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Posts posted by idolin.2831

  1. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > And JI + Hammer 2 is any more engaging?


    In a way, in that you can't spam it every few seconds, is blockable, and so can be countered - not like dodging on kneel gives stealth, not like DJ which can be evaded due to the sound cue but is quite spammable since it only requires being stealth, and not like Shadow Meld which counters the only thing that can counter stealth, Revealed. So I'd say yes, JI + Hammer 2 is more engaging.


    > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > Yeah I really don't understand why the guardian felt the necessity to make a macro for jump dodge. Pressing two buttons is hard.


    Just because someone presses buttons faster than you doesn't mean they're using macro.



  2. > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > > Just dodge the cc before it hits you and you don't incur exhaustion.


    > Sigh..another-one who does'nt know how mirage exhaustion & dodge & how it all works to the EM trait. How not surprising..hurgh.. :expressionless:

    > FYI: cuz you dint take the time to play a mirage build or at least find out how it works. When you dodge traited on EM, you automatically get hit with 6 seconds of Exhaustion. Just so you'd know.


    Buddy are you high or something? You don't get Exhaustion if you dodge while not disabled and EM is traited, you only get Exhaustion if you're dodging while you're disabled (i.e just get cc'd and still in the duration of being cc'd - stunned, dazed, etc.) Do YOU even understand your own class?

  3. > @"breno.5423" said:

    > Where's the nerf at:


    > Necro: Transfusion (trait)

    > Revenant: Sword off hand

    > Holosmith: DPS

    > Deadeye: Death Judgement damage

    > Guardian: Focus skill 4

    > Soulbeast: DPS


    Rev's overall damage got nerfed a bit because of less stacks of might Incensed Response gives. The reworked trait Nefarious Momentum makes might more effective but that means giving up 150 Ferocity from Assassin's Presence. I think it's a step in the right direction - Incensed Response is a very lazy way to gain might and it needed to be nerfed.


    Deadeye's Three Round Burst and Double Tap now cost 6 initiatives. IMO Death's Judgement is annoying but not always unavoidable - its sound cue is pretty obvious (might not work for people who have trouble hearing though). They haven't done anything about Backstab and Deadeye's Stealth though - I was hoping for more.

  4. > @"narcx.3570" said:


    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > finally an incensed response nerf.


    > The net result is barely a nerf tho... Might giving 40 power instead of 30, means less stacks provide the same result and is less countable by boon-strip since it takes less time to get back. Although we do lose the free 150 ferocity of AP in the process... :frown:


    Wait, how do less stacks of might now give the same result as before? 40 power/1 stack of might is 80 power for 2 stacks, while before we had 150 for 5 stacks - that's just a bit over half of what we got before.

  5. > @"Fractured.3928" said:

    > I'll give dual swords a shot. What stats should I focus on? Kinda all over at the moment sadly.


    > Also secondary is bow, which is okay, but is there a better choice? Definitely want something other than swords for secondary.


    For open world? Definitely go full Berzerker - you have enough crit chance from the trait Incensed Response in Invocation, so aim to maximize your power.


    As for the secondary weapon, since you mentioned bow I assume you're running Renegade - I'd say Herald is a better choice for power rev, which is probably more suitable for open world. If you run Herald then use Staff as your secondary weapon - you'll have a very strong CC (one of the best in the game) and evade in Staff 5, a decent block in Staff 3, and a heal and condi cleanse in Staff 4.


    Here's a link to the build: [gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdBBICsjZNxxugHMiA-jhRBABXt/o8zMlgAcGAe4RAQp6P4pPAA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdBBICsjZNxxugHMiA-jhRBABXt/o8zMlgAcGAe4RAQp6P4pPAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAscmn3guNSuQ7JRboVlsP0rS4IaWJ4EdskFNFqdBBICsjZNxxugHMiA-jhRBABXt/o8zMlgAcGAe4RAQp6P4pPAA-e")

  6. > @"Fractured.3928" said:

    > > @"Scar.1793" said:

    > > Could you specify what spec are you using and for which mode? Support? Condi or Power?

    > >

    > > You talked about sword/axe but this combo is old and the new offhand sword skills give rev some nice spike damage. Deathstrike+shackling waves is a nice combo in PvE. In PvP with all the invulnerabilities and other things, it’s way harder to pull off.


    > Sorry, PVE specifically. And not even raid, I just want to have fun. The reason I use Sword/Axe is the teleport abilities. Is it just so bad its not viable at all?


    > My build is currently power I think?


    Sword offhand is a lot better than axe offhand now. Sword 4 (Shackling Wave) hits like a truck, up to 9k with 25 stacks of might, which is easy to achieve for a Rev due to Incensed Response. Sword 5 (Deathstrike) is a teleport and can also hit really hard for about 6-8k. The only thing you lose is probably the CC on Axe 5, but it's not that necessary for casual gameplay, and even for PvP/WvW, the damage from sword offhand is just too good to not use it.

  7. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > You stand a good chance of killing every other class with this build.


    I think you mean in a zerg? 'Cause without staff there's probably no way you have enough defensive utility when you're alone - hammer is really clunky in solo situations unless you're facing a very bad player. Also I've never had much trouble with Spellbreakers on a sword+sword/staff Power Herald.


    Also what's your role in a zerg? I would imagine with such gears and build you're more backline-oriented?



  8. Aside from other thieves, a good rev with Phase + Deathstrike can teleport over 1800 range to the DE, follow up with sword 2 or 4, switch to Glint for some AOE damage and if lucky reveal the DE after the DE dodges. Even if the DE gets away, at least it can't put pressure on your team that freely anymore. Rev has enough damage to one shot DE (also thanks to Quickness from Phase).


    But that's assuming the rev is decent enough and the DE is bad enough - if they're both on the same skill level then I would say the DE will have enough time to react and disengage while the rev wastes time looking for the DE.

  9. I'm mainly looking at [Hammer Backline build](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Hammer_Backline "https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Hammer_Backline") on MetaBattle, which is considered meta, and this [Frontline Sustain](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Frontline_Sustain) build, which is rated great but not meta.


    Now I know what meta means - yes it's considered meta by MetaBattle's curators, but I still want some input on this. I'm mainly conflicted between Jalis and Glint (and consequently Devastation and Retribution) - personal damage/utility vs. group support and sustain, and the gear choices - zerker/marauder with power runes or marauder and a bit of soldiers with Durability runes. I've played as a backline rev before, but I felt really selfish and want to bring more to the group - I just don't know if it's worth doing that over just focusing on DPS. What do you guys think?

  10. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > I play mainly rev solo roaming wvw and the F2 on glint now it's pretty much useless to use in every scenario.

    > The F2 on shiro is okish I guess, maybe I have to learn how to use it properly, the active feels like a really weaker version of warrior dagger burst.

    > The upkeep life steal anybody knows the damage/health you steal actually?


    It's shown [here on the Wiki page of Facet of Nature](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facet_of_Nature).

    > The Legendary Assassin Stance version gives life stealing, with a 0.5 second internal cooldown:

    > Life Steal Damage: 40 (0.0333)

    > Life Steal Healing: 85 (0.035)

    > For the above formulas, use the affected player's power/healing power, not the Herald's.


    IMO the damage, the healing, and the ICD make it not worth it to use F2's upkeep skill - I mainly just use it for consume skill to strip boons.


  11. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > I have around 75% crit chance with fury in my build and it I didn't even notice the difference in crits against the 95% I had before, maybe as you said 3k armor is overkill, maybe even achieving over 90% is overkill and you can invest in more survivable stats to help with cheesy builds and outnumbers, but yeah your build probably works best on duels and purely 1vs1 due to the solid and sure crits.


    > WvW builds are fun because people can play with those a lot, in the end it's just playstyle and preference I guess :D


    I agree - I might try your build and see how it fares in outnumbered fights. Do you mind sharing your build on the Build Editor (and don't worry about the Herald traitline - they haven't updated it yet but that's fine)?


    Another way to improve your sustain without going too much Cavalier is to take the Retribution trait line instead of Devastation (Retribution 2-2-2). You'll get Retaliation & Stability, some damage reduction, endurance regeneration rate, at the cost of some damage from Devastation.

  12. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > Saw it in his last stream, in the stats panel the armor was 3k. He changed his usual build seems.


    > In his last stream #Roadto1k- Rip mac miller

    > Minute 37:10.


    Oh yeah you're right - his crit chance is at 71% and he has 3k armor. Probably a better build for outnumbered fights then - I would still keep my 92% crit chance though just because I don't want to see a 3k Deathstrike lol.

  13. I don't think Tubby runs a build that has over 3k armor? He has some Cavalier trinkets and a Cavalier sword but he only has like 2.6k armor - over 3k seems a bit overkill (or did he do that in one of his streams?). He also runs Leadership instead of Durability.


    Since you mentioned Tubby, I feel like he is a pretty good rev to learn from - it involves a lot of kiting and reading the opponent and bursting at the right time - and plus he explains it on stream all the time (and sometimes in his YouTube videos). IMO it's better than going for high vitality/armor and facetank damage (Reaper's shroud for example - Rev has quite a few ranged skills that can be used to pressure reapers without going in melee range).

  14. > @"aimz.6287" said:

    > > @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

    > > yeah, changing Mutilate Defenses to Expose Defenses was triggering af. Now they also removed the vuln from Burst of Strength. Seems like they know what they're doing. will they remove vuln from sword autos next?


    > You do know that when your in a group and the 25 vul stacks are already there on the first few hits from the whole team. It’s just redundant.. why would you want this.. the 15% extra dmg for 5 seconds is so much better than having vul stacks........... why stack something that’s already at max potential l. When you could have 15% extra dps... Do you know how good that is yet you complain because we don’t have enough vul strikes... really....... this discussion is awful and complaining and wanting to take away the 15% extra dmg over 10 stacks of vul(and I will say this again the team will already have 25 stacks on the enemy so it’s pointless) would absolutely kill our dps... in raids.. in open world.. in wvw.. probably even pvp........ dot dot dot.........


    I agree that in instanced PvE it might be redundant to have vulnerability on Burst of Strength, but in PvP or small-scale WvW, where you're often alone or with only 1 or 2 more people, it's really useful to be able to inflict vulnerability, you can't reliably count on allies to do that for you, and plus you're actually doing a favor to allies by inflicting vulnerability on enemies. It definitely is better to have that on Burst of Strength in those competitive game modes.

  15. > @"Wahlao.1069" said:

    > Elevated compassion would be useful for Ventari healers.

    > Draconic Echo is best for those in Glint stance. It gives all your facet passives to 10 ppl, essentially making you a boon bot.



    > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > Actually I think the new grandmasters are fine. They need tweaking, but the concepts are a HUGE step in the right direction.


    > Elevated Compassion: For a 5-man healer., allowing Herald skills to actually heal. Requires slight buffing, perhaps an ICD reduction. Amazing for fractals, when Herald is your team healer.


    > Draconic Echo: Buffs the whole raid team, especially helpful spreading buffs for zerg in WvW. What holds it back is two things: 1. Facet of Strength cannot give 25 stacks of might, 2. The F2 skills are currently very underwhelming.


    > Forceful Persistent: It's a great dps buff. What more can we say? Herald can hit 32k dps benchmark thanks to this thing. You take it when you aren't healing.


    > In short, the issue with the grandmasters are just small number issues than anything. Elevated Compassion needs an ICD buff, Facet of Strength needs to give more Might, and F2 skills need buffing.


    I think you guys missed the point - OP is a WvW roamer and asking which trait will be the best for that?


    I myself roam a lot too, and I'm deciding between Draconic Echo and Forceful Persistent. With the loss of boons on F2, I can see Draconic Echo being quite useful for boon uptime, especially Protection. Forceful Persistent is also quite strong if you remember to just turn on IO before bursting, but that requires even more energy management. In Glint I usually leave the Fury and Regen facets up, so that's a 6% damage boost in Glint, which isn't that bad but not too strong either.

  16. > @"Vaelen.5294" said:

    > Here's my take on the changes and where the new Herald now stands in different GW2 game modes:


    > WvW: Herald now shines in zerg vs zerg, the true nature effects aren't boons and can't be bubble bombed, so heralds will now act as a counter to bubble bombing and are more supportive in their role. In terms of roaming however, I feel that Herald is less shiny and can't hold his own against a thief or any other 1v1 fight any longer. I used to be able to solo camps and towers as a herald, but now with these changes I probably can't.


    > sPvP: Obviously these changes are a direct nerf to the classic feel of herald in sPvP and now make it a more supportive role in pvp where heralds cannot hold their own in 1v1 fights.






    To me the biggest hit to roaming revs is probably the lost of protection on F2's consume skill, which is definitely a significant loss, but it shouldn't affect your ability to solo camps or towers if you could previously. Could you elaborate on what specifically is the biggest nerf?


  17. > @"Crann.1342" said:

    > http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAodncMAF5idOA+4CM5ilGAr4QeDnCCVgAQM8OT/pD1A-jJxHABKfCAsvMgF7PAwDAAA Really fun build to play if you don't take queues seriously.


    > Sage's with Fire traitline instead of water would be quite strong with the 25 might and the extra precision from the new GM trait, depends on how strong and consistent the aura cleanse feels in practice.


    > LR Sw/F should still be good be it Menders or Cele with the extra damage for healing trade-off this patch, Demolisher might work nice in this meta with the extra toughness. With the riptide healing power nerf, signet heals are more effective with demo and extra damage might give it more counter pressure so maybe it can fight on node better.


    > Even though these days most Ele players started playing as either Tempest support players or Weaver Cellofraggers, I'm sure most Ele players would rather have a spec that actually has kill potential 1v1.



    I'd say the Riptide healing power nerf isn't something too awful - for me most of the healing comes from switching to Water (Healing Ripple), using Riptide and blasting inside of the water field.

  18. > @"biofrog.1568" said:

    > > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

    > > > @"biofrog.1568" said:

    > > > > @"Lasiurus.4067" said:

    > > > > About Staff 27:30

    > > > > Staff Build (WvW-PvE) 28:10

    > > > > Staff Skill Review 32:35

    > > > > Staff Combo/Rotations 38:35

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I'm assuming your staff build is not for WvW, since you would get absolutely wrecked repeatedly if you tried to do anything other than range cast meteors and run away. Survival is nil, damage is high. You've no stability and your stun breaks have a huge cool down. You would be one-shot by any mirage or thief and out-ranged by a ranger who would probably kill you with one volley too.

    > > >

    > > > Also equally likely, this is why you don't post WvW videos using staff.

    > > >

    > >

    > > 1/ My Staff Build is for WvW. Not for Roaming but for Zerg Fight.

    > >

    > > 2/ The damage comes from Meteor Shower but also Lava Font, Fire/Earth #3, Water #2. CC is also important.

    > >

    > > 3/ The survive is hard & is all about placement & positioning.

    > >

    > > 4/ Enjoy my Staff WvW Videos with this build

    > >


    > Like I said, with that build you would get wrecked repeatedly. Cast meteor shower, run away and that includes using blink and twist of fate. If *anyone* focuses you, you are dead. Your biggest hope is to mist form from downed state and hope someone revives you or you get somewhere out of site.


    > It's a one-hit wonder build, simple as that. No sustain and all damage means you just sit on the edges of the actual fight. The moment you get hit, you get downed and become a rally bot. It's a hindrance to the server you are on.


    > Stick to sword weaver, or any build that provides more sustain.


    His build is for zerg fights - sword weaver can't do anything in zergs, there's no way sword weaver has enough sustain to stay in frontline to do something meaningful (because of melee range). For staff eles it's all about positioning - sure, if you get focused you can go down easily, but if positioned well you can react early enough to get out and re-position. If for some reason you get hit and go down immediately, I would say it's definitely a positioning problem - you're supposed to be backline and backliners can't get downed that easily, especially when weavers have twist of fate, lightning flash and mist form.

  19. > @"Nepster.4275" said:

    > I heard Spearmarshal is kinda good on sword ele


    I wouldn't recommend Marshal stat for open world PvE, the healing power is quite useless and so is condi. It's better for WvW roaming probably (Cello's build for example). For open world PvE Berzerker is still the best, or a mix of Marauder and Berzerker is also fine.

  20. > @"Traveller.7496" said:

    > The sword/sword revenant is just crazy powerful. Huge spikes and good healing too. I know I'm not the best player (I play a spellbreaker) but man, I was getting completely clowned by that guy over the last few days.


    > It's also kind of a demoralizing thing to meet such roamers who will completely mop the floor with you without you being even able to touch them. Guess it's part of the learning process?


    Rev doesn't really have good healing - it's good against players who don't know how to deal with it yet only. **Infuse Light** (heal skill on Herald) inverts all incoming damage into healing, so watch out for the _ping_/_ting_ sound (Idk how to describe it) and a ball of white light on the rev, that's when he used the skill. If he does that just stow weapon and kite for about 3 seconds. The other healing skill is probably the Shiro one, when the rev uses it you can see the daggers hovering around him. You can either use shield 5 (which I believe will reflect the daggers - if traited - and heal YOU instead), or just evade the attacks (6 of them).


    I agree with the high damage part though - rev's weapon skills have relatively low cooldown and hit hard as a truck, especially when there are 25 stacks of might, which is easy on Rev because of [incensed Response](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incensed_Response). Rev is generally strong against power builds, so it's not surprising you may have a hard time as a Spellbreaker.

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