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Everything posted by Multicolorhipster.9751

  1. > @"phokus.8934" said: > Rating and matchmaker are not to be used interchangeably. Glicko2 is used for rating and whatever ruleset ANet uses for their matchmaker are two different systems working together. I mean, i'm still gonna. Literally the one thing that determines rating is the matchmaking; both for your team, and the other team. Nothing anyone does in match actually contributes to the rating gain/loss. It is all pre-decided and RNG. You really can't talk about one without at least inadvertently talking about the other because if matchmaking is bad for whatever reason(IE dwindling player base) then rating gains/losses are also going to suck for anyone who sticks around. Likewise if rating gains/losses are taking like 2-3 wins to make up for 1 loss, that's a sign of consistently bad matchmaking unless you're a god gamer in the top 10 and everyone you face is lower rating than you.
  2. > @"Ragnar.4257" said: > He literally didn't say anything about RNG or luck. You have a very tunneled vision. Wym? To even talk about rating in Gw2 is to talk about RNG/luck because that's all it is.
  3. I think you're totally right tbh. It's all RNG right now. Literally the only thing that determines your gains/losses is who the matchmaker puts you with and against. As the population gets lower it starts to get more and more obvious and less rewarding. Like, you wouldn't feel or notice this very often in plat1 a couple years back, but now it treats people barely in the top 250 like they're in the top 10. If you aren't used to having to win 2-3 games to make up for losing 1, it's probably very jarring and frustrating. Most other competitive games use a combination of average ratings(like gw2), personal performance(how well you did in the role you filled), and win/loss streaks to determine how much you gain at the end of a match so that the person playing still has some agency over their own rating. There's still a ton of luck involved, and the gains usually always slow down as you get higher on the ladder, but skill at least plays _some_ part there.
  4. No I like it. It saves time figuring things out, and it's a good reminder to stay away from Ranked when you see the top 2 players have won close to 100% of their games.
  5. > @"Raiden The Beast.3016" said: > For sure the forum do not represent the pvp community but this poll gives an indication what the people think about the balance approach from anet. > > This poll and the poll for the Feb. balance patch shows a split in ~ 50/50 from people who like/dislike the balance appraoch. > > For anet it seems like impossible to find a way to make the bigger part from the community happy with the way of balance, like 70/30 or even 80/20 ratio, which would provide for sure a more healthier gamemode. > > Im not saying the bala. approach is wrong, but a 50/50 split feels not healthy. Soooo true. This always seems to happen for major game-changing updates where the yea/nay ratio is like 51:50 and it still passes, much like with DuoQ back around s13. I know these polls are usually user-created and don't really affect decision making, but if you compare it to a game like Oldschool Runescape; which balances and updates the game almost exclusively through community polls, for even a minor change to take effect the yea votes have to outnumber the nay votes at least 4:1. Totally different ball game though, since Gw2 balances around professions and OSRS balances around gear stats. Not saying that every little tweak for every profession needs to be polled, but if you were going to say... Nerf everything at once, remove amulets & sigils, dramatically change the pacing & structure of PvP matches; that might be big enough to leave to a vote. Silly to risk half the players not liking whatever big change goes through especially on such close polls, and considering people with alts can also vote multiple times.
  6. Alpha baby! I pick Alpha everytime. I don't even think sustain and defense should be/should have been nurf. The betas have it hard enough as it were. We just need damage; REAL DAMAGE, back in the game.
  7. > @"Apolo.5942" said: > Yeah no, if im going to be out sustained and out damaged then this has no point of being. > > This is the problem with warrior right now, if every other class can build a mid tier condition build that will out dps and out last you, what is the point? > > Warrior has no teeth. Real damage is psychological, not metaphysical. With every bit of peaceful CC spam protest, we turn the =) "Everything is okay" charlatans against themselves. With that, we do more damage than any other profession in the game right now. We're kind of overpowered really. But I understand. Namaste fellow Warrior. I hope one day you see the true path. ? > You just found this, i have been playing it for months, go either necro condi, revenant or many others, they have just as much durability and much higher damage. I posted this on February 25th, 2020 I also do not want to swap to playing those other classes as a coping mechanism. We can't fight change, but we can choose to adapt to the changes being made towards us. It's the only way we're going to beat this. The magic conch shell was right.
  8. Both as two separate queues. Each is its own unique way to play with different levels of accessibility and challenge.
  9. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > lol ppl complaining about only dmg and cd nerfs are probably the same who liked the lower dmg meta after the megapatch, and the slower game play overall. no Opposite. I think my blood pressure and cortisol levels skyrocketed from day 1 after Feb 25th. I couldn't and still can't get through a single match without first chugging a Monster energy drink and blaring House music just to keep some sliver of attention.
  10. > @"Apolo.5942" said: > I have been running this build for many months, sustain is good, but you deal next to no damage. > > Most condition builds can out sustain and out damage you. Well no damage is the name of the game now. Namaste. ? If you're having trouble fighting condi builds with this: Remember that your primary objective is to waste people's time. They're going to out-sustain and out-damage you even if their damage output is next to none. Your main goal playing this is to just survive as long as possible and keep them fighting you while nodes preferably stay decapped, but if you can keep multiple people occupied, then you (hopefully) open up a chance for your team to cap the other points. Against condi-builds it's best to time your blocks, cleanses, and FC well for when you need them most. If you do, its possible to fight them forever. The full 15 minutes if nobody helps them. Also, remember to use this build's biggest strength: CC spam. If they can't use skills it hurts their condi application. Not sure which variant you're running, but if conditions are a problem; which, they were for me for the longest time... I started using this variant: [gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAk6JlJwUYYsKGKeaX+PTA-zZwOlMFC9KB6WBkxIQHDA](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwAk6JlJwUYYsKGKeaX+PTA-zZwOlMFC9KB6WBkxIQHDA) Includes: -Signet of stamina for extra random dodges and a big condi cleanse for emergencies. -Cleansing Ire which keeps you at max adrenaline always and provides some extra cleanse(This does hurt your dps as copying conditions with FC is really the only way this build does damage, but... better to specialize in one thing at this point. The damage is already pretty much 0.) I also no longer recommend Rousing Resilience is any shape or form because it is garbage. -Remember to take both sigil of cleansing and purging, with each on a different weapon set. -Rune of the flock is better than Dolyak for condition builds. The 10% extra health and extra vitality is more helpful. It also slightly increases Adrenal Health's passive regen while boosting the total healing from mending to 7,573 hp. Since mending is also a condi cleanse, you usually don't have to worry about this getting hurt by poison. So every 20s you get nearly half your hp back. Hoelbrak and resistance are also solid picks for mitigating conditions but lack the extra health and vitality. You could also ditch Guard Counter for No escape, but you'd be more vulnerable to power DPS. You would however get CC on your CC which definitely hurts some condi builds. I know burn guard is pretty 'hot' right now, and No Escape is pretty great against that particular build.
  11. Easy flop. Boring nerfs and removing options isn't fun. It only takes away from the game rather than adding anything. It will probably be that way so long as the skills team can't interact with the balance person like people were saying. Creative nerfs and tradeoffs aren't going to come from nerfing coefficients and increasing cooldowns. It's the most boring and uninspired way to nerf something that just takes away from gameplay. Then there's just deleting amulets/sigils, adding 300s CDs to traits. Booooring. If the price for balance is fun, nty.
  12. +1 ? I don't have any earthly idea why, but there was no less than 2 burn guards per team in every Unranked game I played today. This post helps me understand.
  13. UPDATE: **12/1/2020 Patch** This update was pretty huge for this build and for the people with the patience to still be playing it... though if you're coming over from Healbreaker, its not that big a jump tbh, but I digress! The build functionally hasn't changed at all, and you can scroll up to my latest comments for the hammer or Dagger/mace variants. You can stop there; otherwise i'm going to go over why this patch was so huge for this build piece by piece, nerf by nerf: **ENGINEER:** 'Nades and Explosive Entrance got some pretty major damage nerfs. They were bad for this build because they were some of the few skills in the game that actually did damage capable of potentially bunker-busting. This also means you can shut your brain off while 1v1ing Holos, as you can most classes with this build. Just CC spam through Holo forge and you'll be absolutely fine. I recommend curling up with a nice cuppa tea the next time you fight one, and putting on your favorite tune. Right now i'm listening to 18 happy friends at a slumber party and it fits the mood perfectly ? **REVENANT:** _H U G E!_ Inspiring Reinforcement was a skill that outright nullified this build, but the increased CD means it can be spammed less, and the 1s of Stability means it doesn't last super long after the skill ends. It's also very possible now to spam through it and still land some CC. Overall Jalis Renegod; one of this builds main counters, is weaker. That makes this build stronger. **THIEF** Also huge. Thief could often bully this build for its lack of mobility, but Thief being less mobile makes that less of an issue. If you know a thief is going for a decap/backcap you stand more of a chance of stopping it now, which is pretty great. Signet of Agility nerf is also okay. More CC spam, less missing. Anyway, that's a few big counters to this build nerfed. Healbreaker is still viable, and if you'd rather that; I wouldn't blame you. Namaste, and good luck. ?
  14. To my fellow high IQ Warrior mains, don't worry. Healbreaker isn't that bad still tbh. -More damage and Stability nerfs makes my CC-spam bunker build more OP -The thief nerfs also make my lack of mobility less of an issue because I won't get back-capped as often. -Celestial ammy was removed, which was pretty shocking as I didn't know a single person using this, but I appreciate having less to skim through to find the same meta amulets everyone else uses. **Overall I give this patch a no/maybe.** My central nervous system is starting to produce dopamine regularly on its own again from the lack of stimulation, and as result; PvPing is too hard for me to sit through for anything other than dailies. I am unable to give a proper numerical score in this state. I don't even know how I got here.
  15. It's true, you don't even need any specific examples. When the decision was made to nerf nearly every skill/trait in the game, everything had to be nerfed evenly which is pretty much impossible to do. Slight oversights or thinking: "Let's not nerf that, it's already weak" can have serious consequences there. If you ask me, too much stock and dev-time gets put in towards trying to satisfy the people who can never be satisfied. The ones who aggressively demand that something must be nerfed or removed from the game every few days. They're going to play regardless if they're that bothered about balance, but having less to play with is boring for anyone who just wants to play the game.
  16. 2 Ranked queues: TeamQ - where you play in parties of 2, 3, & 5 which pretty much eliminates the people you're talking about. SoloQ - where you play away from teams and ONLY with the people you're talking about. It'd still be a clown fiesta, but at least it would be a more fair clown fiesta. And there's your problem fixed. It probably won't ever happen though, so my next best suggestion would be not to play Ranked at all if it bothers you enough.
  17. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said: > > @"darren.1064" said: > > This poll isn't even close. > > Ah yes. The ever indicative, conslusive, and comprehensive, at cutrent time of posting, 56 vote poll. > [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111077/do-you-enjoy-the-current-meta](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111077/do-you-enjoy-the-current-meta) Here's one with 208 votes, and unlike this one, actually has the option to vote for the other side. It looks a lot better to include the "I like it option" and to see that get outnumbered by the "I don't like it" option by 5 to 1.
  18. Reckon they should keep a handful of changes. Some of the tradeoffs were nice, and some skills/traits had too many effects packed into 1. Everything else; the damage coefficient and condi application nerfs, 300S CD passives, removal of amulets/sigils, and the no damage on CC, that's all boring. Shrunk the meta down and turned 1v1s and teamfights into snail-paced battles of attrition that really boil down to whoever has the weaker attention span and eventually just gives up. What would have been better would be applying tradeoffs to all the elite specs, and looking into minor adjustments to the most extreme cases we had pre-Feb 25th. Also, the Feb 25th patch in reverse probably would have been much cooler. Rather than removing and nerfing everything if it focused on buffing underplayed skills/trait-lines on the same scale then it would have opened up a ton of new ways to play without subtracting anything from what was already there.
  19. CTRL + Z the majority of every PvP patch since Feb 25th and CC would be far less prevalent. When you have damage, the game becomes actually doing damage. When you don't have damage, it just encourages spamming disruptive skills and locking people down so that you can essentially live forever so long as you aren't way outnumbered. The increased CD on Stunbreaks also didn't do any favors there.
  20. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said: > > @"Vancho.8750" said: > > Asking for BUFFs or reworks backfires terribly and it ends up in PVE specks cause Arenanet doesn't give a kitten about PVP usually. Case and point Berserker. > > > > Berserker was fun for a while before they declawed it. I don't know anything about PvE, but in PvP I feel like this is true. The zerker buff actually made it more fun to play for a while especially since it came with the tradeoffs for that elite spec. Nerfs aren't bad like that, when they're made in tandem with buffs or simultaneously exist as both a nerf and a buff at once. Just nerfing and removing options/playstyles is boring. ?
  21. If you think a class is overpowered, how about instead of hopping on the nerf train we have a calm and collected discussion on how to buff the other classes to have at least 1 build on par? :)
  22. > @"ZDragon.3046" said: > 10/10? Just lemme ? We all were thinking it, but perhaps me and my high IQ fellow warrior mains more than some
  23. I think conditions are way underpowered compared to power damage tbh I also think where they go wrong and why so many people dislike them is because they're annoying. Condition builds are usually(not always) pretty faceroll, evasive, slippery, and/or spam a bunch of things people generally dislike seeing spammed such as CC, blocks, evades, stealth. This doesn't make them overpowered by any stretch, just annoying. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > Viper amulet should be added back into the game. I also would not mind seeing something like: Gotta agree with this too. It should have never been removed, being the higher risk hybrid damage option. That's how conditions should work imo; as extra DOT and utility for doing damage, and landing certain skills. If anything I think it should have been buffed with more condition damage/expertise for braving a more risky option for the weaker damage type. Also agree that Demolisher/Marauder alternatives for condi damage could work well there.
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