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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. > @SevenBitBrian.8413 said:

    > > @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

    > > For clarity the last story mission you're forced to use the sword. There is no back out option. Believe me I looked, yes many of the other's were that way but not the last one.


    > You didn't look hard enough. There is a button to drop the sword then another button to pick it back up again. You can swap back and froth from using your own skills and Sohothin's skills. You are not forced to use the sword.


    Yea, I kept getting kicked to MY skills during that fight when I wanted to ONLY use Sohothin. I don't know if it's because I kept accidentally hitting the = button (I've got a mouse with the numbers 1-12 on it and button 12 is the = key) or because it kept bugging out on me, though.

  2. > @Feanor.2358 said:

    > > @Luciferior.4802 said:

    > > Now if you made it to the end of that horrific block of text being the thread while actually reading what I typed then I applaud you and I humbly ask your opinions if you agree or disagree


    > Here's my honest opinion: you're wrong in this case (assuming it's about "stealing" champ train events). Don't get me wrong. I fully understand your side. I, too, have taken on group events solo for the fun of it. But please consider the other side. Just like you would like to do something, 30 other people would like to do something else. It doesn't matter if you understand or agree with their wishes, it is their right to, just like it is your right. In the end, it boils down to respecting the will of the majority. Which is a healthy thing to do. It avoids conflicts and creates a friendlier environment. If you don't have a specific reason for a particular event, step down. It's the smarter thing to do. Or wait the train. Yeah, it's not challenging. You'll have another shot. Or try to find a different instance of the map. Or wait for the champ train week to be over. Plenty of options. Only one leads to conflict.


    Eh a player shouldn't have to wait for the train to go elsewhere if they want the challenge of the solo. The train doesn't own the instance.


    A player shouldn't go and explicitly try to find the next champ in the train to kill with the sole purpose of derailing the train.


    But if you're on the map going for map completion and you like the challenge of soloing champions and you end up finding one, even if it is the next in line for a champ train, one shouldn't have to wait for the train to come to do the event.

  3. > @avohec.9143 said:

    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > I'll actually give the reason.

    > >

    > > Back when Heart of Thorns first launched, the Ultimate Edition granted the gems immediately (the up to 72 hours message was still there, though). However, shortly after this started ANet noticed a VERY SHARP increase in fraudulent purchases and it was just of the Ultimate Edition. Gold sellers and other nefarious players were buying the Ultimate Edition using stolen credit cards and converting the gems to gold to pass on to others.


    > Thank you for the actual reason. However, I'm still failing to see how this would be different from purchasing gems by themselves.


    For any fraud prevention they have to run the benefits of it vs the cons.


    Chances are the cons of having a delay for gem only purchases outweighs the benefits. If you think about it, legit purchasers are more likely to be buying gems only than buying the Ultimate package of an Expansion pack.

  4. I'll actually give the reason.


    Back when Heart of Thorns first launched, the Ultimate Edition granted the gems immediately (the up to 72 hours message was still there, though). However, shortly after this started ANet noticed a VERY SHARP increase in fraudulent purchases and it was just of the Ultimate Edition. Gold sellers and other nefarious players were buying the Ultimate Edition using stolen credit cards and converting the gems to gold to pass on to others.


    So ANet decided to make it so that the payment had to fully process through the system before the gems were delivered.


    And to not have a repeat of last time, they kept the same process of waiting for the payment to fully go through for Path of Fire.


    It's a case of the few ruining it for the many.


    As to the ignoring, it could just be that they haven't gotten to your ticket yet. They've been swamped with tickets.

  5. > @Leamas.5803 said:

    > > @abomally.2694 said:

    > > "In practice that may or may not be the case and may be more a matter of opinion than anything."

    > >

    > > The fact that down-clocking the GPU fixes the problem tells you that the hardware **is** failing at the higher clock speed. The game doesn't measure, know or care about the GPU speed. Now, is it the card itself or another piece of hardware in the system? One thing is for sure - it IS NOT the software "refusing" or "being sensitive" to working at the higher clock rate.

    > >

    > OK, the card is failing, but ONLY for GW2? I'm sorry, I'm not buying in to that. If the card, or some other piece of hardware was truly failing it would have done so years ago and would be failing across the board. The machine, and video card will be 5 years old in December and is still used daily by my kids. It was my primary machine up until about 6 months ago. The only thing that has ever given us grief is GW2, which is the **only** thing we have to down clock for, and that has been since the day I bought the machine. The clock get set back to factory settings after finishing a GW2 session. The machine, I've brought in to professional PC techs 3 times over the years to try and figure out what's wrong with it and they've never found anything. Other than some bad memory (3 out of 8 sticks -> 64gb) and a bad mouse and/or keyboard throwing faults on the USB bus causing the bus to become unresponsive (That one was a kitten to diagnose) I've never had problems with the machine with anything other than GW2. It's now using completely new memory and a different mouse with PS2 keyboard (Just to have it on a different bus), but only 2 sticks of memory now for 16gb. I opted to buy new memory from a different manufacturer over reusing any of the original 8.


    > A more likely scenario is that the overclocking on the card is more or less fine since it works for everything else, but GW2 has some code that is causing some runaway or fault condition with certain hardware configurations that it's not handling and down clocking prevents the condition. You don't need to down clock much. In most cases, **if** it's going to work, a reduction of only 5% will fix the issue and in many cases I've seen over the years, people actually see an increase in frame rate for GW2 after the down clock. Typically I use 10% on that machine since GW2 does not need a super powerful card and the 670 was a beast of a card when GW2 was released, though I'm hearing PoF is more of a pig, but that machine is only running the FTP version now. I've been researching and following this issue since December of 2012, the first time I posted about it on the old forum was January 2013. I've seen on the eVGA and nVidia forums other people complaining of similar issues with other games, but none of which I've owned to test with. Apparently one of the GTA games is notorious for this type of crashing.


    > FYI, for memory, if you can easily get at it, it's A LOT easier to take it all out and test each stick individually. Doing it this way can also reveal issues not obvious with all the memory in the machine.


    > > @onevstheworld.2419 said:

    > > I'll back up what abomally said with my personal anecdote.

    > >

    > > I've had a graphics glitch where a polygon on an item/character would suddenly throw colored streaks across my screen. I could reset it by reducing graphics to best performance then going back to my original setting. No amount of game updates, driver updates, OS reinstalls would fix it, nor would other games or software/stress testing reproduce it. My GPU had a very aggressive factory overclock that was known to be at the limit of what that specific chip could achieve. I've updated to a new GPU last month... guess what... the glitch hasn't come back since.

    > Again, why only GW2? It still points to GW2 itself having issues with certain hardware configurations and/or not catching or controlling fault conditions properly, not necessarily bad hardware. It has always pointed to being a code problem, not a hardware problem. Down clocking is a hack to get around bad code.


    > If Arenanet says GW2 is sensitive to over clocking, then it is, but that doesn't mean it sees the over clocking or that it's bad hardware or that the over clocking is bad, the way ANet states it means there is some bug in their code they don't know how, or are unwilling/unable, to fix.


    It could be how the game is coded to use your hardware that causes GW2 to be the only game that shows the error. And it may not necessarily be a bug in the game, but a sign your card is failing. The only way to know for sure is to swap graphics cards. It's why I haven't gotten rid of my last card.


    While it's not hardware related here's a tale of a problem that only showed up in 1 game:


    Built my system from scratch. Everything was working smooth. Guild Wars 2, Sims 3, Sims 2, Sims 4, Mass Effect 1-3, etc all work just fine and no crashing that's caused by the computer. Then Mass Effect Andromeda comes out. I would play the game for 30 minutes and have to restart the computer due to it hanging my system up so much. If even 30 minutes depending on what was happening. Bought a new, better graphics card because the one I had was right on the low end. Still had issues. Turns out Mass Effect Andromeda uses the page file and all of the other games I listed do not. I had not set up my page file. Once I set it, the crashing stopped.


    So just because something only happens with one game and not any other, doesn't mean that it's the game's fault.

  6. > @Kahrgan.7401 said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > It is not true that they have always taken over 7 days to respond to tickets. The usual (when not overloaded) response time is within 72 hours. I'm guessing a lot more players joined or returned to the Guild Wars universe than was expected, just like at Core launch.

    > >

    > > I also imagine the CS Team is as frustrated with the backlog as the players.


    > Actually, 2 of my tickets took longer than 7 days to respond since near the launch of PoF, before and after. So you are full of kitten.


    And they've had a higher than normal ticket load since the announcement of PoF. So unless your "near PoF" launch was prior to PoF's announcement, you're talking about a period when they were overloaded.

  7. > @sairing.5832 said:

    > > @darkkrus.7382 said:

    > > They have 2 step verification. Go to your account and then security. It will send a code to your phone when you log in, you then put the code into the launcher and then it will log you in.


    > but if they got same ip,they can also can login



    Don't check the remember network button. Then it doesn't remember that you approved that IP when someone else tries to log in on an identical IP.

  8. > @Vunter.6245 said:

    > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > > > @Phobetor.8016 said:

    > > > No, it isn't an excuse. Never heard of a support system that takes more than 3 days. If they are busy, just a message that they will get back me with timeline or something - that would make a big difference instead of getting NO response from them. This is embarrassing.

    > >

    > > Providing a timeline might sound helpful, but it can be counterproductive. They'd have to guess how long it's going to take to reach your ticket (and everyone else's) which may be right, and may be wrong. Then they have to explain that to the people who they get back to late. And re-iterate that this is just a response time, not a resolution time for the ones that couldn't be fixed with one response.

    > >


    > Actually, it wouldn't be counterproductive and would be very helpful. I would be very surprised to hear if they didn;t have metrics that track their tickets. They have 5 years worth of ticket metrics that would easily provide them with timelines based on past problems and resolutions.


    > With all the games I've played large and small across many genres even during major content releases; it should take at most 72hours during major release drops. Standard turnaround should 24hours or less. If it is taking 7 or more days than they need to invest money back into a more substantive customer support team or they need to invest into a better workflow system, their issues could stem from a crappy ticket system as well.


    The problem is, they've posted things about the game on here that were possibilities and things they wanted to do and players kept taking them as "we're going to doing to this." Then things happen and it doesn't happen and players get mad about non-existent promises being broken. So they are very wary of posting anything that may be misconstrued by those players as promises.

  9. > @Crowlley.7185 said:

    > For the guardians saying they can't defeat him, stability, shelter, focus 5, DH f3 all completely negate his pull. Activate one and walk away and your out of his life steal attack.


    > He's pretty simple melee doing this and trivial with bow or scepter.


    > Additionally to those complaining about not being able to use the inventory, just use the hero pane to change gear and you really don't need consumables for him.


    > I understand people have different skill levels in this game and some classes like mesmer may struggle with phantoms, but you can't just facetank his life leech and you need to adapt instead of saying he's too hard and give up.


    But what if your extra gear is in your bank because you never thought you'd be without your inventory and had stored your extra gear in your bank and not in your inventory for access via the Hero panel?

  10. > @Haishao.6851 said:

    > > @pah.4931 said:

    > > I am sorry but it's kitten like this that will prevent GW2 from ever being truly successful. Not only does shipping with this encounter on story-mode make Anet look incredibly bad at their jobs, but it really sours new players very quickly. There is no excuse for a solo boss fight tuned liked this (so it's almost impossible with some builds and much easier with others). And the fact that it hasn't been addressed yet makes Anet look even worse. It's like they don't want millions of people playing this game.

    > >

    > > No warning about the fight. No ability to easily change your build. And a prologue before the fight that lasts for kitten ever.

    > >

    > > Whoever was in charge of this story episode should not be in charge of anything ever again.


    > The game is already successful and has been for 5 years and already have million of people playing.

    > The encounter is easy to anyone who's able to spam 1 and dodge.

    > This is for lv80, not for new players.

    > The boss is possible to every builds. You don't even need a build, just a weapon.

    > There is warning about the fight. The Judge tell you to go fight it and you are the one who engage the fight. Fighting is to be expected in a game about fighting stuff in a story against the god of war.

    > You can change build at anytime out of combat as soon as you have found your weapons.



    You can only change your build to the extent of traits and skills if you don't have any extra gear or weapons in your current inventory. I think that's what is meant by can't easily change build. The realm of the dead portion locks you out of your inventory panel so you can't open up bank expresses or trading post expresses.

  11. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > > @Zaltys.7649 said:

    > > > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > > > It's a L2P issue. You figured it out and that's great, but there's no reason to nerf it because some players can't figure it out first try. It doesn't mean they're less good or anything, simply that easy content for the sake of easy content only serves a category of people who want to faceroll everything without effort.

    > > > > I didn't think that it'd be necessary to say it, but... everyone plays MMORPGs for different reasons. Some enjoy combat, some don't. For some, combat is just a pointless roadblock that gets in the way of the enjoyable things: story, exploration, crafting, playing the market, etc.

    > > > >

    > > > > Here's a thought: what if the storyline had featured a difficult jump puzzle that you needed to complete to advance? And no help from mesmers. 'Get good at jumping, learn to play'. Do you think that everyone would've been happy with that? This is no different.

    > > > >

    > > > > Forcing everyone to 'get good' in something that they don't enjoy is never good for the game. Seen it happen numerous times over the decades: the 'casuals' quit, and the 'hardcore' players aren't enough to support further development.

    > > >

    > > > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > > > > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > > > > > > > @Manijin.3428 said:

    > > > > > > > The content IS soloable for everyone. Just gotta learn how to do it.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > This is GW style stuff right here. If you think this one solo story instance is bad, I strongly recommend not playing GW1. Learning from your failures is part of getting better at the game, and I'm glad ANet has taken some steps over the years to encourage their player base to become more skilled. Yeah, it's frustrating sometimes, but the great thing about learning is that it opens up new horizons for your experience.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I remember back when GW2 launched, and doing dungeons with undergeared, level-appropriate groups, before specializations, when people hadn't even unlocked their elite skills, etc. What the experience taught me was that 1) Dying was a natural part of the game experience, and 2) You needed to be flexible in your approach to solving problems. Now, at level 80 that all kinda fell apart, but those lessons stuck with me, so I've resisted all the calls to go pure Zerk, etc., because I learned early on that having survivability through traits and gear made the game MUCH more palatable, and really made it quite easy, but that you also can't go too tanky if you're doing solo content because it takes FOREVER.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > People just need to learn the game better, swap some stuff around, and find something works. If you're failing at a fight like this, it's possible you've been carried by some meta build that suddenly doesn't work anymore, or by a tanky build that lives through most content, but has numbed you to specific content that requires timelier counters. But GW has always been, since GW1, about being adaptable and flexible, so you just gotta adapt. Hopefully, you'll get past it, because the story really only gets better after this instance. :P

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > There's being flexible and there's being *completely unable to do soloable content*. Sometimes it's a learn to play issue, this is not a learn to play issue, and I'm speaking as someone who has finished it. There are a thousand reasons why someone isn't as good at the game as you, and 'not being good enough' is only one of them, this needs to get nerfed to accommodate players who enjoy the solo content, because they can't even bring in friends to help, those friends are turned into useless wisps, and they can't even access their inventory as well, making the situation *much* harder than standard GW2 gameplay, and if i remember, gw1 was all about having a full party to complete everything, whereas this one situation in gw2, the only one like it, is now impossible for some because they can't do things they could regularly do in the rest of the game. While yes, that does require some adapting, you're asking people who are suddenly kitten in a couple of ways to further adapt to a boss that can fully heal itself if someone doesn't have the required cc, and in which having cc is the only solution to the problem, but the window in which to *use* that cc is extremely small for the maximum benefit.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Sounds nothing like GW1 to me. People are having issues in a soloable experience, it needs to be looked at and nerfed. The most tasteful nerf I can think of is having that initial jumps breakbar be extended from a mere half a second to two or three seconds. That's all it would take to make the experience go from unplayable to manageable Because some people just have high ping or low fps based on things out of their control like *what country they live in*, but there's also things with disabilities too, people who just don't have a fast enough reaction time, and on top of that some classes will have a harder time with it too if they have longer cast times for ccs.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > How is that not a learn to play issue?

    > > > > > Really, what are these "thousands reasons", what is it that makes new generation of gamers so unable to tolerate a single challenge?

    > > > > > Strategies were given for pretty much ALL classes about how to do it, EVEN if you have difficulties (which you SHOULD at some point in a game), you can simply stay away from the boss whe he does his infamous jump attack. How, like... how, does that translate to "unable to do solo content"??

    > > > > > If it was unplayable, nobody would manage it. There would be much more people asking for nerfs, and there wouldn't be many strategies about it, or people saying it wasn't that hard.

    > > > > > It is because Anet constantly nerf everything worth little challenge in story that we get pugs in meta that have no idea how to do any mechanics of any boss.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It's a game for everyone yes, but they have the entire core game, plus HoT, worth of easy content, and they have guides here and there, there is no excuse for asking for nerf not even a week after expansion release (it was started within the first week).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And no, GW1 had nothing to do with this constant faceroll of story missions.

    > > > > > Remember Augury Rock? Remember having to defeat your double? Remember the siege in Droknar with Confessor Dorian? Remember the fight with Varesh? The fight with Shiro? Remember that missions in Maguuma where you were fighting another team of white mantle ? All of that content could be done solo too.

    > > > > > Everything needed to know some mechanics, and you couldn't change ANYTHING about your build once in the instance. Elite zones? If you wipes, you had to restart it all.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And people were not complaining about every little challenge just about constantly.

    > > > > > It baffles me that people don't realize how games in general have become increasingly easier, with checkpoint every 2 minutes and basically no need for strategy or anything, and STILL find a way to want it easier.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Someone in Australia who has bad ping just due to distance from the server may not be able to break the bar fast enough with their ping.

    > > > >

    > > > > People with a physical disability that make the quick play next to impossible or even impossible.

    > > > >

    > > > > Older players whose hand eye coordination has started to go down as happens when we get older.

    > > >

    > > > - Australian raiders are a thing, and lots are pretty good at it. Not that it makes it easier for them, but it's doable and as said by many you can simply range this fight and have no timing issue.

    > > > - Would affect hard content like raiding, but there are still strategies that doesn't require fast thinking, aoe that do CC and stuff, and again, ranging.

    > > > - Adapting a build has nothing to do with ping, disability or slow reaction.

    > > >

    > > > Just so you know, It took me a bit to get the mechanics and I was doing most of the fight ranged, effectively ignoring the core mechanic... and it's definitely doable.

    > >

    > > Last I checked personal story wasn't supposed to be at the difficulty level of raids. So how about we just talk about the average player and the average player doesn't do raids.

    > >

    > > There's only so much one can adapt a build to fit your limitations. And its made worse by the restrictions in this mission that I've NEVER SEEN used in other places. A player who normally can melee or short range enemies and bosses and doesn't regularly do world bosses may not keep a ranged item in their inventory. Telling that person to go ranged for this mission is pointless because they can't open their bank or be able to pick up anything bought off of the trading post. And if they quit, they have to redo the fight with Balthazar.


    > This specific comment about raid was just to say that the ping does not mean you can't do fights. Getting used to a higher ping will take some time to get used to it (I would know, I travel from the US to Europe often) but it's not undo-able.


    > I also haven't said anything about the necessity to add a checkpoint. Maybe it'd be a good middle-ground solution, but the fight itself is fine.


    Yea, when looked at in a vacuum, the fight is fine. But given the restrictions on it and the fact that it's a 2nd major boss fight in the same personal story step, it's understandable why there is backlash with this fight but not for the boss before it. And I'd actually call the first fight harder (restricted area, tons of AOE's for that area).

  12. > @Vanive.3804 said:

    > > @Deihnyx.6318 said: but the fight itself is fine.



    > That's based on the assumption that every player is geared with best in class gear and builds. No two characters are going to be exactly the same, and why should they need to be? I've been playing GW2 since pre-launch, as well as playing MMOs since the late 90's (UO, EQ, SWG ect) and I have seen my fair share of difficult and annoying mechanics, this is one of them.


    > It's a broken mechanic, plain and simple. Some people will need to get Eater of Souls stuck in scenery to complete, that is not working as intended regardless of whether it was "easy" for you or not. Exploits to complete are not something developers strive for when creating content. Why should you care anyways? You have completed it. You have no reason to even be in this thread beyond trolling, move along please.


    He has every right to post in this thread.


    And you're throwing completion of personal story out as a reason why? Doesn't make any sense, it's not like masteries where you can't repeat them. Ever since LS2, the instanced parts of story have been repeatable. This mission would qualify as a repeatable personal story. And even if it wasn't, people have multiple characters.

  13. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > @Zaltys.7649 said:

    > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > It's a L2P issue. You figured it out and that's great, but there's no reason to nerf it because some players can't figure it out first try. It doesn't mean they're less good or anything, simply that easy content for the sake of easy content only serves a category of people who want to faceroll everything without effort.

    > > I didn't think that it'd be necessary to say it, but... everyone plays MMORPGs for different reasons. Some enjoy combat, some don't. For some, combat is just a pointless roadblock that gets in the way of the enjoyable things: story, exploration, crafting, playing the market, etc.

    > >

    > > Here's a thought: what if the storyline had featured a difficult jump puzzle that you needed to complete to advance? And no help from mesmers. 'Get good at jumping, learn to play'. Do you think that everyone would've been happy with that? This is no different.

    > >

    > > Forcing everyone to 'get good' in something that they don't enjoy is never good for the game. Seen it happen numerous times over the decades: the 'casuals' quit, and the 'hardcore' players aren't enough to support further development.


    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > > > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > > > > > @Manijin.3428 said:

    > > > > > The content IS soloable for everyone. Just gotta learn how to do it.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > This is GW style stuff right here. If you think this one solo story instance is bad, I strongly recommend not playing GW1. Learning from your failures is part of getting better at the game, and I'm glad ANet has taken some steps over the years to encourage their player base to become more skilled. Yeah, it's frustrating sometimes, but the great thing about learning is that it opens up new horizons for your experience.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I remember back when GW2 launched, and doing dungeons with undergeared, level-appropriate groups, before specializations, when people hadn't even unlocked their elite skills, etc. What the experience taught me was that 1) Dying was a natural part of the game experience, and 2) You needed to be flexible in your approach to solving problems. Now, at level 80 that all kinda fell apart, but those lessons stuck with me, so I've resisted all the calls to go pure Zerk, etc., because I learned early on that having survivability through traits and gear made the game MUCH more palatable, and really made it quite easy, but that you also can't go too tanky if you're doing solo content because it takes FOREVER.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > People just need to learn the game better, swap some stuff around, and find something works. If you're failing at a fight like this, it's possible you've been carried by some meta build that suddenly doesn't work anymore, or by a tanky build that lives through most content, but has numbed you to specific content that requires timelier counters. But GW has always been, since GW1, about being adaptable and flexible, so you just gotta adapt. Hopefully, you'll get past it, because the story really only gets better after this instance. :P

    > > > >

    > > > > There's being flexible and there's being *completely unable to do soloable content*. Sometimes it's a learn to play issue, this is not a learn to play issue, and I'm speaking as someone who has finished it. There are a thousand reasons why someone isn't as good at the game as you, and 'not being good enough' is only one of them, this needs to get nerfed to accommodate players who enjoy the solo content, because they can't even bring in friends to help, those friends are turned into useless wisps, and they can't even access their inventory as well, making the situation *much* harder than standard GW2 gameplay, and if i remember, gw1 was all about having a full party to complete everything, whereas this one situation in gw2, the only one like it, is now impossible for some because they can't do things they could regularly do in the rest of the game. While yes, that does require some adapting, you're asking people who are suddenly kitten in a couple of ways to further adapt to a boss that can fully heal itself if someone doesn't have the required cc, and in which having cc is the only solution to the problem, but the window in which to *use* that cc is extremely small for the maximum benefit.

    > > > >

    > > > > Sounds nothing like GW1 to me. People are having issues in a soloable experience, it needs to be looked at and nerfed. The most tasteful nerf I can think of is having that initial jumps breakbar be extended from a mere half a second to two or three seconds. That's all it would take to make the experience go from unplayable to manageable Because some people just have high ping or low fps based on things out of their control like *what country they live in*, but there's also things with disabilities too, people who just don't have a fast enough reaction time, and on top of that some classes will have a harder time with it too if they have longer cast times for ccs.

    > > >

    > > > How is that not a learn to play issue?

    > > > Really, what are these "thousands reasons", what is it that makes new generation of gamers so unable to tolerate a single challenge?

    > > > Strategies were given for pretty much ALL classes about how to do it, EVEN if you have difficulties (which you SHOULD at some point in a game), you can simply stay away from the boss whe he does his infamous jump attack. How, like... how, does that translate to "unable to do solo content"??

    > > > If it was unplayable, nobody would manage it. There would be much more people asking for nerfs, and there wouldn't be many strategies about it, or people saying it wasn't that hard.

    > > > It is because Anet constantly nerf everything worth little challenge in story that we get pugs in meta that have no idea how to do any mechanics of any boss.

    > > >

    > > > It's a game for everyone yes, but they have the entire core game, plus HoT, worth of easy content, and they have guides here and there, there is no excuse for asking for nerf not even a week after expansion release (it was started within the first week).

    > > >

    > > > And no, GW1 had nothing to do with this constant faceroll of story missions.

    > > > Remember Augury Rock? Remember having to defeat your double? Remember the siege in Droknar with Confessor Dorian? Remember the fight with Varesh? The fight with Shiro? Remember that missions in Maguuma where you were fighting another team of white mantle ? All of that content could be done solo too.

    > > > Everything needed to know some mechanics, and you couldn't change ANYTHING about your build once in the instance. Elite zones? If you wipes, you had to restart it all.

    > > >

    > > > And people were not complaining about every little challenge just about constantly.

    > > > It baffles me that people don't realize how games in general have become increasingly easier, with checkpoint every 2 minutes and basically no need for strategy or anything, and STILL find a way to want it easier.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Someone in Australia who has bad ping just due to distance from the server may not be able to break the bar fast enough with their ping.

    > >

    > > People with a physical disability that make the quick play next to impossible or even impossible.

    > >

    > > Older players whose hand eye coordination has started to go down as happens when we get older.


    > - Australian raiders are a thing, and lots are pretty good at it. Not that it makes it easier for them, but it's doable and as said by many you can simply range this fight and have no timing issue.

    > - Would affect hard content like raiding, but there are still strategies that doesn't require fast thinking, aoe that do CC and stuff, and again, ranging.

    > - Adapting a build has nothing to do with ping, disability or slow reaction.


    > Just so you know, It took me a bit to get the mechanics and I was doing most of the fight ranged, effectively ignoring the core mechanic... and it's definitely doable.


    Last I checked personal story wasn't supposed to be at the difficulty level of raids. So how about we just talk about the average player and the average player doesn't do raids.


    There's only so much one can adapt a build to fit your limitations. And its made worse by the restrictions in this mission that I've NEVER SEEN used in other places. A player who normally can melee or short range enemies and bosses and doesn't regularly do world bosses may not keep a ranged item in their inventory. Telling that person to go ranged for this mission is pointless because they can't open their bank or be able to pick up anything bought off of the trading post. And if they quit, they have to redo the fight with Balthazar.

  14. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > > @castlemanic.3198 said:

    > > > @Manijin.3428 said:

    > > > The content IS soloable for everyone. Just gotta learn how to do it.

    > > >

    > > > This is GW style stuff right here. If you think this one solo story instance is bad, I strongly recommend not playing GW1. Learning from your failures is part of getting better at the game, and I'm glad ANet has taken some steps over the years to encourage their player base to become more skilled. Yeah, it's frustrating sometimes, but the great thing about learning is that it opens up new horizons for your experience.

    > > >

    > > > I remember back when GW2 launched, and doing dungeons with undergeared, level-appropriate groups, before specializations, when people hadn't even unlocked their elite skills, etc. What the experience taught me was that 1) Dying was a natural part of the game experience, and 2) You needed to be flexible in your approach to solving problems. Now, at level 80 that all kinda fell apart, but those lessons stuck with me, so I've resisted all the calls to go pure Zerk, etc., because I learned early on that having survivability through traits and gear made the game MUCH more palatable, and really made it quite easy, but that you also can't go too tanky if you're doing solo content because it takes FOREVER.

    > > >

    > > > People just need to learn the game better, swap some stuff around, and find something works. If you're failing at a fight like this, it's possible you've been carried by some meta build that suddenly doesn't work anymore, or by a tanky build that lives through most content, but has numbed you to specific content that requires timelier counters. But GW has always been, since GW1, about being adaptable and flexible, so you just gotta adapt. Hopefully, you'll get past it, because the story really only gets better after this instance. :P

    > >

    > > There's being flexible and there's being *completely unable to do soloable content*. Sometimes it's a learn to play issue, this is not a learn to play issue, and I'm speaking as someone who has finished it. There are a thousand reasons why someone isn't as good at the game as you, and 'not being good enough' is only one of them, this needs to get nerfed to accommodate players who enjoy the solo content, because they can't even bring in friends to help, those friends are turned into useless wisps, and they can't even access their inventory as well, making the situation *much* harder than standard GW2 gameplay, and if i remember, gw1 was all about having a full party to complete everything, whereas this one situation in gw2, the only one like it, is now impossible for some because they can't do things they could regularly do in the rest of the game. While yes, that does require some adapting, you're asking people who are suddenly kitten in a couple of ways to further adapt to a boss that can fully heal itself if someone doesn't have the required cc, and in which having cc is the only solution to the problem, but the window in which to *use* that cc is extremely small for the maximum benefit.

    > >

    > > Sounds nothing like GW1 to me. People are having issues in a soloable experience, it needs to be looked at and nerfed. The most tasteful nerf I can think of is having that initial jumps breakbar be extended from a mere half a second to two or three seconds. That's all it would take to make the experience go from unplayable to manageable Because some people just have high ping or low fps based on things out of their control like *what country they live in*, but there's also things with disabilities too, people who just don't have a fast enough reaction time, and on top of that some classes will have a harder time with it too if they have longer cast times for ccs.


    > How is that not a learn to play issue?

    > Really, what are these "thousands reasons", what is it that makes new generation of gamers so unable to tolerate a single challenge?

    > Strategies were given for pretty much ALL classes about how to do it, EVEN if you have difficulties (which you SHOULD at some point in a game), you can simply stay away from the boss whe he does his infamous jump attack. How, like... how, does that translate to "unable to do solo content"??

    > If it was unplayable, nobody would manage it. There would be much more people asking for nerfs, and there wouldn't be many strategies about it, or people saying it wasn't that hard.

    > It is because Anet constantly nerf everything worth little challenge in story that we get pugs in meta that have no idea how to do any mechanics of any boss.


    > It's a game for everyone yes, but they have the entire core game, plus HoT, worth of easy content, and they have guides here and there, there is no excuse for asking for nerf not even a week after expansion release (it was started within the first week).


    > And no, GW1 had nothing to do with this constant faceroll of story missions.

    > Remember Augury Rock? Remember having to defeat your double? Remember the siege in Droknar with Confessor Dorian? Remember the fight with Varesh? The fight with Shiro? Remember that missions in Maguuma where you were fighting another team of white mantle ? All of that content could be done solo too.

    > Everything needed to know some mechanics, and you couldn't change ANYTHING about your build once in the instance. Elite zones? If you wipes, you had to restart it all.


    > And people were not complaining about every little challenge just about constantly.

    > It baffles me that people don't realize how games in general have become increasingly easier, with checkpoint every 2 minutes and basically no need for strategy or anything, and STILL find a way to want it easier.




    Someone in Australia who has bad ping just due to distance from the server may not be able to break the bar fast enough with their ping.


    People with a physical disability that make the quick play next to impossible or even impossible.


    Older players whose hand eye coordination has started to go down as happens when we get older.

  15. > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

    > These A> @"Egg Shennn.6240" said:

    > > > @Korval.3751 said:

    > > > > @Avelione.6075 said:

    > > > > I HATE bosses that require very SPECIFIC approach : /that's very characteristic to Asian games. Blah. I want to fight, not solve a puzzle while my char. almost gets killed zillion times :/ And now, I have to do this nasty story part 3rd time! I wish I could just switch to the Soul Eater fight, not fight Balthazar and have all these idiotic conversations again. It made a great impression on me the 1st time, but it's just pissing me off now...

    > > > > I use my Guardian for the story, since I'm kinda the best with him, but kitten. Try not to use boons with a guardian.... I prepared for Balthazar for the 2nd approach and it went quick, but then there is no way to change my build for the soul eater! What kind of an idea is that?!?!?!

    > > >

    > > > That's literally the point of the fight. It requires forethought ahead of the fight. Before you enter the story, you need to think ahead past the fight with Balt to the fight with the Eater. I changed my Guardian spec from Firebrand to Dragonhunter and changed my utilities and elites to speed and CC-related stuff. Then I just circled Joko's cage. The fight was much easier the second time around.

    > > >

    > > > TL;DR this is NOT a melee fight. It's a ranged fight with a strong mix of speed and CC. All classes have these abilities. You will not be able to faceroll this boss, so don't try.

    > >

    > > How exactly are you supposed to "think ahead to the fight with the Eater" when you've never gotten there before? Psychic?

    > > Of course, once people have done it and posted how the fight is and what the best tactics are, you could prepare for it specifically, but if you're playing your story like a lot of people you have no idea what the fight will entail until you're there and see. Can't prepare for something when you don't know what is needed beforehand...


    > You are NOT supposed to defeat a boss first try!

    > It's a boss, it requires some L2P, there's nothing wrong with thinking of a strategy, failing, and redoing it better.


    > I can't believe most people here never played a old school RPG, or any game with decent challenge for that matter....


    Correct me if I'm wrong:


    1. It's the first instance where we are locked out of our own inventory. Which means we can't access our bank. We can't reapply boosters. We can't use our repair canisters. We can't buy a more defensive set of gear if we've been zerker so long we've gotten rid of the non-zerker gear in our inventory. The only players that were able to change gear/weapons alongside traits and skills were those who happened to carry different stated sets in their inventory since we weren't locked out of the Equipment tab in the Hero panel. We had only 7 tries to kill the boss before the lack of repair canisters would start punishing us. Especially if we didn't have a spare set of gear in our inventory. There's no warning on this or anything.

    2. It's already after a long fight with Balthazar for those of us who aren't the best at the game. This makes quitting and coming back a harder pill to swallow than if there was a check point where players could leave and come back to the story at a later time. I likely would have quit and come back after the second failure on Eater of Souls due to a lack of time issue if it had not been that I had already invested at least 1.25 hours into the mission.

    3. It's the first fight where those besides the instance starter can't really help. So players who have an L2P issue who would normally group up, find that that isn't as helpful here.

    4. I don't recall many bosses who do their big attacks back to back in the same order every time. If any. Recognizing that this boss does that may not be obvious for everyone. Especially for those who just use numbers to get past mechanics. This gets even less likely of an instance players would find if they don't do Dungeons, Fractals, or Raids on a regular basis.


    I think there wouldn't be as much of a backlash if there had been a check point between the Balthazar fight and the Realm of the Dead portion. Where players could leave and come back after reformulating a strategy or just cooling off.

  16. > @"fgr hyper.6219" said:

    > I have not found an acceptable weapon combo to defeat this guy with on an elementlaist . about to give up on POF as a result This is the most over powered boss fight I have ever encountered in a SINGLE MAN INSTANCE whoever thought of this idea should be fired.


    Try this - go for the slower, secondary tactic:


    1. Don't try to break his bar, just focus on taking his health down in between his health steal attacks

    2. Kite the boss in melee or range distances. I ranged in melee because I can't kite at range worth anything with this guy.

    3. Whatever you do, do not dodge. He won't hit you with anything worth dodging except for the life steal.

    4. When you see the circle pop up, dodge TWICE away from the boss. This will get you out of the range of his life steal. Stay in max range until he does another jump.

    5. Repeat steps 1-4 until he's dead


    You may even shock yourself and break his bar a couple of times by accident.

  17. The problem is, if they allow for disconnects to not get dishonor, the people who dishonor is meant for will play in windowed mode and kill their internet when they want to quit. Then the game thinks they had a disconnect and they don't get any dishonor.


    Blame the folks who dishonor is designed for here. It's the few ruining it for the many.

  18. > @Kogisa.6920 said:

    > Had a HUUUUUge problem playing this boss on melee, all I see above is go ranged go ranged, well guess what? what if I wanna play the game the way I wanna play? when was a warrior too kitten to go melee? idk man, this guy seems impossible to do alone melee.


    You can do it melee without breaking the bar, it just takes longer, though not as long as Balthazar's fight (at least for me). When you see that small circle for the leap, double dodge away and stay away until he does the leap after the attempted siphon. Then run in and continue.


    I mostly ran in a circle around him as my Elementalist in mostly glass cannon gear, starting in Tempest but ending up in Weaver for the run I beat him on. I broke his bar accidentally a few times (I'm not good enough to try to break it every time).


    The difficulty in this fight is figuring out the mechanics and that he does his big attacks in a set order, back to back, every time.

  19. @"Strider Pj.2193" is right though.


    They can't just let everyone whose guild is in one of the locked servers transfer to that server or there's no point in servers having the status of full. And it goes against the attempt to get servers to destack. Though it is a very passive way to do so. And only helps for the small groups of friends and not larger guilds.

  20. > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

    > If you plan on using Weaver for an extended time, get rid of the zerks. You will spend a good deal of time staring at your downed skills till you get good.


    Or stay with the zerker gear for that exact reason. Being downed a lot will give you a clear indicator of when you get good. It's why I haven't moved off of my combination of zerker/assassin's gear on my main.


    The question is: can you handle dying a lot while you're learning Weaver?

  21. > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    > > > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > I can't vote, because the poll asks leading questions rather than a simple, "yes|no".

    > > >

    > > > The answers are basically a simple yes/no. No need to be pedantic.

    > >

    > > While I find Illconceived's response to be a bit rigid, he has a point. You might have gotten more Yes responses had you not biased your own survey with the use of "high priority" and "starved."


    > I don't think it was that biased. The question was specifically _should it be a priority_ (because asking if you'd like to see more dungeons given infinite resources is silly), and both responses gave a token reason - FoTM is good enough, and FoTM is not good enough.


    You didn't put in the middle ground: More should be added, but it's not a high priority. Your options are "Add, it's a high priority" or "No new dungeons need to be added."


    But no "Add, not high priority"


    Your poll fails to grab those voters, which I am one of.

  22. > @"Fantasia Badass.4765" said:

    > @MMAI.5892 Thanks for the offer! That is very nice. I might take you up on that if I need help with understanding what the heck people are talking about. Some I've been able to figure out, but what the heck is glass? I've seen that recently and I've no idea about it.


    > I also get that l need to do my part. And I do my best to understand what's going on with events and the like. In the rare case that I actually have experience with an event, I'll actually instruct people if I can so we don't fail. It's always best for all of us to do that so we win.


    > I'm working on my build and play mechanics, and honestly I've learned a lot in just the short time I've been playing again. For the most part I enjoy it, but some of the things we need like understanding the break bar and how to break it are not explained. And this quest in particular needs a little prompting I'd think. I can't be the only one that wandered aimlessly for a long time looking for weapons! The wander around and talk to the same people six times quest was also a pain lol.




    @"Fantasia Badass.4765"


    I can answer the glass question.


    It's typically paired with cannon - glass cannon.


    They are characters who can do high DPS, but die quickly if they get hit. If they do hard fights perfectly, they go by very quickly, but they don't have much room for error.


    Also feel free to send me a PM or message. I've mained an Elementalist since game launched. Not a great player, though. And I have defeated Eater of Souls and believe I could easily repeat on core Ele or on Tempest.

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