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Posts posted by Dami.5046

  1. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

    > > The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.

    > >


    > Theyve already said they only added Revanent so that each armor class had three classes attached to it. They can make new specs function like those classes, theyve got Staff skins that looks like scythes and spears, lets get elite specs that function like that.


    > Agree on the different areas to go to.


    > id prefer not having factions in this game. It does still mean something to have all those, lots of players dont have them. I know i dont have legendary armor. Titles kinda do mean something if one does the content that is hard. I wont ever get the raid titles for example.


    I think 3 new classes would be great. 2 new specs, think of the new character slots people could buy! Cantha is and will always be my choice of paid expansion, no one is asking you to buy it if you don't want.

    I mean I'd even embrace level progress and new armour stats to match if it came available. Maybe an Aion based PvP armour for that open world pvp no one wants!

    My point is no one wants to embrace change of ANY kind, unless it means less work/hassle or if that fails get* your* guild to moan on the forum so things gets nerfed.

    Such a same that I actually enjoyed the skyscale collections and tasks, then watched it being nerfed. All my hard work shoved back at me to please the few. I doubt we will ever see anything like that again.



  2. This obsession which new specs. How about a total new class? How about finally allowing us to have our dervishes back or our rits or something completely fresh? How about taking us to places that we are NEVER seen? Maybe above tyria or below?

    The problem with this game for me is the lack of anything meaning anything. There is nothing in the vein of fractions when you not only getting titles but trying to win your own city/town. It means nothing to have a full set of legendary armour, weapons and trinkets. Titles mean nothing even GWAMM has lost its sparkle.


  3. For one, not having another spec shouldn't be the bench mark if something is expansion level. Gah I just can't think of the balance issues a new spec would make .. We had a mount last season and think of the shit that got. Funny that my idea of an expansion is Cantha and so many dis that, so many say they don't want to go to places we have been before and yet here we are, going to GW;EN areas and no one bats an eye.

    This game needs excitement. Walking round a map with a few events and mobs isn't exciting. We need excitement.

    If I can't have my beloved Cantha then a 'boxed' expansion should be a total new area, one GW has never been to. something exciting. something unexpected.

    Oh and one more thing, anet really do need to stop is the sudden 'bowing' down to certain groups. I mean moaning about an event skin and getting it changed when there are so many more issues is laughable.

    But on a plus side the music this episode is stunning so that's at least on point.

  4. The whole thing is getting pathetic. If we had gone to cantha first and not the desert, would people moan about others being ' Nostalgic?' I mean they are sure as hell being 'Nostalgic' about the free Built templates GW had. People moan they don't want GW2 to be GW's clone and yet here we are.

    Guess what, events of the past week make me believe that the haters have really and truly won, so these polls are unnecessary. No need to hate on us that want Cantha anymore.

    You won. Now get back to moaning about mesmers.

  5. > @"sajah varel.9261" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > I think you will find the original Guildwars templates that some of you keep harping on about were less complicated for one - skills only no armour or weapons - a code you just saved to a file.

    > > These took much longer to develop and are not only skills right? They change everything from skills to armour to weapon and more.

    > > You can't say you want some thing and even pay for it then complain when anet listens that you have to pay for it.


    > GW1 had gear template as well. The template feature in gw1 is complete. Nothing is missing, gear, skills, attributes, even for heroes and you can share the template to another person simply by sending the file or just the template string with a copy paste. It's simple, ergonomic and doesn't takes much resources.


    > The only reason they made it overcomplicated in gw2 was to justify the price. We didn't ask for it like that, this isn't what people had in mind when they thought of a template feature.

    > I would have been fine with a one off price, like 800 gems for single limit of 100 builds per char. Seriously, a buy or not should be enough. If they need my money they make an expansion, I'll happy paid 60€ for more content.


    > But really that feature should have been core, especially since it was free in GW1.


    > And by the way for all the additional bank storage being for sale arguments. Guys, GW1 had bank storage for sale too, but they still gave us the template feature for free. They really should stick with skins, that stuff generates money, give us the features for free, we'll buy your skins.


    So who are you trolling here? Me or arenanet?

    > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

    > > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > > How do you think the game is supported? Dust?

    > > >

    > > > Expansions, skins, LW episodes.

    > > >

    > > > > personally I feel no one should of been using a third party program anyway.

    > > >

    > > > luckily it's not on you to decide what other players should be allowed to use.

    > >

    > > Yes it's really lucky I don't have a say or there wouldn't be DPS meters here as well.

    > >


    > No matter if the dps meter is there or not, if someone is doing low damage and the rest of the group has to literally piggyback them they are still getting kicked. You can't hide that. So sure, take it away, but that doesn't stop players from kicking others that waste time.


    > Literally a fruitless effort.



    I disagree. But a discussion for another time, no?

  6. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

    > > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > > I think idea is to get you to actually you know *play* the game. I could be wrong of course as no one seems to want to play.

    > > >

    > > > RNG has what I call an "interest curve" Its only interesting until you get pissed off about spending your time trying to get something and not getting it in a decent amount of time or at all

    > > >

    > > > Your logic is flawed.

    > > >

    > > > A grind would guarantee people play the game. RNG doesnt encourage me to play the game, in fact i've played less since the only reward I want is locked behind a lottery. I also stopped buying gems because why in the hell would I want to financially support a company that does this?

    > > >

    > > > kitten them.

    > >

    > > no sorry it isn't. sometimes you have to work for things.


    > It seems like you agree. A way to work towards the goal is just what the poster you quoted was asking for . . .

    > > @"Despond.2174" said:

    > > 100% of something nearly zero is still nearly zero. I think the chak egg sac over the years as been worked out to be a 1/10,000 drop rate. Making that 1/5000 metas is still going to mean you will probably never see it. If you did 1 meta a day--which is realistic for TD--it would roughly on average take you 14 years to get it via a drop. You're better off farming the gold for one and just leaving RNG in getting one as a bonus surprise.


    > It's ALWAYS better to farm the gold and buy the shiny than rely on rng, so that's not really the point. The point is the rng is so broken you can't actually buy the shiny lol . .


    Where does it say i agree? mmmmmm

    They think anet shouldn't have rng, i'm saying RNG is a way to get people to do stuff.

    Don't see me agreeing.


  7. > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > > Here's the thing. In another thread people are asking for e-specs - PAID E_SPECS- saying they would be hidden behind a paywall anyway (expansion) so if that's the case then you could argue the same here.

    > > > > Oh and another thing, you don't need to use them it's a QOL thing. We did quite well for 7 odd years. NO one is forcing you to use them or buy anymore.

    > > > > Much ado about nothing.

    > > > > Again.

    > > >

    > > > They are taking away my option (arc) and give me something thats not only inferior, but also something i have to pay for if i want to use it properly.

    > > > You dont get enough free storage for one build on every class, let alone the Elite specialization.

    > > > The system just screams: "Gib moneys"

    > >

    > > How do you think the game is supported? Dust?

    > > personally I feel no one should of been using a third party program anyway.


    > I am surprised their lawyers ever allowed them to let players use a 3rd party program. I would imagine they had to make sure and say Arenanet was not responsible for any loss or damage to the account?


    > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > > Here's the thing. In another thread people are asking for e-specs - PAID E_SPECS- saying they would be hidden behind a paywall anyway (expansion) so if that's the case then you could argue the same here.

    > > > > Oh and another thing, you don't need to use them it's a QOL thing. We did quite well for 7 odd years. NO one is forcing you to use them or buy anymore.

    > > > > Much ado about nothing.

    > > > > Again.

    > > >

    > > > They are taking away my option (arc) and give me something thats not only inferior, but also something i have to pay for if i want to use it properly.

    > > > You dont get enough free storage for one build on every class, let alone the Elite specialization.

    > > > The system just screams: "Gib moneys"

    > >

    > > How do you think the game is supported? Dust?

    > > personally I feel no one should of been using a third party program anyway.


    > I am surprised their lawyers ever allowed them to let players use a 3rd party program. I would imagine they had to make sure and say Arenanet was not responsible for any loss or damage to the account?



  8. > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > How do you think the game is supported? Dust?


    > Expansions, skins, LW episodes.


    > > personally I feel no one should of been using a third party program anyway.


    > luckily it's not on you to decide what other players should be allowed to use.


    Yes it's really lucky I don't have a say or there wouldn't be DPS meters here as well.


  9. > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > Here's the thing. In another thread people are asking for e-specs - PAID E_SPECS- saying they would be hidden behind a paywall anyway (expansion) so if that's the case then you could argue the same here.

    > > Oh and another thing, you don't need to use them it's a QOL thing. We did quite well for 7 odd years. NO one is forcing you to use them or buy anymore.

    > > Much ado about nothing.

    > > Again.


    > They are taking away my option (arc) and give me something thats not only inferior, but also something i have to pay for if i want to use it properly.

    > You dont get enough free storage for one build on every class, let alone the Elite specialization.

    > The system just screams: "Gib moneys"


    How do you think the game is supported? Dust?

    personally I feel no one should of been using a third party program anyway.

  10. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    >People wanted to pay a fair once off price...not have templates character bound and limited to 6.


    Ah then a lesson to be learnt. Maybe people should of been a bit more forthcoming with saying ' I want Build templates' and not giving a detailed account on how they would what these implemented, cost etc.


    > @"Linken.6345" said:



    > Maybe the ones wanting to pay for it and the ones now chucking it back in their faces are not the same people?


    Your guess is as good as mine. Not seeing many folk agreeing with it, mind.







  11. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > people wanted these and some even said they would *pay*

    > > Some people moan Anet don't listen.

    > > I say next time **be careful what you wish for**.

    > That has been my experience with anet so far. Be careful what you ask for, because Anet will find a way to change it into something you definitely _didn't_ want.



    Didn't want? You mean asked for something and claim they would pay to get anet motivated to develop it only to chuck it back in their faces?

    Not understanding what part of these templates wasn't asked for?

    People wanted templates - check

    people said they would pay - check

    people never happy - check check check.

  12. Here's the thing. In another thread people are asking for e-specs - PAID E-SPECS- saying they would be hidden behind a paywall anyway (expansion) so if that's the case then you could argue the same here.

    Oh and another thing, you don't need to use them it's a QOL thing. We did quite well for 7 odd years. NO one is forcing you to use them or buy anymore.

    Much ado about nothing.


  13. > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

    > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > I think idea is to get you to actually you know *play* the game. I could be wrong of course as no one seems to want to play.


    > RNG has what I call an "interest curve" Its only interesting until you get pissed off about spending your time trying to get something and not getting it in a decent amount of time or at all


    > Your logic is flawed.


    > A grind would guarantee people play the game. RNG doesnt encourage me to play the game, in fact i've played less since the only reward I want is locked behind a lottery. I also stopped buying gems because why in the hell would I want to financially support a company that does this?


    > kitten them.


    no sorry it isn't. sometimes you have to work for things.

  14. I think you will find the original Guildwars templates that some of you keep harping on about were less complicated for one - skills only no armour or weapons - a code you just saved to a file.

    These took much longer to develop and are not only skills right? They change everything from skills to armour to weapon and more.

    You can't say you want some thing and even pay for it then complain when anet listens that you have to pay for it.

  15. I'm sure everyone who got the leggie stuff before you would welcome the nerf of armour to one mark each.

    As a end game crafter on balance making marks for armour can be much cheaper than 'normal' crafting of gear (with the luxury of being able to choose your stats).

    But I do agree that the 10 shards for one in wvw is a bit meh when pvp gives you a box with one in it.

    you can buy the items for the craft on the TP as well btw.

  16. I think it's quite the sad day that the last foundering member has decided to move on. I think it speaks volumes. And I don't think it should be taken lightly.

    However as I posted before, I am excited to see what these new games could be.

    Thank you Mike for Guildwars and I wish you every success.

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