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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. > @"jwaz.1908" said:

    > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > Would be nice if making one of each legendary armor piece in an armor category gives you a legendary aqua breather for that category.


    > I like this idea the best. Collect the whole legendary armor set and get the corresponding aquabreather free of charge.


    this or how about we get rid of Aquabreather rune slot and the six rune bonus just count from the helmet

  2. > @"BigBragg.8354" said:

    > There are several ways to reduce eyes strain. Monitors that have settings to produce less blue light. Glasses that will filter out blue light. Don't play in dark rooms. Take breaks.


    people miss the point of this post:


    Eye pain is just a side effect of what the bright lights and flashes are for and thats it for keep u playing longer. Like in a Casino u get constant stimulated by blinking and bright lights. The conspiracy theory i have here is anet doin this on porpuse to make u extend ur play time.


    I just hope anet can overthink that and find better ways to archive ppl play longer

  3. do u continue the eye hurting bright flashes bcs u know it makes the player feels not sleepy and so plays longer ?


    edit to make it more understandable Casinos doin the same things they have bright flashing lights, there are more similarities to game design and Casino enviroment but i stick with the lights now.


    (ps before ppl think im so negative i love this game just my eyes hurt and i hope anet can see they dont need those extreme effects for getting that casino effect)

  4. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > It sounds like what you want is a full skill rating reset. This wouldn't accomplish what you want, and actually I think would have the complete opposite effect. Matches at the start of the season would be complete chaos. You could have completely new ranked players in with people who were legendary previous season.


    > We've talked about changing the soft mmr reset between seasons to be even softer. We probably don't want to remove reset all together, otherwise we'd see quite lot of accusations of unfairness.


    yes full reset its no fun to be pushed into a low rank bcs of having ppl in placement match dc and u have those unwinable matches now. Also the i forgot how to say it loosing rating when not play for a while. This system put me into silver at start the next season.


    how about a compromise ?

    games with 4v5 dont count towards the placement matches and add 5 more games to the placement matches that would give a more error free chance imho u are the pro u know ofc better than me.


    what annoyed me in general last season was when i was 2 wins away from gold and than get a loosing streak back to gold 1 without knowing what did i do wrong to become suddenly worse.


    another idea add a profanity filter perma in pvp i curse a lot later im sorry after i cool down

  5. > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > where is it written that gear MUST be hard to get ?

    > The fact that it's literally designed that way. Just make your Ascendeds and move on.




    i own 2 legendary armors its just not fun if people have fun on grinding gear stats so be it

  6. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > What "gear grind" needs to be stopped? Legendary armor, legendaries in general, aren't supposed to be cheap. They aren't even worth to make unless you change stats or upgrades a ton. That is by design and should under no circumstance be made any easier or costly for that matter.


    > They arent even hard thats the best part. Learning the raids is the hard part, finding a group to do the entirety of Xeras wing is the hard part. but the actual making them is easy!


    > Ascended Armor is even easier, i made three sets and every single set since then ive gotten from Fractals + Stat swapping to get the combo i want.

    > Ascended Weapons are really easy too, i made my three mains weapons and after that i did all the elite spec collections, and fractals(t4 daily) + tequatl(daily), and i have more than i need at the moment.



    how many classes you play ?


    in theory tomorrow the meta shift u have 3 classes how much fun do u feel change stats


    in general do u have fun gearing up?

  7. nerf dmg (PVP)

    get rid of any passives characters have

    promote active game play



    One shot burst are no fun for people who enjoy skilled game play a 10% dmg nerf could be enough for the start



    Also next xpact may come next year dont do the power creep again to push ppll to buy x pact this strategy was the reason i refused to buy the x pact for 1 year

  8. > @"Jwake.7013" said:

    > What's too pricey about it? What's your solution for the fix? It is called 'Legendary' for a reason though, personally don't have a problem with it.


    > There really isn't a gear grind at all by the time your lvl'd to 80 most people already have a piece or two of exotic and then can work on getting the exact stats they want. Ascended gear is pretty easy to get through collections and crafting imo. And you really don't even NEED those unless your doing fractals.

    > Yes build templates would be nice.


    Fun fact the game started out without gear grind exotic gear was easy to get, than Anet changed it guess what they can change it again if people feel more fun without grinding gear stats.


    Solution is easy lower the prices for gear

  9. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > What "gear grind" needs to be stopped? Legendary armor, legendaries in general, aren't supposed to be cheap. They aren't even worth to make unless you change stats or upgrades a ton. That is by design and should under no circumstance be made any easier or costly for that matter.


    where is it written that gear MUST be hard to get ? in a skill based game ?


    welcome to show me the LAW about game gear

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