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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > If they could do it I certainly wouldn't complain. I always open my unidentified gear, just in case there's something good in there, but I like being able to wait until it's convenient to fill my inventory with random equipment.


    > They would have to consider all the items which currently aren't available from unidentified gear though, and make sure they were added to the loot table or still available in another way.


    easy solution would be normal gear which is avaiable over every map becomes uidentified gear while special map/Xpact related gear goes into an chest.


    should be easy from my unqualified point of view

  2. Can understand u feel upset they didn’t tried invest all in gw2 to become nr1 mmo over the years same time I understand them knowing gw2 can’t carry them forever.



    Ppl should also not forget that there was the narrative support the game buy gems was running around for some years this of course painted a picture of if u buy enough the game will get better.


    Anet maybe never told the player that this is the case or they did I don’t know but ppl where thinking so.





  3. > @"shoegaze.3482" said:

    > How Is it possible, after all these years, that ANET didn't understand this buisness model of Gw2 just doesn't work?

    > Look at the mmorpg scene, All of them have monthly subscription or paid contents + 50€ expansion every year.


    > And Gw2? LW, released Little by Little for free and two 40€ expansions in 7 years. I mean, kitten? How are you supposed to earn money and invest in better content? Selling Eye Candy? This Is not a friking moba, It doesn't work that way.


    > Imagine what would be to release (and sell for 30/40/50€) a full LW season or expansion every year, all at once, new story, 5 new Maps, new raid, new fractal, new collection, new achievments, instead of 1 map and few hours of gameplay every 3 months. It would be 10 times more impacting and satisfying, and provide more incomes to develop more and better contents.


    > Dear ANET really, you can't give almost for free a videogame and then kitten up the job of +100 ppl because you don't earn enough money from It.


    > And you know what's the best part? Despite all of this, in my personal experience, Gw2 still the best mmorpg, best gameplay, best combat system, best arts, best community.

    > WoW? Most boring combat system ever. ESO? Class system/diversification/flavour unexistent. FF? Flat and slow and limited. (This Is my personal experience obv, played all of them until end game content)


    > Im so pissed. >_> Don't let this game die, and sell It kitten! sell It! Stop giving It for free! And use those Money to make It better and get rid of DirectX9... In 2019...


    Are u a shareholder?

  4. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

    > > > > They can’t properly balance what they got now and y’all want more profession classes? Lmao

    > > >

    > > > Yes. Elite specializations are the most fun thing about expansions aside from a wealth of new regions to explore.

    > >

    > > New regions u get with the ls already but it’s sadly also so that with each x pact core professions need to be redone kinda as well to be not broken and it must be done in a way to not affect existing spez.

    > >

    > > Sometimes I think Anet didn’t done themselves a favor with that....a full new class could been easier to balance


    > It doesn't matter that much so long as elite specializations don't step on each other's toes too much. If they add an mesmer elite specialization that's designed around super high DPS, that's fine so long as Mirage is the dedication condition specialization and Chronomancer is the defense, control, and boonshare specialization.


    > If we get a new mesmer specialization that pumps out quickness and alacrity better than Chronomancer or condition damage better than Mirage that's when we'll start to have problems. I think current elite specialization balance is doing a fine job while allowing them to have unique flavor and niches.


    thats kinda the point isnt it ? what else can u add now to guardian for example? FB heal / Core pure dmg/ DH Range and CC (kinda) I dont think any special thing is missing right now. Except maybe a Guard who can stealth but than we slowly driften into the classes who can do everything what other classes can do

  5. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"C Cspace Cowboy.5903" said:

    > > They can’t properly balance what they got now and y’all want more profession classes? Lmao


    > Yes. Elite specializations are the most fun thing about expansions aside from a wealth of new regions to explore.


    New regions u get with the ls already but it’s sadly also so that with each x pact core professions need to be redone kinda as well to be not broken and it must be done in a way to not affect existing spez.


    Sometimes I think Anet didn’t done themselves a favor with that....a full new class could been easier to balance

  6. > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

    > Some points that came up in the video that people aren't really mentioning is the specific wvw ability line that were brought up/shown.

    > 1 point unlocks the collection, nothing was specified about what it does. (my personal guess is that it specifically allows us to use warclaw in wvw once it's unlocked, similar to gliding mastery)

    > 126 points unlocks the chain pull ability (around 25:16 in the youtube video, you can see the hover over text)

    > one of the warclaw masteries improves the engage skill by allowing it to kill downed enemies (around 17:11 in the youtube video)

    > one of the warclaw masteries unlocks faster speed in friendly territories (around 15:06 in the youtube video)

    > one of the warclaw masteries presumably unlocks the sniff skill

    > leaving one warclaw mastery that we don't entirely know about (since in the video we see six tiers instead of five) (while we have no evidence of what this last mastery could be, my guess is that it either enhances the health of the mount to 12k or it improves the leap somehow, either by giving it evade frames or making the endurance bar go from two sections to three or something else i'm not thinking of)




    Carry more supplies perhaps ?

    Or eat Dolyaks to get supplies direct from there ?

    Stealth on the third evade?


    Stay mounted while in the water ...


    Let’s see

  7. > @"Seraphus.3061" said:

    > Lots of people who play World of Warcraft are unhappy with the latest expansion and are looking for other games to play. Just last night, I came across a video on YouTube of some wow veteran trying gw2 for the first time.


    > So I think Anet could do a marketing campaign where they poke fun at Blizzard, sort of like the Apple/Samsung ads.


    > They could be like “Unlike _other_ games, there’s no pointless gear grind in gw2...”


    The storm with what blizzard will hit back...

  8. Good Not even sure need x pacts . I imagine Anet runs the numbers between investment and win and may so that expansion not really pay off. They split population in the once who has and who not have go full free to play some day could make it easier to get new player hooked.


    Specialization could still be added in fact everything could be added without one big x pac. The gem shop could be the way to go for everything so u buy those specialization only the ones u want even so I hope gemshop stays cosmetic only

  9. > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

    > You know this is probably a bad idea. We have been getting it for free for so long that many will just quit. Incoming money wasnt the problem it was the waste of funds on endeavors that just didnt pay off. If they make the same this year with the 25% cut on staff they will probably be on the up. Now that more devs are working on it again they can pump out more content. Whether it be for the gem store or a more faster cadance on ls episodes/raids/fractals.


    i guess Anet tried pull of a Mobile MMO than NCsoft saw what happend to Blizzard (Personal I feel "fans" where over reacting) They wanted to protect there shareholder by not doing the same mistake

  10. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > Nothing unusual u guys played the game long time now u have most what u wanted. About currency how else u get ppl to play a specific map

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > You give those maps an identity other than that if the currency they contain. You create engaging content that’s specific to those maps, I.e. meta events and others that are unique. You focus that exclusivity into heart vendor rewards. Lots of ways.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Come on u know that people rush thru content and looking for the easiest way to farm. Or u tell me that Instan is the best designed map in game ?

    > >

    > > How many would do Dragon stand if there are no specific rewards ?


    > Umm.. sometimes I do Dragon Stand just because it's fun. I haven't tried going for any gen 2 legendaries in ages, so there isn't really anything I need from there. It's a great place to go if you want some engaging pve, whether you're trying out a weird build or just wanting to play but don't really have any goal in mind.


    > Istan is a lot smaller scale is and the meta is a lot faster pace. And I think most people go to Istan is to farm the loot drops and chests from the meta, not specifically for the Kralk Ore or currency there. People go there because it's lucrative. And despite it being a champion tag train, it's still a mass multi-person meta, and the kind of thing that I enjoy most in Guild Wars 2.


    > It's funny you mention two of my most favorite maps in the game as your counter. lol If we're talking about the best designed maps in the game in general, I would say Heart of Thorns maps in general. Because of the connectivity that you have with the other players, and how alive they feel because of it. How interwoven the events are and how organic the flow is between them.


    > With Path of Fire and many living story maps, I don't feel that same kind of connectivity. It feels like all the events, or what few there are, kind of work independently of one another. The main questchain I can think of off the top of my head is the Elon Riverlands Hall of Ascension event chain. As well as perhaps the Maw of Torment chains.


    > But yes, people still do Heart of Thorns metas even to this day, just because of how engaging and fun they are. Sure, many of them are looking for infusions, legendary materials, or have specific things they want from them. But I think plenty of them do them just for the fun of it.


    > And honestly, bounty trains are still going fairly strong and they're arranged over many many maps by people seeking a currency that they all share. So I don't think you need to create map specific currencies. I would think, similarly to bounties, you could have one currency with a cap and force players seeking that currency to revisit other maps. That could be good or bad I guess, but I just don't see the argument that you HAVE to have map specific currencies to create populations on those maps. You can't have the same currency obtained in many different maps, and then have one map be much more proficient at providing that currency because then you will have people swarming to that map and abandoning others if their sole intention is gaining that currency though, but that could be managed without needing to have a separate currency per map. I suppose the main problem with that would be that people would stockpile currencies from older maps, and then immediately purchase what they want from the new maps. So to that extent, I agree that there needs to be something to keep that from happening.


    > But either way, I think there could be a little bit better items to spend this currency on in these maps than just material crates or gathering tools. Because as it stands, I have the full requiem set, I have all the two whole combat tonics from Istan and Sandswept, I have the rewind device, and I have everything that I could want the currency for. I don't have the full Stellar weapon set, or the full Dragonsblood weapon set, but I'm not keen enough on those to pursue them. And I doubt many people aside from hardcore skin collectors, completionists, and achievement hunters are going to pursue that goal anyway. So ultimately, the maps I go back to, are the ones that I feel are most engaging. I may go back to Sandswept for the Djinn escort meta or the Subject fight and Inquest ambush, I may go back to Istan to enjoy the Palawadan and Hall metas, I may go back to Jahai for the Shatterer, admittedly mainly because I want to hit that infusion lottery... but I'm going back because of these events, not because I need whatever currencies these events provide me.


    > This all actually gives me an idea that I think I might make a separate thread about before I forget!



    Sometimes is the keyword here...I mention dragonstand vs instan bcs one is a extremely high design meta event with organization needed 3 commanders vs a just run kill everyone meta



    Triple trouble would be another example without special rewards events will be abandoned fast no matter how great the design is. Except ppl come back sometimes for the nostalgia u was able to do dragon stand bcs of people who still farm this map

  11. > @"locoporesa.2864" said:

    > funny thing is that you'll find much more nsfw stuff on the internets related to asuras and charr's than female humans, how do i know this? well you have to do your research, for science you know.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    > gw2 is extremely safe compared to black desert online, tera online, lineage 2, and well most korean mmo's with boob physics and borderline nsfw skins/clothes/emotes, that's good? well yeah i think so but removing that idle female human animation coz it was "questionable"? dont be ridiculous Anet...


    i would not mind more sexy .... one can dream i guess sometimes i wish the game would not be made by americans :( (americans are great but u know...)

  12. just watched wooden potatoes video Guild Wars 2 - "Requiem" Official Short Story | New Lore & Rytlocks Mysterious Backstory Answered


    the weakpoint of anets LW is so far i feel im not really deep emerged into the story even so i try....


    an audio podcast might would help stories seems written it would be lovley to listen to them I know its extra cost but it could create so much more atmosphere

  13. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > Nothing unusual u guys played the game long time now u have most what u wanted. About currency how else u get ppl to play a specific map



    > You give those maps an identity other than that if the currency they contain. You create engaging content that’s specific to those maps, I.e. meta events and others that are unique. You focus that exclusivity into heart vendor rewards. Lots of ways.



    Come on u know that people rush thru content and looking for the easiest way to farm. Or u tell me that Instan is the best designed map in game ?


    How many would do Dragon stand if there are no specific rewards ?

  14. Good replay value is often judged by what else I can get after I got everything from a certain map....



    Anet could create replay value by adding rewards which can easily revitalize a dead map for a period of time.


    Other great replay value maybe the best is pvp since u get with a little effort endless combinations of how a game could play out

  15. > @"Belenwyn.8674" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"Belenwyn.8674" said:

    > > > Mike Z stated last September that they will content normally seen in an Expansion anlong with season 5. I would expect that we see Elite specs, new mastery paths and other stuff available for gems.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Hmmmm but why not just sell an x pact than ? My guess why perhaps no x pac is bcs an space devides the community in those who own it and who not which means a kinda population drop. And less ppl less fun.

    > >

    > > If they give specialization it will be for free for sure


    > Masteries and specialisations are huge moneymakers. A complete expansion will take a lot of time. Obviously Nobody worked on it. LW season already provides maps and stories. They even planned to raise Tag release cadence to two months. This would mean a steady influx of free content.



    Perhaps sell single skills than....mmmmhhh but must admit I don’t feel happy with that idea even so single skills could make a lot money but some may call it pay to win if a certain skill is just so good it’s a must have...


    Anet should stick with cosmetics only for gemshop maybe sell the ability to color spell effects


    For example a yellow colored Mesmer spell instead of purple.

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