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Posts posted by JTGuevara.9018

  1. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

    > > > > > My concern with scourges is that they're so over the top AoE orientated that it makes a lot of other classes/builds useless in conquest game mode.

    > > > >

    > > > > Not just that but builds too...

    > > > >

    > > > > D/D elementalist is my favourite but melee is extremely hard countered by Scourge....

    > > > > What actually really pisses me off the most though is Diamond skin and Necro players...

    > > > >

    > > > > Necros: "Change Diamond skin because it hard counters Rabid Amulet"

    > > > > Anet changes Diamond skin

    > > > > Everyone: "Scourge hard counters melee builds"

    > > > > Necros: "That's fine and balanced, git gud and l2play"

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Major difference there: Diamond Skin at the time didn't hard counter rabid amulet. It was completely invincible to condition Necro. It was mathematically impossible to actually kill an ele with Diamond Skin AFKing in water attunement (with just soothing mist) as a condition necro.

    > > >

    > > > Scourge is a strong counter to melee builds, but it's always been able to be killed by them. There it's a matter of one killing the other first, not being completely non-interactive. The second is far healthier for the game, even if you personally don't like it.

    > > >

    > > > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > > > > lmao Look at all the defenses of scourge on here. I just don't see how people are even defending this class.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Ok! From a conceptual standpoint when applied in pvp, scourge is fundamentally _broken_. Their AoEs are larger than the capture point! Plus they are instant. Their condition damage and sustain is absolutely ridiculous. Considering the nature of the game of conquest, there is simply no counterplay for all of those things _as a team_. conquest pvp is tailor-made for the scourge. This is the problem with AoE heavy classes. They're always going to have an advantage. You know there _is_ a reason why I see an average of 2 scourges per game, both on the player's and the opposing teams.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What you're talking about isn't an issue with Scourge, it's an issue with one trait: Sand Savant.

    > > > >

    > > > > HA! Yeah right! It's not just one little trait. The ENTIRE spec is a conceptual problem with respect to conquest.

    > > >

    > > > Yes, the design that lets them entirely cover a point with 100% uptime! Wait...that's completely from Sand Savant. Without it, they don't have anything close to that coverage.

    > >

    > > Sand Savant or not. It doesnt matter. Scourge is broken, end of story.


    > But how many complaints do you see about scourge that aren't directly related to sand savant ?


    Ahem....Scourge is broken. End of story.

  2. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

    > > > My concern with scourges is that they're so over the top AoE orientated that it makes a lot of other classes/builds useless in conquest game mode.

    > >

    > > Not just that but builds too...

    > >

    > > D/D elementalist is my favourite but melee is extremely hard countered by Scourge....

    > > What actually really pisses me off the most though is Diamond skin and Necro players...

    > >

    > > Necros: "Change Diamond skin because it hard counters Rabid Amulet"

    > > Anet changes Diamond skin

    > > Everyone: "Scourge hard counters melee builds"

    > > Necros: "That's fine and balanced, git gud and l2play"

    > >


    > Major difference there: Diamond Skin at the time didn't hard counter rabid amulet. It was completely invincible to condition Necro. It was mathematically impossible to actually kill an ele with Diamond Skin AFKing in water attunement (with just soothing mist) as a condition necro.


    > Scourge is a strong counter to melee builds, but it's always been able to be killed by them. There it's a matter of one killing the other first, not being completely non-interactive. The second is far healthier for the game, even if you personally don't like it.


    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > > lmao Look at all the defenses of scourge on here. I just don't see how people are even defending this class.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ok! From a conceptual standpoint when applied in pvp, scourge is fundamentally _broken_. Their AoEs are larger than the capture point! Plus they are instant. Their condition damage and sustain is absolutely ridiculous. Considering the nature of the game of conquest, there is simply no counterplay for all of those things _as a team_. conquest pvp is tailor-made for the scourge. This is the problem with AoE heavy classes. They're always going to have an advantage. You know there _is_ a reason why I see an average of 2 scourges per game, both on the player's and the opposing teams.

    > > >

    > > > What you're talking about isn't an issue with Scourge, it's an issue with one trait: Sand Savant.

    > >

    > > HA! Yeah right! It's not just one little trait. The ENTIRE spec is a conceptual problem with respect to conquest.


    > Yes, the design that lets them entirely cover a point with 100% uptime! Wait...that's completely from Sand Savant. Without it, they don't have anything close to that coverage.


    Sand Savant or not. It doesnt matter. Scourge is broken, end of story.

  3. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > lmao Look at all the defenses of scourge on here. I just don't see how people are even defending this class.

    > >

    > > Ok! From a conceptual standpoint when applied in pvp, scourge is fundamentally _broken_. Their AoEs are larger than the capture point! Plus they are instant. Their condition damage and sustain is absolutely ridiculous. Considering the nature of the game of conquest, there is simply no counterplay for all of those things _as a team_. conquest pvp is tailor-made for the scourge. This is the problem with AoE heavy classes. They're always going to have an advantage. You know there _is_ a reason why I see an average of 2 scourges per game, both on the player's and the opposing teams.


    > What you're talking about isn't an issue with Scourge, it's an issue with one trait: Sand Savant.


    HA! Yeah right! It's not just one little trait. The ENTIRE spec is a conceptual problem with respect to conquest.

  4. > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

    > > > Bunker builds in deathmatch without a node to fight would be kite cheese. Any less than 3v3 and every match would be countdown timer reaching 0. There would need to be a strict set of rules banning certain sigils, runes, skills and depending on meta, probably professions too.

    > > >

    > > > Nice idea for messing around, but not serious, please.

    > >

    > > Seriously? Couldn't you....you know...._focus on someone else_? Is conquest not also kite cheese? You also can get kited near or off a capture point, so what's the difference? At least with deathmatch you're not limited by the rules of conquest, you can just kill the other sobs!


    > What do you mean focus others? If it's 1v1 or 2v2 and everyone is playing bunker kite spam then it's going to be pointless. If you kite off point in conquest all day you're going to lose because you're not going to contest the node. In a deathmatch senario without a node people kiting and reseting constantly is going to be lame af with the classes and skills we have now.


    > People whine about conquest being boring because after all this time it's still all we have. But in reality it's a very simple design that forces a multitude of different play styles.


    Thats only IF you're not holding points and in the lead. Otherwise, kite away! If you get kited in TDM, that's on YOU.

  5. I'm curious about how this system will go. I like the idea of an alliance system. The server system is too limiting. Players are at the mercy of large guilds/alliances, bandwagoning, server stacking, server links, tanking and transfer costs. Players simply don't have a choice in the matter of who they want to play with unless they want to cough up gems. I'm reading all this stuff about "server pride". The truth of the matter is, is that "server pride" has never existed. What really existed and continues to exist are guild pride and roamers/PUGs/friends that you like to play with. The server itself was never important, just the people in it that _you_ like to play with. Server loyalty and tiers mean nothing because you need _coverage_ to win. (ask Blackgate about that!) The server system always culminates in a dominant server with stacked guilds and alliances. Plus, the server system eventually wears PUGs, roamers down as they constantly get farmed over and over again, so "server loyalty" goes out the window and they either stop playing wvw or transfer and stack other servers. Now I played wvw on and off since release. Looking back, the server system was screwed from the beginning. Titan Alliance anyone? They were stacked to the hilt.


    Throughout the history of wvw. Servers were eaten up, one by one. ET, IoJ, SoR, etc. Certain guilds and servers exploited the server system and left players hung out to dry. Then server linking was implemented to stabilize wvw for a time. I think it did just that.


    At least with world restructuring, power is in the player(s) hands. Players actually have a choice of who they want to play with. At the very least, it's a big change. There's a lot of chatter that the alliance system will be just another eotm train, but I think that's overblown. eotm's problem is the MAP. It's too big, it has pitfalls which discourage fighting because a noob can simply knock you off the platform. Plus, it's just a waiting spot for the 3 servers. Is it any wonder why people zerg there? Why even bother roaming alone or in PUGs? The eotm map isn't really meant for that.

  6. > @"Whitworth.7259" said:

    > Bunker builds in deathmatch without a node to fight would be kite cheese. Any less than 3v3 and every match would be countdown timer reaching 0. There would need to be a strict set of rules banning certain sigils, runes, skills and depending on meta, probably professions too.


    > Nice idea for messing around, but not serious, please.


    Seriously? Couldn't you....you know...._focus on someone else_? Is conquest not also kite cheese? You also can get kited near or off a capture point, so what's the difference? At least with deathmatch you're not limited by the rules of conquest, you can just kill the other sobs!

  7. lmao Look at all the defenses of scourge on here. I just don't see how people are even defending this class.


    Ok! From a conceptual standpoint when applied in pvp, scourge is fundamentally _broken_. Their AoEs are larger than the capture point! Plus they are instant. Their condition damage and sustain is absolutely ridiculous. Considering the nature of the game of conquest, there is simply no counterplay for all of those things _as a team_. conquest pvp is tailor-made for the scourge. This is the problem with AoE heavy classes. They're always going to have an advantage. You know there _is_ a reason why I see an average of 2 scourges per game, both on the player's and the opposing teams.

  8. > @"BMW.2951" said:

    > > @"pah.4931" said:

    > > I kinda want a complete overhaul. Better balance / splits. More gamemodes. Team-q for ranked conquest with the best rewards, etc.

    > >

    > > I'd even pay for it. Right now, as mainly a PvP player, I have no incentive to buy gems because that money goes into supporting PvE while PvP languishes. And then their data will show PvPers don't buy gems, so they don't support PvP as much. It's vicious cycle!


    > The ability to q with a full 5 man premade would break the game man. Why don't people realize this? How would you like to fight against 5 scourges? How about 5 mesmers? Wouldn't be fun would it? The system they have in place now is fine with only 2 people in a party.


    > Also why would you want ANET to just let PvP go? Myself and a lot of players only enjoy PvP because I love being competitive and playing actual players. The PvP in this MMO is the best I have ever experience and I won't want them to just let it go.


    So take care of the scourge problem. While doing that, put in 5-man. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. :P


    I mean, wvw is getting an overhaul...so why not pvp? We all literally have nothing to lose at this point.



  9. Agreed.


    The design of the Scourge needs to be OVERHAULED. There's no way that spamming instant AoEs is going to be even remotely fair. I endorse the other opinions here. Scourge is fundamentally flawed and will be forever broken because of its shade mechanics. It is a freakin brainless spec.


    Now, people have also said that Spellbreaker is broken. No it's not. _Full Counter_ is broken. As a warrior main, I just get into the team-fight or zerg and pop it. It will always hit. It's warriors' get-out-of-jail free card. I agree Spellbreaker needs a shave, but fundamentally it's a sound spec.



  10. It's called powercreep, OP. I've learned it's eventually what MMOs will default to for making money. Just dumb things down and sell people powerful goodies and get them to buy expansions. I agree with you OP, this game has waaaay too much dps and is absurdly fast, not in the good way. I've played this game since release and it wasn't like this, not even close. I watched old 2012 pvp streams, people used to auto-attack for about 1k. And lo and behold....like with HoT, we are repeating history AGAIN with PoF. Elite specs just do too....much...damage. I'm not going to sit there and let people tell me this burst meta is what this game needs. How the f is that skillful? Even glass cannon thief or ele didn't hit this hard at release. What we have now is appalling.


    I'm _not_ even asking for this game to be "competitive" just....can we _not_ dumb it down any longer?

  11. OP, I wholeheartedly agree. Last time I checked, conquest is a _team_ game. People fail to realize that win-trading is _not_ because of queues, it's because of ANet's lack of action. Bring back 5v5.


    Also, another topic that I see lost in this conversation is rating. If pvp had a team rating instead of an individual rating, it would encourage more teamwork. Players wouldn't worry so much about their rating and would play less selfishly in matches. A collective team rating is also more stable and would force better matches. Individual skill ratings give a false idea of the skill of the team. Looking back, taking away 5v5 was a bad move. I think we can all see that now.


    Sometimes, I think people don't want to change. They come up with all sorts of excuses to keep from changing (lack of population, MMO pvp doesn't 'work'). Honestly, does it even _matter_ at this point? pvp is just a farm. Balance is obviously not good either with all the elite spec dps powercreep.

  12. Yes! I agree. IMO, they should either be account bound or just plain ol' unbound. It's unfortunate that I have a character that can really benefit from one item but another character already has a claim to it. I can't really justify the existence of soulbound in the game. It just doesn't have a use. Maybe a character boost? +20% Magic find? +10% gold?

  13. ANet, I am impressed. Path of Fire is SPECTACULAR. 9.5 out of 10.



    **Story:** Excellent! ANet, I am impressed. PoF is the best thing you've ever written in gw2. An RPG needs a good story and PoF delivered. Consistent, engaging, good story turns. I was in it, start to finish! Great job! This is a clear improvement over season 3.


    **Content:** Mounts are great! Initially, I thought we were only getting Raptor, never mind the 3 others! I would've been happy with just Raptor alone! I like the bounty system, although I think the rewards should be a bit higher. Maps are unique, I like how the design and terrain incorporates mounts. (Desert Highlands- Springer, Elon Riverlands- Skimmer) The lack of world events are not an issue for me, I like that there's no "meta". (Hate that word) The only issue I have is certain mobs: Forged Vanguard and Sand Sharks, they have too much AoEs. You can't really range them, never mind melee them.


    **Art:** Beautiful as always. Middle-eastern/African themes, environment and music? Check!


    **Replayability:** Absolutely! I beat PoF last night and I will play it again and again! It is that good.







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