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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

    > All these complaints about Rampage are actually amusing, but its getting less so as time goes on.


    > Rampage is not that overtuned, it is not OP. I say this as a Warrior who *never* uses it.


    > First off it is *extremely* predictable. You will almost always see the same sequence of skills thrown out. Throw Boulder into the Stomp, or vice versa, then the dash into kick. The boulder throw and Stomp are the biggest things to avoid and once you do that Rampage is essentially useless.


    > Secondly it denies you access to any other skill other than the new bar of skills it gives you. While these skills are heavy on the CC side, if you are 1v1ing a Warrior and they use Rampage you can use a defensive cooldown that may be an invuln or block or even just maintain stability on yourself then you can trade damage with them. So long as you just avoid the 2 important CCs then its a non issue.


    > I will admit that Rampage is a bit stronger in sPvP because of the *tiny* size of the capture points but in any other scenario Rampage is just the most predictable elite. Even in the scenario of side noding in sPvP I still don't find it all that strong, maybe for most people they get overwhelmed by it but honestly I feel like that entirely depends on how you as an individual is playing against them. Its only a 10 second duration, they really only get to use each of the strong CC skills once *maybe* twice in the case of Throw Boulder if they are quick enough.


    > This is why I find sPvP balance such a disaster, a gross disaster at that. It turns skills that are otherwise a non-issue into something that actually has some weird value due to the tiny, tiny, tiny size of Conquest Capture Points.


    W O W. Trying to pretend like rampage has huge downside like poor warrior cant use his other skills... poor little babies....just get 20k extra health(depends on your current % health tho),damage reduction by 25%, MOVEMENT-IMPEDING condi durations are reduced by 33% (immobilize being removed with 3 skills lol).

    Dash on demolisher amulet hit for 9-10.6k , autoattacks 5-7k,throw boulder 9k... not like you must dodge all bursts and especially bullcharge to not get instagibbed. Even if warrior rampage gets 180s cooldown, everyone will still use it anyway. Moa should be 60s cd because its not a problem for you to dodge, right ?

  2. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > > > Does it affect pve raids?

    > > Kinda wth such logic bugs being ignored for years.

    > > For example elixir U on engineer still have inbuilt 25 energy gain for YEARS :joy:


    > Not related to any down/upside but I am sure "call to arms" despite not giving enemy weakness or any negative effects it is still unblockable?? Lol


    TBH I hardly remember description of warriors warhorn so long time ago was shoutwar meta.... xD

  3. > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

    > > > Yeah my issue with Mirage Advance was lack of evade frame - not going to waste dodge to cover that animation when you've got StG or even IA with nerfed cooldown that provide evade frame and stunbreak/pseudo-stunbreak.

    > >

    > > The advance portion definitely feels clunky due to its cast time and inexplicably short range. However, don't forget that you also get the retreat, which is instant, 1200 range, and a target break. It's not a bad skill, but it would become a GREAT skill if the advance portion were instant and 1200 range as well!


    > I can already hear thieves crying foul about [infiltrator's Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infiltrator%27s_Strike "Infiltrator's Strike") if we got this. :p


    Would be funny to offer them the same treatment but once they return they have 25s cd on it :joy:

    I doubt they would like that

  4. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524"

    > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/729083/#Comment_729083

    > > I thought you were all for nerfing core trait lines ?


    > That post is from last year. A lot has changed since then. There has been an enormous amount of gradual DPS power creep to almost every other class. The Ranger no longer needs any damage cuts tbh. As Eurantien had even mentioned in a previous post, it actually could use a buff if Arenanet wants it to stay competitive in top tiers & AT play.


    > ^ I know many of you get raged and throw up on keyboard when you read this, but its true. Right now, FB/Scourge/Herald/Holo/Scrapper/Spellbreaker dominate competitive scenes. Right now, DPS Soulbeast is just like Berserker or Power Mes, it's performance is fickle in the aspect that depending on what is in your team comp or against you, it could be a great idea to run or a detrimental error to run. Example:

    > * Run DPS Soulbeast against: FB/Scourge/Reaper/Core Guard/Thief comp = Good idea

    > * Run DPS Soulbeast against: Scrapper/Spellbreaker/Herald/Herald/Condi Mirage = Bad idea


    > It's a counter class, that's all it is. It's to be used when it's advantageous and only when it is advantageous. If you run it when it isn't advantageous, it often ends up being in a situation where it can't do squat and dies the entire match. This goes back into my point of how it is too good vs. certain things, but absolute trash tier vs. others. Ranger doesn't need an ultra game wide nerf due to this "which would destroy all viability" What it needs is some kind of alteration that downs its potency vs. things like the cliché Necro gank, but enhances it's combat mechanic vs. the things that normally shut it down completely.


    > Don't let the 5 people who are capable of running these specs to efficiency fool you into believing it is anywhere near a top tier meta, because it isn't.



    I see you edited your post instead of making a new one, that's fine though I wish it would ping so I could at least respond to things a faster. Changing your stance when it is convenient is hypocritical, it's also kind of sad. But everyone is allowed to change their mind, just wish you had done so while you were calling for other classes to be nerfed to the core. See Solo's post above, pick a stance, instead of just flopping around when it isn't your class. I don't think anyone will rage at you for thinking your class needs a buff. Remember, incissor thought mes needed a buff and the "knowledgeable community" berated and harassed him. Now you call power mirage a counter build? Counter to what? people stuck in gold 1? It doesn't do damage thanks to people in the "Knowledgeable community" calling for nerfs even when it wasn't present in any high tier competitive arena. At least we got a couple of meme's from it though right?

  5. I know similar kind of thread exist but this gone too far now.

    To stop average (1200 rating) people from ranting on forum 24/7 they just nerfed everything by 50% and above.

    Where are these so needed buffs/reworks for so outdated weapons?

    Greatsword is outdated from 2012 year. Skills need buffs or rework skills or entire weapon to move on from gimmick "oneshot" to something healthier.

    GS1 had a neat buff but still feels somewhat weak, you will die to retal faster than you take someones half hp. Could do more damage imo.

    GS2 is only good for point blank shatter burst, outside that it does close to nothing.Gained bounce,lost bounce,gained it back and got nerfed more. n/c.

    GS3 on release it was a pure meme.Many skills getting buffs but this damage on 12s cd is just a joke. I would like to comapre this to completely busted(9s cd) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blunderbuss even at maximum range the damage damage and coof. is higher(recently got a buff,mind you this ignore walls/LoS) than mind stab.


    GS4 phantasm is good if it hits but struggle to do its damage on moving foes sometimes can hit only 1-2 attack out of 4, phantasms as main damage source of the mesmer is a joke, inconsistent/dumb AI can be easly exploited, how many times they spawn in the air doing nothing, sometimes gs/swordsman just attacking air for some reason.20 seconds cd is too high.

    GS5 is the most important! Never got buffed/reworked since from 2012. The only thing they did fixed some bug and description? 200 base damage and 30 seconds cd for weird cone knockback, not even knockdown? Thats pathetic... Holo5 hit you from insane range in all direction and travel high ground but GS5 fail to hit if you are not on same level.

    The only good thing they did for greatsword was slight auto attack buff,they did so for ranger longbow as well but damage % for ranger wasy waaaaaaay higher.

    Anet made tendency to give weapon skills reduced recharge + unique bonus + 240 free stats. Why mesmer has 150 ferocity(why not power?), why to get this 150 ferocity you has to hold a sword and do a 10 melee hits for limited amount of time?

    Why https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Imagined_Burden is grandmaster trait ? Is that really strong ? Why there is no stats increase on it ? Its not even worth to be a grandmaster trait. I have a suggestion: merge it with egotism and give it permanent 5% bonus, remove second phantasm if you want. Make a new grandmaster-worth trait(remove from grandmaster to master tier with egotism merge).



    This should remove 2 boons now, boon spam is out of control and with domination you dont have that many clones anyway, one random boon feels terrible...


    1h sword is another thing I would like to talk about.

    Sword2 was killed for no reason, well they thought it would be nice to ruin core weapon that never been considered as broken since

    june 2013 alrdy but suddenly because of mirage it became broken to its core? Even after mirage evade/vigor was gutted ? It does 8 hits, even thief pistol whip got Anet mercy and now it does 4 hits. You(Anet) gutted weapon in attempt to nerf mirage evasion. It was done.Mirage cloak nerfed to normal evade. Why nerf core weapons/traits to nerf certain elite spec???

    Sword 3 clone getting demolished even before you can swap to it,oh how many times it was nerfed...Clone has only 2400 hp and die just to 1 auto attack/random aoe. Swap doesnt swap you with a clone on many places, so this skill just doesnt work, it has to swap you with a clone but it just doesnt, do something about it ?

    Sword offhand suffered from unjustified nerfs post phantasm rework, 20s cd for slow walking phantasm that start his attack melee and without stun/long immobilize can be ignored just by walking. Heck I even can compare this to revenant offhand5 that shadowstep SLOW/CHILL and slap your enemy for 5.000-10.600 damage with 1/2s cast time(15s cd lol)


    Scepter had a damage increase to make people use it, increased number of hits thus channeling time as well. As result people started to use it even if it was very clunky. And what now? Its ended up being even worse than before they gave it a buff. You shouldnt have ever touched this, just gutted another weapon that beg for a rework.


    Torch is good ... The only thing is I dont like is 30s cooldown on phantasm. Its too long. Should be 20s to be on par with all other phantasms.


    Honorable mentions :

    Blinding Dissipation and Reflect on evade. This traits were just deleted. Taking away active defense from class that rely only on them,not through passive sustain/a lot of heals. Compensations anywhere?

    Cry of pain used to give 1 confusion stack on every shatter, then they put all confusions onto 1 skill to remove it completely ,bravo, another buff to make it worse laters.

    Vigor on crit: 3s every 10s. Similar traits on every other class is 5s every 10s. Some have 100% uptime.

    Portal 50% duration nerf. Elites : time warp, moa signet.

    Ineptitude overall 60% duration nerf.


    I really dont understand, its hard to nerf overperforming skill by 10-25% and see if its need more? Waiting for months and then suddenly nuke it from orbit with 50-67% is fine?


  6. > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > 1. True one shot Soulbeast builds … "The most difficult to prepare & land burst in the game." … meaning there is absolutely no defensive skills in the build whatsoever. … predictable and clunky stealth combo to achieve 10 to 12s stealth …

    > > >

    > > > its not hard. if not dumb it will take maybe half an hour tops to learn. 10-12s of stealth is plenty on most maps to come out of los, meaning no one knows you're coming, and one shot someone. yay for counterplay. now lets talk about longbow, which is even easier. I was playing zerk soulbeast for maybe 10 minutes and was landing 10k longbow auto attacks. still had a heal, 2 stunbreaks, and all the beast skills ready. its so ridiculously easy a monkey could do it (probably do too).

    > > >

    > >

    > > Well then why is its representation so low in the top 100 compared to other classes and why is its representation nearly absent in tournament? If it were so strong and easy to use, wouldn't it be used often and by every team like any other strong build that has ever existed in Guild Wars 2 PvP?

    > >

    > > Answer those two questions for me please. I want to hear someone else say it other than myself.


    > What in the kitten.



    > Wasn't this the SAME arguement inscissor used and was immediately shot down. Because " we cant balance around the top minority of players" ?!

    > -----------------


    > Either high burst is ok or it isn't.

    > Either tanking 2-3 people is ok or it isn't

    > Either we are going to balance around top tier players or we won't.

    > Either we are balancing around " fun" or we aren't.


    > You people need to find a ground and be consistent with it. Not throwing pitch forks everywhere as soon as something you dont like kills you. Then retracting as soon as your class is on the chopping block.


    > Some of you praise the gutting of traits for others then. Then act like it's a crime against humanity when that same hate is directed towards your class.


    > STOP IT.


    > Pick a position that's healthy overall, not just because it's on a class you don't like.


    > P.S. I realize I quoted you @Trever but not everything is directed towards you.

    > I do appreciate you wanting to change peoples perspective on balance. But you shoulda been trying that a year ago. To little to late at this point.



    When its time to defend his own class/build its fine . When someone else does that... its not an argument !

    Funny thing is ... when you look back in the past and Incissor posts...and at mesmer now... you start to realize he is right ... at everything

  7. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > How its worse? Moa used to be a counter to such OP skill as rampage during core era. Moa is still 180s cd and cooldown reduction trait was deleted.Basically its counter still sit in 2012.

    > > Rampage became 90/72s, engi elite elixir with stupid -3s to elite cooldown on every evade is around 30-40s cd. All it need is a very long cooldown to be on par with its effect.


    > So, because Power Wrench is overperforming you want to nerf Elixir X?

    > Personally I'd nerf Power Wrench.

    This trait shouldnt exist even ...

    > Signet of Humility being bad has nothing to do with Rampage. Sure it's a counter to it but so are a lot of things. 3 minute cooldowns are core era design that honestly should be halved. 90 seconds on Moa seems reasonable to me.

    I said it was classic counter to keep this big guys in check. I think overall elite skills should have longer cooldown, not just rampage.

    > While Rampage is overtuned, slapping a 3-minute cooldown to it doesn't make the game better. It would just make Rampage useless. Balancing it would be to force it more counterplay opportunities. Like reducing the defenses it gives. Then instead of going full Super Saiyan, warriors/engineers would have to be a glassy Super Saiyan.

    And no,I dont want to make it 240s cd. Exaggerating slightly.


  8. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    >Just so you know, neither of your choices males any difference for me. But do for you.

    What ....males....?

    >Jist because I enjoy the game how it is, and you don't.

    How can I enjoy the game where scrapper doesnt die to two people and happily facetank everything ? Same goes for revenants that jump at you through time,space and walls from like 2000 range ? I dont enjoy this even for a second


    > That and if you can't just faceroll the keyboard and win, devs should also delete the profession people have trouble facerolling against.

    Thats remind me one class that recently was deleted :joy:

  9. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > > Guess falling from that height must really hurt mesmer mains. They can't stop complaining.

    > > >

    > > > But yeah, DE is easily outplayed. People just have to learn how to do so. Like in good old times when the GAME was dictating the rules and the PLAYERS only chance at getting good in that game was LEARNING and PRACTICING. And not demanding the devs to make it easy mode "for me exclusively"

    > > Coming from scrapper main,thats rich :joy:


    > "Uh oh criticism. What ever can I do? I know! I will make up a false statement to discredit that person! Yeah that should work! Who need reason in an argument anyway?!"


    > Edit: you seem like a person who ignores any advice for the sake of complaining some more. That will not help you enjoy the game even a little more my man.

    You are popping up at every thread that touches scrapper that is super annoying to play against and ppl for unknown reasons trying to 1x2 it for ages and still cant.

    "help me with spellbarkers,the only matchup doesnt go well through facerolling" ,not so false statement

  10. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > Guess falling from that height must really hurt mesmer mains. They can't stop complaining.


    > But yeah, DE is easily outplayed. People just have to learn how to do so. Like in good old times when the GAME was dictating the rules and the PLAYERS only chance at getting good in that game was LEARNING and PRACTICING. And not demanding the devs to make it easy mode "for me exclusively"

    Coming from scrapper main,thats rich :joy:

  11. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > Stop this right now.

    > > >

    > > >**Mesmer **wasn't "nerfed" it got "neutered". It's on par with Renegade now. It is seriously garbage tier and there is no reason to complain about it.

    > > >

    > > FTFY.


    > Mesmer and its variants (but particularly mirage, since the other mesmer specs got buffed last iteration) aren't neutered, they just don't have the overwhelming forgiveness they had before.

    I'm not sure...if you speak about silver-gold rating may be its fine. Above ... ? You are going to be pretty useless.

    I actually laugh at your "overwhelming forgiveness" and first what I imagine are holo/scrapper/rev

  12. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Stop this right now.


    >**Mesmer **wasn't "nerfed" it got "neutered". It's on par with Renegade now. It is seriously garbage tier and there is no reason to complain about it.



    As for DE being trash as you say its not true. Faeleth the only DE that can actually play the spec and he is doing fine. Even winning with DE the most tryhards team on AT's.

  13. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > Are you pretending core/mirage have CS as well ? Some ppl shouldnt be allowed to post on forum tbh...

    > > More over CS cd is 105s cd, rampage is 72. Engi moa toss elixir dont need to see your target precisely to use his AOE moa on nearly twice lower cd.

    > > Not even chrono himself use this useless moa signet. Oh wait...mesmer is now pretty much useless himself... despite such "oh my CS does it twice" skill


    > Nope. Rampage at 180 seconds is just an even worse idea.

    How its worse? Moa used to be a counter to such OP skill as rampage during core era. Moa is still 180s cd and cooldown reduction trait was deleted.Basically its counter still sit in 2012.

    Rampage became 90/72s, engi elite elixir with stupid -3s to elite cooldown on every evade is around 30-40s cd. All it need is a very long cooldown to be on par with its effect.

  14. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > > > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > > > > So it's worse than people stacking Arc Dividers, ok. Just an FYI, even Warrior has more evil things than Rampage thanks to ANET's "rework."

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I didn't even deflect to another class, that's how bad it is.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Games bad, play something else at this point.

    > > > >

    > > > > kitten you didn't mention mesmer or z-axis teleport even once, is that even allowed?! ; )

    > > >

    > > > Can we stop pretending that poor mesmer is the victim, please?

    > > What if its true ? If you think its not after all nerfs .... Oh well...

    > > ABout rampage: 180s cd to rampage and we have a deal,just as moa signet.


    > If Warrior gets Continuum Split, THEN it's a deal.

    Are you pretending core/mirage have CS as well ? Some ppl shouldnt be allowed to post on forum tbh...

    More over CS cd is 105s cd, rampage is 72. Engi moa toss elixir dont need to see your target precisely to use his AOE moa on nearly twice lower cd.

    Not even chrono himself use this useless moa signet. Oh wait...mesmer is now pretty much useless himself... despite such "oh my CS does it twice" skill

  15. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > > So it's worse than people stacking Arc Dividers, ok. Just an FYI, even Warrior has more evil things than Rampage thanks to ANET's "rework."

    > > >

    > > > I didn't even deflect to another class, that's how bad it is.

    > > >

    > > > Games bad, play something else at this point.

    > >

    > > kitten you didn't mention mesmer or z-axis teleport even once, is that even allowed?! ; )


    > Can we stop pretending that poor mesmer is the victim, please?

    What if its true ? If you think its not after all nerfs .... Oh well...

    ABout rampage: 180s cd to rampage and we have a deal,just as moa signet.

  16. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > When you say middle of the pack, I am not sure what pack you are talking about. Even before Feb nerf, Mesmer was not doing that hot in top tiers. After last 2 patches it has no build that can compete in any form. Mesmer is currently is the worst performing class. Even ele is now better.


    > Ya the 1 shot build still has some steam, but it is hardly viable in higher tiers.

    Its true... Except even playing berserk amulet you arent really oneshotting...


    >and as long mirage have Self-Deception no 1 want to fight that unhealthy game play the clone vomit is some how equal to scourge corrupt and condi vomit

    Self decepton trait is terrible and never been played

    >and i personal want other elite nerfed to be inline with jaunt that mean any panic elite or press to win elite some thing like dagger storm , rampage and many more

    To be on par with jaunt this elite skills need to be 240s cd. Rampage can two shot people on nearly on the same cooldown as jaunt(2counts) that travel way more distance with just 1 button compared to mesmer using both jaunts at once.


  17. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > 3 jaunts is better than 2 jaunts bro. Did did didn't cha no ? It's a QoL thing for harlem globetrotter meme players like myself. 33% bro

    Dude, look at mesmer nerfs they have applied before?

    They not just nerfed core class,they butchered it. How is your specific MIRAGE change would help the class?

    In fact jaunt doesnt even deserve to be an elite skill. Its more of an utility ...at best.

  18. > @"Sampson.2403" said:

    > Or lower the recharge time plz.


    What makes you think 3rd jaunt will help mirage? Or mesmer? From being garbage tier? (small hint,it wont)

    When you want to compare mesmer, first thought would be... a thief ? And what mesmer can do better than thief? Evades? No. Mobility? No. Better plus 1? No.

    Last thing that kept mesmer alive was scepter, not anymore. Its kinda good. No more FOTM bad players play it that much

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