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Posts posted by Urud.4925

  1. Hello guild decoration's expert! I need your help.

    I'm considering to add a guild portal to my guild, but I don't want to remove the Palawa Joko's statue that I currently have on that spot (it was a gift of a friend of mine). Is it possible to place some decoration to cover the guild portal? Probably the rotating globe would be on Joko's.... bottom parts, so I should put some pedestrial in any case, like the awakened bone column.


    Did you try to place something over the portal? Is it possible? Or it goes on top of it?

    And what happens if I keep the statue and I build the portal afterwards? Will the statue remain?


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/aGUHJVp.jpg "")


  2. I remember the first time that I saw that glass eagle and I thought: "wow, game artists are really creative. Imagine such thing in real life". And then I remember someone from ArenaNet saying "we had to destroy that district and replace it very fast with... something. So we just put that eagle, very quickly." :)


    Is the Chinese market still important for ANet btw? I remember some thread about how the Chinese servers became quite empty. But a couple of posts (of disappointed players) here don't really mean anything in the end, so idk.

  3. There might be also some technical issues: for example if the driver is very tall and the passenger is short, the second one could be half "inside" the mount (like, without legs...). There are many players complaining about clipping effects with skins, I imagine it would be even worse for mounts.

    Eloc's idea is interesting though. It would add a meaning for the warclaw also in PvE.

  4. > @"Tyncale.1629" said:

    > This. For me, GW2 has the most alive, vibrant and believable NPC world that I have experienced to date. And I have played them since UO. Take Black Desert online: this seems to be a MMO that takes at least graphical immersion to a high level, yet here's how they tackle XP: take a field, litter it with a few hundreds of the same mobs(give or take a commander or two) that seem to be doing.......absolutely nothing, except waiting to be slaughtered, and call it a day. GW2, with their DE's, thousands of lines of ambient NPC dialogue, hundreds of small scripts happening everywhere(including a lot of pathing NPC's btw), and every cave, hamlet, hide-out, nook and cranny being handcrafted with care, is like a million miles ahead of every MMO that I know.

    I completely agree with this whole post, but in particular with this. I played FFIV (among many others), an MMO that justifies the monthly fee as reason to keep a high quality standard, and what I did for the 70% were fetch quests, where the NPCs stood still day and night, sunny or rainy day, until you completed the quest and they vanished in front of your eyes.

    Then I take as comparison the metal event in Grothmar, when few minutes before the event, a lot of Charr leave their spot and walk, slowly, towards the stage, to come back later on to their job, still walking on foot. Or the instance with Demmi and Tybalt (if we want to take some very old example), where if you remain inside the instance, after that the barrels with the fake apples exploded and the enemies have been defeated, Tybalt slowly takes buckets of water and extinguish the fire. In many other MMOs all the NPCs would have instantly disappeared :)


    ANet could increase the attention to details, I'm sure they are capable to do it. But the cost would be to delay the real content updates. And we also have many players who complain if a new episode is delivered with 2 weeks of delay. We are not talking about a company with 1k employees. I think they do more than enough. To improve your immersion... well, just use your fantasy!

    EDIT: maybe some of your suggestions are easy to do though, like some emote while seated. But I wouldn't ask for a complete rework of the environment.

  5. I became anxious after reading those 4 lines without any break... anyway, that maze is indeed quite claustrophobic in some points, but if you take it easy, it's not that hard. If your guild mates don't want to help you or you don't feel like asking them for some help, feel free to send me a whisper in game (EU server). I'm not a granpa, but I'm old enough to don't rush head down, impatient.

  6. Yeah, sometimes it happens: "_some accounts may occasionally receive the mail below and find that their achievements, but not rewards, have been revoked. This is caused when server issues interrupt the link between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2, and is a harmless, temporary issue that can typically be ignored until it resolves itself._"

    source: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments#Reward_revocation](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments#Reward_revocation)


    No need to worry~~ if ~~when it happens again.

  7. I think the problem is not RNG in general, but when it's tied to achievements (the topic of this thread in the end). As you said, RNG can be useful for the economy: bored people with a lot of time have something to do to gain gold, while people with less time (but willing to pay) can buy some exclusive items. But it's fine if we talk about skins, invisible boots, legendaries etc.

    Putting an item required for a collection/achievement with a very low drop rate is simply mean and annoying. Some people would get it after many hours/months, some other even after few minutes, while others by simply paying cash: you can't even call it achievement any more, since it's totally RNG based.

  8. Holy s***! The amount of stuff there :)

    Playing as Ryland might suggest some sort of solo mission (I played again some old MMO last week, and I was thinking of how GW2 doesn't have any dungeon/instance for solo players; which is not a bad thing in the end... less players farming mats and gold rather than playing in group. But if it's well done - not very farming - it could be interesting). But I'll probably completely miss the point here.

    And that LW1 replayable at the end? Lol, it could have been a whole patch on its own. Maybe it's only few missions, not the whole story, but even so, it's a great news.

    I don't even think it's already 3 months from last episode (or at least it seems less for me). You guys are awesome!

  9. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > > Do we want to talk about the Merchandise Collector? The Visage of the Kan-Ur is at 6199 gold on the TP... 3 legendaries for 1 AP. A bargain!

    > > The only good thing is that being this achievement the only one that I missed in the story journal, I gave up also on the following ones, like Hold onto the light. It's a thing to complete all the achievements of a category, but if you miss 1, you may miss 2 of them as well.


    > We don't because your information is outdated. That collection no longer requires those items. It only requires 12 items to complete now.


    Oh oh, I didn't know it! So unlocking the 3 shoulder skins is enough for the final tier now. That's maybe why I see more grothmar strike mission groups in LFG.

    Thank you Khisanth!

  10. Uh, try first with your lv80 character. I made a new one because I always keep a spare slot (I don't like to waste my birthday's gifts!), but it should work also on a lv80.

    Just don't farm for hours: if you don't get a single box after 10 minutes, it means that something's probably wrong. Maybe the headgear doesn't drop from very low-lv mobs, but all the other pieces dropped fairly easily from bandits.

  11. I stopped running dungeons after I completed my achievements. It's sad that even such easy contents have elitists. It happened few times that I've been insulted because after that I skipped a part (following the others), I came back to help some player that was clearly new (and I died as well...). My fault, true. But isn't easier to go back/wait for the others, rather than saying "I skipped and arrived, now you can do it alone". In the end you waste more time this way. And most important, you don't enjoy the run. No one does it.

    Anyway, I'm also the type who get depressed and log-out when something similar happens, but this isn't something you should worry about, really. Not even need to report him in the end. A block is enough.

    If you join a group, just pay attention that there's no "exp" in the description. Otherwise, start your own group, saying "first timers welcome". It also happens that you find nice people some times :)

  12. I created a new character and all the boxes dropped after 15 minutes of farming bandits in the cave of Queensdale (I was between level 5 and 8). I equipped the gear once I looted it, and I never had duplicates. Only the helm didn't drop from bandits: I got it from a veteran boar at lv10.

    This is not to say that this is what you should do, just to say that on "normal conditions" it's not really farming.

  13. There might be some bug, not sure. I completed the west part of Bjora Marches on all of my 9 characters and I got the reward for the map completion only on 2 of them: the first one got a BL key, so it was probably the achievement that @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" linked; the 7th character got a normal chest for the map completion. All the others got nothing. All of them already completed the east part before last episode's release. I didn't send any ticket because I don't want to waste Anet's time for 20 silver though.

  14. Do we want to talk about the Merchandise Collector? The Visage of the Kan-Ur is at 6199 gold on the TP... 3 legendaries for 1 AP. A bargain!

    The only good thing is that being this achievement the only one that I missed in the story journal, I gave up also on the following ones, like Hold onto the light. It's a thing to complete all the achievements of a category, but if you miss 1, you may miss 2 of them as well.

  15. It seems weird indeed that to succeed you must ignore the mechanics. I finally managed to kill it, but we completely ignored the torches.

    Since there is the achievement for keeping always the torches lit, I doubt we completed the mission in the intended way. The difficulty, compared with the other strike missions, is definitely much higher.

  16. If your current problem is to just fill your exp bar to gain gliding/some mastery, I'd suggest you to take part in some meta events like Dragon's Stand (or if you don't find many people, Tarir should be quite populated). This way you should gain good exp with low effort, without risking to die alone. Dragon's Stand has also several mastery points and easy hero points, to complete your Reaper build.

    Then it's up to you if you prefer to also change your gear/stats (but it's quite common to see people in full berserker stats dying in open world, so you're not the only one). The pocket raptors are notoriously infamous for many people :/

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