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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. > @"displayname.8315" said:

    > OP that sounds like what they are attempting in Camelot Unchained. Pretty cool but wouldn't expect GW2 to remake the casual end game at this point. Still fun to play while waiting for a good MMO to come out.. been years now with just the eastern grind fest cute girl anime stuff.


    Anets motivation I agree might be lower bcs it will be harder to sell skins with this mode than mounts but maybe by improving wvw it makes more ppl want play and buy wvw related. Gemshop items.


    More commander badges, banner backpack skins mount skins castle decoration

  2. The maps and objectives would be not much different from now claim land for urself built a castle after ur outpost not main castle is built it functions as a regular castle like wvw already has only differences is it’s built on a player chosen spot (inside certain limits)


    Only thing I’m not sure now is what happened if a fraction looses their main castle but this could be also follow the wvw rules as they are now (loosing ur main castle means loosing some points in how fast u gather wvw xp)

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > This is a very rough idea so far but I believe this could create a true living world wvw experience

    > And the first thing that will happen in this true living world WvW experience will be that whichever server has the most people simply builds heavy fortifications around the enemy spawnpoints so they cant get out.


    Like I said the first 3 days h would be separated and built a wall around another castle is ok it can be destroyed via siege.



  4. > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > So you want more PvE?


    Not more than already is in killing npcs in camps to gather resources is not new. And the 3 days gathering are a short time pve only but with a lot team interaction. And organization


    Resources gathering/ building/ claiming land which could e from tactical benefit


    Perhaps even a double the xp for those 3 days event to get more motivation and steer interest in wvw for new player each season


  5. > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

    > I must say, unless you instantly dismount upon going into combat (while mounted), which I hope is how they do it, I'm extremely worried that mounts will give players an unfair advantage against ranged opponents. You could effectively use your mount to soak up damage from a ranged opponent as you close the gap. This unfair advantage could eventually force situations where the mounted player has the luxury of forcing the ranged player to also engage with mount (thus eliminating the ranged advantage at first) or just run/not fight.


    That’s why u relax when someone approaches u with his mount no need blast all ur cds on the mount auto attack only. Or mount up as well and u 2 dance who engages first game

  6. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > I am playing WvW, having a jolly good time and these dirty gankers come out of no where to kill me...

    > There I am, taking a sentry on my own and minding my own business and I get unfairly ganked..

    > Gankers bring nothing to WvW and should go play conquest instead.

    > My build is pretty good but I cant make my build strong enough to handle all these dirty gankers and whats worse is that they only gank me when they have a group of 40 or more.. I hate being ganked, I am not equipped for zerg fighting so I should have a free pass from those gankerzzz!!



    Try hold a white flag in ur hand :)

  7. A while ago I wrote wvw needs more mobility and we got warclaw


    Let’s try my luck again


    A wvw map which is empty at the start of each 3 months. Just 3 spawn points with mats and some small objectives like kill rare beast etc.


    Boring I know but let’s start


    The ability to claim land and build ur own castle. Each of the 3 server or with a new system fractions can built their castle on a point they like. The fraction leader can decide castle location but members can as well individual built certain parts of the castle.


    The fraction leader can built the castle quite freely in shape but with a cost of mats which must be gathered. Perhaps the first 3 days of the war season are so that the fractions can’t attacking each other


    Towers and walls can be built by squads



    Structures like walls and towers who are not fully built up in a certain time frame will self destruct




    This is a very rough idea so far but I believe this could create a true living world wvw experience



  8. I like to have the ability to safe mix and match looks which I once created.


    Perhaps even with some ability to make the switch for free because when I go swap build I may want the look which matches that.


    If u afraid of the transmutation charges lost make it so that one unlimited look swap cost 100 charges



    Ps including dyes and weapons

  9. Yep it’s broken played scrapper first time in my life today game won and it needed 4 ppl to kill me...


    That was just bizarre especially since I tried be bunker with Firebrand a class which is a specialization of my main class I play since 6 years ....


    I just pushed all buttons heal than this heal than that heal and when I felt I die stealth gyro heal and come back heal ... it was kinda fun I admit so

  10. > @"Kondor.2904" said:

    > The issue is not that the new mount is just a reskinned griffon. The issue is that the half-dead gamemode that gets close to no updates at all, aside from some basic QoL changes which take months to arrive, finally gets one and instead of a unique healthy feature it gets another slap on the wrist. And this slap takes form of a reskinned pve mount which not only brings nothing healthy but actually dumbs down the gamemode and appears to be nothing but a cheap no effort money skink. That's the issue i think ;)


    Funny it’s almost like Anet need more ppl show interest in wvw before they invest more money....


    To bad they tried with an mount and it worked on me


    Came for the mount stayed for the roaming fun with mount and so did many other

  11. > @"Opal.9324" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"Opal.9324" said:

    > > > Where is the honor in a mounted zerg running down a solo roamer who either doesn't have a mount yet or is stuck in combat?

    > > > Pick on someone your size!

    > > >

    > >

    > > A roamer on an mount in his own territory can escape from the Zerg


    > Notice how I said "who either doesn't have a mount yet or is stuck in combat"

    > btw I have PoF. Doesn't change the fact that I can't mount in combat, and usually when I am stuck in combat, it's not in my territory because I'm most likely trying to cap something. That, or I'm fighting someone I ran into on the way to something I wanted to cap, and 9 times out of 10 that happens when I'm in enemy territory and not when I'm in my own territory.


    Again could u escape an Zerg before mount ? Except u have a thief or stealth I doubt u could because the Zerg has for sure someone with ur speed or faster plus u be in combat.


    So again what has changed ?

  12. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"Opal.9324" said:

    > > > Where is the honor in a mounted zerg running down a solo roamer who either doesn't have a mount yet or is stuck in combat?

    > > > Pick on someone your size!

    > > >

    > >

    > > A roamer on an mount in his own territory can escape from the Zerg


    > Didn't know you could mount up if you didnt own one or were stuck in combat, would you mind posting a video showing me how to do so?


    Didn't know you could mount up if you didnt own one or were stuck in combat, would you mind posting a video showing me how to do so?


    Which part is not saying u have no mount ?

  13. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > > > @"Opal.9324" said:

    > > > > > Where is the honor in a mounted zerg running down a solo roamer who either doesn't have a mount yet or is stuck in combat?

    > > > > > Pick on someone your size!

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > A roamer on an mount in his own territory can escape from the Zerg

    > > >

    > > > Didn't know you could mount up if you didnt own one or were stuck in combat, would you mind posting a video showing me how to do so?

    > >

    > > Than u may wanna get that expansion ur complain is like u can’t be top wvw because u don’t own Firebrand or Scourge. This is an Mount topic not I don’t own the xpact what u complain next u can’t follow the commander bcs u cannot glide ?

    > >

    > > Buy the x pact it’s not that expensive and ur mount problem is solved


    > I have both expansions and your comment is just "what?"...


    > read again my man.


    Than it’s a ltp issue I escape mounts just fine I have that thing called eyes and see a Zerg coming my way. And even than could u escaped an Zerg before mounts ? Stop crying the mount hate is getting embarrassing

  14. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > > @"Opal.9324" said:

    > > > Where is the honor in a mounted zerg running down a solo roamer who either doesn't have a mount yet or is stuck in combat?

    > > > Pick on someone your size!

    > > >

    > >

    > > A roamer on an mount in his own territory can escape from the Zerg


    > Didn't know you could mount up if you didnt own one or were stuck in combat, would you mind posting a video showing me how to do so?


    Than u may wanna get that expansion ur complain is like u can’t be top wvw because u don’t own Firebrand or Scourge. This is an Mount topic not I don’t own the xpact what u complain next u can’t follow the commander bcs u cannot glide ?


    Buy the x pact it’s not that expensive and ur mount problem is solved

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