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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > If we get enough underwater content to warrant something like a legendary breather, I would much prefer it be reworked in such a way that the breather is no longer a piece of armor and is purely aesthetic. At which point there's really no need for a legendary one.


    > That in mind though, I'm no opposed to more, new breather skins.


    this would be perfect

  2. agreed I saw that info and had no idea how to join in and I have the game from the start.

    I did one tournament 2v2

    got 2 portions bcs me mediocre pvper


    spend felt 1 hour for that

    no idea what extra rewards I can get or where for doing this


    beside that No Bots in a PVP match was a nice surprise

  3. Hope Anet gives a really cool design for this Breather.


    I would like as well a special effect when low on Health (we have Legendary Crit Effects for Weapon a Low Health one could be a nice change)



    Steam Punk perhaps [https://imgur.com/a/uT6b0](https://imgur.com/a/uT6b0)


    Anet should also think about giving us complete different wardrobe functions for underwater


    could be a good way to sell us underwater suit skins

  4. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > Just cause a symbol means one thing in our era, doesn't mean it has the same meaning in other era's and other (fantasy) worlds.

    > We all know the swastika from german kitten's , but the more common meaning is a symbol of luck. It jsut got overshadowed by the terrible things in WW2.


    > Angels literally means messenger, but this was ofen tied to war. The Goddess Nike was seens as the lighning thrown down to earth by Zeus. It was Zeus his message to the world. It was often depicted as a female with birdwings. There are also much older mythical creatures that look like a person in white with white bird-wings. This appears in many other mediteranian mythologies..


    > So no, it has nothing to do with Christianity in itself.


    > I sense you have a strong dislike towards religion, possible a single one. I have had the same thing and I understand why this can happen. But also understand that such mythology can be supporting to many other people and not all of them (most!) are really not trying to push it through your throat


    I don't have a dislike for religion

  5. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.


    > And plush quaagan/charr backpacks are very accurate "in lore" items. I'm sure the charr wouldn't object with other races moving around with plush representations of them on their backs. There is also a glider skin that looks like a Super Adventure Box cloud (makes the appropriate sound too)

    > Gem store skins aren't supposed to have something with the story or lore, they are merchandize and they are added to the gem store so Anet can make money and support the game.


    there is a LW Mission where a charr has a plush Quagan in his bed... those things get shown in the story

  6. Hi Anet great game


    just I am very curious why all those religious themed designs?


    Angel wings


    Devil Horns

    now a church glass wing pack?


    The Story or Lore has nothing with Angels or an Icarus, No NPC with Angel wings standing around.

    maybe u wanna change the game name to Angel Wars ? or Bird People ?


    anyway great game not so serious question of mine




  7. first thanks for this great game 8 years big fan


    With the new xpac on the way i have a little request.


    The new meta style which I feel started with LS4 feels a little hectic for me.

    Kill mobs mount up change location kill mobs and so on I cant really see who I fight and everything dies in seconds. Meta Over rush to collect treasures mount up rush to second part of the meta.

    (The rewards are great just open I guess 40+ chest after I just killed the Big Boss gives me no time to relax)

    Even with knowing where the meta is heading and skyscale mount I see myself often arrive when the Champion is half health.


    I m sure many enjoy this kind of fast style, Just a hope anet can mix it up a little and slow things down in some metas. Dragon stand had a nice speed and very clear parts.


    thanks a lot great game and just my opinion



  8. > @"Silvercyclone.1462" said:

    > 2 things wrong. In Cantha they booted out all the humans so only 1/5 of the playable races will be welcome. The other thing is we still have to deal with Primordus so its not the End of Dragons unless we fight them both at once. Taimi's machine put Primordus and Jormag to sleep but Jormag woke up so we are dealing with him now.


    Anet hinted a lot that Fire is Jormags weakness I guess we end up with both Dragons Killing each other OR Jormag tricks us into killing Primordus to become a Ice Fire Dragon (there is a Ice fire outfit in game right now)

    the death of 2 more dragons will free a lot magic and Aurene starts her journey to rebuilt the circle of Dragons by finding other Dragons like her slumbering in eggs

  9. Story I predict is End of Dragon title was inspired by The Last Jedi (The Jedi must end)


    It will be not the end of GW2 but instead the Universe get expanded and we meet creatures way more powerful than dragons

    and more dragons are born to replace and expand the dragon world.


    The next Villain is probably a deep sea creature (Love craft style THE OLD ONES)

    which is not a dragon but something else. Far more danger....

    (Abyss Stalker outfit is a hint that we go so deep under the ocean that sun light will not reach but instead we have bio luminescent lights)



    Races and Dragons bond together to fight for the survival of Tyria

    side story is an Cantha Emperor so powerful he can control the Dragons of his empire (Mega Robots Japanese style Also a big sea Fleet)


    with focus on expanding we go far into the sky (cloud cities) Air combat will be one big selling point

    Air Combat includes a new Mount which is trainable due mysteries--hyperspeed air combat


    Player Housing the flying house or a Boat house (function of the house could become like a waypoint harbor to harbor)

    Under water worlds will get sound improvements to much blub blub need more than that. A big part underwater feels bad is the sound.


    New Specializations Cantha themed

    Every class gets Hand to hand combat abilities or at least warrior will get this.... (MONK)


    As for mastery's the usual things to slow us down not to rush thru all maps in one day (High altitude and High water Pressure resistance etc.)

    This will be the biggest x pac anet done so far



  10. @Anet sound team


    Is it possible that the shinning blade not make a sheet/ de sheet sound when gathering resources and instead does that for combat only?


    The Shining blade has a very cool sound effect when drawing the weapon and a sound when put the weapon back, BUT it starting getting sadly quick old when cutting trees in sirens landing and each tree i hear that sound.


    I believe this is something happen for every weapon ? so perhaps it can be fixed


    thank you very much u doing great


    edit I also get that sound when mount and dismount

  11. 2 players both same skill level, one guardian the other Ranger both go down the same moment due one tick of burn. or to make it more funny the guard goes down 5 seconds later


    Who will win ?


    now we say its not a 1v1 in contest but sometimes it is and mini seasons with the upcoming 3v3 before 2v2 will have some day a 1v1 for sure


    I see no reason why the outcome of who win the down fight is already decided by choosing the class

  12. unique downstate yes BUT please balance them it cant be that some are so strong that they can self rezz while being attacked or that they can almost one shot u


    thank u


    please take a look anet and maybe u see what u can balance

  13. Open discussion no NO or YES please comments more interesting would be talking the pros and cons.


    PVP has Bots we all saw them.

    But here is my Question would ppl be OK with having Bots made by Anet?


    The interesting thing about Bots is that they try to win the game, A bad Bot could just be programed to stay at home base and randomly push skills to not get dced.

    Instead they join the game going for kills and capturing points.


    With AI getting better and better would it be OK(ish) to have Bots officially created by Anet.


    Reasons Anet could release a Bot


    1: A Player dced start of the game after a certain grace time a Bot jumps in to create a team balance

    2: Off Hours not enough Players online to shorten waiting time

    3: A player got banned mid game

    4: A Player Dced short after game started


    Bots must be have a certain look to be identified as Bots

    Bots need play a support build only?

    Bots need to be a class which is not used already by a Human Player

    Bots need have a average skill cant play god like and cant be super nubish

    Bots can be Voted by their team to be which class build/ Support/ Offense


    A Training Arena with Bots only where players can learn the basics of PVP with hints and explanation



    thanks for reading



  14. > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

    > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

    > > It looks really nice, but I'll still never pay such an outrageous price for it.


    > Yeah 2k gems is a bit much, i think they are too overpriced on these skins. 1000 gems i can maybe see, its a skin for goodness sake's, didnt the forums get upset when they charged 2k for a mount skin in 2017? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18347/mike-obrienss-new-response-to-high-priced-mount-skins


    > I mean dont they realize they will make more by selling more if they lowered the prices? Its business 101, high prices mean only a few can buy, lower prices means many can buy. I guess this is the way forward selling overpriced skins that amount to 30/35 dollars a piece smh


    not really.... selling low volume in high prices works pretty well for many luxury goods.


    Plus anet sells bits and bytes they can go lower in price any time and collect the other markets easily than

  15. Airships will not work as personal improvements

    they would become more like something as a new map


    or does everyone get his own ship and cruises thru the sky? slowly like star ship Enterprise with guns attached?

    shooting air targets it would become a mini game like the adventure box in itself and would not add anything to old content.


    Naval combat the same issue -if it becomes a team effort what job does each person get press 1? while the commander control the direction of the boat that will get old super fast.


    individuality is the only way to top mounts




  16. a try to avoid OP builds which manage it in the past to delete amulets (celestial)


    diversity could be if anet work together with the player 5 guarantee working builds each class


    but yes exotic builds would die off


    > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > That's the current de-facto state. Explicitly limiting choices wouldn't alter anything. It would likely make the problem worse, as ANet has a track record of picking bad builds as defaults.


    hmm perhaps that's the biggest issue with my idea

  17. Just an idea

    Instead of every one uses the amulet they want


    Class specific amulets


    For example every class can choose




    Condition offense


    For every class those amulets would have different stats so they would fit to create 4 workable builds


    Can be more amulets but the idea is


    A offensive amulet for thief gives different stats than an offensive amulet for Mesmer


    That way class changes can be made with amulets who are costume made for class X


    Hope it’s understandable what I mean

  18. > @"Cobra.6509" said:

    > Its a pointless mount. Also it costs a lot more than 40g ..somewhere at 200g if you add all the mats required. Peoples will say that mats can be farmed but I tell you gold can be farmed too. But to answer to your question : yes is worth doing this collection, its a well made collection, with a lot of fun things to do, a masterpiece really.


    Absolutely not 200 gold


    I had 160 g when I started and 124 g when I got it I even bought the grow lamp


    The food treats are optional and nobody must use or buy them. I didn’t used one


    I personal found it fun and easy finished it in about a week with minimal use of guides since I wanted have a challenge.


    Mount is worth it not the fastest mount but a great mount when u search something or wait for an event

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