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Posts posted by Bast.7253

  1. So among the new? assets, we have several paintings hanging around depicting some horned person killing a blue tinted dragon. While the horns variate on the two different ones I've found - horns of the helmet of the person attacking? the dragon.. it's odd that it keeps depicting that same image.


    Is that Canthan text on the pictures? Also, who are the targets of the decorations? I would have assumed the one with the squigglies coming out of its mouth is Zhaitan but it doesn't look exactly like him in terms of the wings and everything.


    Anyway, just a couple things I noticed that struck my attention with the new assets.


    I found it somewhat interesting but not really all that significant that we fight the dragon champ reps in reverse order in the arena. In game, we kill Zhaitan-then Mord - then Kralk, with the other three left.


    In the arena, we fight jormag - primordus - kralk - mord - Zhaitan. But of course that may just be a random order they chose, and simply doing primordus and jormag because they're keeping the deep sea dragon and its minions a mystery forever and we haven't encountered any of them that we know of.

  2. Dragon hologram generator requires:

    30 deldrimor steel ingots

    30 xunlai ingots

    100 jorbreakers



    I'm not even going to attempt to calculate how much that costs.


    I get that it's a major decoration and is meant to be a guild effort, but how many guilds ACTUALLY contribute that much to decorations or the scribes?


    Decorations and scribing is and pretty much always has been mostly the passion of a select few people within a guild, and for smaller guilds that don't have that many people a decoration like this is just so far beyond reasonable that it's insulting.


    Obviously you don't want 20 of these sitting around in a guild hall, but then keep the costs at a reasonable level and then limit the decoration of this per guild to 1.


    I can understand the fractal relic cost of the mist console even though I don't necessarily like it due to me being the only dedicated scribe in all three of my guilds because it has so much use, but for something like this?


    Why keep making decorations with these insane costs when only a fraction of your playerbase is even interested in something like this, especially when it falls on a few individuals that are actually interested, ESPECIALLY when it's such an insane cost that it's only reasonable for massive guilds full of extremely active players that are extremely generous with donations?



  3. If anyone ever finds themselves drowning in decoration tokens from bosses and doesn't really have a need for them in their guild, I'll gladly take them off your hands if you see me online.


    I look for people that are selling them occasionally in the raid finder tab but they're usually just selling the actual raid runs.


    It would be nice to have a for sale tab in the lfg though.

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > You can see some of the new skins (Branded, Axejaw, Bioluminescent, etc.) in this article: https://mmohuts.com/news/guild-wars-2-dragon-bash-festival-preview/

    > (At around 16:00 in the video.)


    That branded skyscale is a hot mess.


    I guess I'm looking for ones that are a lot more varied in the face and horns. The bioluminescent one is kinda cool though, and I imagine they would all look better with some different dyes.


    And what's with them not just clicking preview on the weapons? lol

  5. > @"Moona.6327" said:

    > Are there plans to release anymore new skins for the Skyscale mount?


    There was an mmo-champ article the other day talking about the upcoming Dragon Bash festival that implied there would be a skyscale skin mount pack in the gemstore. So I'd say it's highly likely.


    I just hope they do more than change the dye channels or patterns and give us variations of horns/faces other features. I like the new skin but I also wouldn't mind a more bulky wyvern/traditional looking dragon skin.



  6. Not sure how the portal rift thing would work and choosing the specific location, but the rest of it sounds nice.


    [cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ming-fan_6600_375.jpg](http://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ming-fan_6600_375.jpg "cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ming-fan_6600_375.jpg")


    I've always liked the idea of having some more high fantasy places in the clouds like the heart of the mists though. And I think this skyscale themed pass idea would be a great way of adding something like that without needing to tie it into the story!


    If they no longer plan on making a raid with the Wizard's Tower I could even see them revamping that and turning it into a pass area, but I suppose they're keeping that plot open.



  7. The ui is a bit fussy. I never really use the novelty tab to be honest. And I think the mount could be better with an ingame version of radial mounts. Maybe you set a keybind, and then select which mount you want. But that's only two smaller buttons.


    Then we have f skills, regular skills, and nameplates. I leave achievements up so that adds to the clutter, event text to the right.


    I don't really have any suggestions for it. It's still better than what I was used to with WoW though due to the way the skills are limited.

  8. I’m sure it’s been mentioned before, but with the new Skyscale skin I went on a dye hunting spree and remembered one thing I’ve always wanted. Unless I’m missing something, it seems the trading post could use a sort by hue or color option for dyes. With the abstract names it’s kind of difficult without going to the wiki and then typing in the names on the trading post.



    Another suggestion - more guild decorations that use silk. Right now I’m just saving it for festival of the four winds, but I was trying to think of sinks for it that wouldn’t involve armor crafting, and scribing is the only thing I can think of. Maybe just minimal cost silk rugs/tents/beds. Etc

  9. My bigger issue is the fact that if I want the complete look, it's now a multi-game mode progression system. I'd have to apparently do raids to get the final product. I can understand that they want a reason to drive raiders with legendary gear, but this ring has taken a couple years now, and it locks non-raiders out of it. Seems like they could have found a different theme or for the raid legendaries.


    I mean, it's not that big of a deal, but I do wish that they had a unique effect or better combined effect outside of the in combat swirly stuff for those of us that will probably never raid to work towards the end result.



  10. Was thinking earlier, but even if Aurene doesn't have an incredible amount of involvement and pulls a Captain Marvel and we never get to see her in her new form in game, it would be nice to see the effects of her new power in the episode.


    I.e. Her rebranding previously branded beings and cleansing areas. Would be nice to see Zhaitan's layer added as a map, but cleansed by Aurene, since redoing Vanilla maps may be out of the question.


    Was also thinking, with all of these branded Forgotten around, now that Aurene can rebrand them, can she give them back their free will and mentality? Or are they just permanently brain dead after Kralk? Would be interesting to communicate with some friendly Forgotten, especially given the circumstances of this season and the potential they could have in upcoming dragon problems.


    We may have known the ritual in Arah, but with some newly freed Forgotten could we potentially have the ability to just cleanse a future elder dragon champion and have them as a replacement? Especially for Jormag and Primordus. I still would like to see Kunavang to replace Steve!


    We also have the upcoming raid, that's conveniently located near the Hidden City or is the Hidden City, where Shiny used to be, right? Wonder if that could be a tie in or teaser to the next season similar to how the White Mantle were in HoT.


    And if Aurene really did fly west, perhaps she's checking on our other friendly dragon on her way over.


    Also, with the addition of the new raid and the potential to see Shiny, I could see it as a perfect opportunity to add a Skyscale skin based off of Shiny.

  11. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > * [Wiki's cost estimate of Aurora = 1370 gold](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Base_ingredients_query&Base_ingredients%5Bitem%5D=Aurora&Base_ingredients%5Bid%5D=8190801&Base_ingredients%5Bdiscipline%5D=Mystic+forge&Base_ingredients%5Bquantity%5D=1&wpRunQuery=true)

    > * [Wiki's cost estimate of Vision = 1375 gold](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Base_ingredients_query&Base_ingredients%5Bitem%5D=Vision&Base_ingredients%5Bid%5D=9104801&Base_ingredients%5Bdiscipline%5D=Mystic+forge&Base_ingredients%5Bquantity%5D=1&wpRunQuery=true)


    Maybe I'm misremembering, but I don't recall having to use any of those tier 6 mats?


    Was it something in one of the earlier collections? Oh, wait, it took a mystic tribute too.


    I don't know how I didn't see that before.


    Still seems odd to require mystic tributes for either one though, considering you don't need them for legendary armor. But I stand corrected on the material cost.


    I hold my position on the effect though. Surely there's a way to amplify it without just making the orbs globs of goo.



  12. Why does a trinket that has an identical effect to Aurora with one minor difference if you have Aurora... cost almost an identical amount of mats to a legendary weapon? Aurora's pricest mat sink was the Icy Runestones... and everything else was obtainable in the collection.


    Yet here we are with a trinket that requires not only one large for itself, but a previous even larger collection for the mount.


    Legendary armor doesn't even take this much?


    Some highly questionable decisions being made lately.


    Obviously, people don't have to get Vision, and I may not knowing that I could spend nearly the same amount of mats and have a legendary weapon with far greater effort put into its visuals. I could maybe understand this insane amount of cost if it had way better visuals, like a full body aura or something... and if it were an amulet...


    But to make Vision exponentially more expensive than Aurora... also an accessory... with identical single-equipped effects and barely noticeable combined effects...


    I guess it's a good thing I don't raid, because who knows what the legendary ring will require when it comes out.


    Was this trinket, collection, and mat requirement just tossed in sometime after people started complaining about the Skyscale collection being comparable to Aurora without being legendary and whoever did it didn't even stop to consider the extreme cost of this? Was it made intentionally this expensive out of spite of those complaints?


    Not much that can be done about it now I guess. It just seems like some serious oversight to make this thing cost 1000 gold, when it's twin was.. what.. 200..300 max?

  13. > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > I think if we had a wall crawling spider mount and an underwater mount all bases would be covered.

    > >

    > > I think it would be more beneficial after that to start building onto the mounts and their capabilities. Maybe also reworking Warclaw to have different pve functionality like stealth or something.

    > >

    > > Honestly they could just give skyclaw the ability to actually climb as well as cling and although cool, a spider mount wouldn't even be necessary. I just like the idea of riding around on a giant spider. lol

    > >

    > > And no idea about what they would do for an underwater mount. Maybe somekind of Leviathan or dolphin or something. Leviathan could be cool because they could make some crazy skins with it. Like an angular fish or whatever that thing is with the light antenna.


    > isn't the skyscale your wall-crawler? i mean i can attach myself to walls and launch from those just fine


    It doesn't crawl, it clings.

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