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Posts posted by Balsa.3951

  1. > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

    > Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't really want a new expansion. I liked Anet's original vision of living world story and the first two seasons were very good. Unfortunately I found any season released after HoT to be lacking in both quality and quantity. It doesn't help that HoT was a glorified mechanics overhaul costing 60$ and PoF while sensibly priced, was simply too short on the content side. On the slim chance they do a new one, I 'd like to see a new region with multiple biomes (not just jungle or desert) and a new race introduced with it.


    I agree I don’t really want an xpact as well very curious for the future if they stop x pacts

  2. > @"Belenwyn.8674" said:

    > Mike Z stated last September that they will content normally seen in an Expansion anlong with season 5. I would expect that we see Elite specs, new mastery paths and other stuff available for gems.



    Hmmmm but why not just sell an x pact than ? My guess why perhaps no x pac is bcs an space devides the community in those who own it and who not which means a kinda population drop. And less ppl less fun.


    If they give specialization it will be for free for sure

  3. > @"huluobo.7036" said:

    > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

    > > All is vain.

    > >

    > > But really, Xv1s are intended to be difficult. You need to learn how to rotate well, heal with stability or LOS to create space. Just keep practicing, watching videos/streams from good players.

    > >

    > > I'm never for making a heal guaranteed for free.


    > When attacked by many people, you can't grasp the timing, you can't press the skill and you can only wait for death. One cannot cope with the number of interruptions of many people.



    To be fair when being attacked x-1 that little heal would not rescue u anyway....

  4. I ask something crazy now but why not


    An armor design creator / with sliders to change sizes of shoulders and the length of spikes or buttcapes.


    Like the character creation at the start of the game (which I also want vastly improved) u can choose from a variety of armors u already own and more and can redesign them.


    As well add special effects like flames/ smoke/ electric flashes and so on.


    This would solve anets problem that armor design is to expensive for them since it’s we who design the armor ourself only buying effects and skin pattern from the gem shop.


    Those self made armors can be sold in the gem shop and Anet gets a %of the money and the player get gold.

  5. > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > You (OP) clearly havent played Guardian that much. only 3 nerfs, none of them essential

    > >

    > > RI change will be massive for PvP...

    > >


    > Its one trait. Use another? It may have been a very good one, but its not like you cant play with a weaker version or a different trait.


    > Then again I never relied on a single trait. But maybe thats just me.


    The problem op has and other guardians is that guard was not super strong especially core guard was just good. Nerfing a just good class to make it a ok class with the reason we didn’t liked that all core guards usesd that trait is not very friendly.



    My assumption is Anet is working on the x pac already and they may saw that this trait would make the new specialization to strong....

  6. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Here's part of the quote:


    > ...GW2 isn’t setup to support an enjoyable experience of browsing through a large catalog of style items, so players tend not to do that. What our data shows is that higher-priced flashy individual items can work, and lower-average-price-per-item bundles can work, but lower-priced individual items generally don’t generate meaningful revenue to support the game. And the whole point of these items is to support the game.


    One mistake is in that idea I feel no matter how the cost is to create certain item it will be in anets hand so long the game life. Yes maybe it doesn’t pay of initial but over time it pays and will keep paying the bills.


    In a way those items are like art works and their price is often decided by rarity and emotional context

  7. U already paid for the ls when u bought the x pact advertised or not it’s all in the financial plan.


    The ls exist to keep u playing so that u buy gems with real money or u stay and be a worker for Anet so that the people who buy gems don’t feel the game is empty.


    By let people pay ls u will exclude players lower population means lower popularity in the eyes of the player who would buy gems and no one buy gems if has no one around who sees it

  8. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > 1. That's not how balance patches work. The patch is already more or less finished well before they announce it.

    > 2. The Mesmer ~~whining~~ discussion subforum is [over here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/mesmer "over here").


    I just assume that skill changes can implement that as well I’m not an expert but since we can hold items and port with them without they get lost maybe the code line of that could be copy paste

  9. Very enjoy the 2 specialization Anet did so far


    Here my wish for a new one...



    Name : Templar or something else not so important Spirit Guard


    Specialization is focusing on concentration and barriers walls


    This guard has mastered his ability to use barriers/ wall of reflection to a whole new level. He is able to cast them more freely and frequently. Those energy fields can reflect push back and hold enemies in place.


    He can manipulate and create strong push and destructive attacks by hitting those walls with his weapon attacks.


    Example creates a energy dome above him than uses GS 2 sends energy projectiles around which can push enemies away or having other effects. Or uses sword 3 with wall of reflection in front to create sharp hitting projectiles which increasing the attackpower and range of the standard sword 3 action..


    He can create a spirit beast out of energy which plays like an ranger pet. A unique mechanic of this spirit pet is that when it get destroyed it creates a pushback as well the spirit pet will heal the guard. It’s not like a spirit weapon it will has no time limit it also does not get destroyed easily.



    Another special could be but don’t must us the spirit guard has a energy bar like warrior which got depleted when barriers/ walls are up. How more walls are created so faster it depletes.


    The spirit Guard wields 2 swords main and off hand he uses those to slice thru his own energy walls and can create even portals for short distances ... the off hand sword 5 is a short distance blink back combined with a short distance burn trail or energy beam in front of u this could give guardian a little bit more disengage abilities sword 4 a 360 degree round hit/ slash attack which gives u an evade also will interact with energy walls which u may have created next to u.


    It’s a power and cc orientatated spec with the ability to become support as well.



    Oh and guards can share their energy fields means u can use a wall of reflection created by another guard or engineer to create a combo.



    Hope that’s interesting for some here



  10. U never saw Dragonball ? There is always a stronger enemy behind the corner. Plus with Aureen who I guess will be back from the dead we get a strong partner perhaps we ourself absorb some dragon energy which could be a nice theme for the next round of specialization.


    Mesmer dragon power guardian dragon power thief dragon power each one a different dragon


    Who knows ....

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