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Posts posted by KidRoleplay.3615

  1. > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > I mean, defensive stats aren't really an option for PvE anyway, and imo they encourage a more passive playstyle which shouldn't be viable.


    But it still should be an option, I feel. Something in the game that'd make things bearable for those with 400 ping or something for example. But even beyond that, I wouldn't want to be one to dictate how someone else should enjoy or not enjoy what they play by voting to remove something that's already a choice to begin with and doesn't have a bearing on anything outside of maybe whether or not you party with them. I feel like the community does fine as is with who they want to bring along for the party.

  2. > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > > @"yusayu.3629" said:

    > > > Stats don't matter for open world

    > > If that's true then you should start running a power dps build in nothing but Nomad gear with Dolyak runes. Yeah have fun with that.


    > Ahm, I have played through all of both expansions (story & map completion) with my Minstrel Chrono.


    > But open world is mostly meta events etc, and there you just need to tag stuff for which your damage really doesn't matter much.


    > Not to mention, that just running Berserker is still mostly efficient enough for open world content.


    > Again, passive defense shouldn't be viable. Imo it shouldn't even be in the game (for PvE). They could remove all tanking stats from PvE and instead give special action keys or smth to the classes that wanna hold aggro in raids.


    o.O Nah. I'd never agree to something like that. People should be able to keep their options of play!

  3. This was one of the reasons I missed the old Speed of Shadows (7 second shroud recharge). That combined with outside Alacrity was a pretty potent healer back in the day. I loved my crazy and random "for fun" builds.

  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > Yes. Destroy them, provide evidence of destroying them, and then contact support. They should refund you via ingame mail.

    > >

    > > Cheers!


    > **No!** Don't, under any circumstances, destroy them until support tells you to do so! And yes, the support team can help you with you issue, @"Fenom.9457".


    Well, yeah. o.o Guess I should've been more specific. But, yeah. They'll tell you to destroy it.

  5. To me, there isn't a problem with the stats. As a matter of fact, I love stats. All of them! Well... almost all of them. I've always felt Precision should've never been a thing and instead critical hits should come from more active things like being guaranteed if you hit someone in the back or who's disabled, or has the chance of happening depending on Fury on you (which can be stripped) or Vulnerability on an enemy (which can be cleansed). Buuut, that's not what I wanted to address! (I like my MMOs with less RNG like GW1 had, thank you very much--Also, you'd get another stat.)


    As has already been addressed and is well known, in PvE you tend to go all out on offense, and you'll be quite effective against the mobs. WvW, you go all out on offense, and you'll be quite effective against the mobs too! ... Against other people? NOPE. You'll get destroyed unless they're AFK. So you put on defenses, because your dodges and your 100% mitigation utilities have a finite existence, can be baited, and in general, people attack much, much faster than any mob ever could. Since OP mentioned that this was mainly about PvE, I feel the balance between the stats isn't in the stats themselves but in how the mobs are programmed.


    By the way, I'm just using WvW as a comparison since the whole topic is about stats, and WvW and PvE share stats.


    Almost all mobs attack something like three times slower than a player, and to compensate, they usually hit harder. They also just sit there as snooze-inducing health sponges where most of the time the only validity against them is high damage output. Heck, a lot of them are unconditionally immune to control effects and conditions too! I mean, if you can't weaken it, blind it, CC lock it, etc., and when it hits you, it takes off almost all of your health bar, it leaves you with lesser solutions (and I guess that's where the "shallow" argument comes into play); kill it before it one-shots you, while slapping on Toughness makes it ... 1.2 shot you.


    Horrible example, but I never claimed to be smart: If you put two warriors against each other, one in full Berserker's, and one in full Nomad's, gave them axes, no traits, Healing Signet only, "Final Destination," and they could do nothing but auto attack each other, Berserker's would win (easily) every time.


    So, given--offense is stronger (not saying the above proved a thing), and I believe it should be, but if mobs in PvE dealt less damage but attacked as fast as the player, were coded more often to go after highest DPS or SOFTEST target/ or healer (like in GW1) instead of having no visual consistency of what they're doing save when they specifically seek Toughness (further dissuading Toughness as then you'll be 1.2 shot by crowds), and, also were coded to use their own active dodges against your big hits, well then I feel all out offense with little to no defensive planning outside of dodge rolling wouldn't go over so well. Very few of them even have healing skills either. I mean, you can 1 vs 5+ mobs in PvE and do fine. It feels good, too! WvW, you can barely 1 vs 2 unless there's just that big of a skill difference between peeps.


    In GW1, mobs in PvE had and used the various skills players could choose. In a sense, it was a bit of a trainer for that game's PvP. It also had superior AI. Maybe GW2 could've used some of that.

  6. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

    > > Probably Queen Jennah. She has enough power to one-shot people just by pointing at them, and can not only put up a shield of invulnerability, but can do it for a long period of time AND make it large enough to defend an entire city. Definitely OP.


    > If she were really that powerful she could afford shoes.


    But why would she do that? It's her limiter. How else would she have so easily ensnared Logan?

  7. > @"wickedkae.4980" said:

    > > @"Isaiah.2936" said:

    > > im not happy with this game anymore...they keep nerfing my favorite class...its time to move to ESO.


    > I have putting in way more time with ESO lately since they added a real necro. Anet needs to figure out what a necro is and isn't. I can tell them right now, that the current implementations of ALL designs for this class are as far as a necro as you can get.


    > My gem balance is zero and that is where it will stay


    I mean, they definitely knew what a necro was in GW1.

  8. > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

    > You want Dwarves? go play other game. They, along with Elves, are the most generic races with only elder scroll break this generic by making them highly advanced, other just your typical loud-honor-drunk-scottish accent, they should make dredge playable instead but even then i prefer they didn't. Leave GW2 out of this generic fantasy setting of human/elves/dwarf


    Just show you know, said Dwarf request was eleven months ago.

  9. > @"Burtnik.5218" said:

    > At this point i am just waiting for cd's to thief. Enough is enough. Make it fair


    It was a complete "feline" trying to catch a dagger/ pewpew thief just last night while under Mallyx in WvW. Now my only reliable gap closer in that stance will cost more and have a cooldown...


    Edit: Also, thieves are getting an imprisonment skill. ?

  10. > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > Sad about Mallyx changes, very pleased about Renegade changes. I might jump back onto Rev and craft Chuka for it.


    > Considering so much of the Renegade rotation was dependant on Mallyx's skill set to fill in for Shortbow's terrible autoattack, I wonder how the new rotation will play.


    > One thing is for certain. The life steal is going to be *KITTEN* hilarious.


    ... What Renegade changes? Icerazor's Ire?

  11. > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > can someone explain what is mobile dark field?


    A "mobile" combo field is a beneficial area effect that acts like a well that follows your character. When you use finishers in said field, it produces additional "combo" effects. A Dark Field is on the lower end of usefulness as far as what is produced, and it looks like, with these changes, to get any damage out of Mallyx, it comes with an overriding, near omnipresent field that'll be at melee range/ stacked on whatever your group is targeting.

  12. I'm holding out on it for now. If Call to Anguish still pulses, and Embrace the Darkness puts out a good amount of additional stacks, I might like it. I just feel that the bonus to all stats gave it a bit of build flexibility not present in most everything, then found it to be weird that it was stronger ONLY in non-PvE. Most of the time, things are weaker in that regard.

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