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Posts posted by praqtos.9035

  1. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > > All this really condenses to is you don't know how to fight warrior. Want it nerfed so you beat it.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > I guess that's the general trend of all these posts.

    > > All high plat/legendary/monthly winners/ESL players need to SHUT UP and GIT GUD © Gold2-3 player


    > Last time I checked gw2 isn't in ESL. c gold2-3? What you talking about lol.

    Wait a second ,I'll fix it :' D

  2. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > All this really condenses to is you don't know how to fight warrior. Want it nerfed so you beat it.



    > I guess that's the general trend of all these posts.

    All high plat/legendary/monthly winners/EX ESL players need to SHUT UP and GIT GUD © Gold2-3 player

  3. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    Once again you pretend spellbreaker AFK dont use anything before going rampage /facepalm

    > Or u simply move away. Dodging Boulder and moving away isn't that hard :/. But yeah ok. If you are incapable of either then nothing can help you.

    Its simple fact that MANY MANY MANY elites nowhere close to be broken as this 2, not in impact/power and cooldown 1 minute vs 3. Its main counter is nearly 3 times longer cooldown than rampage is, lets ignore that as well.

    > Nerf everything so you can win.

    I'm actually glad you mention this, look at mesmer, it was nerfed that much so even you can win :)

    > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > > spellbreaker will always be op as long as you can perma 16 might from one button press.

    > > >

    > > > Wow. What magical button allows perma 16 might? Can you write it down? So I can use it.

    > >

    > > F1.


    > So f1 has infinite range and you are not able to dodge it?


    > Also most if not all a warrior attacks have a delay. It is also all melee. If a warrior doesn't land. It can't heal and it will die. Condi also destroys warrior as it doesn't have enough cleanse to u keep.

    Small secret bursts are 6s cd, dagger one is unblockable and landing F2 recharge all other bursts,congats, you learned something new! Not to mention there are plently of skill that are MUST DODGE aside 3 bursts

  4. > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

    > > > See you next time you get killed by a soulbeast or deadeye then ;-)

    > > Worthless troll comment as usual, keep it up /s

    > > >@"Twilight Tempest.7584"

    > > >LOS iS yOuR fRiEnd

    > > >I don't care if LOS can counter Longbow. You don't always have access to LOS every time they start blasting you with heavily boosted Rapid Fire from somewhere off screen. Many builds are left with a chunk of their health gone, and a dodge blown before even engaging thanks to a SlB mashing a few keys from 1500+ range while you're running or fighting someone else.

    > > Exactly that. You wont even have chance to LoS since they start with lb4 and by the moment you fly away you alrdy lost around 50% of your health to some rapid-fire-onewolfpack shenanigans (they dont even need to go hard for the damage as zerk amulet/full dps traitlines). Range of the first three skills are ~1900 on the first three skills, 4 is 1500. All that with being unblockable. Much fun and counterplay.

    > > Thats only what I wanted to add to OP :)


    > Oh so soulbeast is next on your complain list? Nice to know. See if that helps you.

    Every OP spec/skill is on the list kido.

    > There are tons of ways to win vs everything you and others complain about. I feel like the only thing left to do is just joke.

    > Because, let's face it, you and other complainers do not want an advice on how to win. You want the devs to dumb down the game for you. So you can feel better. Telling you right now: if that happens, you will complain about how boring and easy the game is. But sure. You can just continue trying to disregard the stuff that I say.

    The same way YOU and others complain about most things on other classes you suck against, lots of ways to overcome but you prefer to endlessly QQ until it get smitersbooned and its worked . Trevor inspired me with his hypocrisy, lets roll now.

    IF something being more balanced and fair for the players means boring to you... I cant help it dude.

    > Also am I a revenant main now? You probably already seen that I have a post made on rev forums when you were checking my message history in search of a way to discredit my opinion, that so hurts to understand, that it is just so much easier to ignore and continue your own pursuit of balance-that-will-be-fun-the-first-couple-of-minutes.

    I didnt watch as I dont care, all you do is whiteknight broken BS, let it be, same overused stupid comments "dodge,block,invul, pack endless reflects. find LoS where there is nowhere to LoS despite dying in 1 second or 1-2 hits" works only for anything they main,not something they hate. Everyone harrassed poor incissor for the same and now use exact same excuses to defend their precious OP classes, he could be biased but he wasnt stupid at all.

    > And you are calling my comments useless. Oh the irony. Yeah like complaining is so helpful.

    Complaining about busted things is a sin ! As Twillight mentioned massive outcry about the mesmer helped to gut it. So it is.

    I play revenant myself now and its still broken despite the nerf and few other TOP revenants confirm that. I dare you ,disprove info that I posted about its range at least ;)

    >You can just continue trying to disregard the stuff that I say.

    So much this dude...so much....

  5. > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

    > > > I also fail to see how EIGHT skill uses in one game is spam.

    > >

    > > cuz in most cases its a guaranteed kill?


    > It's a guarantee if you face tank. And don't know to save cool downs and dodge. Most of the time you just move away and let the warrior do nothing and come back when he's done doing nothing. Much a reaper in shroud.


    Except it has 2(3 just for immob breaking) mobility skills aka gapclosers to stick to you, 900 range le boulder, and getting hit by anything means most likely death? Is that another one who pretend spellbreaker will be AFK before using it ?

  6. > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

    > > > > > > @"Mordayn.6198" said:

    > > > > > > Sad to say but yes the "joke" build is meta. I've seen 1 shot soulbeast build running in at least gold 3 and platinum 1. It's also a very broken build they are running in wvw. What don't I understand about damage calculations. I clearly called out the issue is in beastmode greatsword 2 maul is giving a 25% dmg increase and sic em is giving a 40% dmg increase equaling a whopping 65% dmg increase for one shot that's unblockable due to low cd unblockables on the beastmode entry and warhorn 5. You can nay say the build all you want, but it's top end damage does way too much allowing for 1 shot's from stealth at range. Easily would be nerfed it was any other class.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Actually, according to Trevor, damage multipliers are multiplicative, not additive, meaning they "stack" even higher than most people think:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/910700/#Comment_910700

    > > > > >

    > > > > > He's discussing the Eternal Coliseum buff in his example there, but the same principle applies, I believe. So the net damage increase from Maul + Sic 'Em is actually more than 25% + 40% = 65%.

    > > > >

    > > > > Honestly if Sic'Em is going to stay at 40%. Why not just nerf all the traits that give percentile damage buffs throughout the class.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Or, maybe just nerf sic 'em on soulbeast instead of gutting the damage on druid and core ranger?

    > > >

    > > > ~ Kovu

    > >

    > > ...You mean you wouldn't like to have your classes core traits messed up like everyone elses?


    > You act like Ranger hasn't been touched over the years.

    > And no, I don't want core ranger and druid's damage touched -- ranger already has some of the lowest coefficients in the game. (Supposedly to counterbalance pet damage. That's good for a laugh.)


    > ~ Kovu


    If that would be true then ranger wouldnt be broken to its core and soulbeast wouldnt stack damage to oneshot everything with insane crits all around. Core ranger also can do nothing and run around like an idiot then suddenly use maul,mid maul swap to gazelle f2 and thats pretty much nearly your death, if you are warrior, otherwise something like 17-18k+ going to happen (I even rememeber on boyce stream he oneshotted demolisher meta SPB with it with full hp). Want me to remind you which class got nerfed by 50%(Instead of doing proper balance they nerfed core by that much and no reverts) at everything lately?

    This "community" ... I dont even know.... Nerf to hell core/whatever classes I dont play but nerf overperforming ELITE SPEC ONLY of my class and dont touch anything else ! Remind me of Chaith as well that being vocal only if someone demand engi nerf

  7. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    >Real talk, I actually completely agree that bringing some of the other elite skills like Moa signet, like Lich form makes sense, and is a much better way to go about it imo. At least, that's what I got from your OP, dunno if you meant that or not.

    If they refuse to do anything about it, yes, really meant it. (why only warrior gets 20.000?Other transform are 10.000,even on engi rampage is 10.000 tho)

    Warrior is not that weak as you think. Holo need to be tuned down as well with a ranger (rev still probably need some shaves)... FB/Scourge definitely need nerfs as well.

  8. > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

    > The average game lasts ~11 minutes.


    > That means a warrior can use his rampage skill just **eight** times per game if you use it when it's immediately off cooldown, which nobody does. It's not hard to make a rampage irrelevant, although it nearly always forces a decap.


    > I see room for a damage nerf of about 15 percent, but not much more. I also fail to see how EIGHT skill uses in one game is spam. Mesmers and engineers can use eight skills in one second.


    > As it pertains to PLB, who cares that the unblockable skill with a MASSIVE wind-up is 60 seconds. It means in a game, it can be used 11 times. If you can't dodge a skill like that, try a new game.


    Pretty funny to hear from someone who never play the game anymore after s5, cant dodge PBL ?:D

    Its so hard to land when you have mesmer elite on 32s cd as toolbelt, I supposed to read his mind for when that comes out !

    If you read my first post I said they should bring other elites on their power level and cooldowns. Many elites sucks hard but they are on 3 minute cooldown.

    15% damage nerf wont do s**t to it and still will thrump you into dirt

  9. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

    > Bringing other elites like Lich Form, Signet of Humility, etc. in line with rampage by giving them lower CDs is a great idea I think, it's only fair really. I also think Rampage could do with a soft nerf such as moving it out of the physical category; simultaneous cutting the damage by 10% and the CD time of rampage to 90 as well as all the skills within rampage to their original.


    > Anything more than that and warrior will be dead. We don't like it, but rampage is really all we have to compete with other side-noders.


    You are highly mistaken if you think without spammable rampage warrior is trash and not worth anything.

    I mean, think about it, mesmer scepter carried entire class. It did 10k if all crits and all 7 hits connect over 2.25s cast time. But people cried a lot and it got 50% damage nerf, I wouldnt be surprised one day to see 50% damage nerf on rampage and warrior still would be able to stunlock and do high damage(thansk to might, power crept power/fero,damage increases in %) while remain literally unkillable thanks to bonus 20.000 health and damage reduction (only warrior in rampage gets 20k health btw).

    I'm not saying scepter didnt deserve nerf, it did, it was annoying. But rampage is even more annoying and easly twoshotted you especially when that boulder comes from behind of your screen in the fight and each time you see warrior, exhaust their cd and think you have him, then comes rampage and you have to run or they use it to escape because super low cd.

  10. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > spellbreaker will always be op as long as you can perma 16 might from one button press.


    You know funny joke? Warrior gets 20k bonus health in rampage ,aside from damage reduction and less condi duration, engineer rampage/tornado/lich have 10k bonus health.

    Also warrior is so busted because of power crept traits that give him bonus stats:

    120/240 power from GS, attackers insight 225 power+ferocity(has no alternatives,power creep in its pure form) that not even hard to keep up

    Strenght trait bonus power for each might stack,25 mights gives warrior **1000** power Add 10% to this on tether.

    tldr : self 25 might stacks shouldnt be a thing for any class

  11. > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    > Reverse the PVP/PVE cooldown split for rampage. High CD in pvp/wvw, low CD in PVE.


    Yes thats make confused and dont understan what is going on with Anet devs. PVE have twice long cd than it is in PvP.... raid bosses probably have complain thread on dev forum :joy:


  12. ![](https://i.imgur.com/1yH75c7.jpg%22 "")

    If 72s cd rampage doing this with demolisher amulet is completely fine and balanced.

    PBL that is unblockable 1200 range launch (which is combine knockback and knockdown effects and you spend like 2-3 seconds in CC) was undeperforming on 75s cd, suddenly became 60s again....

    May be make all elites around 60-30s cooldown depends how weak they are compared to this elites?

    Mainly I want Signet of moa/throw moa elixir to counter rampage.

    Lich form to be 72s cooldown as rampage now and give it 25% damage reduction buff to be somewhat on par with a rampage.

    And all other elites as well of course like FGS still on damn 180 seconds cd. Even on 60 seconds cd its no way better than PBL or rampage by a mile.

    I wish that would be a troll thread but I'm pretty serious, if you refuse to balance your c**p buff everything to this absurd level and stop showing bias towards this 2 nerf-immune classes

    (scourge fb are nerf-immune too, lets talk about it laters)

  13. > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

    > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

    > > > > > > Ill try to read it but its kind of hard to understand.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > **When nerf to warrior?**

    > > > > > > Are you asking when they are going to nerf warrior?

    > > > > > > They Just did.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So I am guessing you play Rev.

    > > > > > > What did they nerf on Rev?

    > > > > > > -Might Generation

    > > > > > > -Bonus Critical hit Chance

    > > > > > > 10% percent dmg nerf on sword chain

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > A bug was fixed on warrior

    > > > > > > -25% to arc divider.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Seems ok to me.

    > > > > > > The over performing classes Engi, Warrior and Rev got tuned.

    > > > > > > It happens.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It's incomprehensible (no M)

    > > > > > > and the word 'decompensated' is only used in medicine.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I am pretty certain when people refer to over warrior over performing they mean SB not berserker.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also, holo, FB and souls beast were not touched (plus SB). Outside of pushing rev out of meta, not much has changed.

    > > > >

    > > > > Rev will most likely never be pushed out of meta because of the class fitting a role perfect in the only competitive gamemode. The high ganking/shadowstep with good damage potential is very essential in conquest.

    > > >

    > > > Just play core guard ... Oh wait. Nvm

    > >

    > > Just play thief/mesmer...Oh wait.Nvm


    > Thief is still an essential asset in At's. Theres nothing that is able to decap and turn around a snowball as good as thief can

    Have you seen latest mAT teamcomps? Probably not

  14. > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

    > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

    > > > > Ill try to read it but its kind of hard to understand.

    > > > >

    > > > > **When nerf to warrior?**

    > > > > Are you asking when they are going to nerf warrior?

    > > > > They Just did.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > So I am guessing you play Rev.

    > > > > What did they nerf on Rev?

    > > > > -Might Generation

    > > > > -Bonus Critical hit Chance

    > > > > 10% percent dmg nerf on sword chain

    > > > >

    > > > > A bug was fixed on warrior

    > > > > -25% to arc divider.

    > > > >

    > > > > Seems ok to me.

    > > > > The over performing classes Engi, Warrior and Rev got tuned.

    > > > > It happens.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's incomprehensible (no M)

    > > > > and the word 'decompensated' is only used in medicine.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I am pretty certain when people refer to over warrior over performing they mean SB not berserker.

    > > >

    > > > Also, holo, FB and souls beast were not touched (plus SB). Outside of pushing rev out of meta, not much has changed.

    > >

    > > Rev will most likely never be pushed out of meta because of the class fitting a role perfect in the only competitive gamemode. The high ganking/shadowstep with good damage potential is very essential in conquest.


    > Just play core guard ... Oh wait. Nvm


    Just play thief/mesmer...Oh wait.Nvm

  15. > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

    > I have stated before, and I will happily state again, that IMO there should be another way for Mesmer to offer support, especially a more effective way. I don't agree with the statement, that there is only one way to play Mesmer.

    Doesnt matter how you want to believe in that, its not how mesmer was designed. Its like if insane teamfight monster necromancer will start to demand to be good at 1x1's

    On top of that he is right in hist statement about need for these traitlines and you too,that if you trade damage traitline for supportive you have close to no damage. only that you said correct to my taste.

    Saying -2 condis on 30s cd is fine is highly .... mmmmmmmmm....untrue,you meet cmirage or scourge and you will change your mind instant but thats prolly not an issue on wvw with -3 condi sigil on both weapons (in short-roaming meetings IF two players want to duel)

  16. > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

    From your post I can conlude you are playing different game. Especially meme'ing what I have seen from you was "I'm doing fine in zerg vs zerg and I terrify enemy zerg with my clones!"

  17. > @"Widmo.3186" said:

    > Holo? Overperfoming? What r you talking about Wallace? When?

    > Its highly skilled spec, needs lots of practice to put even _one_ CC, damage is veery low while outside PF, and during PF you can be kited like a little child, hitting anything is barely possible, hitboxes of those skills are some kind of a joke, idk how youre supposted to play with something like this.

    > Also animations, so easy to be dodged, and you cannot cancel them so you end up being in the middle of animation vulnearable to any damage. Not even talking about sustain and healing which clearly doesnt exist.

    > Cool story bob.

    I bow to this masterful trollpost <3

  18. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > I do understand why Rev damage was nerfed, but my biggest issue is how Roiling Mists was nerfed. It just feels like a dud GM now. I only WvW and rarely run with RM so it doesn't affect me much, but as @"ventusthunder.5067" pointed out it is pretty heavily outshined by other similar traits such as Vicious Quarry on Ranger, even by Notoriety on Rev, which is a master and not grandmaster trait.


    > Also TIL it is Roiling Mists and not Rolling. Oopsies.

    Rev damage was nerfed only by 10% on autos? Rev is lucky avoided damage nerfs on skills

    There is no more damage nerfs. Self 25 might stacks were nerfed. Engi/warrior comes next to my mind who need it as well.

    RM nerf ye, 10%, probably wasnt needed... these who didnt ran song will do now.

    > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > If i remember correctly, power shiro/glint had/has the highest winrate in PvP (if the only one).

    > And isnt it one of the most played build in ATs because its so strong?

    More likely it was known as "the most broken class in pvp". These who say it was bad are disconnected from pvp themselves.

  19. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > That will never happen.

    > > >

    > > > Warriors haven't gotten a serious nerf since defy pains cooldown went up. Same with Engie with its self regulating defenses and keeps getting relentless buffs. Its pretty clear they just want conquest to be Engineers Vs. Warriors: The Movie: The Game: The Movie.

    > >

    > > The FC 66% damage nerf was a pretty serious one.


    > And they were compensated with Magebane Tether+Peak Performance allowing them to get 10k Arcing Sclice and Whirlwind Blade crits and 90s Cooldown Rampage. Pretty fair trade off considering pre-nerf Full Counter hit for 4k max.

    Wrong, pre nerf fullcounter with berserk amulet did crit ~10-12k in pvp (on squishies of course). That was pretty much absurd to get 12k and followed by 12k + arcing slice after or overkill on sw3

  20. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    This part is actually suits you the best. Tormented and mad at cmirages

    >> i can see that you are very angry, tormented and irrational with your judgment

    Irrationally would be to keep bs like rampage unnerfed to the ground and buff holo more which anet sucessfuly does. Probably next year, may be.

    >because in common sense, i don't believe people would take condition mesmer over power mesmer, because no matter how busted condition mesmers are, often enough, the build doesnt cap point and you have weaver, scrapper for the side node fighter job to compete with. so it is bad yet can be busted at the same time.

    Forum is the only place where you find specimen that say bad/undeperforming spec is busted,need a nerf and even tell something about irrational judgement...

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