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Posts posted by JTGuevara.9018

  1. Of course it is! Don't let _anyone_ tell you otherwise! Turai will work you out if you're not on your game. Same with "The Blazing Light", I don't care how good you are in this game, whether you're new or a vet, you _will_ struggle with Liadri! Back in 2013 or 14 when I first beat her, it took about 20-25 attempts. As time when on, the attempts decreased. Last year, I had around 10. This year...3rd try.


    The real question though, I think is, is the title even worth something to YOU? Because if it isn't, then I wouldn't even worry about it. Also, anything worthwhile in this game takes time and effort to achieve. For example, I will mention fashion since some people deride that part of the game as "easy" and "casual". The title "Fashion Collector" requires the unlocking of 1000 unique skins. (/wiki) I know that I will never earn that title because I'm personally not interested in it and, even if I was, it will take me ages to get. (1000 skins is a lot!)


    Another question to ask is, do you enjoy the pursuit? Because if you don't, then there simply is no point in doing it.

  2. Berserker, besides the GS build, is straight up _hot GARBAGE_. You're pretty much pigeon-holed into taking crappy rage skills because without them, you can't keep Berserk mode up. And if you can't keep Berserk mode up, you're practically useless because you can't use your f1! On top of that, you're also very squishy because of the toughness penalty and lack of stability. Reworking the spec to being dependent on Berserk mode was a bad decision at the end of the day.


    No no no no, I will _not_ support this "rework". Either ANet brings the old Berserker back or come up with something else.



  3. The Headbutt change is the dumbest thing I've seen. More damage is not going to make up for losing stability where I can get CCd at a critical moment. I took headbutt and stability to get around the self-stun, that was the point. NOW I'm pigeon-holed into taking a stunbreak skill for basically no reason.


  4. lmao -shaking my head-


    Ok...so....WoW Classic. I seriously _cannot_ believe the hype about a re-release of a FIFTEEN year old game. I'm going to say something crazy here: **Streamers don't have the influence they pretend they have. They don't represent the overall community.** At the end of the day, social media is nothing but noise. gw2 does have glaring problems, but at the end of the day, due to its pve-centric business model, it will continue to chug along. At the end of the day, money talks. As long as people keep buying expansions and gem store content, gw2 will keep going. Most of this community are not at the forums or viewers of twitch, they're off playing the game. I'm really sick and tired of social media "influencers" trying to peddle their importance and their cult-worshippers trying to pretend they're more important than they really are.



  5. Critical reasons:


    1. It's not like gw1

    2. Elite specs and powercreep have ruined it

    3. Devs can't decide on what they want pvp and professions to be and listen to the community too much

    4. Community has way too much input in balance and have become arrogant and toxic ("Casuals, gitgud and stop complaining!") ("This class killed me, neeerrf!")

    5. No team queue (This is ALL on the community.)

    6. Wintraders, hackers, etc

    7. wvw is simply better in every way

    8. It's simply not fun anymore



  6. I picked no, but I think there should've been a third option for _neither_. I say neither because in game-after-game, if the balancing input is left to players, they will naturally benefit themselves at the expense of the game. They'll f-- it up! It's player psychology. Players don't like to lose. The skill level doesn't even matter. Whether it's bad players not wanting to adapt, or top players protecting their spots...the result is the same, the game suffers. Honestly, player-enforced "metas" are the worst thing about this pvp mess. Especially from the top e-peen strokers in ranked. I used to buy into it...but not anymore. That's what happens when developers can't decide what they want pvp to be. Instead, the devs balance patterns as I see them are pretty much: "Change stuff around and let the players decide!"


    In gw1, on the other hand, devs knew right away what they wanted. (Warrs = frontline smash, Monks = heal/ Eles = make it rain) There were obvious strategies. Still, there were variations like the second professions to make those roles interesting. It was also actually competitive, unlike this mess.



  7. As usual, the _real_ problems in pvp aren't even addressed. **Why isn't powercreep from elite specs reigned in?** This is why pvp is in the GUTTER. Powercreeped, spam-heavy gameplay. It seems to me that the balancing team is in favor of the current state of affairs.


    Are you really serious with the scrapper and weaver buffs? As if those specs aren't strong enough already. Scourge, spellbreaker, firebrand, deadeye, aren't even touched. But ok, mess with core specs, I guess?


    Sometimes I think stuff just gets messed and reworked with at random and we're just the guinea pigs in this situation. The berserker rage skills can be buffed all they want, us warriors are _still_ not going to use them in pvp.

  8. Hah! Man....all this _hype_ for a 15 year old game, it's hilarious. I'm sorry, but knowing how these mmo shenanigans and hype work...WoW classic will take some people away for a while, but it won't magically kill this game. It's like, don't people on these forums remember...Black Desert, Wildstar, ESO? These were supposed to put a serious dent on gw2, or at least that's what the forums told me! As long as gw2 can supply steady pve content(living world, fractals, new maps) and gem store shinies, it will survive. Though I never played WoW, I can sense that the newest expansion didn't really do so well, which I guess is the reason for the classic release. WoW classic is basically telling me that Blizzard is trying to capture the "magic" of WoW that made it so great. I will tell you all this, it ain't going to happen. WoW blew up in a specific time, place and context. And like any work of art, the magic can't simply be replicated as it was during its time. Books, music, you name it. They're a product of their time. WoW classic may grab people for a while for the sake of nostalgia, but it's not going to last long.


    Another thing, **MMOs as a whole are done, their heyday is over**. They're not dying completely, but I believe what will happen is that they will go back to being niche as they used to be. People are moving on to more pvp-based games or back to consoles. This whole business of pve "endgame" used to draw in people as WoW has done is over.

  9. > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > Though, I mostly agree with you, first off:

    > >

    > > gw2 never even _had_ glory days. gw1, now _those_ were the glory days. gw2 simply doesn't hold a candle to it. In the core days, gw2 was ok at best, mediocre at worst. It certainly wasn't the dumpster fire it is today. gw1, on the other hand, was designed in a specific way, it facilitated pvp. Thousands of skills, multiple counters, multiple builds, structured movement, strategy. It was tailor-made for pvp. gw2, although fun at times...is simply not built for an spvp environment. The action-based free movement of this game does not really mesh with the skill system with respect to spvp.

    > >

    > > Second, gw2 was _never_ competitive. gw1 simply just blew it out of the water. This community can throw all the tournaments they want. ANet can throw all the esport money they want. Streamers can yak all they want trying to push this game. It won't amount to jack. gw2 pvp is still a side thing. gw2 is full of spam and faceroll mechanics. gw2 is still balanced every 3 months--which doesn't cut it for a game that wants to be "competitive". Do you all want to know the difference between gw1 and gw2? **A dedicated balance team and viable pvp combat** That's gw1.

    > >

    > > That being said, gw2 should at _least_ be made more playable. It's like...have some respect...have a little bit of care for your own game. Nerf or take out the elite specs, monitor the games more for afkers, wintraders, etc. See, this is why I stopped playing spvp except for daily ranked and unranked with my guild. If there is basically almost not enough support to ensure that spvp is playable then **why...should...I...support...it?**

    > >

    > >





  10. Though, I mostly agree with you, first off:


    gw2 never even _had_ glory days. gw1, now _those_ were the glory days. gw2 simply doesn't hold a candle to it. In the core days, gw2 was ok at best, mediocre at worst. It certainly wasn't the dumpster fire it is today. gw1, on the other hand, was designed in a specific way, it facilitated pvp. Thousands of skills, multiple counters, multiple builds, structured movement, strategy. It was tailor-made for pvp. gw2, although fun at times...is simply not built for an spvp environment. The action-based free movement of this game does not really mesh with the skill system with respect to spvp.


    Second, gw2 was _never_ competitive. gw1 simply just blew it out of the water. This community can throw all the tournaments they want. ANet can throw all the esport money they want. Streamers can yak all they want trying to push this game. It won't amount to jack. gw2 pvp is still a side thing. gw2 is full of spam and faceroll mechanics. Do you all want to know the difference between gw1 and gw2? **A dedicated balance team and viable pvp combat** That's gw1.


    That being said, gw2 should at _least_ be made more playable. It's like...have some respect...have a little bit of care for your own game. Take out the elite specs, monitor the games more for afkers, wintraders, etc. See, this is why I stopped playing spvp except for daily ranked and unranked with my guild. If ANet, as a company, doesn't even care enough to ensure that spvp is playable then **why...should...I...support...it?**



  11. > @"Aeon.4127" said:

    > 109,500 Viewers watching GDQ and the GDQ (GamesDoneQuick) event goes on for a full week night and day, sadly ending on the 30th on TwitchTV I have always wished that ANET left SaB up all year round, I get its not for everyone thats fine, but all it takes is one HARDCORE speed runner to take this to GDQ annually and I wouldn't doubt it would have raised eyebrows... Why am I mentioning this now? GDQ is running and again wish Gw2 was on the list...


    > I get this is a topic not everyone agrees on, but I cant see who wouldn't like free publicity on a game they play, and want to help keep alive as long as possible.


    SAB is a cult. I'm sorry, but it is. I have played and beaten SAB once and never played it again. I don't understand the appeal of inferior 8-bit mechanics and farming the SAME 2 worlds over and over and over. ANet did the right thing limiting it to just April. I mean it's funny, considering SAB started off as a _joke_ and wasn't meant to be taken seriously!



  12. > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > Generally I'd say that SoloQ makes for more balanced matches and high level Duos can distort the matchmaking a lot, because the only way to equalize the matches is to give them Gold Players, making for a bad experience for everyone (including the high lvl duo). However at this point the match quality is beyond kitten anyway, so it probably doesn't matter anymore if we have Solo or Duo Q. Might aswell reintroduce full premades and get this kind of leaderboard again, maybe people are happy then:


    > ![](https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-857526-1561738119.jpg.html "")



    Nope. Premades change _nothing_. Duo is basically a premade of 2 instead of 5. Yeah, it's less of a threat than a full team, that's why I think people are duped into supporting it. ("It's not that bad!") --tsk tsk--



  13. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > Consider me a "mad man" then for expecting a TEAM queue for a TEAM game. I'm with multicolorhipster, _"The population is too low!"_ and _"I just want to play with friends!"_ are convenient excuses. Apparently, friends greater than 2 don't even exist!

    > >

    > > You are also dead wrong about duo queues. Duo queues, like all merged queues, mess up matches. We see this time and time again every...single...season. Strict solo or 5-person queues do not. The distorting factor(duo) is taken out of the equation. Another thing, 5-mans cut out the player shenanigans. It's stuff you can actually CONTROL.

    > >

    > > To hammer out my point about the inferiority of merged queues, imagine you had 4-man queues instead of duo. That means that, most of the time, the 4-man + 1 team will WIPE the opposing solo team.


    > Yes, exactly! It's like, they say _"We just want to play with friendsssssss."_


    > "Well okay Mr. Top10Snakeman, how about good ol' TeamQ? For sake of fairness and playing with the max amount of friends and coordination?"


    > _"But the population isssss too low!"_


    > So the obvious solution is to party with the least amount of friends possible; both top 10, and roll across the majority of uncoordinated SoloQ players, a lot of which are golds with no way to opt out of it.


    > Yeah, on second thought; I can see how that'd bring in players new and old. That definitely doesn't make it the least bit self-perpetuating. Kappa.




    Yup! Meanwhile, _nothing_ changes. I've been on these forums for seasons and years and I've heard the same dam talking points, since season 1. It's like people don't want to learn. Or more accurately, duos like the current state of affairs because they were/are successful at milking the system for all it's worth. People can use the population excuse all they want, but they can't avoid facts. Merged queues ruin matches and it's a terrible matchmaking system.

  14. > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

    > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

    > > > yea no if u want to q solo do your thing let those that want to play with friends or coordinate as a duo to win do their thing. anet already tried it. it was terrible there was 0 structure no1 enjoyed the matches every game was a clown fiesta and they reverted it back. and for what lol? so those bitter about duos can stop crying? no thanks

    > >

    > > If you wanted to SoloQ you can't just "do your thing" because the queues are merged together.

    > >

    > > The "I just want to play with friends excuse" is little more than an overused victim card. A quick search on Twitch and you can find the majority of streamers DuoQing in the top 1% aren't coordinating any more than a SoloQ player, heck; they aren't even talking to eachother most the time. It's just creating a numbers advantage really, and that's hardly different from teamstacking in other competitive games.

    > >

    > > And why does DuoQ have to be the standard for coordination and playing with friends? That's only guaranteeing one other person that you know to be on your team, or in comms. In a 5v5 gamemode that leaves at least 2 people to play alone every game, creating an unfair environment regardless. If the reptiles in the top 1% really wanted to play and coordinate with friends they'd have cried for TeamQ to come back and not DuoQ.

    > >

    > > Not only would split TeamQ be more competitive, being closer to how ATs are played, but you'd be able to play with a full team of friends rather than just one other. You eliminate the ease of wintrading that comes with merged queues, you stop upsetting SoloQ players, and you're able to play ranked 5v5 at the same level of coordination.

    > >

    > > Why DuoQ?


    > Lmao its like you don't even read but just reply for the sake of replying. I JUST SAID don't look at ranked from your own experiences but as a whole, instead you're using me specifically and how I choose to play as a model for everyone else? Just because me and my friends are competitive and coordinate doesn't mean most of those who duo are doing the same, the majority just want to play with friends. People who play a specific class or role want to make sure theyre duo'd with someone who compliments them(firebrand/scourge) which is why I said look at ranked as a whole instead of crying about the top 1% of players. Solo and duo should be in the same pool, if you dont like it then grab a duo partner and play to win you always have that option but just know those who win as duos will still win as solos, its just not fun because match quality is lower and anytime match quality sucks no one is happy. So who are you to tell all those players who enjoy duo they cant or shouldnt because you choose to only solo?As for team q I can't even take your comments seriously.

    > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/494041688327847936/593578097677434889/unknown.png


    > None of those matches are us stat padding in unranked or daily ats. We ONLY q as a team during monthly tournaments. You have to be a mad man to think 5 q in this game would work. There just isnt a playerbase for it.


    Consider me a "mad man" then for expecting a TEAM queue for a TEAM game. I'm with multicolorhipster, _"The population is too low!"_ and _"I just want to play with friends!"_ are convenient excuses. Apparently, friends greater than 2 don't even exist!


    You are also dead wrong about duo queues. Duo queues, like all merged queues, mess up matches. We see this time and time again every...single...season. Strict solo or 5-person queues do not. The distorting factor(duo) is taken out of the equation. Another thing, 5-mans cut out the player shenanigans. It's stuff you can actually CONTROL.


    To hammer out my point about the inferiority of merged queues, imagine you had 4-man queues instead of duo. That means that, most of the time, the 4-man + 1 team will WIPE the opposing solo team.




  15. > @"Silinsar.6298" said:

    > > @"Skyronight.6370" said:

    > > I tried checking out gw2 pvp again after getting bored of battle royale games and I just got reminded again why I left in the first place. Nowadays silver players get paired with rank 1-10 players from leaderboard because the population has never been lower and theres reasons for that.

    > >

    > > 1. lack of updates towards pvp, it has never changed and stayed the same, couple of new maps and no other changes


    > Yeah, PvP has been getting less and less attention. You don't need change for change's sake (aka don't unbalance what isn't broken), but some new maps or game modes would have been nice. ANet tried with the siege thing (don't even remember the name) and death match arena, but then didn't give them a q and just left them in the dust. Removing the water combat from sPvP also was an early indicator that they just didn't want to put in the effort to fix / balance it.


    > > 2. power creep from elite specs, basically arena net has turned everyone into a super hero while having no downsides in their build like pre hot, theres no more giving up damage for sustain or for mobility, every build has everything and large AoE spam resulting in low skill floor which creates unbalanced matches since everyone is a God that means nobody is a god. Its like playing CS GO and everyone has aim bot and wall hacks on, how do you determinate who is the better player?


    > I don't think powercreep has reduced the skill requirement of the game. There are just more situations now that are decided by builds / team composition IF everyone has reached a certain skill level. And fights tend to be more one sided, so there generally are lesser moments in which to apply skill. But you'll still need experience to be consistently successful. And in some matchups the difference really shows.

    > While a good expansion spec might carry a player in some situations, those in which it doesn't become the deciding ones. And those are harder than before, because more stuff gets thrown around in less time while compared to that you could take time to really ponder how to use your skills pre hot. That also makes PvP less noob friendly compared to pre hot, imo. It became more action + reaction heavy and less tactical but the tactical part didn't get removed, it's still there somehow, you just have less time to think about it :) If you want to get into the "good" tactical part of PvP you basically have to automatize the mechanical part (which takes a lot of practice).


    > > 3. Casual friendly mechanics such as passive traits and the overtuned downstate mechanics, when a player get downed they should be punished for the misplay but instead gw2 is the only game that gives really overpowered abilities in the downstate making it near impossible to win outnumbered fights since its so easy to res and interrupt the stomp, basically its easier to play defensively than offensively thus favoring the casual player more. Imagine playing PUBG squads and the downed player could throw smokes or molotovs at you etc, why is it so hard to kill someone that has already been partially defeated, to balance downstate there should be no abilities available aside from self res and it should take at least 2 other players to get the full res when 1 person is cleaving. Do not reward people for misplays. Same applies to passive traits like passive aegis, passive invul etc, basically making PvP too casual friendly made all the hardcore pvpers quit that are looking for a competitive game which brings me to reason number 4.


    > I think the downed / res mechanic itself is fine in sPvP. The skills around it that allow near zero risk and/or fast ressing, and the fact that ANet never really got to balance the skills of the downed state itself. And I'd have liked to see them trying to scrap rally. I get the idea to make an exciting comeback, but when you got a very even and balanced team fight, 2 people down on every side, one of them just dies while one of the other team has 1% and it turns the whole thing around so much that what could continue as a even fight is now a complete blowout... it just ends a good fight midway.


    > > 4. The competitive scene of gw2 has always been a niche instead of being the main focus, players were never incentivized to make teams because there was no tournaments and no rewards aside from ESL cups back then. This the game only stayed in a " yolo Q" only state and was never growing as a competitive game and its always been dominated by the same 2-3 teams because of lack of competition. PvP cannot survive without a competitive environment and gw2 never offered that environment except with ESL cups that had great rewards.


    > I've never had any tournament ambitions, but from what I read and experienced myself (from those openly indicating they're part of it) many of the players engaging in the short ESL scene were downright toxic. You don't just need tournaments and rewards, you need a community people actually want to be part of.


    > > 5. Lack of advertisment of the PvP part of the game, basically the PvP population stayed rather low at all times because there was incentive to try it and all the focus was mainly on the living story and the expansions, its like pvp was just a mini game and was something that was not important, even introducing a basic tutorial and giving people a few gold for trying out PvP would have made the population so much bigger and alot of players would end up staying and try to improve and be competitive but instead some people dont even know that pvp exists in gw2 because it was not being talked about.


    > Kinda like the chicken / egg problem. What was there before: Few players because of little resources invested from ANet or little resources invested from ANet because there were so few payers?

    > In GW1 there are low level arenas that would ease new players into PvP, you always play in a team (heros / henchies), mobs are set up in groups with reasonable compositions (frontline, casters, healers...) and use the same skills players can. The PvE in GW1 is basically teaching you PvP by letting you play vs bots with your own bots. And it felt very dynamic and tactical to me because of that. Imo GW1 is the better PvE and PvP game, but GW2 is newer, it's the better MMO and has a better combat system.


    > > 6. Edit: Forgot an important one is lack of frequent balance patches . When it takes several months to fix an over performing build, people are not willing to wait till it gets fixed they will just quit and probably will not come back.


    > Balance often is subjective. Sometimes an OP build seems less OP 2 months later because people figure out to fight it or adjust some things to bring more counters. Sometimes "OP" builds pop out of nowhere (without following a buff) because someone just discovered it handles the current meta well. Overhasty nerfs can be necessary in some cases, but I wouldn't say that was THE problem about ANet's balancing. ANet always tried slow and steady, to continuously gravitate towards the unreachable perfect balance. And it was just that, it worked, imo, it just wasn't good for keeping impatient players. And then they threw the whole thing, years of slow and steady balancing, a pretty well balanced state of the game, into the gutter with the trait overhauls & expansions. And they still stick to slow, but became less sensible (personal opinion) about how they handle things. And they scrapped the "steady" part, suddenly reworking things here or there (that might not need it to begin with) while doing nothing or almost irrelevant number changes in other spots.


    > > Theres alot more reasons but those are the main ones, its kinda sad to see this because this game had potential but it never reached it.


    > Imo, GW2 PvP (and also WvW) could have benefited massively from dedicated community managers (and balance/dev teams in the background). Discussing in detail (as much as I appreciate them, not just a post every couple of months) why things don't change fast, how they're handling it, what their view on it and the data is, previewing and opening up changes to discussions, do some weekend-event tests (like for pof) for greater balance updates, ... The PvP development is basically below an indie-dev level (at least the impression of how much dedicated resources they provide for it is) and those HAVE to engage with their communities to keep them interested and invested and to make more people take a look at it. As sad as the layoffs were, the restructuring would have been the chance to make PvP a little bit more of a priority.


    > And while the devs should have really upped their game in some areas, the community should have done so too. Matchmaking mixes plat with low golds, so don't ask of others what you couldn't achieve yourself (and be toxic about it), be willing to teach people. Welcome noobs. Don't expect the devs to specifically cater to your ideas of balance. Be a little patient or try to adjust a bit. Make your own tournaments. Don't shout "OP!" without giving any real arguments as soon as you encounter something new, a better player or 1 day after a patch.


    I'm sorry, but powercreep has most _certainly_ lowered the skill requirement. This is not even a contest. When I can smash keys and get results on a new profession...that's a problem. It simply should not happen. There is no "tactical" part, it's all reaction based. Elite specs just stuff everything in one build--evades, damage, cc, defenses with basically no tradeoffs. All you really get are glass cannons and bunkers, there's nothing in between.


    Also, balance is _not_ subjective, it has a clear meaning: the opposite of imbalance! And I'm seeing a LOT of imbalance. Examples are glass cannon builds like GS berserker with double axe which can one-shot professions. I'm sorry, but that simply should not exist in any structured pvp game unless it's a first-person shooter. Same goes with soulbeast, holo, rev, mirage, deadeye which are nothing but pve-centric glass cannon gimmicks.


    I'm sorry, but current pvp caters to the pvers and pvp elitists. It is NOT pvp. There's nothing to defend here.



  16. I saw that gw1 and gw2 comparison and although I never played gw1 alliance battles, I can tell right off the bat that it's superior on all categories. It really punishes player shenanigans. Build diversity in gw1, as with everything else in it, BLOWS gw2 out of the water. In gw2, all you get are FB/Scourge/Scrapper zerg trains. It's stupid.

  17. How do you balance? _Never_ listen to the players, that's how. In my years of playing games, this has been pretty consistent. Whether it's the pros, or newbies, balancing for a specific set of players is a recipe for _disaster_. This especially goes for class balance. For example, you say warriors and necros "feel unfair"...what does that even mean? I think weaver and revenant feel unfair, but I don't let it get in the way of objective analysis of the situation.


    Since HoT, which introduced a slew of elite specs with more damage, sustain, evades and invulnerabilities than core specs, pvp has become a powercreeped spamfest. There's simply too much of everything, whether it's "one-shot" builds or eternal bunker builds, elite specs have RUINED pvp and made it more cancerous. _That_ is my concern.


    My take is, devs need to balance for the interest of the GAME, NOT for the interest of the players. Take a look at this powercreeped era of pvp and take a hammer to it. Nerf the elite specs and cut the cancer by at least 80%.

  18. I'm with you! WHERE is the pvp? The pvp support in gw2 has been HORRID. I am playing Age of Empires 2 right now and, although different being an RTS, is a much more balanced game than gw2. And it's from 1999! I am BEYOND SICK of conquest spvp. Give me some team deathmatch! The balance has been beyond horrible. The expansions basically ruined the classes with the elite specs. They have way too much damage/defenses. 20k damage on skills just should not happen, also I tolerated the bunker BS for years I didn't mind it much, until the recent scrapper nonsense.


    That being said, I can stomach wvw more than pvp. I can get some pretty good fights there at times, when I'm not trampled by FB/Scourge zerg trains that is. Yeah, wvw is all about coverage and timezones. Matchups don't mean squat. An alliance system is in the works, but who _knows_ when it will be released.


    Unfortunately, we've had "circle" quest for 7 years and if devs didn't care then, they sure won't care now.


    Another thing, this is an mmo. pvp will never be as good or top priority as pvp in rts, fps, fighting or moba type games. Reason is, in mmos, pve or the social world in which it takes place, takes priority. In mmos, devs need to give up one or the other, they can't do both. They can't afford it. They'll never be able to support both as games like WoW can. Still, though, that's no excuse to let it _languish_ like it has for SEVEN years!

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