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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. > @"Genesis.8572" said:

    > Given further reflection, Echo Glint's unseen sidebar with Aurene about Ascension is incredibly odd in the context of Path of Fire's background lore. Scattered throughout the PoF zones, particularly in the lore book collections and Elon Riverlands Augury Rock event chain, we are repeatedly told that Ascension became impossible due to the absence of the Six Gods. No gods? No Ascension. So why would Echo Glint even need to tell Aurene anything about Ascension?


    A different ascension I would assume. Since the gods didn’t know about the elder dragons, we can assume them at they weren’t required for their originally ascension unless they just became elder dragons by some anomaly. Probably a separate form of ascension for dragons that attunes them to the eternal alchemy similar to the way humans become gods or whatever.

  2. It just looks clunky to me. There’s no point in the adrenaline bar outside of cliff scaling which looks pretty clunky in itself. Then, if you have no adrenaline I guess you’re stuck on the cliff or wall and have to fall back down again and start over on the nearest ledge? They didn’t discuss bond of faith interaction either.


    On top of that, the canopy looks really narrow and kind of seems like you would be better off using a springer.


    I’m sure it will be better with the rift and magic reinvigorating flight juice thing, but that’s going to be only a few select paths. It would be nice if they created some interaction for adrenaline outside of the cliff thing, because if there isn’t a cliff or wall near by you’re just going to be slowly hovering for a short distance, landing, and then repeating at a much slower speed than all the other mounts. I’m happy to get a dragon mount and it will be exciting to get it, but I feel like this wall focused mechanic would be much better suited for the spider mount with the dragon mount having some other functionality.


    It just seems awkward for a winged creature to move like this?


    Even just adjusting the wall tether to an actual wall climb with its unique climbing animation would have made it seem a lot more cohesive to me.



    I mean, I like all of the mounts so far, so I may be surprised, but my impression from the first teaser and from this stream hasn’t really changed. Feels like they just knew people wanted a dragon mount, and then pieces together bits and pieces of already implemented mounts or scrapped mounts and kind of worked around what they had.


    I still want one, but it just looks kind of clunky and like it will have extremely niche use outside of wanting to feel cool riding s dragon mount.



    I do like that it has a longer wing span though.

  3. > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

    > Some bonuses related to fractals would be cool. Jumping puzzles being made rewarding, adventures being rewarding, activities. Basically you have tons of content in the game but it's all not worth playing.



    Exactly, so many things that could be touched on, and while having the same rewards for doing each could lead to people grinding the fastest ones possible for the rewards, if they implement at least a few unique rewards for each one it could cause people to step out of that efficiency grind.

  4. Dungeon rush event with similar loot drops to the world one would be nice.


    Also, with the scaling some of the world bosses are still kind of trivial. Maybe have these events scale a little higher? Idk.


    I definitely think a dungeon event would be nice though. Especially for the new players that may have never experienced them and may not get to because nobody runs them.


    With that we could also get a fractal event. There are so many different game modes that I could see this applied to.


    Maybe add in some guild decoration tokens to more of the core world bosses?


    MAYBE even have a general commendation token system like the elegy mosaics, with a vendor that can you purchase items from like specific cosmetic items.. I.e. weapon and armor models, combat tonics, guild decorations, minis, maybe a special chair you or something.

  5. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > > > > Lol release schedule became ridiculous now. And there isn't even a planned expansion this year. Holy, no wonder people are running away in masses (just an assumption but I love the drama).

    > > >

    > > > A completely wrong assumption on your part, no one is running away in masses...layoffs had zero to do with GW2 but most people don't know how to read quarterly reports anyways, the regular public should just stay away from them.

    > >

    > > I am pretty sure that there are a lot less players now. It's just natural, feels natural and happens with most older MMOs, the genre is not that popular anymore. Also there is almost no (big) media coverage anymore and people don't event talk about the game. Just count the number of reviews of POF on metacritic - says a lot. Everything else is just playing it down. Will not say there won't be stuff coming for the game but they surely lost momentum - a lot.


    > Eso is growing tho and that game only had a 2 year difference.


    I honestly think they could have kept some of that momentum if they didn’t shift so many people off of the game and if this season were better with a less chaotic release schedule.

  6. It’s out of wack because of the excess magic and the fact that two elder dragons have been taken out of the eternal alchemy. Kralk being trapped could potentially keep him from absorbing excess magic as the elder dragons slumber and release, but he would be trapped with a substantial amount of magic that would have effectively been removed from Tyria, assuming that the magic doesn’t find a way back somehow. And if he is alive, the eternal alchemy balance remains the same as it is now. Still in need of two replacements, but not imminent destruction.

  7. > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

    > I to think the title has something to do with Balthazar, his replacement or both, so you're not alone in that, nor would I really consider it unlikely.


    Well, if the episode is eluding to us trapping Kralk in the mists, which is pretty much our only option at this point without Aurene or some random solution that gets shoved in last minute... then the only way I can see that working is if we somehow manage to extract Balthazar's magic from Kralk.. whether it be the help of the gods or whatever.. which could also lead into a crowning ceremony for a new god of war if there isn't one for some reason...


    And by trapping in the mists, I mean in a remote area where he can't just devour everything and keep getting stronger.


    I think the main argument is that we assume they had to do something with Balth's magic when they stripped him of his title and power and chained him up in the mists. Because if they didn't need to with Balth and find a replacement for him now, then they're basically retconning the Abaddon plot.


    I think we're going to get a retcon or something that doesn't necessarily match up perfectly with known lore at some point though, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Zafirah take up Balthazar's mantle if we were to find a replacement.

  8. > @"adormtil.1605" said:

    > Where is her body then?


    In the instance where we met Aurene last episode. The only parts that didn't look in tact were her wings. BUT, she was completely crystallized, which sort of happened to Vlast too, except he also exploded so we just see bits of him in crystal.


    Aurene's different than both in that she still has a corpse and isn't crystallized. I'm not sure that we know why Glint was crystallized or if it was something that happened immediately on death or something that happened over the course of time though?


    She was also essentially purely a crystal dragon descendent, where is Aurene has mixtures of Mordremoth as well.


    And Zhaitan, technically.


    Whether there's more to it than her just having those other dragon influences or not, who knows.


    No real way of knowing anything until they deliver it in the story, whenever that might be.

  9. She obtained his magic, no doubt, but the debate is that she obtained his abilities to use his magic or that she retained the magic he had in its original form instead of just metabolizing it as standard magic fuel being that Joko wasn’t connected to the eternal alchemy as the gods and elder dragons are.

  10. I was kind of hoping for a bengal or Siberian tiger for my warclaw. :( I never bought the warclaw mount pack because like three of the skins looked exactly like the base skin to me.... I mean, really, some of these mount packs make me seriously question if there’s an actual difference or if it’s just different dyes on the original skin with additional changes to bloat the cost... These packs would probably do a lot better if half the skins were more than just having spots or stripes in different places or features of such a small difference it takes 5 minutes just to spot. The roller beetles have kind of fallen into this quite a bit as well. Unless I just overlooked the differences in the faces or something.


  11. > @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > Well, we've had Canthan-inspired Outfits for years...

    > >

    > > And now we have a full weapon set, too, and a back item - as I mentioned before. There was a lot released in a short time, which is why I feel that it might happen after all.

    > >

    > > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > To be fair, they did hint at content typically being saved for expansions being released in Season 5.

    > >

    > > Indeed. So let's wait and see what happens. :)

    > >


    > What weaponset are you talking about?


    I believe the defiant glass set and glider eluding to the Cathedrals and Kurzicks in Echovald. From the glider I got quite a bit of a similar vibe, but the weapon set I didn't really see too much of a similarity even if it's named similarly or themed similarly.


    And, to play devil's advocate a bit:


    1. It could be likely that these are items being added to the game due to assets being worked on behind the scenes, because it would be a lot more efficient to develop gem store content around items that you can reuse assets for, or develop said items using pre-existing assets whether it be textures, models, etc..


    2. It could be just as likely, that as someone else mentioned, they know that people have been itching for Cantha for quite some time and these items are a way of scratching that itch and making items with a high chance of desirability.



    I wouldn't look too much into it. For each of the canthan themed items we've had in the gemstore we've probably had about the same number of random Sci-fi or high fantasy themed item be implemented as well, i.e. Inquest - Dynamic suits, mount packs. The Timekeeper outfit was kind of out of the blue as well, but the weapon set was pretty well done and pretty well received so they probably realized it had potential and themed an outfit around it.


    I definitely don't think Cantha is as off the table as many people seem to think, but given they just expanded the map before POF quite a lot and we haven't ventured to any of areas that would necessitate expanding that far east, I think it's much more likely that Season 5 will expand east into those areas.


    And for all we know, Cantha shut down its borders to outsiders but that doesn't mean that sometime during Season 5 we couldn't discover an entire civilization or groups of Canthans that have migrated out of Cantha into those eastern territories, especially toward the southern and east coastal regions where people could have just sailed without modern day Kryta having any knowledge of them.

  12. > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > > > Also, can we take a second just to admire the microtransaction roadmap? Pretty competent work considering we've been asking for a content roadmap for years and recieved nothing.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/ancient-rituals-and-valuable-supplies-in-the-gem-store/

    > > > >

    > > > > I did admire it and it's not the first time either. It seems there is a team who manages to pump out content on the regular, release detailed roadmaps and stick to schedule. It just happens to be the mtx team.

    > > >

    > > > You mean the team that doesn't have to do area works/reworks, write associated stories, assemble scripts and voice actors, and then put it all together and hopefully test it out to make sure it works? It's a hell of a lot easier to design cosmetics and other stuff for the cash shop, because those items don't have to have a lot of other stuff done to go with it. The more you know...

    > >

    > > Your point? Where exactly, in that quote, did I comment on the complexity of the task?

    > >

    > > Since you mentioned it though, there are plenty of teams, in many studios, who do all the things you described and yet manage to provide a release schedule and mostly stick to it. Anet and GW2 pre LS4 included.


    > I thought I was rather clear in the post you quoted: it takes a lot less time, and a lot less resources, no matter how many teams you have, to develop content for the cash shop, and since that's the primary source of income keeping the game running, maybe it's a good thing that they're on their schedules.


    I haven't been overly impressed with a lot of their gem store items lately either to be honest. But that's just my personal taste. I was really expecting them to go ham with mount skins as they are big ticket items that I would have imagined to had much more emphasis. Yet we only get a few wildly unique skins ever so often, one mount at a time.. i.e. Gecko, Shrine Guardian, Gecko, Armadillo, Peacock, etc. I imagine a lot of that has to do with aligning character rigs and what not onto the models if they stray too far from the original mount, but that would lead me to believe that they probably have fewer people working on them than you would think.. and that it takes quite a bit longer than you would imagine.


    I don't want to see the game channel all of its flashy stuff into the gem store, but I think if they were already doing that we would have been seeing a lot more in the gem store than just two or three items every couple of weeks.


    It felt like after Daybreak, development in general just started losing momentum, gem store and updates both. I definitely think, if the gem store was their sole priority, they would have been hitting it a lot harder than they have been though. I don't want to see the game go microtransaction crazy, but there are a lot of things they don't even sell on the gemstore that could be added for extra earning potential. A few I can think of, though it would upset some of the whales in the game, are infusions. You've got things like combat tonics, which might be a bit more complicated in terms of fitting in specific combat animations.. though that didn't seem to be a huge issue considering the Kodan's lack of profession specific animations. You've got guild halls, which have pretty much been abandoned, but you have the potential to sell decoration packages... of which could be preexisting assets that need collision tweaking and database integration. That's just a few things, that while aren't in extremely high demand, don't seem extremely challenging or resource intensive to implement.


    Before this season they even had things like the garden plots in player instances, which seemed like a building block for other similar features, but we haven't seen any thing like that this season that I can recall. In general, I get the impression it's been stretched pretty thin for quite some time no matter what department you're in or what aspect of the game you're working on.

  13. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > That wouldn't make much sense because people can focus on more things than one, even if they would happen on the same day.


    > I believe the preparation pack is an experiment to see how many people would buy it and how many people buy into the hype. It's also an indirect way of telling us when it will release. It'll be the first episode after the company restructuring and they know they have to make this one right. Everything points at them trying their hardest to get back into the game. More communication, more trailers, more advertisements and a ton of quality of life and balance inbetween.


    Yeah, I think if anything it's a test transaction model that they can use going forward with other features that may make it into the game. It's not a bad one, and it gives people a reason to log in at least once a week. I think they might have to up it a bit going forward though.


    I think if they made the package a bit more static, with a smaller quantity of more valuable items it would probably do wonders.


    Say, you buy the package at the beginning of the month and each week for that month you get 5, a guaranteed wardrobe unlock, a mount pack skin, a golden key, and some utility item like a total makeover/identity/name change kit you'd probably see a lot more purchases. Or, instead of doing this rng lion chest only armor skin model, they could have vouchers for those items. Ultimately, that may reduce the money they make from the hardcore gamblers hankering for specific skins, but I'd imagine a bit more of an influx of people that wouldn't normally make that investment doing so because of the other included items and the fact that they're not having to gamble in an attempt to get it.. then not getting it and being so frustrated they refuse to roll the dice anymore.


    If I had a disposable income and there were more items that I was interested in I would probably do the package each month.


    But anyway, I think this is more or less a way of testing a new model while also generating revenue and tiding people over before the episode is released, while giving a vague idea of a release date without actually stating it.


    I think they could do with some more teasers though. I'm surprised they haven't teased anymore of the new map, or the new greatsword, or any other features of the patch. We already know it won't come with a raid, and most likely isn't coming with a fractal. I guess maybe they haven't teased anything because it's just going to be a map, new legendary, and mount., unlike some of the other maps that had whole weapon sets or armor sets to collect. Or for that matter something like Jahai, that had a new armor set and an upgradable, if never used again, player instance. So now that they've shown the mount, there may just not be anything left to tease without spoiling too much of the episode.


    On the plus side though, this is the team that did the really good Joko cinematic, so I have high hopes for at least the story finale of the episode and they definitely have/had their work cut out for them on the story end.


  14. > @"Neeman Oria.7504" said:

    > At first, I was disappointed, "Why is the episode taking so long?" I ask. "I just want new content," I say.


    > Theories emerge like, "ANet is using the pack to fund LWS5." Or, "they're using the pack as a kickstarter to the final episode." My common sense tells me, that due to Anet's record of generally polishing their content before releasing it that they are working hard on it, and want to make it a surefire win.


    > But, listening to a certain song; something churned inside of me. Arena Net doesn't want to release it until the Game of Thrones finale happens so the effect of their hard work won't go unnoticed. It is a hard thing to be overshadowed and people will be reeling whatever the outcome of the popular television series.


    > Whatever precedes the announcement and whatever succeeds the outcome of Episode 6: War Eternal is to be seen. If I am correct, I say, well played.


    This is a joke, right?


    I mean, I could understand them wanting Game of Thrones to create hype among the shared playerbase for the dragon mount that's being released, but that's the extent of any of it.


    If they're postponing it for any reason, it's because they want to push it back to a point that they can release Season 5 in a record time with an actual reliable cadence so it looks like they've got their affairs in order.


    Arenanet is a lot more subtle about their pop culture references in the game too, from what I've seen. At least in comparison to Blizzard that creates characters like Haris Pilton the fashionista npc and countless other obvious references.






  15. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > i thought the two three month thing was more of a ideal goal than a "this is when we will release new episodes at any given time!" Guaranteed!




    It’s the old ideal cadence, but it’s pretty clear this season is 3 to 4 months best case, with the occasional 5. Might be quicker next season when they have more people to put in the episodes. Or they might reconsider their format as they discussed and do maps in chunks. Not sure how that will work though with the addition of mounts.


  16. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > I'd rather have a full and well polished product than a rushed and unfinished one. I don't care how long it takes.


    > I just can't understand why people would rather have content hastily rushed out the door in sacrifice of quality. Game development takes time.


    Well, doubt, mostly. Kourna took substantially longer, and for most of the release day you still couldn't even hardly get into the map without crashing. On top of the various other issues with it. So, it's doubt that more time doesn't necessarily mean better quality. It just means, more time.


    And there will always be unforeseen issues at release. No amount of extra time is going to guarantee that all of those will be resolved beforehand.


    It's also just disappointment that, as many suspected, this welcome back series was going to be a prelude jumping into the next episode. But, given that Caithe's requiem hasn't been released, I kind of figured they were postponing for much longer than the 30th that people were anticipating.


    Given that the package lasts 4 weeks, ending on.. May 14th? I wouldn't be surprised to see a trailer the 21st, and the episode on the 29th of May at the earliest.





  17. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > He's still not working with the simple, obvious fact that Cantha, _if ever released_ would only be released as **an X-Pac, and not Living World.**


    > Based on what they did to WvW with the Warclaw, they will milk every penny out of this ride.


    To be fair, they did hint at content typically being saved for expansions being released in Season 5. Granted, that's probably more mounts and the continued style of content we've gotten in season 4, but I don't think it's impossible. Certainly unlikely though, and as much as I would like to go there sooner rather than later, having a large continent to explore all at once is a bit more exciting than exploring sections piece by piece.

  18. > @"zolcor.2601" said:

    > I was doing some research, and it's possible that the game creators will not name the Deep Sea Elder Dragon after Cthulhu as I and a few others thought, but rather on a Greek Titan being known as Aigaion, the Titan of the ocean. If this is true then maybe we'll see the DSD being named Saigaion or


    If they name it something Greek I’d lean towards a multi-headed dragon named Scylla. Maybe it’s Scylluthulu



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