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Posts posted by idolin.2831

  1. > @"narcx.3570" said:

    > > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

    > > Hey whats up guys so I wana start by saying my gear---- Zerk/Mara with Dura runes "wanted to try out firework ? is it worth?"


    > If you want a Power/Boon Duration set, you should try Surging, the number of plays you can make with the 6set bonus proc with Facet of Chaos is invaluable.

    > If you don't want to micro that, Pack's still better than Fireworks unless you REEEAAAALLLY want the Vigor. But honestly, Fireworks has a lot of wasted stat weight for Rev's in that 125 precision (especially if yer using some mara gear), and pack's proc has both a lower cooldown and will give boons to any allies in your area--fireworks' boons are self-only.

    > Leadership is also a nice power spike (not as big), but has added survivability and cleanse (although you have to use the facet release to proc cleanse, unlike surging.)


    I think you can proc the condi cleanse from Leadership just by turning on the facet.


  2. > @"Luna.9640" said:

    > **Linked worlds (EU)**


    > Abaddon's Mouth [DE], Dzagonur [DE]

    > Arborstone [FR], Jade Sea [FR]

    > Augury Rock [FR], Fort Ranik [FR], Vizunah Square [FR]

    > Aurora Glade, Far Shiverpeaks

    > Baruch Bay [sP]

    > Blacktide, Desolation

    > Drakkar Lake [DE], Miller's Sound [DE]

    > Elona Reach [DE]

    > Fissure of Woe, Piken Square

    > Gandara, Underworld

    > Gunnar's Hold, Seafarer's Rest

    > Kodash [DE]

    > Ring of Fire, Whiteside Ridge

    > Riverside [DE]

    > Ruins of Surmia, Vabbi


    Where did you get this?

  3. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > > > @"Jarvia.4327" said:

    > > > > > As the ole saying goes,"Follow the money". A lot of gaming companies are restructuring in order to prioritize what makes them the most money. And right now, regardless of how much "real" gamers complain, it is microtransactions. So unless WvW can increase that part of the business, I would not expect too much from it. GW2 as a game will be around but it will be more focused on what makes money. While some devs might still have passion for the game, the corporate interests will make sure it is directed where they want it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > tl:dr WvW does not make money. So enjoy.

    > > > >

    > > > > 1. Wvw is just about to start making money.

    > > > > 2. Some ppl are kept in this game by wvw and pvp, and these ppl make money for company. So leaving it will always means the less income

    > > >

    > > > This myth needs to stop. The regular discussion forum has 5x the posts. 5x the activity.

    > > >

    > > > A business knows it can't please 100% of the people, can't get 100% market share. So they prioritize their efforts to the largest share they can get. And that's PvE.

    > > >

    > > > They are **already** doing that.

    > >

    > > Actually they are making money on fashion wars, and every game mode takes part in it

    > The problem is its not making all the the money in the world.


    > This is actually far more alarming than I think many people realize. When MMO studios are hit with layoffs... the games are often shut down. Yeah that *kind of* would affect WvW. And GW2.


    > NCSoft was the publisher and owner of the City Of Heroes studio, remember?


    Well they shut down City of Heroes to focus on Guild Wars 2 (at least that's what I heard from multiple sources) so...

  4. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:


    > With that said, I swear I still don't get my boons sometimes after swapping from Glint while my Draconic Echoed facets are up.


    That's because Draconic Echo helps retain facets only after their respective consume skills are used, not when they're turned off by swapping legends.


    From the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Draconic_Echo "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Draconic_Echo"):


    > Your facet passives affect additional targets and you retain them for a duration **after using your consume abilities**.

    > Increased Target Number: 5

    > Duration: 6s

  5. > @"Edward H Angle.1407" said:

    > > @"idolin.2831" said:

    > > > @"Edward H Angle.1407" said:

    > > > I think its most a player skill issue. You have to use the right skills at the right time. I can easily 1v1 any of those roaming builds even on my toons with zerg builds, like even zerker herald with staff and hammer.

    > >

    > > You won against soulbeasts, holos, condi mirages and DE's using a hammer rev? Those must be the worst roamers. I've talked to people running hammer when roaming (from nobody to commanders and people that have a youtube) and I've never heard anyone say hammer rev is better than any of the above.

    > >

    > > That being said holo is alright. Could use a little tweak but definitely not too OP - at least when compared to the other 3. I also don't see that many holos around - most common are probably longbow soulbeasts, DE's, and condi mirage to a lesser degree.


    > Its becomes immediately obvious to me that you are an unskilled or relatively new WvW player/roamer. All 9 classes are perfectly well balanced as it right now, with the correct execution of skills, any of them can beat a "roaming build". I invite you to 1v1 me anytime for a demonstration.


    Okay I'll say I was exaggerating a bit when I said those were the worst roamers, but on average at least holo and condi mirage are better than hammer rev in a 1v1. There is a reason why in PvP they are the duelist while hammer rev is not even a choice. Of course someone who is worse at holo or condi mirage can be beaten by even a hammer rev (@"Justine.6351" can probably back me up here), but assuming average skill level that's not gonna happen.


    Also sure I'd love to learn more about hammer rev. Just PM me a PvP arena server and I'll try to make it!

  6. > @"X T D.6458" said:

    > > @"idolin.2831" said:

    > > > @"Edward H Angle.1407" said:

    > > > I think its most a player skill issue. You have to use the right skills at the right time. I can easily 1v1 any of those roaming builds even on my toons with zerg builds, like even zerker herald with staff and hammer.

    > >

    > > You won against soulbeasts, holos, condi mirages and DE's using a hammer rev? Those must be the worst roamers. I've talked to people running hammer when roaming (from nobody to commanders and people that have a youtube) and I've never heard anyone say hammer rev is better than any of the above.

    > >

    > > That being said holo is alright. Could use a little tweak but definitely not too OP - at least when compared to the other 3. I also don't see that many holos around - most common are probably longbow soulbeasts, DE's, and condi mirage to a lesser degree.


    > Lol hammer rev is bad for roaming.


    ... Isn't that what I meant?

  7. > @"Edward H Angle.1407" said:

    > I think its most a player skill issue. You have to use the right skills at the right time. I can easily 1v1 any of those roaming builds even on my toons with zerg builds, like even zerker herald with staff and hammer.


    You won against soulbeasts, holos, condi mirages and DE's using a hammer rev? Those must be the worst roamers. I've talked to people running hammer when roaming (from nobody to commanders and people that have a youtube) and I've never heard anyone say hammer rev is better than any of the above.


    That being said holo is alright. Could use a little tweak but definitely not too OP - at least when compared to the other 3. I also don't see that many holos around - most common are probably longbow soulbeasts, DE's, and condi mirage to a lesser degree.

  8. > @"Towelie.9504" said:

    > I was hoping it would be platinum.


    > Gold rank is stupid easy to do, you can grind that out PPTing for 8 hours a day for a month or so with some boosters.


    > It would be better if they tied this in some way to kills. E.g. 125k kills or something, at least then it won't just make PvE players go into PPT monkeys until they grind it out and then leave the game mode forever thinking about how boring it is, when they only did the most boring parts of the game mode.


    > To bring players to WvW, making it too easy to obtain would have the opposite effect of that goal. This is the only game I've ever seen where the playerbase *expects* to get something basically immediately or with very little effort required. Why even make anything required then, just give it to everyone just for creating an account and get done with it.



    > I'd like them to add in nice rewards finally for people who hit max WvW rank, or have UD achievement unlocked. We don't even get an item for UD and it's probably one of the rarest if not the rarest achievements in the game considering the playerbase. Hitting Diamond Legend (10k) gives you the same crappy green and blue items that you get when you hit Rank 10. That's just stupid to me. WvW rewards are so kitten they would never, ever be able to bring players from other game modes.


    So only veterans or people who zerg can get the mount? PPT for 8 hours a day for a month? That is longer than getting all the other mounts combined, plus people have a life - not everyone can afford to sit in front of a computer playing a video game for 8 hours a day for an entire month.


    Achieving Gold is not "creating an account and get done with it" - for newcomers it's a huge amount of time can only further dissuade them from the game mode.


    I'm not saying having the mount as a reward for high ranked players is wrong (nor do I agree), I'm just saying to many people Gold is not easy to achieve and it takes time, and it's not as accessible as you think..

  9. Something like that, although it's not just adding boon duration - it gives you the Facet effect for 6 seconds after you use the consume skill. This means Facet effects will stays for 6 seconds, meaning they will pulse twice and give the boon each pulse, not only to yourself but to allies as well.


    This can help if your boons get stripped before the second pulse, or help maintain your party's boon uptime (aside from improve yourself's boon uptime too). It's not that great of a trait but I find it helpful to maintain boons, especially after the recent nerfs to boon duration (Leadership boon duration nerf and Herald trait nerf). Of course boon stripping before the second pulse seems like a rare case, and if you're playing solo then the target number increase and retaining facet effect doesn't sound that interesting.

  10. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > nerf heralds dmg, and give it some more condi removal. Right now, herald without support is semi-useless, it could get some more independence


    What's wrong with herald being high damage low sustain then? What if that's the point of the build - being the +1, team fighter, semi-useless without support or if being focused?

  11. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > > @"idolin.2831" said:

    > > > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > > > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

    > > > > You can get all the Crystal Desert skins from PvE.

    > > >

    > > > Drops in PvE are random and entirely unreliable...in the Crystal Desert, for example, I fought every type of mob there is and only have about 40% of the Awakened skins. By doing the 'Crystal Desert' reward track I will have that particular skin by tomorrow afternoon.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > What skin is it? I can only think of the Elonian and Awakened Greatsword skins in the CD reward track, and I think both of those can be bought off the TP.


    > The one I'm working on is the Awakened Greatsword...I bought the Awakened staff on the TP, but I've never seen the Greatsword there.


    You mean this?


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/zYjeN3F.png "")


  12. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > > @"sarkysek.1085" said:

    > > You can get all the Crystal Desert skins from PvE.


    > Drops in PvE are random and entirely unreliable...in the Crystal Desert, for example, I fought every type of mob there is and only have about 40% of the Awakened skins. By doing the 'Crystal Desert' reward track I will have that particular skin by tomorrow afternoon.




    What skin is it? I can only think of the Elonian and Awakened Greatsword skins in the CD reward track, and I think both of those can be bought off the TP.

  13. What's wrong with OH sword being a damage weapon? It's really good at its role, it helps rev has a good spot in pvp, why gut it? Why not make the change to something else? Sword 4 is fine - yes it's more clunky now but it still has the damage and range at least.


    Sword 5 is so good - shadowsteps and deals huge damage. It's not like it doesn't have a tell - the first skill has .5 second cast time, second skill has .25 second cast time for a total of .75 second cast time - same as Maul, Holographic Shockwave, Holo Leap, Flame Uprising, etc. It's fairly obvious to a person familiar with OH sword, and in addition its range is only 130 which makes it harder to hit sometimes.

  14. Just asking real quick - has there been anything from ANet to confirm this announcement aside from what the devs said in a stream? Seems to be too much speculation from just a brief moment in a stream.


    > @"anonymous.7812" said:

    > Why is there so much speculation in here? It's already confirmed behind the scenes that it's just another event week.


    Behind the scenes? Where did you get that?

  15. I'm confused as to what the point of this post is.


    > @"Ruufio.1496" said:

    > * WvW in general will now also have proper guild systems in place and WvW is now affected by guilds and their ranking in some way.



    In what way? What do you mean by "proper guild systems"? Also, isn't WvW being affected by guilds (built around guilds/alliances basically) the point of the Restructuring?


    > * GW2 has been totally optimized and upgraded the servers incredibly and skill lag no longer exists!


    Of course everyone wants this and if ANet could do this they would have done it.


    > * Edge of the Mists now exists in the same instance and exists above the now merged EBG/Alpine. Players below can see fights going on above if they look up and vice versa. Players that fall off of EotM will land in the now merged EBG/Alpine map but receive fatal damage upon doing so.


    What's the point of having this?


    > * "Hills" has been worked into the red side "overlook" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.

    > * "Bay" has been worked into the green side "lowlands" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.

    > * "Garrison" has been worked into the blue side "valley" area and has therefore been expanded exponentially.


    What does "Expanded exponentially" mean? Also back-door access would have to be implemented for hills, bay and garrison too.

  16. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

    > >

    > > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

    > >

    > > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

    > > 8/11

    > >

    > > With 3.5% endurance regen:

    > > 6/8

    > >

    > > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.


    > Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies


    > Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.


    I’n pretty sure that is definitely not how it works. You can’t use skills while dashing. Not sure where you got the idea of copying and pasting code from.


    Also the OP’s suggestion is to keep mirage’s identity but weaken its power a bit - yours is almost entirely opposite of that.

  17. > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > @"idolin.2831" said:

    > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > > > > Mesmer is self healing? Burst some interrupts.

    > > > >

    > > > > Doesn't false oasis have something like a .75 second cast time and thus cannot be interrupted if they choose to mirage cloak while using it?

    > > > >

    > > > > Not that specifically that is an issue.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Well, if you get picky, probably any class has a way to counter anything in a very ideal scenario. The truth is, the real deal is always far from your ideal setup.

    > >

    > > That's not picky at all. Of course all classes have a way to counter that - he's just stating a case in which mirages might have an easier/more accessible way to cover their healing. Also in this case the real deal isn't that far away from the ideal setup - it's just dodging but in the mirage's case it can be done while healing too. I don't see how that's too hard to pull off.


    > You make it sound as if it was an impossible task, mate. Spoiler alert: it isn't.


    Hmm what? My point was it's easy to pull off, it's not impossible at all. In this case the real deal isn't far from the ideal setup, contrast to what you said "the real deal is always far from your ideal setup". What are you referring to?

  18. > @"JayAction.9056" said:

    > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > a weaver ain't going to 100-0 you in 1-2s.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > A revenant shouldn't either. Just go back to sPvP and get better.

    > > > >

    > > > > You missed the point.

    > > >

    > > > I don't missed it. I just don't agree with it. See the difference?

    > > >

    > > > > It's OK I don't have high expectations of new players.

    > > >

    > > > Been playing since 2014. Not that it matters. You still need to get better.

    > >

    > > No you did miss the point, a weaver cannot 100-0 you in 1-2s except on scepter and you'll see it coming as it has poor blinking abilities. A rev can blink on you and 100-0 you from 1500 range.

    > >

    > > I wouldn't admit to being here since 2014 if you don't understand the difference between a rev 100-0 and a weaver 100-0.


    > https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AtlALfbxigw


    > Weaver damage much higher than rev. Rev is not capable of that damage no matter how glassy. Rev also can not sustain like weaver, unless you are pure healing.




    Hmm but weaver can't do both at the same time. As soon as people realize you're running a meme one-shot churning earth build you're get focused and will likely go down pretty easily. Rev can't deal that much damage in 1 shot, but it can still deal very decent burst damage (one of the best in the game even), and likely won't die as easily as the weaver running a one-shot build.

  19. > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"herrmartell.7109" said:

    > > > Mesmer is self healing? Burst some interrupts.

    > >

    > > Doesn't false oasis have something like a .75 second cast time and thus cannot be interrupted if they choose to mirage cloak while using it?

    > >

    > > Not that specifically that is an issue.

    > >

    > >


    > Well, if you get picky, probably any class has a way to counter anything in a very ideal scenario. The truth is, the real deal is always far from your ideal setup.


    That's not picky at all. Of course all classes have a way to counter that - he's just stating a case in which mirages might have an easier/more accessible way to cover their healing. Also in this case the real deal isn't that far away from the ideal setup - it's just dodging but in the mirage's case it can be done while healing too. I don't see how that's too hard to pull off.

  20. > @"RedShark.9548" said:


    > My best tipp for all those that complain so much about warrior is to play the ckass themself to learn how to fight them.


    Actually that applies to nearly all classes - sure, there are builds that are very strong and almost everyone can agree on that. It doesn't mean you can't fight them better though, and one of the best ways to learn about a class is to actually play it. I'm actually afraid to call for nerfs of any kinds unless I've actually tried the class a bit myself.



  21. > @"Fortus.6175" said:

    > > @"Hitman.5829" said:


    > > The rest of warrior skills are **mid tier damage** and that includes Evicerate, high damage skills required the target to be below 50% and have a lot of modifiers to achieve high damage output.

    > >

    > > Yes I am aware that eviscerate can hit 14k + but only if your opponent has no toughness, 25 vulnerability stacks and if you have 25 might, and more modifiers etc...

    > >

    > > The numbers shown on this post do not even compared to the damage dealt by 1 shot classes like thieves, mesmers, rangers,**elementalist**.


    > You sir, are spoiled by some classes that hit **VERY** hard, to the point where you think thats baseline. Have you even played elementalists outside of PvE rotations? Eles are right now on the lowest end of the spectrum in damage.... meanwhile soulbeast/holo/spellbreakers are on the very high spectrum of lots of reliable damage in very small windows of time..... Seriously, even with all those buffs, you wont get an ele build hitting near those numbers **AND** having the survability of any of those other classes....


    > I'm trying to stay civilized here but your statements are very baseless...and fell almost.. [purposely] ignorant.


    Well he wasn't mentioning survivability to be fair. And Ele has FA builds that have quite decent bursts, with core, tempest and weaver variants, although in PvP I've only seen core and weaver FA. Those builds come with a cost of self sustain, of course, but @"Hitman.5829" didn't mention that - I'm sure everyone is well aware of how squishy FA eles are.

  22. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > The question is how the hell did you allow warrior to hit you with bull's charge, whirl wind, Rush, and Arcing Slice in that order?

    > > * Bull charge = "Look at me I am going to hit you, I also make a noise so you better dodge in 3, 2, 1"

    > > * Whirl wind = "Oh he use whirl win, I better dodge so i get hit only once"

    > > * Rush = "how cute this warrior, let me count 3,2,1 dodge"

    > > * Arcing Slice = You were already dead and he hit you when you were down.

    > >

    > > the warrior did not have cooldown on GS and yet you did not even dodge a single attack?

    > > Bull charge = hit

    > > Whirl wind = hit X 3

    > > Rush = hit

    > > Arcing slice = hit

    > >

    > > You have serious L2P issues boy!


    > I was already at the end of my survivial in a team fight. I wasnt 1v1ing the war at all. More like 4v4 and i had the war on me the entire time, thats what he managed to hit me with after a prolonged fight. How ignorant u gotta be to assume it was a 1v1 sitchuation. The answere is very.


    So you got hit when you're out of defensive CD's and died - I don't really see what the problem is.

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