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Posts posted by KidRoleplay.3615

  1. > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > As much as it would be a huge visual improvement on my end, I'd rather witness the sheer variety if what others come up with. Would vote in disfavor. I like to embrace our differences!


    > You can have both. Run with a party (with "tribefilter" On), together with other players. That would make 5 of "your" characters and loads of all the other different looking ones. There is a point not to do this in big groups from my side.


    I don't want both. I'm saying I'm not in support of this feature period (with added slight snark towards people's fashion choices. :p ) and would rather development resources be used elsewhere.


    To each his own and all that stuff.

  2. > @"DonArkanio.6419" said that stuff up there.


    Alright, now we're talkin'!


    See, the original post came off as you not liking Kalla's Ferver ALONE, but if it's the whole design of the e-spec that's underwhelming, that's a much better topic of discussion and one I can agree on. Also, never said ya couldn't express an opinion; that's putting words in my mouth, though to be fair I'd expect another of "me" to show up had I created a thread about ... not liking to play Rangers because they and their pets feel boring. _"Ooookay?"_


    Anywho, Kalla's Fervor is already baseline. You literally can't NOT choose it while simultaneously playing Renegade. I however don't feel like the e-spec is not well-thought out--That'd definitely be an insult to whomever designed it--but I'll definitely say it doesn't make the Revenant feel distinct enough in what changes it does bring. It's a spec that boosts outgoing numbers, buuut, what you're suggesting is just a tweak of those same numbers, albeit making it work closer to Malice except effecting F1-F3 skills instead of Stealthed Weapon skill 1. o.o Is that really much of a change in the way of design? Still seems borin'. (Which will always be subjective anyhow).


    But... I myself can't really bring any solutions to this conversation. Maybe with more time, I could, but definitely not at the moment as I'm soon to go to bed. To be quite honest, it feels like everything's already been done already in one way or another. And... maybe they were meant to. I mean, this whole game's founding selling points was that any class was capable of all things and that the Holy Trinity was no more. And I find myself repeating this a lot lately, but this game's gameplay variety is a lot more shallow than it appears.


  3. ... Odd post that seems as if it's just looking for something to complain about. It is and has been just a buff you get for going into that spec to provide a boost to damage without anything fancy. It was never meant to be exciting. The new addition of the short bow and stance is the "interesting" part of the spec.


    Now, maybe if you said the overall visual theme to the Kalla Stance wasn't so enthralling, I'd understand, but specifically Kalla's Fervor bores YOU. Just makes me respond with, "Ooookay?"


    Anywho, good luck with that. O.o

  4. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > It's got to be humans. Yes they have a head start on the _amount_ of lore and history which made it into the games because they were the sole playable race in GW1, and they did go slightly away from the 'generic race' default which humans usually are by reducing their dominance and restricting them to Kryta and Ebonhawk, but they're still the least distinctive race.


    > I understand why that is. The game is made by and for humans who live in a world where the only recognised sentient race is humans, so of course they're going to be the starting point, consciously or unconsciously. And (probably as a result of that) there's also a convention in RPGs that human is the "safe" race you can pick for your first character to learn the game without having to deal with the quirks of racial abilities. That's not relevant in GW2 of course but I suspect a lot of people still pick human for their first character for that reason, or just because it's something familiar and safe.


    I thank you for bringing that up. Most people will say humans just because they've pretty much convinced themselves to provide that answer bias every time, with similar reasoning. Unfortunately it doesn't exactly invalidate their reasoning (which I am not saying you did), but that kind of immediate dismissal seems to tilt votes that might have any deeper thought or consideration behind them.

  5. It woooulld, but... from what I've noticed, when it comes to appearances of armor, what's in the game is finalized and doesn't change no matter how bad it is.


    Heck, I'm still waiting for the texture bug I submitted like three years ago involving both Elonian and Spearmarshal Tassets on heavy female humans. With low or no boots the skin on the backs of the legs have two long cutouts running horizontally.


    Maybe it'll be fixed by the time of the anniversary.

  6. See, every playable character on here behaves and thinks like a human, and even is just some retelling of a human-based culture. So, in that light, it comes down to what race does the least among them.


    This is why the company needs to hire more real life Sylvari writers. So many problems would be solved!

  7. Norn.


    Humans have the GW1 depth, and just like real life, will always have the option of being highly varied. Pretty much shouldn't be on the list...

    Charr warlike culture is interesting to dissect. Also, the new tribal Charr has just increased their depth.

    Asura are ... everywhere (Inquest overload), so they're always doing stuff behind the scenes giving them great potential if things are ever explained.

    Sylvari are the new kids on the lore block, and have an expansion devoted to them.

    Norn ... have yet to get a real spotlight. They've been dull ever since Jora disappeared.


    So until something happens, I'm sticking with Norn.

  8. Twisted Marionette boss encounter. (Upcoming Fractal when!?)


    Everything about Joko.


    Divinity's Reach is still the most impressive looking map in the game.


    Beetle is the best thing about MMO mounts in the history of MMO mounts.


    Removing a certain ... problematic individual that snapped at the community for no reason.


    Best festivals of any game ever, with Labyrinthine Cliffs being my all time favorite regardless of the fact that it's happening now. (SAB a close second).


    A.net's sense of humor in each year's April Fools ideas.


    Good times!

  9. > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

    > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > > God this outfit is so hideous.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Everyone already looks like a blinding star, can we not push more outfits like this and get some more down to earth armor pieces/skins. Christ.

    > >

    > > Ya want a loincloth? =)


    > No, I want outfits that the NPCs get the joy of having but we don't get. How about getting back to racial outfits. Human, sylvari, charr, asura, norn inspired? Probably not human since they had a whole expansion worthy of pretty nice outfits that can go with the other races.


    > Even BDOs outfits fit more with their world and they had things like kitten Victoria secret swimsuits. Like it just make fashion wars a whole big yikes for people that actually want to fashion wars properly.


    I'm more of an armor fan myself.

  10. > @"Chilli.2976" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

    > > > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > > > Yes, but I wont tell you because I'm literally scared of the balance team at this point...

    > > >

    > > > Send me a message in game. ;)

    > >

    > > Sure. Though I'm at work right now, so if you're willing to wait like nine hours from now. o.o


    > I'm fine with that, won't be home until then anyway.


    Also it may require gear that you may not have, but I can easily give you a demonstration if you're around then.

  11. It was never worth anything. Just a neat subtitle. Only things that are worth it is what the community puts value on, which is even more subjective in actuality.


    But there's plenty of challenging content in the game, but whether or not it feels like it to you just depends on if you've been there long enough to know everything about the encounter, to the point that what may challenge you falls into the realm of unfair.


    It's just the truth of shallow encounter design, I'm afraid.


    Edit: phone typos. Also "God Amongst Mere Mortals" just means you've played GW1 to unhealthy levels. :p

  12. Remove cooldown on Call to Anguish in addition to the mentioned 30 energy. Currently, Call to Anguish under water has the cost and cooldown of the old skill (probably overlooked) and it is NOT overpowered. If anything, if you spam it, you'll be out of energy anyway without having inflicted much damage from a pvp and wvw standpoint, and it feels GOOD. (pve, it would be good for break bars I guess).


    How it is on land at the moment is just... too much. I had been meaning to write up something on this, but as I'm on a phone, this will have to do.


    This skill should not be as lackluster or inaccessible as it currently is. One or the other, not both!

  13. It is what it is, Mr. Graymatter. Every now and again, a patch rolls around and just "un-funitizes" what you love to play. Feels like it just so happens to occur in this game more often than others. Good luck in your break though. Was about to take one soon myself, but now knowing my favorite festival, Four Winds, is right around the corner, I'm actually somewhat revitalized!

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