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Posts posted by Urud.4925

  1. There have been few threads about this game mode, like[ this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1030935#Comment_1030935) or [this survey](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38227/would-you-like-an-iron-man-mode-in-gw2). But I'm not sure there are enough players to justify some change for ArenaNet.

    Probably the best option so far would be to create a guild/small community, like @"Manpag.6421" tried to do [time ago.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/472178#Comment_472178).


    Playing always trying to stay alive is difficult in GW2, but maybe ANet could add an achievement if you are able to level up to 80 without never die, so you can show off that title (if OP wanted some badge/icon to distinguish hardcore players from softcore players, as he called them). Better 1 single achievement than a new game mode for few players.

  2. I only created my account 4 years ago, and played for the last 3 years, so I completely missed the first years. But it's nice to read comments from the people who played in those days. Also, comparing what many players write in other MMOs' forum, I'm happy to see that overall the experience in GW2 (from the comments above) seem improved over the years (at least as QoL, the story is a matter of tastes).


    If you followed what happened with the classic versions of other MMOs (both official, like WoW and private servers that I won't mention), you'd see how ppl vehemently asked for a classic version, only to complain afterwards that "omg, the walking speed is so slow", "omg, the classes are so unbalanced", "mobs are not marked on the map, I have to read guides online", "leveling takes ages", "the inventory is too small" and so on. Nostalgia erased these issues.


    I think you could suggest some changes to the current version (like the "WvW could be revisited to makes things more balanced during zerg fights", and hopefully it's what will happen with the next big -nerfing- balance patch) rather then say "go classic but keep mounts, change mobs' AoE skills, change WvW...". That's not classic anymore.

    (and personally, I enjoyed exploring Tyria much more when I walked on foot than now with mounts, since I had to think how to reach some difficult spot, rather than just flying with my skyscale. So I wouldn't use that statements as general rule)

  3. I won't recommed any profession because it's a matter of taste/the one you remember the most. But if you stopped 1 year ago and have the Griffon, you played the PoF story (and maybe even HoT), so you are fine in terms of survivability. LW4 (and now 5) is not harder.


    The beetle is easy to get, you just need to follow a guide for the steps/locations on the map. The Skyscale takes longer (the first part are fun quests, the second part is more grindy). Since you have all the professions, it shouldn't take much to get the currency you need if you complete the story with all of your characters (250 map currency for each episode). So don't waste the mats (you need the currency also to complete some collection, but save it for the mount first). If some steps/kills are too difficult because the are less players, you can use "Extra Pungent Skyscale Treat" to automatically complete the achievements (once you unlock that part).

    The Warclaw (the WvW one) didn't take much for me, but it could be more annoying now that almost everyone already has it.


    LW4 was fun, but I don't think you missed any important update. Well, we have some new QoL improvement (build template, engi and ele can have 2nd weapon out of combat) but the game is more or less the same. Ah, we have the Strike missions now, something between dungeons and raid as difficulty (but you only fight a boss).

  4. > @"Layken.8927" said:

    > As for the "Kawai flower power" statement... to clarify I intially felt like playing an RPG with a very unique setting, rough, brutal, beautiful and Epic, then I suddenly fell down a rabbit hole and felt like I shifted into a JRPG similar to Final Fantasy Online [...] As for the gameplay I had experienced, which turned out to be more challenging imho, (which is a good thing) lost something in the immersion department, it no longer felt like an epic adventure but like a... game.

    HoT seems quite rough and brutal to me, especially towards the end. It's definitely not a walk in the park. Sure, also the personal story, with the risen and Orr wasn't roses and flowers. Probably you found it more kawai/childish because the new characters are younger (Taimi/Braham, but also Rox, Marjory and Kasmeer) if compared to the heroes during the personal story (Eir, Caithe, Logan...), so the way they talk is different. If you don't know these new characters is normal to notice the difference.


    I have to agree on your statement that the previous story felt more an epic adventure than a game though. (But I liked them both)

  5. > @"Shifty.4985" said:

    > Did the meta as the patch hit, completed the event with it clearly showing i only got hit once. Re logged to see if that did anything, did nothing but remove the achievement.



    > [https://imgur.com/a/upUHpmi](https://imgur.com/a/upUHpmi)



    The achievement has been removed, or just the icon for the elegibility? Because it seems quite normal to have the elegibility always popping-up (it happens also to me). In the last patch notes they said that they increased the threshold to get the contribution. Probably you didn't do enough damage to Drakkar.

    @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" in [another thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1155257#Comment_1155257) said that he didn't even get credit for the kill. So probably the damage was too low.

  6. > @"Funky.4861" said:

    > I'm hating the pvp element for a fail; i haven't seen it succeed once yet and this is pure trollbait. I'll probably avoid the fight until the pvp element is removed, or until it succeeds much more reliably. The time investment is off-putting enough without the toxic pvp bit at the end.

    Really? Come on, it's just few seconds, and no one will whisper you noob if they kill you (like in pvp), since the arena will be full of people. There's nothing personal or any fight that you can call fair there. I had a failed Drakkar today and it was funny. All of those reds all at the sudden and just after few seconds going to the dead ppl to ress them :)

    I find it a nice idea, or, like Joko would said, "a nice touch"! It's also in theme with Jormag. Gratz to whoever had the idea :)

  7. To me, it seems a bit more interesting than before, when the Drakkar's HP was too big. Yesterday almost everyone entered the first portal, and it took a bit to kill the champ. I entered the second one, with 10-15 ppl and we killed him much faster, so I'd say the scaling is good. Then ppl started to worry about the 8 min cooldown for the last portal, so we had to wait until it expired (it was only 4 min before, so no one cared, now it's something to think about it). The new nimble achiev is easier than the previous one.


    I don't find any big issue with this fight. On the contrary I'm glad to see how ArenaNet changed some mechanic after some player's feedback. Good job!

    I would only remove the ascended weapon (probably the reward is too much for such a fight) and replace it with 1 Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone (like a normal meta in Tarir for example). I wouldn't keep fighting Drakkar after 10 times right now, but I would continue if I could farm lodestones. If 1 lodestone is too much, maybe add "scaps of lodestone"...

  8. Personally, to complete the 200 dungeon runs, I spammed: Ascalonian Catacombs, Caudecus's Manor, Twilight Arbor and Honor of the Waves. Among these, Caudecus p2 is probably the most difficult (if you don't want to explain the bombs at the gate) and sometimes Twilight Arbor if there are both people who skip everything and others who doesn't know well if skipping or not. But if you go with your group/guild is one of the easiest.


    The others... I didn't choose them because they are too long (Arah) or because they have lasers/traps, while the previous ones can be ran even after months, when you don't remember them at all.

  9. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > - use a level 80 boost on a character

    > - use that character on the first HoT and PoF mission to unlock gliding and raptor

    > - then bench the character and play normally to 80


    I second this advice, it's a good one. So if you feel completely lost with the lv80 character, you can always continue with the necro lv41. If you manage to unlock the Raptor/glider, you can use them to level up the necro faster. It's not completely spoiler free, but if you stop PoF/HoT as soon as you unlock the first mastery, you're quite safe.

  10. Apparently there's a way to "cheat" a bit to get this achievement, but without exaggerating: if you just watch the fight for a very long time (for example on top of the pit, where you see the yellow icon of the achievement but you're out of range) and you just join the fray at 10%, even if you deal some damage, you won't get the achievement.


    I got it when I loaded the map and the meta was already in progress. When I arrived, Drakkar was at 30-35%, I jumped in and just did my stuff (I had an elementalist, so I mainly healed ppl around, without going too close to the boss). So joining at 10% is not enough, but 30% it is (or even 25%, according to @"Dante.1763" ). Probably it's before last cc phase.

  11. Fortunately I can still find enough players when I'm online, but I understand your problem. Recently it happened for a quest for a legendary: I had to kill a champion (or maybe it was a legy) in Auric Basin, and I had to wait several days before finding enough people for the event (AB is usually populated, but people are mainly interested in the meta, or HP run, not side events). Luckily HoT went "free" few weeks before, so I didn't wait weeks/months, but I'm aware that players that want to complete old achievements can have problems.


    I'm not sure the core maps need more overpowered lv80 players on them, in addition to the current daily rotation (usually there are enough players for world bosses), but I would definitely add some HoT/LW/PoF map with difficult achievements (Lake Doric over Bitterfrost for example). But I like more your idea of a fixed schedule, so that people can organize themselves better.

    Like: on Monday you'll get a bonus for completing events in Sandswept Isles, on Tuesday in Crystal Oasis, Wednesday is Dry Top day and so on. The bonus can be something like more MF, that stacks in % and depletes over time if you don't do anything (like in WvW) or some other small buff. So people will stop farming only Silverwastes and they will move to different maps everyday, more or less.

  12. I'm interested! But I won't be available this week-end. If you still have achievements left from Monday on, feel free to add/invite me :)

    (so far I only got 2 achiev during the whisper of Jormag - but I'm quite lazy, I don't even know what attack I must avoid for the remaining achiev... I can read some walkthrough before trying again)

    EDIT: around 6 pm CET as well

  13. Hmm, I think I completed the achievement after march 2019, but not sure. If you are in shroud and you don't use some trait to siphon health (like Vampiric or Vampiric Presence), shroud #4 and #5 should work. I completed it in one of the story instance in Orr, killing spiders (in 1 hour, more or less). Also mobs must die for the damage of the weapon, not for conditions, so be sure to don't have traits like Spiteful Spirits or any condi bonus (and no minions ofc). Just a simple core necro. If it doesn't work... well sorry, maybe I did it before march 2019.

  14. Even if you block some team mate, they can still target you. It happened seldom to me, but when it happens I block them and we keep passing the mark each other, until I get bored and AFK. Nowadays I go invisible when I start a PvP match, but once I even received a mail from another player that apparently was really pissed off about something and couldn't whisper me. Sadly for him the mail arrives empty if you already blocked him. All this in UNRANKED!

  15. > @"Michael Conrad.6704" said:

    > On second thought, water slides and bobsled rides would be sort of anti-climatic with Skyscales, griffons and glider wings. I take it all back.

    Hmm, yes, true. But this could be an idea for a festival or event. Like in the SAB, where we cannot use mounts.

    Or ANet could create an entire map for our leisure time and forbid the mounts. A kind of Southsun Cove, but instead of a survival island for cheated tourists, something more olympic games oriented.

  16. They could at least relieve the problem if they added... staircases! So we could at least stop using 10 small tables or boulders to build a small ramp. We're receiving some new furniture with LW episodes, so I hope for this. A bigger revamp seems unlikely.

    EDIT: Also, please, add an "undo" button! I often want to delete a small piece and delete also something else (even using the single target option).

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