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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > a lot of those skills have beautiful animations they are pushed back by being unusable with high recharge time

    > >

    > > I say don't waste them take a look at them make them pve world open only and let them be a fun thing to fill the gabs certain professions have.

    > >

    > > no need to waste those

    > >

    > > ps also rethink the mist wolf its a beautiful designed skill/pet give him to a ranger but don't waste that beauty


    > Let’s say Asura has a racial skill that does high fire damage. Played with a condi build that uses condi and fire damage (like FB), any none asura playing this build will be at a disadvantage. To solve this issue, racial skills have to be weaker than none racial skills.


    > They are meant for RP. Other than that it will be a balance issue.


    to be fair everything is a balance issue... lets say a thief has stealth.


    i like those skills OW so they will not be an issue in raids and in pvp just some self fun in pve

  2. i am afraid this will create less classes being useful instead of more... I could imagine how this make half of the classes obsolete since multi class Guard-Mesmer can be superior to Mesmer guard or how both classes end up be able to do the same.


    on the other side hmmm its hard to say


    anet could take a look at that and treat it like a class fusion Blue guardian portals who are similar to Mesmer portals but giving slight different advantages a short distance portal which cleanses conditions for example.


    but this will be hard

  3. a lot of those skills have beautiful animations they are pushed back by being unusable with high recharge time


    I say don't waste them take a look at them make them pve world open only and let them be a fun thing to fill the gabs certain professions have.


    no need to waste those


    ps also rethink the mist wolf its a beautiful designed skill/pet give him to a ranger but don't waste that beauty

  4. Anet stop limit ur designer and go crazy with armor design


    butcapes, coats and the fear of armor is to sexy limit u a lot


    Go wild stop be scared


    ps not interested in hearing ppl telling me armor need 9 months to make we are all not anets armor designer this is my opinion its based on nothing but my wishes.



    pps let us preview infusions


    pppps Infusions effects is something i advised anet 1 year ago I was told by a lots of people here that anet will not do it... I called them auras at that time inspired by the legendary stacking effect people done at that time.

  5. I dont use arc dps yet but I plan on that


    before dps meter we had ranger and necros and guards not welcome in speedrun dunguons bcs of their low dps. we had guilds who made youtube videos and lied about the dps the builds output they promote.


    I remember the silliness when a ranger want join and he get kicked or those warrior and mesmer only groups.


    U got kicked at AC p2 is kinda weird u sure was ur dps ? the p2 path has the ghost buster thing in the end if i remember right. I done that many times the last few days for the monk runes and it seems the only part which gave ppl trouble was that they dont know they must charge the traps.


    PS if those programs can see my inventory and gear and build this part i want be banned i know build and gear is possible since i was kicked from a wvw squad bcs i run a Valkyrie hammer guardian build and the cmander wanted i switch to a build for which i not had the desire to play.

  6. bothers me since the start


    why every time i view a vista i get blinded by a white screen it hurts so much i never do daily vista and close my eyes before activate one when exploring


    please change plzzzzz just make it from grey or from black if thats cooler

  7. > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > > - player housing


    > I've never understood the appeal of this. I see people asking for it in every MMO and I just don't get it. It's pretty boring...


    It will come im sure anet already prepares with the sitting on chair ability also they see that the chair vanity item sells well. I trust anet they can give this some functionality as well. Im not interested in player housing but if i was to choose guildhalls or player housing i take player housing

  8. build templates ( I like this template can also safe looks/ for example i own a legendary armor and i wear the bladed armor for an high dps build and i switch to a defensive build i like my armor look changes to the glorious armor ...without I pay transmutation charges ofc same goes for weapon skins)


    a better inventory and bank system able to name bank slots and color them

    a VIP Lounge Tome as the living story one

    more shared inventory slots

    A way to turn down those flashy flash effects in big combats i like to see the thing i am hitting

    more character design options (Idle stands Hero/ Criminal/ demon/ cute/ shy/ energetic/ sleepy/aggressive/ relaxed/ exploring/ sexy)

    more hair styles some super long hair

    ways to color my eyes in 2 different colors left eye blue right eye is pink for example same for hair

    Glowing in the dark eyes/ Black on the outside eye ( BLEACH ANIME STYLE EYES or Naruto with many patterns/Spiral)


    short cut buttons for emicon animations


    mystic forge batch

    an easier way to find mystic forge recipes without leaving the game

    gearing up ur character is way to hard in this game and time consuming get rid of time gated crafting


    Weapon Armory

    let us put all our weapons into an armory not in our inventory

    sigils and runes going into the armory as well change the system to we learn a sigil and runes so we can put them on any time, for a cost for non legendary if u feel u need...


    make minis faster to follow us


    let us change pvp builds outside of pvp


    give moving speed buff to the VIP lounge Lily of Elona


    give people more ways to obtain rare crafting materials like Silver doubloons


    open world duel


    let us color skill effects open world and pve only


    increase the effect use time of that Quicksilver tonic we get from the juggernaut collection


    if u cant give people the option to dye backpacks sell every backpack in at least 8 different colors win win


    last I want say

    I kinda sad that anet went away from the idea that gearing up is easy in gw2, it takes a lot fun away not to play any build u like without grinding for a months (normal gaming time not ur hardcore i can get all stuff in 1 day people)


    I hope u reconsider focus on let people play the game and not grind armors and weapon stats, A solution would be to make legendary armor cheaper to obtain half the price! perfectly balanced as all things should be.











  9. > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > Are u one of those Mount NO people? if enough people are willing to spend money on that Anet will do it.

    > >

    > > I personal dont need another race in the game Combat Tonics could the solution for everybody

    > >

    > > you can make a Norn look like a Drawf already with a Tonic and u can make a Largos use a Sylvary and that backpack from the gemstore, Koda Combat tonic is also already here.

    > >

    > > now just need be able to mount and done


    > I might just be crazy here, and hear me out on this...but you can't customize combat tonics...


    > I mean, can we replace the whole of the wardrobe system with combat tonics? Yes, that works? Okay, then let's get rid of armor and the custom character creator and make-over kits and outfits and let's just have human, asura, sylvari, etc tonics instead!


    agreed ok how about than a size slider for norn in the character creation which enables drawfen size ? Humans got kinda a new race with Elonians kinda kinda without getting to political lol. For Sylvari add some Largos Faces and skin patterns


    that would be 2 new races

  10. Are u one of those Mount NO people? if enough people are willing to spend money on that Anet will do it.


    I personal dont need another race in the game Combat Tonics could the solution for everybody


    you can make a Norn look like a Drawf already with a Tonic and u can make a Largos use a Sylvary and that backpack from the gemstore, Koda Combat tonic is also already here.


    now just need be able to mount and done

  11. and its very great happy happy


    got the portal scroll to the Lilly of Elon

    This gave me an idea for u anet to make some money or to be nice to us player


    a portal tome for all this kind of scrolls


    we now have the LS season ones but none for those instances


    Queens pavilion and the one in Gandaren field and the Asura one... would be great to have a Tome for those all as well


    thank u

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