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Posts posted by Wolfb.7025

  1. Your point of view is interesting, but in my wn opinion i'd suggest not to try seeking gameplay justifications within lore as there are many, many things in the gameplay that contradicts the lore, its usually that way in order to enhance player experience.


    Charr should be more powerful than how they're depicted as playable races, they should be able to climb high cliffs and run on all fours as fast as someone with a mount.

    Open world enemies are highly dangerous lorewise, a devourer sting can kill an ogre in seconds.

  2. > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > > > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > > > Yes, sadly they all either joined the Dominion or got killed off before this event.

    > > >

    > > > The only warband recruits that remain loyal to the Commander is his/her partner from Charr Origins

    > > Source for this statement?

    > >

    > > As far as I can recall the wereabouts of the rest of the charr you recruit through your personal story are not specified, there were only 3 charr from different storylines that swapped sides with the dominion, the rest, like Zemzer, hasn't appeared or have been mentioned at all.

    > >

    > >


    > I think a good portion of the cache keepers were potential warbandmates, but on further inspection it wasn’t all of them


    Only 3 out of all the cache keepers belong to a player's charr character warband, and every one depends on which legion you choose.




    Iron Legion -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Luccia_Wildeye

    Ash Legion -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Yahuk_Fellstrike

    Blood Legion -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elexus_Shredskin


    The rest are either fillers, or just minor characters that appeared briefly in your personal story.

  3. > @"EdwinLi.1284" said:

    > Yes, sadly they all either joined the Dominion or got killed off before this event.


    > The only warband recruits that remain loyal to the Commander is his/her partner from Charr Origins

    Source for this statement?


    As far as I can recall the wereabouts of the rest of the charr you recruit through your personal story are not specified, there were only 3 charr from different storylines that swapped sides with the dominion, the rest, like Zemzer, hasn't appeared or have been mentioned at all.



  4. Heck yes! This is something i've been waiting since ever, alongside the Charr NPC Talking animation as an emote.


    My suggestion would be that running without swiftness or any other running speed trait would put your charr into trotting animation, and when you receive a movement speed buff you'd start running on all fours.




    Also ontopic, you can achieve the charr trotting animation by getting in combat,unseathing your weapon and then running.

  5. Might be dead maps but here are two suggestions, either of those works, but you get the best results when you can do both.


    1.- Wait for the map to have a daily vabbian bounty hunter, there are plenty of people visiting the map for that daily, and chances are you're gonna get help if asked for.

    2.- Put on your mentor tag and write in map chat you need help with that event, make sure to link the Point of Interest as well.


    Turst me, this game has a lot of people willing to help even though the event is not of their interest, that's what makes this community so wonderful.

  6. Becuause these players are resentful about not having the quantity of content they'd expect to have so they decide to leave the game but not without relieving their sentment by convincing others players that the game is dying.


    The game does update really slow with new content, and the people that leave are usually people that plays and "eats" the game, skipping most of the content and rushing towards the endgame, only to get bored and burnt out from it, often ignoring more than half of what this game has to offer.

  7. Just get inside a raid training group. All bosses are hard and require a certain amount of group and class knowledge, Its just that some bosses are easier than others, but they're still hard to handle.

    Vale Guardian for instance, can still be a clusterfuck even with semi exp groups, but being in a training group and getting to experience the boss and being told about what to do and what to dodge does help to prepare you for the real clear runs.

  8. Most of the gemstore items aren't interesting to me, but they doesn't bother me neither.

    I'm just a chill endgame player that does stuff at my own phase, I do like challenging pve content but I rarely do it often except for daily fractal cms. I also got used to the amounts of new content anet give to us so I learned to wait and not expect much each patch.


    Anet hasn't really given preference to a specific target audience, they have barely given us any endgame content for over a year. Strikes doesn't count because they are quite easy and boring. Only thing we've got since the launch of W7 more than a year ago has been Sunqua Fractal.

    PvP got the 2v2 and 3v3 modes introduced.

    And PvE of course gets their bimonthly living world chapter, although this year has been quite lacking with only 3 maps and a lobby and it feels like Drizlewood has been the latest new open world content since ages.

  9. Mastery Insights are 1 time account-wide use spots that grants you 1 mastery point.

    Masteries are effects that unlocks for all your characters in your account.


    Hero Points however, you need to interact with every spot per character to get that or these hero points for that character, **note that a character at level 80 will automatically have enough Hero Points to unlock every trait line and every utility skill of their core specialization, so getting extra HPs through map exploration is not necessary.**


    There is, however, a way to "claim" these HPs without even having reached the area where a HP is, and its by the use of consumables you buy with one of the WvW currencies that unlocks HP points of the area.


    For core Tyria -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notarized_Scroll_of_Heroics

    For Maguuma Jungle -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notarized_Scroll_of_Maguuma_Heroics

    For Crystal Desert -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Notarized_Scroll_of_Desert_Heroics

  10. I can imagine its annoying for some people to have to re open lfg when someone leaves, but as someone who doesn't even takes T4s seriously, I find it so easy to just lfg and put "t4s dps only x and y fractal" and 4 man it while someone joins.

    You only need heals and quickness to do T4s, every mechanic is so irrelevant you can pretty much clear and carry everything with 3 competent people that can avoid critical attack and boss patterns.


    Getting angry at people that leaves after clearing CMs or something like that is weird.

  11. With the recent change we got two extra buttons on our inventory panel which are Deposit All Materials and Compact, so it made me wonder, how many players does actually use the Inventory Compact option? not a peculiar reason for this poll other than satiate my curiosity, so go ahead, vote.





    I personally never used Compact because I organize my inventory in a specific way where I put items on the top and on the bottom of the grid.

    There was algo an option before the change that allowed you to move the Compact option down below the droplist of the Settings icon, and it was useful because you could get that option out of the way. But now with this change there is the risk of missclicking the second icon and messing up with your inventory arrangement, It already happened to me once.

  12. All Ascended Equipment are only account bound and no piece is soulbound, that means you can "share" your ascended gear with any character, and, in the case of Ascended Armor, only characters can equip them with the equivalent armor weight type.


    So yeah, you can craft/buy/get or equip any asc piece of equipment with one character and then you can decide to give it to another character at your heart's content.


    > Ascended equipment is equipment of Ascended quality. All ascended equipment has a level 80 requirement and 5% stronger stats than Exotic quality equipment and equal to Legendary equipment. **All ascended equipment is account bound.**



    > Items may also become Soulbound in several ways:

    > - Equiping masterwork or better quality equipment **(with the exception of Ascended equipment)**


  13. Imperator.


    I noticed that as well, and no one is certain if its just a formal way for Crecia to tell jormag she's the actual representative of Blood Legion, or if its already set in stone and she is definitely the new Blood Legion Imperator which leads into a big plot hole because it feels like that decision was made from overnight.

  14. > The existence of consumables that equip players with high control skills creates an unintended play pattern involving combat with the inventory panel open. It's our goal that encounters with substantial defiance bars be addressed by build changes rather than reliance on consumables, and for this reason we are disabling several items in dungeon and fractal content. The following consumable items are no longer usable in dungeons or fractals:

    "_The existence of a Challenge Mote Fractal Boss with 1.5x times the Defiance Bar Damage required for an average Raid Boss in a 5 player mode creates an unintended **need** for players to involve combat with the inventory panel open. So we have decided to disable said consumables so you all can struggle even more by taking the possibly only way of getting through these phases without having to change your build and your rotation AKA the way you desire to play._"

  15. The story is independent on what you plan to do as "endgame" on this MMORPG. Look at it as if it was any single player game campaing like Skyrim, you can basically play it normally, get exotic equipemt, an that's all.

    It goes like this:

    Personal Story -> LWS1* -> LWS2 -> HoT -> LWS3 -> PoF -> LWS4 -> Icebrood Saga

    *Unplayable ATM, you can watch a movie on yotube and read the wiki article, it will be enough explanation to understand what happened before HoT.



    Now for what you might want to aim for, the Endgame.


    1. Fractals of the Mists, what you're doing already, its a series of fun mini dungeons with mechanics and challenging content, the further you advance the harder it gets, and it gets even more fun. Try to get ascended gear and collect AR infusions to climb to T4, its one of the best sources of gold in the game (although, limited per day) you should only do dailies and recommended fractals.

    2. Learn rotations and other support classes, you can check snowcrows or metabattle for DPS rotations and such, you need to do this in order to prepare for T4 fractals and Raids since its hard content and requires you to do good dps.

    3. Strike Missions, its a series of short 10-player encounters that are relatively easy, its Icebrood Saga content and you can access to it through the Eye of the North ( WP link [&BAkMAAA=] ). Here you can basically train yourself as DPS or Support so you can prepare yourself for Raids.

    3. Raids, its basically a series of high level 10-player encounters that are challenging and require coordination and good group dps and boons. You only require exotic gear at minimum but you need to practice your rotations before. Try lookign for a raid training group.

    4. Achievement Points (AP). Its basically a number on your account but its fun to increase it, you get some rewards out of it, you get AP by doing achievements, which keeps you busy in the game. There are 10 daily AP you can get doing 3 PVE/WVW/PVP dailies, I recommend you do this everyday.

    5. Any PVP Content: You can aim to play sPvP or WvW, undoubtedly the hardest content in this game, and leads to frustration if you're not used to competitive gameplay. Optional, but the option is there.



    Honestly, this game offers so little endgame content, but I hope you have your share of enjoyement while you learn. Trust me, it takes you months, or maybe years until you become a really good Fractal/Raid player and its when the game potentially starts getting boring for you.

  16. > @"Zraurum.8493" said:

    > you do not need power in a condi assembly viper gives power, the power stat itself is again useless without crit and critical power, plus you will not have a branch under power, it will not be an assembly, but a cuttlefish. In such an assembly, as the authors write above, you will be shot not only by players but also by bosses.

    > In addition to everything, the staff and the axe, the scepter are primarily a condi weapon.


    The reason Viper is meta is because its the only asc stat that has condi duration and expertise.


    The same goes for Harriers, power is useless on a druid/hb, but its the only stat that has healing and concentration and doesn't have toughness.

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