging through the opponent if you are at less than 600 range when casting DC.
  21. We don't know why DC is basically a channeled skill with a weird damage application, because we are not familiar with the game engine's coding demands. At lot of skills in the game are quite a mess, because they suffer from the dated engine and getting them to function as intended requires a ton of workarounds. I could imagine that the small hits have something to do with the skill being a projectile destruction.
  22. Until a warrior passes by and stunlocks you or a thief hitting and running or a longbow soulbeast or a bunker ele facetanking and outdamaging or a scapper running while nadespamming When I played scourge the first time in the beta in 2017, the first thing I did was trying to find a viable roaming build that works without the dumb and clunky shades. Haven't found one until today.
  23. Shroud does not need a stunbreak. CC is the intended counter to shroud.
  24. Death's Charge does not hit for 6082. It hits for a 1.3x multiplier. These absolute damage numbers, like the one you posted, are irrelevant as they ignore any kind of defense. It's not the skill's fault that you facetank it with a glasscanon build, which you obviously do, when a 1.3 multiplier results in 6k damage. If you don't understand what I am talking about here: Get familiar with the damage formula of the game!
  25. > @"Wisely.4819" said: > People say that direct power attacks are a miniscule percentage of condi damage builds - that it makes up **roughly 15% of condi builds' damage**. For PvE I doubt that. Unlike in PvP and WvW, scourge has actually some decent damage multipliers in PvE - at least decent enough to get hardnerfed (0.666 -> 0.1) in the competitive modes.
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