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Posts posted by KidRoleplay.3615

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > I cringed at drunken Braham during the IBS prologue as well, and I hated the childish tantrum he was throwing during LWS3 and some time beyond. But that's just bad writing and not the character's fault. GW2 has had tons of lowbrow writing in the past and certainly will continue to have in the future. Getting rid of Braham won't solve that problem. Only intelligent, mature writing can solve it.


    Braham is a Norn. Therefore he's big. So, how one thinks he should act is a bit of an illusion visually. Nonetheless, he's also quite young, and wasn't ready to lose his mother. He's an immature character, though maybe less so than now, but still quite emotional. From that standpoint, his insecurity-fueled tantrum made sense. Sure people didn't like it, but it was the reaction aimed for. I'd actually call that good writing.


    Bad writing would be if he felt nothing at all while not being too far removed from the angsty teen he started as. Or somehow turned heroic and went on a revenge streak completely out of the blue, what with how his past is.


    And... this is already putting too much care towards story stuff than I'm used to..


  2. My necro is my map/ game completion character. First in and first out for new content, but my favorite is currently revenant. I say "favorite" as in it's subject to change due to whatever fashion mood I'm in. Class and build-wise, I feel like... I've done everything already, so I wont have a favorite class by nature of its design unless Monk comes out or something...

  3. Unfortunately, the best counters for stealth are... in the wrong game. Would love to Distracting Shot that thing the moment I saw you start using it, or have you kill yourself under Backfire so you'd unstealth already downed! Spiteful Spirit and watch all your clones kill themselves AND the mesmer!


    ... Sorry. Just reminiscing. This contributes nothing.

  4. I'm in the minority. I love the variety in Tangled Depths as well as the fact that it's the only map in the game left for me that I can sometimes still get lost in. Sometimes it feels like I'm always discovering something new in it despite how much I tell myself I have it all figured out finally due to how often I'm helping people with HPs.

  5. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:


    > I too am in it for the variety!


    > Also, YES, it was definitely a shock to the system even during betas as I remembered trying to dodge in GW1 after they were over and feeling... like... broken xD And even with GW1's balance issues they never interfered as much as I feel GW2's balancing issues around skills and profession mechanics do. Both games are equally "less" and "more" than the other, with GW1 hedging out in party comp builds and solo builds for specific use. Although, GW2 has improved with every expansion in that regard.


    > As for the real talk, I somewhat chafe at the idea that GW2 is all about fashion in endgame in a way that is broadly repeated by the community (As a joke and not as a joke). I'm in GW for *all* of its practical applications, fashion included, but I want dope encounters, interesting mechanics, continuation of the story, discovery of old an new locations, competitive and non-competitive formats that challenge and/or excite, etc. GW2 has the potential to provide the whole-hog, but sometimes it feels like it's hampered by something vague that doesn't allow *more* to be done.


    Oh, I was just being facetious in slightly hinting towards my personal obsession with fashion. I know people jokingly refer to the endgame as Fashion Wars, but I keep trying to tell people that I've already won the war and that they're just perpetuating for no reason!


    Jokes aside (or am I joking!?), I was always fond of making up all kinds of builds in GW1. It was a passion. Everything worked; nothing was restricted. I've always felt GW2 needed that. Instead of having encounters where you can't blind, weaken, CC, cripple, immobilize, or slow many of the tougher enemies (making professions that specialize in those things at a big disadvantage support-wise, and with the much smaller availability of skills in this game to boot), I've felt that ALL of those things should be allowed, and alternatively, to keep them from being too powerful, adjust the encounters themselves with things like better AI, their own cleanses and heals, MORE than just one typically static enemy to fight at a time, etc. Heck, it'd probably open up all kinds of possibilities.


    Was wondering just yesterday what the end of a Fractal would look like if the party had to go against... five Avatar of Balthazar HP mobs at once, all of which being Elite tier without a break bar or "unshakable" bar. Suddenly, blind and weakness would be your best friend. CC chaining, too. Otherwise they'd probably cleave the party no matter what you'd try to do.


    Even with the current model, to add some kind of value to all support and debuff options in PvE, I thought of having those be effective against bosses while their break bars are orange and recharging, and when they're blue, work against the breakbar as normal. That way, they're of use 100% of the time of a fight. Buuut, I'm ranting. I'll stop now.

  6. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:


    Yep! GW2 seemed to be born on providing a remedy for the balancing struggles that GW1 produced. I'd have loved it if the races were significantly different as well, with them "balanced in asymmetry" instead of The Clone Wars. It'd be a development nightmare, handling different racial playstyles on top of different classes, races, and traits, AND elite specs, but I'm all for that kind of delicious variety. ♥


    But only if it could be pulled off. I was told GW1 was a balancing nightmare as well, what with over a thousand skills and dual professions. But they did it. And it was worth every second of its experience to the point every other MMO felt shallow in what you could come up with.


    Good times.


    And, admittedly with a touch of real-talk, I'd have never picked up this game if it wasn't called "Guild Wars 2", but I'm too deep to turn away despite the package being nothing like its prequel. I must continue. For SCIENCE (and fashion--mainly fashion)!

  7. > @"Dayra.7405" said:

    > It could be a pure Gem-Shop Race, you buy it for gems and you must buy all armor and weapon and mount and glider skins for Gems.

    > Without any such skins, all armor/weapon/... you are wearing all looks the same.


    o.O And if that... no. WHEN that backfires, how are you left to pay your employees who created all that content?

  8. > @"FrigginPaco.4178"


    I'll agree that it can be extremely personal. I'm neither quite preferenced towards it nor against it, as on one hand, having any kind of increase on lore towards something, I'll always be fond of, but on the other, from a gameplay perspective, races mean nothing to me as long as they're going to be clones in the areas that matter (which one could argue may be pure subjectivity however). If I were to add my biases into the equation, I'd like new races, but not in GW2. My dream MMORPG would have races be so distinctly different that playing between them would be like playing a completely different game--a Terran/ Zerg/ Protoss kind of dynamic! Subtle animation and skin differences here and there are *whatever* to me. I've come to the conclusion that I'm incapable get immersed as I'm too consciously aware that I'm sitting on my butt moving a mouse and pressing keys while looking at a monitor. But that's getting sidetracked.


    All I've been looking at so far is what I've witnessed of the game to date. Not going to go into super detail since other threads have already done that, but just off the top of my head versus what's mentioned here:


    When HoT was released, it came with two additional armors. Path of Fire bumped that up to five, so there's definitely potential! Bad news is the layoffs--who knows how much of the original crew is still around. Outfits have popped up, too, but those are a little harder to assess, and were introduced primarily with the truth of how time-consuming adding a new armor has been. That being said, if we're looking for a complete feel of a new race, and one which isn't released partially complete (which is a thing that'd cause upsets), we're talking about seventy-four armors and ninety outfits to redesign! As well as whatever NPCs might be wearing, "Jake From State Farm".


    Then, new weapon and back item modeling and animation, character animation, a new DANCE (Where's mah How to Dance Volume # 2, dang it!), voices for common stuff along with every NPC in the game in every story except for what can no longer be accessed... Well, I said I wouldn't go into detail, so I must stop. :)


    If these things were being worked on in the background, they'd have definitely been datamined by now.


    Sure, there are plenty of people who would love to have a new race simply for immersion purposes or roleplaying or what not, but I feel like the... generally unpleasible... playerbase at large would raise torches and pitchforks about it in the end. And they'd be right about it, too; they're holding the money. "You've spent all this time adding something with feathers and pointless racial skills instead of putting more resources to PvP, WvW, raids, fractals, XYZ!? I QUIT!!! This game is DEAD! The developers are clearly out of touch! I'm not telling anyone to waste their time on this QUAGGAN game!!" And so on and so forth.


    This is why I feel that it's too late in the game for this kind of decision.

  9. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > There are so many unknowns involved with Anet you may as well be right simply off the premise that it's better to be safe than sorry. Not committing to another player race is safe, for sure, but I would argue that the risk involved in expanding it to 6 races could pay off. Also, since we know we're going into Icebrood as Saga 1/Season 5, that will probably take us till about September of 2020 if previous seasons are any indication. It just gives them more time to accomplish features for an Expansion, and if anything, I'd like to see an additional player race as a part of it. Being honest, I'm not clear on how "being too huge" is working *against* the concept of an additional player race.


    Now, it begs the question of if it's something you want to be clear on or not. I'm sure you've heard the explanations time and time again. There's many threads on the topic in fact! But I'm gathering a hint of optimism here. Nonetheless, it's definitely a risk. A.net has the data; I don't, but the general feeling of the game is that most people want more gameplay, or more content that leads to more gameplay. What would a new race in and of itself add that the present playerbase would be willing to pay for? Or, would a new race in and of itself be an attractive enough feature to bring in new customers to the game to profit from that kind of undertaking?



  10. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > > @"Dayra.7405" said:

    > > > > Because every skin in the game would need an extension for this new race.

    > > >

    > > > Personally, I think it's worth the effort for all the different reasons additional player races bring to MMO environments.

    > >

    > > Is money one of those reasons? Enough to justify the cost of redeveloping nearly everything?


    > I mean, I don't think the game is hurting for money, though at worst it could be argued that in a vacuum more profit is fundamentally a good thing. But no, that's not what I mean by that. Sure, new players spending money to get the B2P version of GW and their subsequent expansions are necessarily a point in that line, but that's not really anything new. Plus, the hyperbole of "nearly everything" is still bound in the constraint of a subsection of the game. I get your point though; it is a massive resource suck to do something like that, but I simply don't see how it's not possible.


    I'm not saying it isnt possible though. It was just a direct response to the belief that it's worth the effort. GW2 is too huge now. At most, it seems like a good way for a developer to go out of business.

  11. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > @"Dayra.7405" said:

    > > Because every skin in the game would need an extension for this new race.


    > Personally, I think it's worth the effort for all the different reasons additional player races bring to MMO environments.


    Is money one of those reasons? Enough to justify the cost of redeveloping nearly everything?

  12. > @"Dayra.7405" said:

    > ANet could solve that in a quite easy way, by adapting the down-leveling mechanic.


    > Currently every higher-level is downscaled to be 2 level higher than the map area.

    > This could be a bit more dynamic for core-tyria, e.g. as following

    > - -1 to your downscaled char-level, if you are full ascended

    > - -1 to your downscaled char-level, if your account has more than 5000 play-hours (you know the game mechanics)

    > - -1 to your downscaled char-level, if your char has more than 1000 play-hours (you know the class mechanics)

    > - -1 if you are using an elite-specialization

    > - -1 if you have Tyria map-completion with that char

    > - -1 if you have masteries above 200

    > - ...


    > That should make things for experienced well-equipped Veterans harder. Instead of always 2 level higher than the mobs, you may end some levels lower than the mobs.


    That'd just tick me off. :/ Already find level 83 mobs in Fractals to be more of a nuisance than anything, and also kind of don't like how downscaling makes half your stuff ineffective. Though this only really matters when it comes to like soloing champs and stuff. Like those core Tyria open world bounties. Would mop the floor with them with ease if we were both level 80.


    Don't mess with meee! Just make the encounters more engaging.

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