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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. Just nerf improvisation to not being able to recharge elite or remove evade from daggerstorm entirely.

    Revert every change on it but speed it up and compensate with damage.

  2. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > Well, it went from the best ranger map to the worst which is probably why you dislike most of the chances.

    > I on the other hand love them, the kiting potential is out of this world and it allows for some skillful play.


    > I'd much rather have this than getting sniped by a longbow ranger on a no port from 2k range.

    Exactly this.

    The map is actually fun now and allow lots of kiting

  3. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    Also besides free 120/240 power/precision bonus this traits also offer some unique bonus. (Attackers insight need a nerf?)

    Warrior gets 50/100% to get might on crit.

    DE gets stealth on evade.

    DRD get endurance back.

    Sw gets steal cd shave.

    Axe adrenaline bonus on critical hits.

    FF unique ability - suffer - hit 10 times to get this bonus for 10 seconds

  4. What exactly you want to 'trade-off' from core mesmer which is actually more than dead? With all recent nerfs barely can find them

    Revenant has no trade off at all despite it being the most broken class in the entire game. Does it make any sense ?

    Other classes give nothing or trade alrdy worse class mechanic for upgraded-way more powerful .

  5. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > Holosmiths go around with double elixir S and that means stealth on demand, that means 4 get out of jail all in one build....too much dps for the amount of damage they can dish out, perma protection/stability..the list is too long to even fit in a single page.

    > > >

    > > > Really I am asking the devs to bring holosmiths and mirages down to earth....**what kind of fool would expect the actual players to admit their class is at fault?**...been playing MMO for a while now...there is no chance in hell that a player would admit the class they play it's OP.....99% of the times it will be the old same L2P blubbering

    > >

    > > this is just mindblowing to me, the passive elixir s is a pain to play with, more time than not its killing me rather than helping.


    > Yet every engineer and their mother seems to be content with this "horrible trait".

    > Get real, the Condi change to elixir was unneeded.



    ye why should we take anything else when the 2 other traits are strait useless and do nothing for us. it rly is the best of 3 garbage traits

  6. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > Holosmiths go around with double elixir S and that means stealth on demand, that means 4 get out of jail all in one build....too much dps for the amount of damage they can dish out, perma protection/stability..the list is too long to even fit in a single page.


    > Really I am asking the devs to bring holosmiths and mirages down to earth....**what kind of fool would expect the actual players to admit their class is at fault?**...been playing MMO for a while now...there is no chance in hell that a player would admit the class they play it's OP.....99% of the times it will be the old same L2P blubbering


    this is just mindblowing to me, the passive elixir s is a pain to play with, more time than not its killing me rather than helping because its interrupting right at those crucial moments where u are using a healing skill/block or cc to deal with pressure.

    where do u get 4'th get out of jailcard? 2 elixirs and 1 stealth (that all can be played around in u stop wasting burst and cc on invul) and aoe the stealth spot as someone mentioned. also current meta holo's dont have endless protection boon cuz noone is running hard light arena anymore, its all burst so best tactic is damage spike like rev and stick to the holo while he's invul to keep up the pressure when its gone. and dodge the flashy skills, only cc thats op atm is rifle 4 cuz of range and little tell.

    interrupt healing turret water fields since we get alot of healing from that , can get up to 10k healing with both fields if u let holo's do what they want.

    since patch we arent the tanky midfighters that can stand on point all day facetanking like a warrior.

  7. +1 to the SH part. i for the love of god cant see why fighting in circles is considered fun. sh just more fun, defending vs breakers and 2-3 other players feels way more rewarding when u actually beat em all. alot more small scale fights against ppl without the conquest cirlcejerk 'HOLD THE MID CLOWNFIESTA' thats called teamfights.

  8. ill leave this here since it seems half of u guys didnt read it ^^


    Prime Light Beam: The cooldown of this skill has been split between game modes. It has been increased from 60 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP only.

    Prismatic Singularity: The cooldown of this skill has been split between game modes. It has been increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds in PvP only.

    Spectrum Shield: The cooldown reduction for being above the heat threshold has been split between game modes and reduced to 25% when in PvP only.

    Holo Leap: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 17% in PvP only.


    regarding the holographic shockwave (most telegraphed cc in the game) ~ dodge ftw

  9. > @"FtoPScrub.5476" said:

    > Engi has so much stabo through corona burst and elixar U there's zero reason why you should get CC chained to death unless you played very poorly. The spec is very forgiving.


    again, why take elexir u in current meta? we dont need the quickness , looking at kinetic battery and elexir u's toolbelt skill is useless ..

    reaper only need to corrupt corona stab and its gg when u get cc chained by them from holo standpoint.

    equal skilled reaper vs holo is always a 50/50

    dont know why ppl think we arent weak against cc chains (just like every other proffession)

    our tankyness comes from active defenses (which u can play around when u know cd's) and iron bloodded trait which gives around 10% defense generally most of the time, sure it can get higher depending on ur team comp and boons output but thats about it.

    healing is mostly from turret water fields and heat therapy (u need to get out of forge to rly get the benefit here) or use vent exhaust ofc for some quick healing.

    only reason we stay alive is being able to cc ppl that are too clueless to dodge the flashy skills. rly l2p issue there on holographic shockwave, only cc i can think off which is kinda annoying to deal with is rifle 4 even tho we self get knocked back by that (unless ure willing to use a stab on that aswell)


    altho have to agree holo's feels kinda overperforming atm but not in the manner that op or some other ppl here are complaining about. most of it is l2p issue rly


  10. PS

    u can interrupt heal np, want to kill holo fast? deny them water field heal from both turret(3sec water field) and turret toolbelt skill (1sec water field) alot of the sustain is comming from this combo alone. and bait them out of hard light arena, less protection,regen and fury too.

    if anything needs a nerf it should be some seconds added to holo leap and kinetic battery, quickness uptime ups burst dmg to insane levels and we got alot of easy acces to quickness. holographic wave is on a 15 sec cd and only usable once in forge mode before u have to go out again to cool it down, only thing u need here is to git guud and dodge the damn thing

  11. holo main again chiming in xd

    so fun to see these posts, ppl complaining about telegraphed skills and builds that arent even meta by a long shot..

    invul x2 rly?? noone in their right mind will take elixir s on a utility slot nowadays unless u went yolo in unranked. passive invul is the best of 3 useless traits imo, would exchange that for anything else as to not be interrupted when trying to heal and then die 3 sec later with 2 ppl on my ass waiting for the effect to go away.


    id agree holo sustain is a bit too much, but thats largely due to the meta build only having defensive skills slotted in utility. anyone that does that can defend for a long time.

    i love fighting other holo's cuz all u need is to dodge Holo wave, prime light beam and its gg rly. we rely so much on cc to stay alive that if u deny us it we are pretty much a sitting duck. or try cc us down, only stab we have is forge 3 and if that fails we only have 40sec / 20sec over 50 heat stunbreak. or use immob on a holo thats red. u would be surprised how effective it is. no dodge, no heat management and prolly a 8k selfdestruct overheat while u can burst them down.


    only reason holo's are just jumping in is because ppl dont rly focus them. its quite laughable to see when u down 3 ppl because noone is dodging the GIANT FUCKING LIGHT WAVE ... rly??

  12. for one, elixir u wont probably be used because toolbeltskill is very situational and dosnt rly fit SD build or conversion for that matter.

    u dying to holo burst is on u seeing that every freaking skill is telegraphed with huge lightshows so it dosnt take much to know when to dodge.

    holo's dmg was already nerfed to the ground once too btw, apparently not enough xD


    been playing holo for half a year and overheat is very much a thing, being cc'ed and not able to dodge to get my heat down and im pretty much finished with 8k of self dmg + the burst i was just cc'ed to eat so yeeea , good times

  13. dont get all these ppl with holo nerfs, it honestly feel well rounded imo. sure we hurt like hell but i feel like u should kite those flashy attacks. u dont stand around in scourges circles either so why get close to a holo when he's in holomode. besides, hes supposed to hurt, be smart and play around it, all skills have obvious tells so yea .__.

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