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Posts posted by JTGuevara.9018

  1. > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > So SPOILER discussion below so SPOILERS if you go beyond this point....


    > _______________________________________________________________________________________________________


    > So at this point we can guess Anet already has planned for someone among our three Charr good characters to die.


    > Either Rytlock, Ryland, Crecia, or maybe two of the three. After all Anet just loves killing off characters as their way for them to "retire" from the storyline either physically or mentally *cough*Zojja*cough* instead of actually retiring alive and healthy to live through the rest of the storyline peacefully.


    > So who do you think among the three will die?


    > My best guess is either Rytlock or Ryland.


    > Rytlock choice is more due to Ryland maybe his successor in the storyline from someone who blindly follows orders to becoming more like his Father each day in his own way. A path that is more about being something better than what the old Charr was and most likely atone for helping Bangar get so far into his plans that it resulted in the death of half of Ryland's warband and some of them corrupted into Jormag's minions.


    > Ryland choice for the one being killed is more towards realizing too late what he has done. I suspect Bangar may corrupt Ryland into a Charr Icebrood for him to become One Charr but he struggles to keep his will under the One Charr mindset placed on the Charr corrupted by Jormag and Bangar's One Will. Thus Rytlock is forced to kill his own son to save him through death and set him free from Jormag and Bangar's One Will.



    > As for the Guarantee Death character....


    > Bangar is guarantee dead no matter what since he is blinded by his Xenophobic beliefs, wanting the Charr Race to become conquerors, and has already planned to take his conquest far into Cantha region as learned in the book collection from Vision of the Past update. I suspect his One Charr ideal is going to involve him using Jormag to "unit" the Charr as One Will thus all Charr, in his eyes, will finally be One Charr under One Will and One Mindset thus the Corrupted Charr will not only be single minded but they will act, talk, and even think just like Bangar. Thus all Charr will be One Charr, One Will, One Mind.... One Bangar.


    Nah, I don't think either of those three will go. If anything, I think Rytlock will take down Bangar for some sweet justice, decide he'll want to do with being ruler and hand it off to Crecia. Crecia is the one more suited to politics and strategy anyway with Ryland at her side. They'll usher the next unified generation of Charr with Iron, Blood, Ash and Flame.


    I DO know, as well as you, that Bangar will go one way or another. At the end of this, I think Bangar will be taken for a ride carrying whatever Jormag's agenda is thinking that it's his own, and by the time Bangar realizes the scam and that he's been a pawn, it will be too late. He'll find out that he screwed up big time throughout his life and that foolishness will cost him. I think whatever Jormag's plan is will transition into the Canthan expansion.


    I think that the one most in danger is Braham. He's progressing and growing throughout Icebrood Saga. Also, what I notice in fiction is that the more a character progresses, the more that character is in danger of being taken out. There's also the fact that he put his own fate on the chopping block when he cracked Jormag's tooth back in season 3. That there is Norn prophecy that he can't just walk away from. I'm not saying Braham is guaranteed to go, but it definitely is a possibility. He's the one most at risk.

  2. First, thank you for the release of season 1. I'm grateful to play some of what I missed. When I first bought this game, I missed the entire first half up to Blood and Madness because I didn't even know living world existed yet! I was too immersed in trying to learn and explore the rest of the game. It was a treat to finally play Flame and Frost and Last Stand at Southsun.


    That being said, I have suggestions. I know the open-world portions of season 1 are tricky to bring back, but I think it's possible. I think key events, like Lost Shores, Tower of Nightmares ascent, Twisted Marionette, Escape from Lion's Arch and Battle of Lion's Arch can be incorporated as open-world instances, like the current strike missions especially along the lines of the current story vision(Forging Steel). In the case of the Twisted Marionette, for instance, NPCs can be used at each lane instead of players and also at the upper platforms.


    Second, bring back the rest!: ex. Dragon Bash, Blood and Madness, Origins of Madness, Edge of the Mists. There's a lot of important story context in those instances as well as a good introduction to the characters.


    Third, find a way to unify season 1 into a coherent order. Some portions of season 1 are scattered in different areas of the game, eg. Aetherblade Retreat, Mai Trin in fractals and Twlight Assault in dungeon. I like the idea of incorporating them either in Eye of the North or maybe even the ideal, in the story journal.

  3. Yeah...season 1 was developed during a time when ANet was more ambitious regarding the persistent world concept. If you didn't log in, too bad! You missed it forever! That being said, it was changed in season 2 to the current system that we all know of today. I missed half of season 1, so I was grateful to play these. Also, the thing about season 1 is that some of the content was open-world, and it was also incorporated during holidays. Those are more tricky to incorporate into the current living world story journal, especially the holidays. The holidays are periodic, they come and go to this day. Season 1 holidays also had key events, lead-up dialogue and story context relevant to the next episode. Still, I don't rule out the possibility of it. Also, if you think about it, a good chunk of season 1 is currently playable. It's just in a disjointed order scattered throughout different areas of the game. Here's the breakdown of what's playable and not:


    1. **Shadow of Mad King(Halloween 2012)**-- Open-world. Holiday. Not playable.

    2. **Lost Shores**-- Open-world. Not playable.

    3. **Wintersday 2012**-- Open-world. Holiday. Not playable.

    4. **Flame and Frost**--Playable

    > _Cragstead_ - Eye of the North. Braham's debut.

    > _Molten Furnace_ - Fractals of the Mists

    > _Molten Boss_ - Fractals of the Mists

    > _Nolan Hatchery_ - Eye of the North. Rox's debut.


    5. **The Secret of Southsun** - Open world. Not playable. Campaign against Canach. Canach's debut.

    6. **Last Stand at Southsun** - Playable. Eye of the North.

    6. **2012 Dragon Bash** - Holiday. Not playable. Marjory & Kasmeer debut.

    7. **Sky Pirates of Tyria** - Playable.

    >_Aetherblade Retreat_ - Fractals of the Mists

    >_Mai Trin Boss_ - Fractals of the Mists


    7. **2012 Bazaar of the Four Winds** - Open-world. Holiday. Not playable.

    8. **Cutthroat Politics** - The Election. Not playable and don't see a way how!

    9. **Queen's Jubilee** - Open-world. Holiday. Not playable.

    10. **Clockwork Chaos** - Open-world. Not playable. (The invasion of Scarlet's forces)

    11. **2013 Super Adventure Box** - Holiday. Not playable.

    12. **Tequatl Rising** - Open-world. Playable. (Good old daily TEQ in Sparkly Fen!)

    13. **Twilight Assault** - Dungeon. Playable. Twilight Arbor Aetherpath

    14. **Blood and Madness(Halloween 2013)** - Open-world. Holiday. Not playable. (Taimi's Debut)

    15. **Tower of Nightmares** - Open-world. Not playable.

    16. **The Nightmare Within** - Playable. Eye of the North

    17. **Fractured** - Playable. Fractals of the Mists. (Result of election in Cutthroat Politics)

    18. **2013 Wintersday** - Holiday. Not playable.

    19. **The Origins of Madness** - Part Open-world. Part instance. Not playable. (Investigation into Scarlet leading up to Twisted Marionette)

    20. **Edge of the Mists** - Open-world. Not playable. (Incorporates wvw somehow?)

    21. **Escape from Lion's Arch** - Open-world instance. Not playable.

    22. **The Battle of LIon's Arch** - Open-world instance with a final personal instance against Scarlet inside the Breachmaker. Not playable.


    The way I see things is: Key open-world events like the Lost Shores, Twisted Marionette, Escape from Lion's Arch and Battle of Lion's Arch can potentially be brought back as visions in Eye of the North, at least for the moment. You can incorporate them into open-world instances, like strike missions. You can make them public or squad. Clockwork Chaos, I'm not so sure. That's tricky. The final battle against Scarlet inside the Breachmaker can easily be made into an instance. That really only leaves the holidays in which honestly not much has happened except a small break from the action along with some character dialogue and context. Plus, most of the holidays already exist and circulate throughout the year.

  4. My guess is that Jormag's story will be revealed at the end of Icebrood Saga, and Bangar is going to pay the price. Bangar will realize that he screwed up big time in getting tricked into awakening Jormag under the pretense of "harnessing" his power. He gets killed off.


    Jormag's plan may involve, I would think the DSD, going into the Cantha.

  5. Sounds to me you just had a bad group.


    It's pretty much an open-world group event. It's no more and no less than that. The encounter is intricately designed so that people coordinate doing different tasks to maintain the charr campaign, ex: someone on the tank, someone else taking down portals, another gathering materials for repairs. Again, it's no different than the open world where you have multiple chain events going off at once.


    I will say though that yes, it's long. God help you if you disconnect!


    I will also ask: what happens if the Forgeman fails? Do you start the whole campaign over or is there a checkpoint?

  6. Yup, I concur with everyone else here, take a break. As a veteran, I empathize. The more you play the game, the more breaks you have to take just to keep it fresh! As far as I go, I got into 2v2 in pvp because it was something new and fresh, although there are clear shenanigans(leaderboard, matchmaking system, certain builds, etc). I'm not into pve as much except for the story, I'm pretty much bored of pve endgame. As with all pve endgame, it will eventually be dissected and analyzed enough by players to the point where it's farmable. As a result, PUGs become more demanding and speed-run-oriented since it's old content they want to farm right away. wvw is still fun though, after the update. You get a lot more engaging fights than you used to, although it's obviously not perfect.


    OP, what you feel is nothing new. It's the way of MMOs. Simple as that.

  7. It's pretty good! I definitely enjoy wvw more now than the past few years. Fights last longer, they're more engaging and there a lot of builds being played. Yeah, it definitely is condi heavy, but I'd rather have that than the condi PLUS support squads that were near invincible.

  8. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"NationalNacho.5972" said:

    > > > > Its pretty easy to ensure wins when you + ur duo is 100% of the team comp LOL

    > > > >

    > > > > I have like a 90+% win rate playing unoptimal comps

    > > > >

    > > > > This is what a leader board would look like if we had 5 man ranked q's

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524"

    > > >

    > > > It's true ^

    > > >

    > > > Would like to point out to everyone that, those wins rates are probably mostly real in 2v2, depending on what you see as "fair or unfair". There is definitely still some cheese meta gaming techniques going on, like all top 100 players queue dodging each other all of the time. But at least when your team has no slots open for random PUG joins, you can't be win traded or thrown on. Regardless of whatever is going on meta game wise, such as top players smurfing into you on alts, at least your losing that match due to actually being outplayed, rather than being win traded by PUG throws. I'm certainly not saying it is fair to alt play all day, trying to knock people who should be plat 2 down into gold 3, but hey, it's worlds better than 5 man solo/duo win trade wars, in terms of match making quality. It really is.

    > > >

    > > > If Arenanet could somehow limit the amount of vast alt accounts that are in play, this 2v2 season would be perfect. It is pretty lame to see most of the top 100 slots in every season held by the same 20 people. It would be much appreciated if they'd give that stuff a break, and let some the players who actually deserve those slots be able to play into them.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Yeah, 2v2 is a step up, don't get me wrong I welcome it. I enjoy 2v2. Minus certain cheese tactics, I barely get angry in games. I get MORE angry at this stupid matchmaking system. It's a complete disaster! It's a stupid relic of the "e-sports" era. Game after game, MOBA to FPS copies stupid ELO-based matchmaking and league systems. What kind of BS is it that I climbed and grinded through 70+ games from t2 silver to t1 gold only to lose all that rating and go back down to silver in 20-30 games while keeping a roughly 50/50 winrate. The matchmaking deliberately SCREWS me out of pips every chance it gets. Yeah, you can climb, but it's so much grind and BS in doing so. Meanwhile, other people get pips and don't even play as hard. What kind of a stupid system is that? It rewards you for less effort and the more you put in, the less you progress. The progress you do get just gets wiped out the more you play. So-called "skill-based matchmaking" all in the name of attracting players and making it "fair". Anyone with a brain knows that your first ten games(placements) matter the most. They make or break your season.

    > >

    > > To this day, I can't believe people _still_ defend this nonsense.

    > >

    > > (PS: I've kept a constant 54% winrate for almost the whole season.)


    > No one deserves wins. Blaming the matchmaker as the sole reason you're in silver is probably the reason you're in silver (in w/e games you play).


    > For example, when I started playing Smite I placed in like mid-gold for Ranked Joust. After a few weeks of learning how to counterbuild and farm effectively, I went straight through plat, diamond, and into masters within one season because my mechanics were already good (adc main, hitting autos and skillshots were np bc I play a lot of shooters). Long story short, there are a lot of factors that go into ranking up in games. Everything from mechanical skill, to decision-making, to rotations and game knowledge.> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > @"NationalNacho.5972" said:

    > > > > Its pretty easy to ensure wins when you + ur duo is 100% of the team comp LOL

    > > > >

    > > > > I have like a 90+% win rate playing unoptimal comps

    > > > >

    > > > > This is what a leader board would look like if we had 5 man ranked q's

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524"

    > > >

    > > > It's true ^

    > > >

    > > > Would like to point out to everyone that, those wins rates are probably mostly real in 2v2, depending on what you see as "fair or unfair". There is definitely still some cheese meta gaming techniques going on, like all top 100 players queue dodging each other all of the time. But at least when your team has no slots open for random PUG joins, you can't be win traded or thrown on. Regardless of whatever is going on meta game wise, such as top players smurfing into you on alts, at least your losing that match due to actually being outplayed, rather than being win traded by PUG throws. I'm certainly not saying it is fair to alt play all day, trying to knock people who should be plat 2 down into gold 3, but hey, it's worlds better than 5 man solo/duo win trade wars, in terms of match making quality. It really is.

    > > >

    > > > If Arenanet could somehow limit the amount of vast alt accounts that are in play, this 2v2 season would be perfect. It is pretty lame to see most of the top 100 slots in every season held by the same 20 people. It would be much appreciated if they'd give that stuff a break, and let some the players who actually deserve those slots be able to play into them.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Yeah, 2v2 is a step up, don't get me wrong I welcome it. I enjoy 2v2. Minus certain cheese tactics, I barely get angry in games. I get MORE angry at this stupid matchmaking system. It's a complete disaster! It's a stupid relic of the "e-sports" era. Game after game, MOBA to FPS copies stupid ELO-based matchmaking and league systems. What kind of BS is it that I climbed and grinded through 70+ games from t2 silver to t1 gold only to lose all that rating and go back down to silver in 20-30 games while keeping a roughly 50/50 winrate. The matchmaking deliberately SCREWS me out of pips every chance it gets. Yeah, you can climb, but it's so much grind and BS in doing so. Meanwhile, other people get pips and don't even play as hard. What kind of a stupid system is that? It rewards you for less effort and the more you put in, the less you progress. The progress you do get just gets wiped out the more you play. So-called "skill-based matchmaking" all in the name of attracting players and making it "fair". Anyone with a brain knows that your first ten games(placements) matter the most. They make or break your season.

    > >

    > > To this day, I can't believe people _still_ defend this nonsense.

    > >

    > > (PS: I've kept a constant 54% winrate for almost the whole season.)


    > No one deserves wins. Blaming the matchmaker as the sole reason you're in silver is probably the reason you're in silver (in w/e games you play).


    > For example, when I started playing Smite I placed in like mid-gold for Ranked Joust. After a few weeks of learning how to counterbuild and farm effectively, I went straight through plat, diamond, and into masters within one season because my mechanics were already good (adc main, hitting autos and skillshots were np bc I play a lot of shooters). Long story short, there are a lot of factors that go into ranking up in games. Everything from mechanical skill, to decision-making, to rotations and game knowledge.


    BS. All of it.

  9. > @"XxMarketeerxX.4102" said:

    > @"JTGuevara.9018" the system isn't as bad as people make it out to be. i promise u the reason ur in silver is just because you're not as good as the peoplein plat+ are. duel them any day and you will watch them crush you. watch them stream,. preferably ones with commentary so you hear their train of thought, and you will understand the way good players think is miles ahead of everyone else.


    > additionally, therei s the duo factor to takeinto consideration, and i'll never in my lif eunderstand people who complain about duo: if you are soloing, you are putting yourselfinto the rng roll of whatever your duo will be. that's your ownfault, your own mistake, and therei s nobody to blame for that but you. not the system, not the population, but you. if you have a duo, you are locking in that player you are with and understanding his skill level. it isn't random rng; you know this player, and that detracts from the rng of it entirely. the system is actually VERY simple to climb with if you duo with someone good. if you and yourduo deserve to be plat, you WILL be plat, in the same way that the duos right now in legendary deserve to be there: they are the best players in the game, and the people below them are NOT. that is very simple.


    Whatever bruh...I heard the same shit for years...you're not special.

  10. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"NationalNacho.5972" said:

    > > Its pretty easy to ensure wins when you + ur duo is 100% of the team comp LOL

    > >

    > > I have like a 90+% win rate playing unoptimal comps

    > >

    > > This is what a leader board would look like if we had 5 man ranked q's

    > >

    > >

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524"


    > It's true ^


    > Would like to point out to everyone that, those wins rates are probably mostly real in 2v2, depending on what you see as "fair or unfair". There is definitely still some cheese meta gaming techniques going on, like all top 100 players queue dodging each other all of the time. But at least when your team has no slots open for random PUG joins, you can't be win traded or thrown on. Regardless of whatever is going on meta game wise, such as top players smurfing into you on alts, at least your losing that match due to actually being outplayed, rather than being win traded by PUG throws. I'm certainly not saying it is fair to alt play all day, trying to knock people who should be plat 2 down into gold 3, but hey, it's worlds better than 5 man solo/duo win trade wars, in terms of match making quality. It really is.


    > If Arenanet could somehow limit the amount of vast alt accounts that are in play, this 2v2 season would be perfect. It is pretty lame to see most of the top 100 slots in every season held by the same 20 people. It would be much appreciated if they'd give that stuff a break, and let some the players who actually deserve those slots be able to play into them.




    Yeah, 2v2 is a step up, don't get me wrong I welcome it. I enjoy 2v2. Minus certain cheese tactics, I barely get angry in games. I get MORE angry at this stupid matchmaking system. It's a complete disaster! It's a stupid relic of the "e-sports" era. Game after game, MOBA to FPS copies stupid ELO-based matchmaking and league systems. What kind of BS is it that I climbed and grinded through 70+ games from t2 silver to t1 gold only to lose all that rating and go back down to silver in 20-30 games while keeping a roughly 50/50 winrate. The matchmaking deliberately SCREWS me out of pips every chance it gets. Yeah, you can climb, but it's so much grind and BS in doing so. Meanwhile, other people get pips and don't even play as hard. What kind of a stupid system is that? It rewards you for less effort and the more you put in, the less you progress. The progress you do get just gets wiped out the more you play. So-called "skill-based matchmaking" all in the name of attracting players and making it "fair". Anyone with a brain knows that your first ten games(placements) matter the most. They make or break your season.


    To this day, I can't believe people _still_ defend this nonsense.


    (PS: I've kept a constant 54% winrate for almost the whole season.)

  11. Yes, yes and yes.


    I'm guilty of using Battle Standard, but to warriors' defense it has a cast time of TWO seconds and it has a 180 second cooldown if not picked up, plus we can mess it up by dropping it adjacent to the body and have it not do anything! Necro resurrection though is STUPID. I've taken down many only for the necro to rez them up in 1.5 seconds.

  12. > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

    > > @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

    > > Bwahahah!!...I just...can't with this community sometimes...

    > >

    > > The more I play this game, the more I stay from the forums. I swear, people are never satisfied. This update is one of the BEST things to come out of pvp, it has brought a lot of people back. Sure, there are some problematic builds still out there, but there are few. However, the overall game feels a lot cleaner. Is it ideal? Is it perfect? No! But is it a step in the right direction? kitten straight! This is what people collectively asked for and now it's here.

    > >

    > > Yeeahh...I prefer THIS to the post-HoT era, any day of the week.


    > I can be sure you don't play mesmer.It's no exaggeration to say that the current mesmer has been removed from the game.


    What in the blazes?...Try a condi mirage! They're still pretty formidable, especially in Hall of the MIsts.

  13. ...are a GIGANTIC pain in the rear end. How the hell do you deal with them? They're stupidly mobile, put out a lot of condi damage, evades, blinds and barriers so melee's out. They can put out some reflects, so RANGE is out. So what the hell to do?

  14. Bwahahah!!...I just...can't with this community sometimes...


    The more I play this game, the more I stay from the forums. I swear, people are never satisfied. This update is one of the BEST things to come out of pvp, it has brought a lot of people back. Sure, there are some problematic builds still out there, but there are few. However, the overall game feels a lot cleaner. Is it ideal? Is it perfect? No! But is it a step in the right direction? Damn straight! This is what people collectively asked for and now it's here.


    Yeeahh...I prefer THIS to the post-HoT era, any day of the week.

  15. Ok, I'm here to derail this notion of "join a guild". As a former raider, I've done that in my guild of _like-minded people_. I've learned the encounters, researched the builds, watched the guides. I've gone in with an open mind. I've gotten on the voice comms. I've got some kills. I've done everything that was asked of me without complaint. And yet...


    ...I quit...


    I got tired of the min-max culture. I got tired of staying for the guild for TWO hours practicing the same encounter over and over. I got tired of the forced banter between boss breaks. I got tired of the long-winded boss mechanic explanations. I got tired of guild drama regarding raids. It seems to me it's no better than PUGs! At least with PUGs, you're in and out! The point: it never felt fun at all.


    Yeah...the longer I play MMOs, the farther away I get from endgame pve. It's a deadend. Overtime, communities, from guilds to randoms, collectively find an optimal route for victory the longer the content is out. gw2 is no exception.


    Added: Simply put, raids are specifically designed to exclude people! They're there to extend the life of pve, no more and no less. They have to keep the barrier of entry high.


  16. oh no....you posted THAT video....


    sigh...the nonsense that people pick up sometimes...We _ know_ that perfect balance doesn't exist. That does not mean that balance is unimportant! You still need to buff and nerf as necessary. Saying that buffs > nerfs as this video does misses the point entirely about balance. Balance goes both ways. Although players may beg on their knees for more options...don't give it to them. If you just buff and buff and constantly give people more options, you just have powercreep! Simple as that! We've seen it with the expansions, for crying out loud.

  17. > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

    > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

    > > > @"Bloodwine.6450" said:

    > > > Agreed OP. Gw2 does a lot of things well but making you feel like you’re inside a living breathing world, not so much.

    > > >

    > > > i would disagree, if players dont support the outposts, then they get overrun by mobs

    > > this is actually one of the best on the market in that regard. i have tried many others, and most of them were FAR worse.

    > > specially the asian mmos, they can be both hilarious and outrageous at once..we are talking several grades below cartoon network there

    > >

    > >


    > This. For me, GW2 has the most alive, vibrant and believable NPC world that I have experienced to date. And I have played them since UO. Take Black Desert online: this seems to be a MMO that takes at least graphical immersion to a high level, yet here's how they tackle XP: take a field, litter it with a few hundreds of the same mobs(give or take a commander or two) that seem to be doing.......absolutely nothing, except waiting to be slaughtered, and call it a day. GW2, with their DE's, thousands of lines of ambient NPC dialogue, hundreds of small scripts happening everywhere(including a lot of pathing NPC's btw), and every cave, hamlet, hide-out, nook and cranny being handcrafted with care, is like a million miles ahead of every MMO that I know.


    > Yet, people want water in a brook that they are standing in, to make it look that it curves around their ankles? A certain signpost is not quit in the place where a player would like it to be? Seriously? I thought this was a joke posting at first, and was ready to give it an A-rating for sarcasm, but I guess not. The amount of support for the OP is also staggering, but I guess you will have unhappy people everywhere. Seems you want a world that is custom built to your specs, and to an incredably high *and* very specific level of detail. And what to do with the player who thinks that signpost is actually exactly in the right place right now? Mmmm, tough one.


    > I am giving a Big Fat Kudos for Anet right now; if I was one of the World Building devs, I would be genuinely sad by this OP. :( GW2 has a GREAT world, and the immersion level is actually one of the reasons I am still playing.




    Great points. gw2 isn't the worst by any means. However, there's always room to improve. As a matter of fact, I was immersed when I first bought the game. I had never seen anything like dynamic events before. The thing is they mostly revolve around fighting, which is fine, but it gets a bit old after a while. I suppose that comes with game time, seeing as I'm a veteran. A new player might not feel this way.


    Yeah, to me, it's more than the freakin signpost! It's not even about the details even. As you say, gw2 did a fine job of that. It's what you DO with that signpost! It's about interacting more with the world in ways other than fighting and getting exp. To be fair to the devs, they improved on this overtime. See the Grothmar concert, for instance! THAT'S what I'm talking about! I think we'd all benefit if music was incorporated more into the game itself other than the in-game soundtrack.

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