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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. **Amulets Ring and trinkets**


    In the real world those are bling bling to show off in GW 2 it's just a stats' giver.


    So here my suggestion what u done to **legendary Accessories** do with all of those slots. Add Accessories skins to the gem store and give the ability to transmute those slots.


    **How they are different from infusion effects ?**

    They are different bcs they are combat only, they also don't need to stay the full duration of the combat they can get triggered at start and end for a second.


    Those Accessories skins could be the same style as the legendaries already using or some short burst one's like flame/ demon wings or an Eye appear and gives u Power from above, no limits to fantasy even can go the cute route with cats since anet love cats.


    **Advantages for anet:**

    can sell Accessories skins via gem shop




    Visual clutter get bigger (but that depends also on what kind of design anet choose)


    Anet need add a checkbox for turn off and turn on Accessories effects ofc.


    It would in a way devalued legendary Accessories BUT if u look at legendary armor compare to gem shop that's not a big issue also gem store weapons slowly winning over legendaries.


    Thanks if u like my idea anet welcome to ask for my PayPal


    **THANK U **








  2. Can the zoom in be more controllable?


    what I mean by that is I like zoom on my characters face for a screenshot it always goes like 2 steps


    2 meter away from me and than suddenly its personal view.


    only way now is face a wall and than use zoom to get a better view of my char face


  3. > @"zOLtAm.7824" said:

    > > @"Zok.4956" said:

    > > > @"zOLtAm.7824" said:

    > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > ( I also hope to use my legendary gear across my built templates on my main with different cosmetic skins as well a separate helm on helm off/ back item)

    > > >

    > > > Each char will have their own skin.

    > >

    > > Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you can assign a different skin for every template, maybe not.

    > >

    > > Anet did not say anything about how skins work with the legendary armory.

    > >


    > They said the objective is to remove the need of use the bank for moving leg items from one char to another. Assigning a different skin for every template is not on the table, based on what they posted, so you can assume they will have the same skin (what is happening today) or each char will have their own skin (as if they have all armor items in their bags).


    > I think those "legendary armory wardrobe" are too much speculation/personal wishes =/


    that what I'm worry about and that would make this feature dead on arrival for me



  4. since we wait so long now already. It would be wise perhaps to give a feature warning list before this gets released.


    I already can sense it comes out without the so demanded cosmetic aspect. which is ok but will make this useless for except on a weekly key runner.


    I hope that anet know that a feature with cosmetics will make people play their alts more and by playing them more they are more likely to built a relationship with them so that they buy more skins and bag space to get them up to speed as their main. At least in my case I ofc cant speak for other that's just my speculation.


    gearing up is no fun in this game, there was never an excitement for getting a new piece of gear like other mmos who have this gear treadmill.


    By getting rid of gear hunting anet can focus on their strength and that's cosmetics.


    Also it would extend play time since it gives people with legendary gear more initiative to try out other classes.

    A released legendary armory would catapult my renegade and warrior to classes I barely play to classes I use In Fractals and open world content, instead of just being placeholder for the day I feel to start make 2 more legendary armors. (so in 2-3 years) since noone want spend gold on un fun gear on chars they may or may not love.


    ( I also hope to use my legendary gear across my built templates on my main with different cosmetic skins as well a separate helm on helm off/ back item)

  5. > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"theoneparttwo.9561" said:

    > > No. Non. Nope. Nein. Nyet. Never. Nuh-uh.

    > >

    > > There are a million and a half reasons why it won't happen, and continuing to beat that dead horse is likely what led us to having that malformed Pegasus skin for the Griffon. The devs used a group of necromancers to reanimate the desecrated corpse of said dead horse and sold it in the gem shop. Please, for the sake of the malformed Pegasus, just stop already with these posts! ( :tongue: )


    > Once upon a time these forums were filled with posts that said there would never be mounts and to stop flogging a dead horse asking for them... I guess you were not around then...


    I was a pro mount and was sure from day 1 they would do that some day, that said a new race is just not game change enough.


    Mounts = new ways to explore/ new content design styles possibilities bcs of mounts/ great gem store value via skin (goldmine) / Convienence lazyness always wins and gives a strong feeling of progress.


    that said anet will only add new races if they find a way to make armor fit every body shape easily without any effort and I'm not sure anet has this tech.


    but yes welcome to proof me wrong win win



  6. I explain for everyone who want tengu


    Anet is a company who need think about cost of production in relation to how much money they can get from it.


    here the workload to implement tengu


    All dialogues need be recorded with a tengu voice

    All armors in game need be redesigned to fit tengu body shapes

    All animations need be customized to fit a tengu body

    A new personal story need be designed with multiply choices

    A new home instance need be made for tengus and a new starter zone

    The creation screen need 2 new models for your choice added. A full customize template with various faces and body shapes and hair styles need be built.

    Dialogue Animation scenes need to be redone to fit tengu u know the kind of u have in ther personal story when talk to an npc.


    Here are the wins for anet

    Happy Bird lover

    (who probaply buy the xpac with or without tengu)

  7. > @"Kamp.9275" said:

    > I do not want to compact my inventory bags ever, nor by accident. My stuff is in a specific order.

    > Please move or change the _Compact button_, so that it is not a single-click-with-no-confirmation button right next to the _deposit all materials_ button, which we use all the time. It is way to easy to hit it by accident.

    > And I'm guessing it is not something people switch back and forth between often, so.. shoo.. away with it. General options or such, or at minimum a drop down selection.


    many bags dont have that compact function that could be a fix for u

  8. kind of impressive how from overall enthusiastic and constructive this tread slowly drift into despair and humor....


    Anyway Anet in case u still do it and u want only do it if u make money how about try to sell gamers a Build template switch animation?


    blue fire explosion when switch to build 1

    underworld demon ground when switch build 2

    Love hearts build 3


    endless more option u can even reuse old effects


    hope that helps


  9. the system is to say not mature now....


    what i did is was max 6 / 6 templates and than keybind build to alt+numb (1) for example and ctrl +numb(1) for gear


    not perfect but thats the best we can do for now


    Anet mentioned a legendary armory in march i think but no news since than


    I support anet making money but ye... the buildtemplates now are not worth it if u dont have a full max out main

  10. > @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > reporting ppl for doing an achievement or winning a costume brawl what's next reporting someone for being faster in a race?


    > Your framing of the argument is pretty disingenuous. That's not the reason they're reporting. Now, I don't actually think the reports will garner an infraction and there are ways to still get the daily even if someone is trolling the forge. But it is technically against the rules to engage in activity that deliberately disrupts other players (and I have seen some very obvious trolling in this area).


    > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > I believe there are some toys that are bugged: They can set a person's counter to 0 with a single hit.

    > > I had this happen to me last year (again a player who did this repeatedly to everyone even after he had his daily), so I stopped participating in public brawls. Nowadays I only brawl with guild mates in our guild hall or some other instance. No more brawling in open world = no more trolls.


    > I am still not entirely sure how this works either, but it is bugged/messed up in some way. I think it's the dazes - when you go "in combat" it takes you out of the brawl entirely and resets the stacks. But yeah, that's my two fixes - fix the ooc, don't remove hit stacks, more fun for everyone for something that has been basically irrelevant for many years.


    > If you want to trade/farm brawls privately, hit me up in game. I still have 150 to go...


    well..... I fail to see why u have the right to tell others how to finish their in game achievements is somehow legit.


    But NVM im sure anet is smart enough not to react to those reports anyway


    but to fix ur problem ask in mapchat if someone is so kind and let u win easy done

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