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Posts posted by JTGuevara.9018

  1. People want a fix for ranked? Here it is! Allow TEAMS. Also have a separate ranked queue for solo. I know it's not the solution people want to hear, but I don't care. The powercreep alone from one-shot elite specs is terrible enough, but putting teams back to ranked is easily doable. lmao! I mean it's plainly ridiculous at this point to not have it. This solo/duo nonsense needs to end. You CANNOT have duos/trios or any other nonsense, it messes up the matches.

    I have said this for years, even back during the first and beginning seasons. Merged queues of any kind with solo/5-man or solo/duo messes up matches. This happens _time_ and _time _ again. Why don't people learn?

  2. > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

    > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > > > > @"Lala.8752" said:

    > > > > seriously kitten everything two shot everything, ok nerf every passive trait was a good idea because it was so kitten but pls nerf a bit all damage of every class

    > > >

    > > > Stop using squishy amulets :)

    > >

    > > But he won't be able to 2 shot things if he don't use a squishy amulet.

    > >

    > > Anyway, in one thread people point out the damage and in the other people point out the defense. Somehow I guess this mean that overall damage and defense are balanced.


    > Rock paper scissors is balanced. Flipping a coin is balanced. Would you do either of those things for fun?


    > "Balance" does not matter when every meta build is so overpowered that the game feels like a button mashing competition


    Yeah, here's an idea. 'Balance' does not always mean buff! Nerf is also part of the equation! The powercreep is off the charts, I can just literally mash keys and get results even with professions I've never played. I'm sorry, but that's terrible. I don't care if they're 'easier to play', if makes for lousy pvp.


  3. Honestly, condition damage is goofy in this game. The way they're applied in this game is by ticks. With high condition damage, it ticks so fast it's almost like a power burst. As someone said above, a fully ticked condi build is on par with power builds. I would be open to change how condition work based on how gw1 had it, by degeneration. In gw1, the more conditions you applied, the more degeneration.

  4. I'm cautiously optimistic about this. It can work or it can backfire depending on how it's implemented. The current wvw system is flawed and easily exploited by guild shenanigans: server stacking and timezones. Tier and server doesn't even matter, if it ever did. Timezones and population mattered. That's why I'm not for this mythical "server" pride, I'm not sure it even existed. I know guild pride was always there. I remember the early wvw days, the "Titan Alliance", the tournaments, those were fun times. It seemed like people cared back then. Still, I don't think they saw the flaws of the system yet. Eventually they did. Tiers, tournaments and servers never really mattered because regardless of all that, you were at the mercy of timezones and server stacking.


    Then came the server consolidation. Servers were stacked to the brim, guilds got fatter. We went from 24 servers down to 12. Blackgate ran roughshod over the gamemode because, honestly, I think people then realized the system was flawed and pointless and stopped caring. People stopped this farce of a competition because it just didn't matter...you were at the mercy of your timezone and your tier.


    I will say, I like the idea of this alliance system. People finally have a choice of who they want to play with. People are not at the mercy of servers and tiers. However, it's crucial that the new system _must_, _MUST_ take into account timezones. Someone else said this, the timezone could be a loophole. Timezone stacking 'could' be an exploit guilds and alliances use to dodge matches. Say, if there's a certain alliance they don't want to face at a certain time of the day... Still, at the end of the day, in a realm vs realm system, you never really know or can fully predict with certainty how many people will play at any given time of the day.



  5. > @"Rehk.6574" said:

    > > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > > > @"Rehk.6574" said:

    > > > I tend to agree with the OP.

    > > > TTK just always felt a little too fast in this game's PvP for me. I think that mainly comes from the fact that some burst combos just do what feels like an extraordinary amount of damage for the HP pools we have. I've often thought that increasing HP, decreasing damage, or some combination of both so that the fastest TTK on a Glass Cannon vs another Glass cannon should at least allow for enough reaction time to pop a ccbreak and use a heal skill and potentially drag it out to another rotation instead of just going poof would help tremendously.

    > >

    > > so you think someone should be able to run a glass build, and be able to face tank multiple 3-5 second bursts from another glass class?


    > Not exactly. I wish one glass build would be able to kill another in 3-5 seconds if they don't react, and at minimum 6-10 if they do react at least reasonably effectively. I'd prefer any 1v1 matchup to be a little more of a thinking man's game where you outsmart and outplay the enemy to win, not just land a lucky burst and it's simply over before it (any type of player against player competition) begins. I just don't find any fight in which the enemy (or I) is over without so much as any time to react....fun.


    > Of course my opinion on what's "best" has been shaped by games that don't really share a similar combat system, but all I can say is that my best PvP experiences were from games with a slower pace (DAoC, WAR, certain periods of WoW, Wildstar, certain periods of ESO, FF, etc).


    Yeah, it's gotten way too fast-paced. I like the thinking man's game approach. Although I'll increase your baseline glass cannon burst to 5 seconds!

  6. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > Merged que would keep the population pool tight, that's what we need.

    > > >

    > > > Mainly at this point we have a serious problem with match manipulation in Ranked. I've already recently gone over this in this thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76966/pvp-match-manipulation-has-gone-too-far Unfortunately, the only way to really fight back against it, is to 1. prevent f2p accounts for joining ranked at all, and 2. re-enable 5 man ques, so smart players can block rando que throws on their teams.

    > > >

    > > > The match manipulation has become a much larger problem at this point, than solos vs. 5 man ever was. From what I'm hearing lately, it seems like most players are finally recognizing this.

    > >

    > > I respect the reasoning because you're right to say MM is all over, and to say a bigger problem now perhaps more than ever.

    > >

    > > But when it comes to tightening the pool, that only makes it easier for sellers to get paired with buyers by process of elimination.

    > >

    > > Let's say you plan a dastardly plot to wintrade with some theoretical seller. For this to work, they need to be on the opposite team; that means not on your team. So you DuoQ up with some other random person to restrict the odds of the seller being on your team by 2/5, and at the same time boost two players instead of one. In the context of any sort of merged queue, the more players you allow to stack onto a single team; the more likely all wintrading parties get what they want.

    > >

    > > In SoloQ only, wintrading is still possible, yet so much harder, and that I think is the reason it's so much more prevalent now.

    > >

    > > In TeamQ only, there would be absolutely 0 wintrading, as the setup is far too difficult.

    > >

    > > In split TeamQ/SoloQ Wintrading might exist within SoloQ, but not in TeamQ. If the leaderboards were split, and perhaps new titles given for TeamQ and SoloQ, then the actual virtual or real monetary value for SoloQ titles would be next to nothing, and again it's much harder for the seller and buyer to even be matched in that context; which hurts wintrading, and ultimately favors people who'd really just like to play ranked without dealing with any player-created outside factors.


    > You do bring up a good point that I had not yet addressed.


    > To me, my opinion on this lies that: We aren't going to eliminate win trading and general non-TOS breaking match manipulations. It is going to exist in some form whether it is solo only, solo/duo only, 5 man vs. 5 man only, or mixed que. The reason why I so strongly press the idea of returning 5 man que to Ranked and leaving it mixed que, is because at least with that system, we have the option to block win trades from effecting us. With the way it is now, you cannot stop it from happening. So You may have a couple of teams buying/selling the process, and having one of those teams hitting 1900 values, but you know what? They won't be effecting my matches or anyone else's, who are smart enough to play in a 5 man team themselves.


    > Essentially what we are choosing between is this:


    > 1. Keep solo/duo only, where we cannot block win trading or general match manipulations from effecting us. We will always have at least 3 PUGs joining our team, which means chances are high for encountering shenanigans. Roughly 1/4th of our matches will be effected by this. Sometimes on a bad day when we log in at the wrong time, the ratio is even higher than that. You know, those days where you can tell something feels off, and it would probably be a good idea to stop que.

    > 2. Split into Solo Ranked and Team Ranked. The problem here is that this would further divide population, making the margins of difference between player ratings even larger than it is now. Solo Only will still be seeing 1700s with and against 1400s, and Team Only would still be seeing 1700 teams against 1400 teams. And the match manipulations would still be exactly the same as they are now, for Solo Only. For Team Only, what you described in your response would also be happening, but at least the teams participating who weren't the seller, could actually block themselves from being effected by it.

    > 3. Enable 3, 4 and 5 man ques in Ranked as a mixed que. This would at least keep the population from dividing any further than it already is. Sure, solo, duo, trio, quad, will all still have chances of being effected by throwing, but players who are wise enough to play in a 5 man group will not be. In my opinion it is not hard to use the LFG tool to form a basically functional 5 man comp for Ranked Que, in the same exact way that WE ALL use it for Dungeons, Fractals, Raids, Meta Trains, and even ATs. What in the hell makes Ranked any different? Why don't we just go ahead and make Fractals a random Solo Only que? Why don't we try it with Raids? I'm not sayin that to poke at you, I'm being serious. Why should Ranked be treated differently? It's a good question that everyone ought to be thinking about.


    > **My ultimate point is that this solo/duo only thing, is a placebo effect. It has given the more anti-social casual player base this illusion of comfort, that they no longer have to go against 5 man teams in a discord. The placebo effect works on them because they are too inexperienced to see how much match manipulation is going on around them over the course of a day of playing 10 games or so. These are players who just brush it off as "Well the match maker is bad in this game but gg, I'm happy because this is more fair now." But in reality, they are getting beaten because people are throwing on their teams, they are going against plat 3 players who are smurfing in on 1400s, and they are still going against 5 man teams or sometimes 5+ man teams, who are all still in a discord together, but they just aren't visually all on the same team together... <- This is really important for everyone to recognize and understand. We are still going against 5 man teams in solo/duo only at times. But rather than it being a 5 man qued team within a legitimate system designed for a strong to team to win legitimately, it is in the form of 2 players in a duo on their mains, synch queing with 3 or 4 or more of their buddies who are currently on alts, who are ready to throw for them or DC in a game to block their rating loss. We are still against 5 man teams boys, we just can't see them, John Cena style.**


    > So what do we want here? Do we want to at least be able to see the 5 man teams we are against? Do we want to at least have the liberty of playing in a 5 man ourselves, so that we can block ourselves from the effects of win trading? Or do we want to continue playing in the placebo effect where we will be match manipulated, where we have no liberty to 5 man ourselves to block the effects of throwing, and where we are unable to see when we are against 5+ man teams? I dunno it's up to all of you to decide. All I know is that I would much rather have the liberty of forming a 5 man team myself to block the effects of match manipulation, and I would much rather lose to a 5 man team that I could see in front of me, who beat me fairly and squarely without cheating.


    > I would like to see my suggest 3 come into implementation. I wouldn't be opposed to 2, but option 1 has to go. Solo/Duo only has failed hard. It brought us nothing but susceptibility to match manipulations, loss of ability to play with friends, and overall garbage dumpster fire match making.





    I agree with you that this solo/duo nonsense needs to end.

    Still, a mixed queue is too unbalanced and will just allow for stomps as in the past! Not to mention, perpetuate the match manipulations and smurfs. **This has happened since season 1.**


    And again, you merely want to 'block' the wintraders, I want them GONE. ENTIRELY. ONLY a separate solo/team queue can do that. In a 5-only queue, that is near impossible to pull off.

  7. OP, you are right. Damage is absurdly high. You can thank post-HoT powercreep for that. Honestly, it's the WORST thing that's happened to pvp. It used to be a lot more enjoyable in the pre-HoT days. Damage and sustain wasn't so stupid like it is today. Today it's just spam, spam, spam, it's ridiculous.


    Honestly, how can people enjoy this? When I can get on my Berserker and two-shot almost an entire team with Arc Divider...there's a problem! Sorry, but this ain't 'fun'. I hate it. Just nerf everything to the ground and make this playable so actual SKILL can take place.

  8. OP, your post is not vague! I understood it immediately when I read it. Both before and after your clarifications! I assume you're talking about the "git gud" crowd when they try to weasel their way out of criticism, which I agree.


    It's also amazing to see people in this thread make it more complex than it actually is. It's basically, don't blindly adapt just for the sake of adapting, LOOK AND CONSIDER what you're adapting into! Be more critical of what you're adapting into. Simple!

  9. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > SoloQ/TeamQ Split - Rank 190 - T3 gold

    > >

    > > Time after time again, we see what mixed queues lead to...unbalanced matches. Case in point, I had a _brand new_ player yesterday going against THREE people with Relentless/Ruthless Legend titles. I know for a fact they're upper gold-plat or even higher because there's no way to get those titles unless you're up there. THAT is the stupid system we have. It amazes me that people STILL haven't learned anything from the past.

    > >

    > > I've been around the block, since the inaugural season to know that mixed queues never work, that competitive ladders have to be segregated in order for them to function. Well..not even competitiveness really...just simple fairness. I've supported separate queues for years...still do...still will.

    > >

    > >


    > The mixed que has nothing to do with it. We're talking low population is what is equating to what you're talking about.


    > A split solo only will result in the same thing. 1600s in matches with 1400s or even lower. A 5 man vs. 5 man only que will result in same thing, 1700 teams going against 1450 teams. In fact, splitting the ques would make it worse, because the population would be divided even more than it is now.


    Yes, unbalanced matches could happen with separate queues, but that doesn't take away the fact that players have FULL CONTROL. Teams would have the power to eliminate randos entirely, not merely block them off. Plus merged queues would allow teams to stomp soloers like what has already happened in the first and second ranked seasons.


    As far as match manipulation goes, well...it's a symptom of the problem, _not_ its cause. The problem is the pvp system. Players didn't just get up one day and decided to cheat, there's a system in place that allows them to do that. ANet, through either neglect or lack of resources looks the other way and it continues. I mean, back in the days of separate queues, match manipulation shenanigans were pretty much _unheard_ of.



  10. Well, I'm not going for Exordium, but for Rodgort. Still, I will share what I know. I recommend by first looking at the wiki guide for Exordium and find out what materials you need and check your inventory to see what you have before you get started. I'm primarily talking about the precursor crafting and the Gifts. For me, doing this preliminary thing saved me time and gold in case I sold off needed materials by mistake. As far as gold goes, fractals, new Dragonfall meta, Silverwastes, Istan, ranked spvp can get you there fast.

  11. SoloQ/TeamQ Split - Rank 190 - T3 gold


    Time after time again, we see what mixed queues lead to...unbalanced matches. Case in point, I had a _brand new_ player yesterday going against THREE people with Relentless/Ruthless Legend titles. I know for a fact they're upper gold-plat or even higher because there's no way to get those titles unless you're up there. THAT is the stupid system we have. It amazes me that people STILL haven't learned anything from the past.


    I've been around the block, since the inaugural season to know that mixed queues never work, that competitive ladders have to be segregated in order for them to function. Well..not even competitiveness really...just simple fairness. I've supported separate queues for years...still do...still will.



  12. I love how people are defending the powercreep in this thread. When I can two-shot people with Arc Divider...there's a problem. Sorry but..."just dodge" ain't going to cut it! People can cry all they want about "bunker meta", but damage needs to be nerfed into the ground all across the board. Not that I want bunker meta, but it drives the damage meta. They drive each other. If you nerf damage, you need to nerf bunker, and vice versa. We've been buffing stuff for like 4 years now, both damage and defensive skills, that's making the game really unplayable. NERF EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND.

  13. Alright, I'm reading all this whining about this or that class when this game needs to NERF EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND. Seriously! There's been constant powercreep with elite specs for about 4 straight years. I main warrior. I messed around with berserker elite. Berserker does STUPID damage. There is no way you can have that in a healthy pvp environment. When you can two-shot light armors with Arc Divider...**WE HAVE A PROBLEM**.


    But it doesn't stop there! If you nerf the damage from elite specs, you also have to nerf their defenses, active and passive. Otherwise...bunkers. However, at times, this pvp community doesn't seem to see the forest for the trees. They want their class buffed and others nerfed! I see right through these shenanigans.

  14. I'm with Caedmon, this warrior community needs to honestly suck it up. -25% damage is not a big deal considering how hard it hits. It's still going to be faceroll at the expense of everything else, the spec is clearly carried by GS. Berserker has way more problems than just Arc Divider:


    1. _No adrenaline gain_ - I immediately understood why Headbutt is taken so often...that's a problem....Berserker as a theme even fails because the whole point of the berserker transformation in lore and fantasy is to be in an ADRENALINE RUSH


    2. _Toughness penalty_- Yeah 300 isn't much but, come on! Berserker was squishy BEFORE the rework


    3. _NO f1_- Considering the lack of adrenaline and the need to proc burst skills for defense line this is - bad, bad, BAD!


    Honestly, I don't have much sympathy for us. I mean, some of us ASKED for this rework. This whole new "play style" did jack for us in the long run. What I find is that this entire rework didn't even need to happen! I and many others _knew_ Berserker lacked damage. All you really needed was to buff it! You didn't need to gut everything else!

  15. Is this post serious?


    Nerfing is a fundamental part of balance. If we just blindly buff everything in response to something else, nothing changes! Powercreep is bad because it dumbs down the game and makes things too easy to play. Sure, for pve it's fine. It's good to kill mobs faster, but for pvp/wvw, powercreep is a _catastrophe_.

  16. Yes! I FULLY support no-downed-state. Why? It's a legit counter to zergs. It gives smaller groups and roamers a chance to fight back. All too long we've been subjected to the scourge/firebrand/scrapper combos. I don't care what anyone says, that zerg combination is nearly impossible to take down. No downed state punishes stupidity and I LOVE that!

  17. Berserker is trash, straight up. Arc Divider is the ONLY saving grace. You really only need to buff that and not gut the entire berserker spec if more damage was the plan. OP, I will agree with you. Arc Divider is going to get nerfed and gutted and berserker will have NOTHING to provide in pvp. As a pve spec though, it's great!

  18. Having ran into some berserker warriors in pvp, I can definitely say and confirm like others have here that Arc Divider is the ONLY saving grace that berserker has. Even when I ran base warrior with Demolisher's with Dolyak Signet, I still got obliterated in like 2 hits! That burst is real! Still, that damage does not come without a price. The price being all that you lose when you carry the spec, toughness, adrenaline gain, lack of f1 skills, dependency on rage skills, A CAST TIME.


    That being said, if more offense was the plan for berserker, you really only needed to buff Arc Divider. You didn't need to gut the entire spec mechanics!

  19. > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

    > > @"Lonewolf Kai.3682" said:

    > > I'm even sure there is more dps. The little bit of testing I've done seems to show barely any gains at all, but I'm definitely feeling the receiving end of dps.


    > Make that *NOT EVEN SURE*


    > Stupid tablet.


    Hah! Well, I'll be! The very thing it was reworked for doesn't even grant you much of considering what you sacrifice in the process of carrying the spec!



  20. For pvp, I can't even begin to describe how horrid it is. You lose out on toughness, adrenaline gain, f1 skills, stability, not to mention a cast time...all for what? MOAR DAMAGE. As if core warrior and spellbreaker didn't have that already! Considering what warriors lose, honestly we're better off not even taking it at all!


    I'd also like to call out the warrior community for even wanting this "rework". I ask you all this, look at the reworks ANet did for other classes. Those communities don't seem too happy. Do you really want this "balance" team messing around with stuff that was better left alone. Now, in pvp, Berserker was pretty much dead, now it's officially BURIED. It was honestly better left off as is. Maybe we need to LEARN before we open our mouths asking for changes.


    But hey!...The raiding community is happy now that warrior has "more deeps", even though banners will still be required for them.


    I'm f-n done.

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