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Azure The Heartless.3261

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Posts posted by Azure The Heartless.3261

  1. > @"Bardock.4718" said:

    > It's about the matchup in pvp and wvw:)


    > Since when is Warrior a losing matchup against thief?


    Its been like this for years, namely due to blind.


    > He counters everything I can do with blind/daze or the thief just evades or blinks away and reset the combat, bc he tanked damage, to reengage and to finsih you off.


    Build glassy enough that the first time the thief makes a mistake and is caught in a CC without an insta evade your burst takes all of his hp. They have to spec glassy as hell to do anything more than harass you, so if you spec glassy too and avoid their initial combat interaction you can put them down before they can reset. You cannot let them live for 40 seconds after they've used their stunbreaks.


    > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Yeah if a thief eats Eviscerate/Decapitate or Arcing Slice/Arc Divider they're pretty toast if their shadowsteps are on CD.


    This right here. Your priority is making sure you land this clean. Take zerker stance to ensure no blind, shake it off before you connect or stun before launching.


    if you're fighting a DE don't be ashamed to exploit terrain to make sure he cant lay into you from 1200+.

  2. You deal with underperformance and throwing by letting people play with people they determine to be good at the game or like, instead of forcing them to flip a coin 5* times on whether they have good teammates or not.


    Almost all of the throwing, underperformance problems would be solved if throwing a match caused people to actively reject playing with you in the future, and underperformance could be mentored or supplemented with instructions that you know will reach ears willing to listen.


    If people fix matches, give them permanent dishonor and take away their ability to join pvp with a party.


    *You may be playing a build that works in one team setting, but not another, so you also count on that flip.

  3. I'm ignoring your framing.


    Class stacking, ideally, should be fine. If the balance of builds were in such a way that a support[X], a mobility[X] and a DPS[X] could all exist and be viable, I'd love to see it.


    Unfortunately, people use class stacking right now to exploit easy-to-win-with builds that escaped balancing, but that isn't the fault of the class at core in particular.


    I'm wary to shelve all class stacking because once Anet commits to a change that large, it is impossible to get them to revert it, and I'd like the room for a bunker guard and burst hammer guard to play on the same team.

  4. > @"Tridentuk.1625" said:

    > Was wondering if people had their opinions about stolen skill and their rankings in terms of usefulness?

    > So let's say it looks something like this:

    > Very Useful-

    > 1. Iceshard Stab : 6 seconds of chilled (jesus), makes it really easy to land skills and adds 4 seconds to their CDs, and obviously if someone is running away it's game over.

    > 2. Consume Plasma: 2nd just cos of ease of use, can be used in stealth or before initiating at no real inconvenience.

    > 3. Blinding Tuft: free stealth and blind, what's not to like? gives me an extra burst on pd or backstab on dp

    > 4. Mace Head Crack: can be used before shadowstrike pd, or after backstab on dp, always kinda useful.

    > Situational

    > 5. Skull Fear: up to 2 second fear, can make it easier to land skills and useful impactful dense teamfight situations

    > 6. Healing Seed: heal is pretty minimal but can be useful against conditions if in teamfights

    > Very Situational / Rubbish

    > 7. Essence Sap: 0.5 sec casttime for 1 sec slow... can see how it could be useful for very niche outplays but currently I don't even bother with it

    > 8. Whirling Axe: can see it being situationally useful for power thieves but it's just going to be too underwhelming to bother on my condi

    > 9. Throw Gunk: Not even close to worth 0.5 sec casttime for very minimal damage even on my condi


    Very Useful:






    Mace/Whirling/Seed/Skull/Ice Shard/Gunk*


    Not Useful:


    Essence sap.



    *Leap in gunk field for chaos armor to push weakness to dps holos.


    > 7. Essence Sap: 0.5 sec casttime for 1 sec slow... can see how it could be useful for very niche outplays but currently I don't even bother with it


    Also this is 4 seconds


  5. She probably won't die. The way they set her up, she is already reluctant to fight in any way that will disturb balance in Tyria it seems. They might be setting up for the dragons to take a back seat in Tyria, with new types like Aurene very carefully balancing/sharing their powers to avoid becoming overburdened/taking on torment.


    She's also kinda deathless so there's that. If anything puts her down I'm pretty sure she'll be revivable eventually. That's a really big character trait to set up just to toss to "she died/got corrupted".

  6. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Warrior bad? Nope not at all.


    This is true.


    > That being said, Warrior isn't "bottom of the barrel" tier, so I don't see why people would say warrior is bad.


    It isn't bad damage wise. But when you're matched up against these constantly:


    >Warrior not matching up to a good number of OPGGEZ Meta builds out there? That's an undeniable fact.


    It ends up feeling "bottom of the barrel". All the damage in the world doesn't matter if the way you deliver it is clunky and avoidable.


    Still play warrior though.



  7. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > @"Archer.4362" said:

    > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > > @"Archer.4362" said:

    > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > > > No until population can prove me that they have real full teams to play with for more than just 2 Golds. You kitten well know players will complain about being stacked against certain other players as usual, nobody will play the mode because the only teams you'll see will be all the pubstars together which is not even close to 1% the current PvP playerbase, you're allowing problem to only get worst.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you want to improve the quality of matchmaking, remove DuoQ from people that are top 250, consistent winners should prove their ability to win by playing SoloQ exclusively.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > If anet does not give the queue option in group classified, your first sentence of your publication is impossible to be fulfilled, if you do not allow to play in team classified and only in AT, you are answering yourself.

    > > >

    > > > I don't get what you're trying to say.

    > > >

    > > > If the population really care about having a full team Q, they'd already be playing AT, that's one factual part of the statement and we can easily prove that false. However AT's are underfilled at best and mAT suffers the same meme culture regular AT's have, just in for the gold.

    > > >

    > > > Full team queue would be cancer and separate the population even more until we are left with people only caring for an improper DuoQ again.

    > > >

    > > > All of that results in wasted dev time for Anet, preventing DuoQ from being as toxic as it is by properly adjusting restrictions for players with a greater influence is a better way to improve the current state of the game high level.

    > >

    > > The ATs do not work to create groups of continuous teams to generate more population, they are specific times and not always people can.

    > >

    > > If it would be in a group of 5 in ranked, people would return to the game, which is why there are fewer people, you want to play with friends at any time, but you can, because people leave it and that's what happened.

    > >


    > Under what claim do you think that 5 man Q's will bring more people when you're enabling even more toxicity to the try hards that already try to stack team in duoQ?


    > Nobody will want to play against 5 man try hard just like they already refuse to play AT's anyway.


    > DuoQ should be removed from people on the leaderboard, that would solve a great part of the competition because those who match manipulate are always on it.


    > It's not a competition if you can always be with someone when there is only one place up there. That arguement alone should make it obvious how having 5 man only makes it worst also.


    I want to say I understand this viewpoint and think that there should be additional steps taken to address this, like accounts being given permanent dishonor if they're found to be manipulating matches and having their titles revoked, but I'm not sure how feasible that is if it hasn't happened yet.


    There needs to be some semblance of balance here. People hate queueing with randoms who have no obligation to do anything just as much as they dislike getting bombed by premade teams. There has to be some sort of fix for one of these.

  8. > @"bethekey.8314" said:

    > I take issue with you and Cute calling skill fixes nerfs. If a skill is behaving abnormally in your favor, consider it a gift. Don't become greedy and attached to it.


    If your proposed skill fix reduces the current functionality of a skill, it's a nerf and should be treated as such. The bug fix that curbed spellbreakers damage, for instance, was a nerf, but it was needed since they were hitting for much higher than was reasonable for the builds they could take. This ain't that though.


    I'm attached to rush as it is because:


    * Anet has a habit of having poor judgement when they make mechanical adjustments.

    * Rush has had multiple issues impacting its performance over the years and was normalized to address those issues at some point with a chill/quickness adjustment.

    * -I don't think it's broken or overperforming, even in a vacuum.- Call me touchy if you want, I kind of am considering how often warriors get bullied mechanically by things that can hang outside of their strike range.


    If you want to make the case that it hits you farther than it claims to be able to reach, fine; I concede that.

    I'm not going to just roll over and agree that the skill deserves anything more than a tooltip / wiki adjustment because of hitting you where it did unless there is substantial proof that said behavior is overpowered / leads to warrior being overpowered on a build that leverages it, though.


    > I also take issue with how you are justifying outlier skills. For example, I don't believe ANY single ability should be able to kill someone in, say, 2 seconds. Even if the class using it is the weakest, most pathetic thing. That game design is terrible.


    Are we talking about rush or in general? Is rush an outlier skill in terms of damage?


    In both cases:


    >Rush does too much damage

    -That one crit you for 5k, which is reasonable considering the circumstances for the skill. power build strikes like maul, Deathstrike, glacial blow and DJ tend to hit you for that much or more. I don't agree that its damage is worthy of shaving.

    ~~you didn't even die from it~~


    >skills shouldnt kill you in 2 seconds

    -That depends for me. There are several situations where a skill can be charging visibly for 2+ seconds, then have a very short activation time and definitely should kill you if it hits. Gun flame, the repercussions of hugging a berserker fresh into zerker mode, executioners scythe, prime light beam (not from stealth), etc, should do obscene amounts of damage to people who facetank them,. I understand your principle but I believe exceptions apply for difficult to land or easy to interrupt hits.


    > You're right, I did have the resources to deal with Rush and did not expect to have to deal with it due to misleading range descriptions/poor hit animations/lag etc. Dodges are precious resources that you should save if you can.


    Rush won't magically move war up a tier if it has a little extra data saying the activation range is such and such, I think that is super, super low priority though. The tooltip not having that information has been listed as an anomaly in the Gw2 wiki for as long as I can remember. Nobody's cared to time it and document the information either.


  9. > @"bethekey.8314" said:

    > Weakest class? Nerfed? What are you even on about?

    > How is there supposed to be any sort of discussion and mutual understanding when you respond like this?


    He has a point when it comes to berserker in particular. I can see this:


    >The vast majority of warrior builds I've faced have been GS + dagger/shield.


    being frustrating though. thats two leaps, an evade, a solid movement skill plus bulls charge if they go for it, and they will.


    >Update the tooltip to show 1500 range if it's such a game breaking issue.


    What he says stands though. Even if tooltip was 1500 range it doesn't make the flowchart for dealing with war any different, and I'm against nerfing it since most of their hard counters are characters that can get well out of range of that with proper planning. Spellbreaker already trades a good portion of their damage now that the damage bugs are addressed, and their meta build is a node bunker.


    Even in your video, you had the resources to deal with the rush, you just didn't expect to have to deal with it.


  10. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > There is a lot of nuance and a lot of room left for Ryland to grow as either a villain or with a heel-face.

    > Ryland is Icebrood now. There is no room left for growth, other than:



    >him getting more power from Jormag or Jormag removing his illusion of free will.


    Yes. This counts as growth.


    Also people have purged dragon champions of corruption before in the story. Aurene and the commander got out of a canon death, the writers can do whatever they want at this point.

  11. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > I think there's a problem a lot of people don't appreciate.


    > Human's play this game.


    > To spell it out, you could have won/lost that match for any of the following reasons:

    > 1-10 players had to spend 2 minutes away from their keyboard for a multitude of reasons.

    > 1-10 players were just playing bad that day.

    > 1-10 players were tired due to poor sleep the night before.

    > 1-10 players had lower blood sugar as they forgot to eat on time.

    > 1-10 players got tilted due to the straw that broke the camels back.

    > 1-10 players decided they just don't like someone else on either team and so played differently.

    > 1-10 players disagrees with another person and so causes team conflict.


    I just want to mention most, if not all of these can be addressed with premades, and that these reasons for loss are all worse than "enemy team was more organized".

  12. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > There is some pretty wonky trickery that you can pull while target shifting during mobility skills. Example: A Warrior is at mid in legacy and he is in a 3v3. That Warrior can use a single use of Bull's Charge and bait a dodge or defense skill from his first target, and then he changes to the 2nd target baiting a dodge or defense skill from that target, and then shifts a second time towards the 3rd target with the intention of landing the strike on the 3rd target. <- In this regard, target shifting is turning what is supposed to be a single strike skill, into a skill with the baiting power of an AoE like Dragon's Maw. Rush in particular could be used in the exact same manner.


    > So depending on how you look at it, this could be viewed as a higher skill ceiling in which to utilize a skill, or possible broken or maybe OP.


    Target shifting to bait a dodge isn't any more op than stowing to cancel a skill. If you're going to balance based on the potential of emergent gameplay, consider context. Namely that that warrior is within 1200 range of three people and any one of them can blind/block/cc/leave the area (In terms of rush,

    I'm not sure how often you can target shift bull's charge.)


    Also don't balance on the potential of emergent gameplay if the end result is easily counterable.


    > @"bethekey.8314" said:

    > Yes, greatsword meta builds are and have been very mobile. Forum warriors seem especially touchy about anyone saying their class is good at something.


    That's not without reason, we saw what people did to signet/zerker damage/damage mitigation off of spellbreaker.

    Update the tooltip to account for the attack distance and leave it at that. Warrior won't be suddenly overpowered if rush tooltip says 1500 instead of 1200.


  13. [spoilers below]


    I think the whole angle that Ryland is immature as a leader/has parental issues is part of the driving force for that part of the story. If it was Bangar the story would be open and shut; nobody from the main char cast really likes him to begin with, and the charr that -did- like him defected very quickly.


    There is a lot of nuance and a lot of room left for Ryland to grow as either a villain or with a heel-face. Not as properly suited as Bangar but I think the betrayal aspect lends itself to that.

  14. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > Please, nerf teeef. Thank you!


    This unironically, take stealth next.


    > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > I can somehow buy why DD or even DE could somehow "deserve" mobility shave (then again in the grand scheme of things it is questionable but it is topic for other discussion) HOWEVER there is absolutely no excuse for core thief mobility/resources to be hurt this badly. So my suggestion is, as long as elite spec is **not** equipped the Infiltrator's Arrow costs are reduced in pvp.


    This is right but I want to be nerfed so hard playing the class actively sandbags my team.

  15. This is the kind of necroposting I think should be done more often.


    > @"Yosmo.5306" said:

    > it would lower the toxic community, people would actually care about there rank.


    I don't think this means what you think it means.


    People that care about their rank and toxic community members are not always separate entities.


    We voted for Solo Queue and all the people that wanted to play with their friends left, leaving the remaining population to slowly bleed out as they continually get matched with people that don't or can't do the objectives with no way to filter them. Little did we know that playing this mode with friends (and making friends to play it with if you had none/pick up a group of players as you go) was probably the only way to keep ranked alive and well.


    Was getting pugstomped by premades better or worse than getting stomped because your team is bots? It's the same result, just took longer to get there lel

  17. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > That said, you can very well say that the fight was lost after 5 seconds of the log showed when he used _renewed focus_ and that would be true. But 16k damage over 5 seconds isn't really unreasonable right? That's just a bit more than 3k dps.

    > > That 16k would have been within 2-3s if the Berserker was spamming F1s and Blood Reckoning, so 5k-8k dps.

    > >

    > > That said I do think OP is being disingenuous since he got hit by that Berserk attack while already below 75% hp, which means they aren't showing full context of the fight, but a Berserker YOLO spamming F1 and Blood Reckoning can down a noob quickly.

    > >


    > In fact, this set of screenshot say a lot:

    > OP:

    > - Class: core guardian

    > - healing skill: shelter

    > - Elite skill: renewed focus.

    > - Utility Skill: Judge intervention

    > - Main-hand weapon: sword

    > - Amulet: Carion (retaliation consistently ticking at 171 mean 900 power, low crit rate mean no precision, healing potency mean 0 healing power). It put the guardian a 20k HP already which support the hypothese of a longer fight and give sense to the "lesser symbol of wrath" at the beginning of the screenshot.

    > - Traitline: Zeal (lesser symbol of wrath)

    > - I'd say he use _virtue of Justice_ that give him might just after the berserker enter _berserk_.


    > Opponent:

    > - Class: Berserker

    > - Weapon: Axe/Axe and Greatsword

    > - Traitline: Berserker (easy one, we can even deduce _savage instinct_), Discipline (weapon swap rate) and Arms (the bleed proc from bloodlust)

    > - He got pretty good condi management since he only start to take damage from burn after _judge intervention_ I'd bet on some resitance and a cleanse after OP wasted it's _virtue of justice._

    > - Unblockable frame which basically point out to _signet of might_.

    > - We can thus expect a signet build, capitalizing on _healing signet's_ resistance to carry the berserker through burn, followed by _signet of stamina_ to purge conditions and then _signet of might_ to be unblockable


    > All in all, it mean that we got a condi guardian being taken down by it's perfect counter after a 5s signet berserker burst when he reach below 75% health.


    I like this.

  18. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > why are you booing, hes right. pistol stealth attack should have 20% proj finisher and not 100%. legit every skill of its kind has 20%. No reason for thief to be a special snowflake in that regard


    This is right. The other blinds are fine.


  19. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > I think what you're discounting is the possibility that, by the law of averages, these pro plays will sometimes happen even if people are just randomly mashing buttons.


    > Monkeys and typewriters, etc


    Definitely some shakespeare being pulled out of nowhere but that isn't everyone. There's still a lot of players out there that know the buttons.

  20. Throwaway feelgood post.


    Just wanted to mention that even in this meta, I still find sparks of joy in watching people landing cc the moment someone's stab, block or invuln runs out, or snapping around raw to manually aim an attack where someone is about to port back with spectral walk, or using a block to tank one attack then stowing it so they can attack before their opponent can cast again.


    Even with all the problems the core of the combat is still pretty nice to experience/watch.

  21. You rite but


    > @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

    >Thanks. Especially not at your roamer when it's actually you who are to blame for making his job impossible.


    nnoooOOOO Thief lost game he can't decap far because I keep pushing it and letting enemies respawn on me r3e


    Also nerf thief too good at decapping far

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