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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. > @"Samnang.1879" said:

    > This legendary armory thing better be free... and not a gemstore item that's attached to one toon and you have to buy 20 if you have 20 toons... that would kitten me off so bad.


    highly doubt its for free

  2. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > Lack of creativity and self-confidence

    > > End of Dragons/ End of Jedi

    > > Heart of Thorns / Game of Thrones

    > >

    > > Very embarrassing....


    > Yes, comparing "Heart of Thorns" with "Game of Thrones", which have nothing in common cotent- and namewise, _is_ a bit embarrasing. ;)


    Except we're fighting white walkers right now in the story lol

  3. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > Lack of creativity and self-confidence

    > > > > End of Dragons/ End of Jedi

    > > > > Heart of Thorns / Game of Thrones

    > > > >

    > > > > Very embarrassing....

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Being original is a risk for big companies now

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > There is no Star Wars movie or show called “End of Jedi”

    > >

    > > watch the movie the last Jedi they repeat many times the sentence about end of Jedi

    > >

    > > they Jedi must end ///this is the end of the Jedi repeated to death in the movie

    > >

    > > also, u have Avengers Endgame

    > >

    > > anyway it's not a so big topic I want to discuss on forever HF

    > >



    > So you’re saying a theme of an unrelated movie is about ending, and another separate movies uses the word “end”, so guild war 2 now cannot use the word or concept of ending?


    its called cultural reference if a movie uses a certain phrase over and over again it becomes a trademark


    Cowabanga ( i spell wrong from the ninja mutant hero turtles) and later another filmmaker makes a movie called cowabanga ninjas its clearly related

    u cant avoid people can see a connection of a blockbuster success and a game with a similar name which comes out a short while after that.

    (developing time included)


    Worldwar Z

    another movie names itself Worldwar G


    u see its quite easy to copy without make it look like copy, ya I disagree as well


    anyway topic is boring

  4. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > Lack of creativity and self-confidence

    > > End of Dragons/ End of Jedi

    > > Heart of Thorns / Game of Thrones

    > >

    > > Very embarrassing....

    > >

    > >

    > > Being original is a risk for big companies now



    > There is no Star Wars movie or show called “End of Jedi”


    watch the movie the last Jedi they repeat many times the sentence about end of Jedi


    they Jedi must end ///this is the end of the Jedi repeated to death in the movie


    also, u have Avengers Endgame


    anyway it's not a so big topic I want to discuss on forever HF


    > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > Lack of creativity and self-confidence

    > > End of Dragons/ End of Jedi

    > > Heart of Thorns / Game of Thrones

    > >

    > > Very embarrassing....

    > >

    > >

    > > Being original is a risk for big companies now


    > If it ain't broken then don't fix it. Heart of Thorn was a very apt name for an expansion about a jungle dragon.

    > As is Game of Thrones for a show about political power play with the crown.

    > That they happen to sound similar doesn't really mean anything. In fact, you could even argue that having a name that sounds semi-similar to a popular ip makes the name more likable.


    Yes thats my point by choosing a well known beloved name Anet can profit from it.

    Its like when a Popular movie trend comes out there are many cheap productions with similar name to ride on the wave of interest.

  5. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > Lack of creativity and self-confidence

    > > End of Dragons/ End of Jedi

    > > Heart of Thorns / Game of Thrones

    > >

    > > Very embarrassing....

    > >

    > >

    > > Being original is a risk for big companies now


    > Gw2's expansion names have always had a direct meaning or reference to the story, I don't agree that they just ripped off something else that is popular.


    > The Heart of Thorns is a legitimate relevant location in the Magumma Jungle.

    > Path of Fire is a reference to the war campaign the God of Fire waged across Elona.

    > End of Dragons we expect to be the finale of the Elder Dragon main storyline of Gw2 which has been ongoing for almost a decade.


    > They're not just random words that are irrelevant to the game, neither are their logo's which typically depict an Elder Dragon that play's a relevant part in that expansion's storyline.. hence why many believe the DSD is going to be the big bad antagonist of the expansion since it's clearly depicted in the logo.


    Dragon Watch ---- Night Watch (game of Thrones)


    yes it's related to the story but clearly repurposed


    Also when u compare all the humor dialogue the game got in compare to before u noticed a style change to the popular marvel humor.


    Anyhow, I like the game but creativity with names is not the strength



  6. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > Yeah, nothing adverse could happen to the economy from this suggestion.

    > >

    > > Well it's in a way a gold sink, the home instance gather value is nothing u can not get in the open world anyway.

    > Not really a gold sink if you need only purchase it once.


    > > It affects the economy the same as endless gathering tools do already.

    > > But curious to know ur opinion what u mean it will disturb the economy, I admit I didn't think that much through.

    > Endless gathering tools may have had an impact on the economy, but players still have to actively go to a node and farm it. Many players may not take the opportunity to do this each and every time that they log on. Your proposal would basically give mats to players for "free" without any effort. IMO, this would add more mats to the TP as people cash them in for gold which would devalue the mats. Converting gold->gems would then affect the gem prices (as well as de-incetivize players from purchasing gems with real cash), much like what was seen during the heyday of the Istan farm. Gems were a lot cheaper then than they are now (almost by half!).



    **Good points.**

    I can't really say if is will impact the economy, IMHO Anet prefer to sell u items in the gem store over having the mats prices devalued by an unknown %.




    > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > Would you be able to slot Glyphs in their harvesting tool slots? Is this a walk into instance talk to butler standing right next to entrance, press F to collect everything sort of thing, or do I have to watch them run around for me?


    I was thinking the same,


    **I go into more detail how I imagine the Butler works.**


    The Butler is an NPC comes with the ability to be equipped with glyphs, those glyphs can be removed again by the player or exchanged for other ones. (Glyphs need be bought separate from the Butler)


    The Butler can be transmuted with skins from the gemshop.


    For example u buy a Skritt Butler from the Gem shop, later u get bored with that look u can buy another skin like a Golem Butler (Ghost, Bunny, Ecto Ooze... imagination is endless) that way the Butler stays a gold sink like mounts do.



    The Butler is a little like an SIMs NPC he has his own personality and animations. When u just visit the home instance he will walk around doing stuff like gathering or sweeping the ground. He will have some dialogues he randomly talks like NPCs in the open world do (funny ones is the hope and enough diversity that it needs a while before u heard all he has to say)


    **How to Gather mats**

    After you arrived your home instance u get a special action key (Butler Bell), after pressing this one the Butler will run to u, it can be a few seconds till he reaches u depending on where in the home instance he is at that moment. He then has a welcome sentence like (Welcome Home Master, Dialogue will be different with each different Butler skin) U than interact with the Butler select collect mats to get ur mats.



    This I imagine will give the home instance some flavor and not just be a thing must do. It also will be a nice addition when player housing arrives and people will be busy with many other things in their H.I. Than gathering mats.





  7. I'm holding on gearing alts up, because I am not sure now if we get this feature or not, Emotionally I am very neutral so don't worry on hurting my feelings. (I'm not entitled to anything)


    I just like to know if it comes or not, if it's still on the table my alts can stay mediocre a while longer if it doesn't come I like very much to help those poor souls.


    Thank u very much u guys are awesome

  8. Emotes are very underused in gw2 and quite hidden, I'm not even sure how outside Halloween anyone could know about them when new to MMOs.

    So small suggestion and make it optional (via checkbox in options)


    An Emote UI window,

    it could be like an expandable slide bar over the chat box.

    The Icons for them are partial already made so all what's needed is to make a nice layout design and make it not to big and as said optional to use.


    I myself would like that since I cannot remember all the emote names and typing them is u know...

  9. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > Yeah, nothing adverse could happen to the economy from this suggestion.


    Well it's in a way a gold sink, the home instance gather value is nothing u can not get in the open world anyway.


    (or in ur home instance urself, it's a pure QOL item)


    It affects the economy the same as endless gathering tools do already.

    But curious to know ur opinion what u mean it will disturb the economy, I admit I didn't think that much through.

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