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Posts posted by JTGuevara.9018

  1. > @"Shadow Order.7258" said:

    > > @"Skugga.5298" said:

    > > Hi,

    > >

    > > I love this game, been playing it since beta, I love the PvE part.

    > > The thing is in every mmorpg I love to PvP.

    > > With all these expansions PvP became so broken, I'm really starting to get tired of this game.

    > >

    > > Why on earth is rated PvP based on a win or loss. It's just a gamble button when you decide to click "join ranked".

    > > Then there is the class balance,..

    > > One game I'm able to destroy anyone and anything, the next game I just get crushed no matter what I do.

    > > I thought to myself maybe I can help my team better by going as a healer. Took my ele for a ride with a mender amulet and some toughness runes... what a joke.

    > > Two hits and you are nearly dead, low armor, low vitality and then you are supposed to heal others. Doesn't work.

    > > The only way to make it as ele is full bunker but then you are just dancing on 1 base all day without doing anything except keep yourself alive...

    > >

    > >

    > > What is going on with PvP in this game ?

    > >

    > > Then there is meta builds, the only way to stand a chance is to play the newest meta or you lose.

    > >

    > > PvP is also making me toxic and I don't like to be. Back in the day PvP was fun, but this whole league thing and badges made everything worse.

    > > I went from Gold to Silver mainly because of others, a guy joins rated with the wrong weapons equipped, others just hug 1 base the whole game, etc, etc..

    > >

    > > Change the scoring system to your personal input and don't base it around win or loss. Here I'm thinking, (damage, revives, healing, capped bases, interrupts, etc, etc..)

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > It's not you friend. It's Anet. Their pvp is just garbage. Get your rewards and get out. If you want a game even slightly competitive then this game is not for you.


    It really is as simple as that. ANet doesn't care about pvp. The system is simply garbage.


    I don't even CARE about the next expansion. I KNOW they're going to break something in pvp, that is a given.


    On another note, I am calling out all the apologists on these forums for pretending that everything is fine and workable and it's "you" that's the problem. They've been saying this for years, ever since season 1. No it's not me. The bs matchmaking F-KS veteran players. They get paired up with new players and are forced to carry the load. It's a stupid system.

  2. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > > so it constantly matches you with people who are 150+ and lower elo than you **which is the game's failure and arena net's matchmaking failure** and not your personal failure.

    > Actually its failure of low player base. U don't want to be matched with lower rated ppl, than play in prime times. If it doesn't help u cuz ur 1800 and ur matched with 1500-1600, than as I told, it's about player base. Script that would match only ppl with similar rating, would cause way longer matching time, which would touch everyone badly.

    > Tldr find game with more ppl


    Nonsense. Player base is just fine. Every day, I see Heart of the Mists PACKED. The SYSTEM is the problem. We have people playing, they're just not getting matched up like they're supposed to.

  3. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > > all you have to do is reduce the rating a high elo person loses if he has bad teammates, IT'S THAT SIMPLE!

    > >


    > ^ He's right though, and here is why:


    > * Say you're 1700 in a match and you get paired with 1525 1525 1525 1525 vs. 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 = an even 1600 vs. 1600 avg.

    > * It looks like the algorithm is doing a perfect job on paper mathematically. In reality this is garbage match making because Conquest is played on 3 nodes and the 1700 who is being expected to carry his weight for his team within the algorithm, can only be on 1 node at any given time. This means that wherever the 1700 is at holding his node and winning, his 1525 teammates are getting crunched by the 1600 opponents and losing the other 2 nodes. It only takes holding 2 nodes to win a Conquest game and a Conquest game cannot be won by only holding 1 node.

    > * Essentially, the match maker is expecting the 1700 to 1v2 the entire game and successfully WIN those 1v2s and never disengage, to even realistically grant his team a chance to win in 4v3 on the other 2 nodes. That's a lot of weight to carry when you're talking 1700 vs 1600 1600. And even if he does successfully do this, at the best his team is 1525 1525 vs 1600 on one node, and 1525 1525 vs. 1600 1600 on the other.

    > * Here is where it gets interesting. Even if the 1700 can actually successfully 1v2 and win the entire game while holding some node his color, that still is not enough to ensure a victory for his team, despite his hard carry performance. The reason is because if a 1700 can 1v2 1600 1600 and win all game, it is also possible that a 1600 could 1v2 1525 1525 and win all game as well. So even if the 1700 1v2s and wins all game, it is still equal win/lose opportunity on the other two nodes for both sides of the team, despite the 1700's team having a 4v3 advantage. If one of the 1600s can at least hold 1v2 vs. 1525 1525 while his other 1600 1600 wins vs. 1525 1525, it'll be a no-win situation for the 1700, despite his hard carry performance. For the system to make a match and expect the 1700 to 1v3 1600s to ENSURE his victory, that is ridiculous and in no way realistic with how the game of Conquest actually works in-game.

    > * So what we are looking at here, when the match maker digs too far down into divisions to make a match for high rated players, are virtually impossible to carry matches for the high rated player, despite the numbers on paper making it look like the algorithm is working perfectly. The algorithm is allocating too much weight onto the shoulders of the high rated player, that due to the nature of how Conquest is played and game engine limitations, isn't realistically possible to carry. This is because he can only be on one node at a given time, he only has so much DPS, only so much sustain, and only so much mobility.


    > Incisorr's idea is in the right direction. It might also be time to consider elongating the algorithm's search for players.




    So...basically good players get f-ed by the system? Sounds about right!

  4. Terrible. What is this? Just...why?


    So, for pve I guess these are good changes, but for pvp it is a DISASTER. Sure the damage boost is nice and all, BUT....look at all that warriors lose out on in the process: toughness penalty, adrenaline through rage skills, f1 skills, most of all: a cast time. The existence of a cast time means that berserk mode can now be interrupted. Mark my words, berserker warrior will be kited to DEATH by ranged classes. Once people see the obvious big, red glow, pew-pew rangers, short-bow revenants and deadeyes will focus it and down it in seconds. Berserker was already squishy enough, now it's even weaker in all terms except for damage.


    Berserker was dead in pvp, now it's freakin BURIED.

  5. > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > Oh god what have I done LMAO the socialists are getting triggered. Capitalism is ALSO about responsibility, charity, and HARD WORK. Because there is competition, people want to work hard. There are multiple interpretations of it and if you want to go around saying some rich people are evil because some of them worked hard, go ahead. That's your opinion, and it's my preffered ideology. P.S **Communism/socialism killed more people than capitalism (i.e stalin's Russia, Venezuela)**


    > Those who work the hardest should eat the most, therefore Turret Engi is wrong, Condi Mirage is wrong. That's why you see people complain about garbage socialist mechanics like that. Not to mention in GW2, terms? Those builds were NEVER fun to fight against, and the whole point of the game is to have fun. Do you HONESTLY believe people are going to have fun against builds that take ZERO effort while they have to work hard to be equal to it? That's how bad socialism is in GW2 terms.


    > It's great that we agree on that there are better solutions though. We could also make new game modes that new people might like because conquest got boring along with separating solo que and team ques.THAT my friend is realistic, I also agree that team que should be the way to go but we need a population first and maybe an expansion that ISN'T garbage and imbalanced for once.



    "Triggered"? Nonsense! Let's have some fun!


    Capitalism is about responsibility and hard work? Hah! My friend, I would say the opposite! If anything, capitalism rewards the _irresponsible_., such as wall street and the pharmaceuticals. Charity in capitalism is also pretty dishonest because it is done with the expectation of a return, which goes against the concept of charity! That billionaire doesn't just give away stuff from the bottom of his heart! Capitalism has no virtues, it is merely a system that perpetuates to make as much money as possible.


    As far turret engi and mirage, go, I don't support that nonsense. I've fought against them. I don't support the post-HoT powercreep that has infested pvp.


  6. I've played this game for 6 years. It's one of three mmos I've ever played, the others being gw1 and some other obscure mmo that I forgot the name of. The only way I can really answer this question is like this:


    I analyze gw2 like I analyze other mmos. mmos, generally since WoW, have tried and failed to forcibly bring different gaming cultures under one tent. gw2 is no exception. You got your pvers, pvpers, wvwers, raiders, role-players, all different gaming audiences with different interests that are magically supposed to coexist! What makes it tricky is that sometimes, the interests and audiences overlap. Managing and keeping tabs on all that is near-impossible. I mean, it works, to an extent. Still, I get tired of mmos trying to please everybody. It never works. You can see an example of this with balancing. Instead of balancing according to game mode, most balance changes fall under one umbrella, guaranteed to displease a group. Still, gw2 has got it's good quirks. I respect the horizontal progression. I like the focus on cosmetics. Jumping puzzles, though not my thing, are pretty unique for this game. Fractals are pretty fun as well.


    To me, it really comes down to corporate interests trying to steer this game in a certain direction to make the most money. That's all it really is! The players' interests don't even matter in any of this. The devs got their hands tied and can't really do much, to be honest. Also, the corporate shenanigans to me really drive the point that mmo's are a dying genre. The mmo bubble during the WoW-era has burst. I think people are migrating to more specialized mmos, or as they say(sandbox) or other game genres.

  7. > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > I guess when it comes down to it, this is just PvP communism. @"Ithilwen.1529" wants to ensure the road to future PvP legendary items won't be slowed down by having low skill.

    > >

    > > You can suggest ArenaNet change the matchmaker to ensure equality of outcome for all at 50% win rate. The problem is that there's a vast difference between player's skill.

    > >

    > > Plato: "Nothing is so unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people."

    > >

    > > Every PvP game has leagues resembling a hierarchy.. That's gaming.

    > >

    > > Right now, the game already gives a push towards 50% win rate by balancing team MMR, handicapping/boosting your teammates relative to you. It's already pretty beginner friendly.


    > I don't get why people think communism/socialism is a good ideology. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy said bring back the old turret engi so that new players might stand a chance.



    As opposed to what? Capitalism? The system that has historically tried to pass itself off as a "competitive, innovative meritocracy"? Hah! Pay no attention to the massive wealth gap rigged behind the curtain! Socialism, at least, analyzes problems from a systematic way as opposed to brushing it off by saying, "Hey, it's all your fault".


    > Let's make it so that the poorest schmuk can be as good as people who do hard work.



    So...what's wrong with that? Isn't that the point? I thought we wanted "competition" here.


    Like when the guy says "while newcomers would be protected from the kind of losing streaks we saw in season 3." I don't know, how is ANET going to implement something like that in the first place. Protecting new comers from losing streaks? What is to stop smurfs from trolling new comers? The system will have no way of finding out what a smurf is if the smurf manipulates the matchmaking.


    > There has to be a better solution to get "new people" in other than changing a system that is fated to be RNG.


    There is, blow up the pvp system. The system doesn't work for the majority of people, it needs to be destroyed. We can start with bringing back 5v5, segregate the queues(solo/team) and put in team ratings. You really have RNG because of the individual rating. Newbies and vets just get matched up together and FORCED to make do, which is good for NEITHER party. If there were only team ratings, queues would take an eternity but there would be better games. As far as smurfing goes, you can't control others' actions, but you can counter it by forming your own team. Another issue is that all the elitists, forum warriors & "pros" got the devs' ear, they don't want things to change.



  8. Man, are warrior players in this game really that bad? All this talk of overhaul? Warrior is actually one of the most balanced classes in this game. All three specs are viable, none of them really scream out "op". That being said, power berserker is viable not condition berserker. Thanks to scourges, firebrands, scrappers, condi berserker will never see the light of day. It's not just warrior either, condition builds as a whole minus mirage are pretty weak in this power damage era.



  9. --yaawwwnn-- I beat it once....never played it again. For the new players, it was actually developed as being part of a joke(hence April Fool's) but it gained a more substantial following then what was thought. I mean it's not even good 8-bit, it looks so cheesy. Too blocky! Mario Bros, Zelda and the like at least had CURVES in their 8-bit objects. Plus, some of the platforming stuff is gimmicky as you-know-what. Some mechanics just felt like they were shoved in there.


    Still, I acknowledge that people love it. I (as always) will skip it once again.

  10. Hahaha! Bring it on then! I love it!


    Power era has reigned SUPREME for a long time now. You PKers and DPSers have gotten your way for too long with builds like Holo, Mirage, Deadeye, Weaver & Reaper. How about changing it up? Also, you guys complain but you're not even getting the full bunkers. There's no more cleric or minstrel to contend with. You anti-bunkers GOT what you want. At least with bunker, there's a chance to counter. You don't get that with going against power builds, where you can taken get out in 1-2 hits.


    I do you all one further. Instead of getting mad at bunkers, get mad at the POWERCREEP that has come into this game.


  11. Let me just say to the devs, thank you for all your hard work. It's never a good thing to see people being laid off. Devs, at the end of the day, are working people like you and I.


    That being said, NCSoft/Arenanet are NOT getting off the hook. Gw2 has been mismanaged over the years since release and now the chickens are coming home to roost. The push towards "esports", the rushed HoT expansion, rejection of gw1's combat system, lack of support for wvw/pvp, these are among some bad decisions taken over the years.


    This brings me to something else. The modern game industry SICKENS me. The greed is just rampant. You got companies that aren't happy just making a profit, they want to cut corners and screw the developers and players just to scratch that last cent. Honestly, once games became more mainstream and accepted, that's when corporate suits and investors decided to get their tentacles on them and ruin them. You want corporate shenanigans at its finest, look at mobile gaming. HOT GARBAGE. Now, regarding this game, whether you believe expansions vs living world will be a thing for the future, it really doesn't matter. What matters is that NCSoft will bear some of the responsibility in the near future (like...take over!). As far as the fate of gw2 goes, well...whatever NCSoft is in the mood for!

  12. What kind of question is this? Of _course_ it's too high! Those who say it's fine or low simply put, did not play spvp pre-expansions. If they did play pre-expansions....well....I would like to have whatever it is they're smoking! As a 6-year veteran, yeah it's too high. Powercreep has infested pvp. Damage and defense is way too over the top thanks to elite specs. I'm way past the point when to suggest things need to merely 'tinkered' with. pvp needs RADICAL changes. A radical redesign and restructuring of elite specs is a good start.

  13. Ohohoho! I'm going to have fun with this! Here goes:


    1. **This game needs the Holy Trinity.** Yeah I said it. There's a reason other MMORPGs, or RPGs in general, have it: _because it works_. Most of GW2's community, including their developers, will reject this in favor of the desire to differentiate themselves from WoW and attempt to reinvent the wheel. The thing is, you didn't have to. GW1 got it right, I think. To not make the trinity so strict, have the dual-class system, but don't take the trinity away. Without the trinity, combat although more active, becomes spammish. There's not much thought or strategy involved. That people reflexively reject it is a mistake. It's not WoW's fault that they stuck with a system that works, it's a system that has worked since Dungeons and Dragons!


    2. **The game needs to reign in the powercreep.** This continues from number 1, if you don't have a combat system like the holy trinity, you're going to have powercreep overtime. This has happened with the trait system change, HoT and PoF. Although the base game was ok and it wasn't as big of a issue then, looking back, the powercreep was bound to happen. The new trait system took away any tradeoffs that builds might have. All of a sudden, instead of having access to two trait lines under the trait-point system you have three under the specialization system. Also, HoT and PoF elite specs pretty much give people everything in one build: damage, support, sustain. There's no tradeoff. With this in place, spammy and disorganized combat is bound to happen.


    3. **GW2 should've never went free-to-play.** Yup! Going there. Free-to-play games tend to suffer in quality over time. This game is no exception! Without a reliable source of revenue, there's not much developers can do really to improve things. GW1 and 2 had it right with buy-to-play.

  14. Ehm....Spellbreakers don't use boon-stripping builds because it's not enough. When you contend with Soulbeasts, Chronos and Firebrands, one warrior stripping boons ain't going to cut it. CC/lockdown type builds have more of an impact, especially when fighting on point and in team-fights. Plus in order for boon-strippers to be useful, you'd have to have boon-givers present! That's not always the case.


    So "hurting the meta" is it? Well...good! I'm fine just chain-stunning boon-givers so they don't get to apply their boons in the first place. Don't get mad at warriors for not conforming to the "meta", get mad at the powercreep that has infested this game, which this boon meta is a part of.

  15. As a Dragonbrand resident, I'm sorry for the other servers affected by this. I can empathize from my position. We are queued with HoD, YB and FC and me and my guildmates came out on reset night and we were basically confined to our home BLs with nothing to do except chase the same 3-4 roamers at their spawn. Our entire home BL was capped and we couldn't even sniff the other BLs. EB had a queue of 100+! The rest 60 and 40.


    I guess all the other servers just get a big lump of coal this Christmas.

  16. Um, _first of all_ , Endure Pain isn't even a full invuln. Last time I checked, conditions and cc still go through! Second of all, as a warrior main, if people are going to take a shot at my class, at least don't be lazy and make an effort to _try_ to be informed about it. I'm _tired_ of seeing people in these forums talk about Endure Pain as an "invuln". It is not an invuln! It nullfies physical damage, but conditions and cc can still go through! Third of all, if we're going to talk about nerfing passives, then also nerf ranger's Stoneform, which is pretty much the same thing.


    I mean, it just sticks in peoples' craws that warrior is among the toughest classes to physically take down. If you all want to nerf warrior sustain, then nerf the POWERCREEP of the other classes. Let's try to be fair, here.

  17. The current state of pvp can be summed up in one word: POWERCREEP


    Powercreep is the _defining_ characteristic of pvp. It is the fundamental problem at its core. When new elite specializations are designed without much concern or thought over how they synergize in this game mode or how they affect other players, you get the disaster that we have today.

  18. > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > @"Schwahrheit.4203" said:

    > > It's insane, you legit get garbage kitten Mesmer mains who think they're special saying "balance is better now"

    > >

    > > Disgusting. Just stop, LMAO. If It's so much better nowadays why hasn't ESL taken the game back? Why League of Legends was able to keep some old player loyal up until today,? Who of the Abjured for example is still playing other than Phanta? Who other than the guys from EU like ROM is still playing today?

    > >

    > > Fail harder, if you actually think balancing is better right now. With how the game currently is? What is the point of playing builds without unblockables or evade spam while attacking? EVERY build on the top has those qualities, it's not fun to watch for viewership (PoF and HoT made it harder to spectate, commentate, and understand what is happening because of bad principle mesmer-like mechanics, with PoF and HoT you can't really tell who is good and who isn't because with an Engi for example? You don't need to land 1200 range grenades to be "good" anymore, which is a giant fail socialism piece of garbage) and it isn't fun to experience in principle compared to actually learning how to count dodges and time reasonable casting times back in pre-HoT. Literally so bad that you don't understand why this meta is garbage compared to pre-HoT because you don't understand the core mechanic that made GW2 great in the first place.


    > Totally missed the OPs point. He is correct though, the reason pvp is dumb is because anet pushed it hard towards solo queue, not because of power creep nonsense like some blind people cry.


    I'm sorry. Powercreep is not "nonsense". People can deny it all they want, but I've played this game since release and I can see a _clear_ difference from then and now. HoT and PoF builds are leagues stronger than base builds. Elite specs, along with the whole specialization system itself allowed the flourishing of overpowered builds that continues to this day.

  19. > @"shippage.1983" said:

    > Agree, it needs a queue.


    > Anet's main concern is that it would split the population. So I would suggest that they just replace Stronghold queue with it. Or at least, have it rotate between Stronghold on weekdays, 2v2 on weekends. With special weeks dedicated to entirely 2v2 when there's a tourney about to happen.



    That's not much of an argument. By _that_ logic, we should all be worried about say new game content, say pve maps, being released and existing since they will inevitably split the population!

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