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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. Is it a problem? Yes.


    Is taxing everyone who spends too much time dead right? No.


    1. How would you code it to be events only? What if you died in the radius of a very simple collection event and decided to sort your inventory?

    2. What if the player had decided that they were tired of the event and wanted to waypoint off somewhere else and didn't want to pay a second WP and took a while to figure out where they wanted to go to?

    3. What if they didn't have a nearby waypoint because of the map and they were trying to figure out the fastest route back? Especially in HoT maps.

  2. I voted for Maybe. Here's why.


    On the old forums one of the devs said that due to SAB being initially only for one April Fool's Day, it wasn't coded in such a way that makes it easy to update when they release patches. If they can figure out how to fix that without it hurting other aspects, I would love to see it come back at least for a longer period of time.


    At least now we know that it is coming back and when to expect it. Unlike previous times when it would pop back up.

  3. > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

    > OP must be great to have at a party. The only time I report bots is if they're affecting my ability to play the game. In WoW I would report them for material/rep farming or farming AV back in the day when they have a competitive PvP ladder you had to climb as you rank up. In this game, I can't see how someone botting can affect me. Maybe by flooding the market with their ill-gotten gains but that would likely drive prices down.


    > Help me out here. What am I missing? If someone is botting, other than being against the rules, how does it affect me?


    Bots do things much more efficiently. They don't make mistakes if the programming is good. This means they on average make more gold than players playing by the rules. Which has an effect on the inflation rate.


    The ones who bot while AFK could AFK in WvW and not lose their spot due to inactivity. Holding a spot for themselves instead of someone who is able to actively play right now.

  4. > @zeronatras.3280 said:

    > I'm not gonna carry a guy who fails every single mechanic in raids or fractals, simple enough after few wipes I'm gonna "kindly" tell him if he will fail again he's out, most of the time the rest of the party/squad isn't as stupid as the person who we have to carry and kick is pretty quick.

    > Also... Bad Attitude? Really? It's not always sunshine and rainbows fellows, sometimes some of the pugs need to have "small talk". C'Mon, we are doing T4's or Raids, if you insist on your "_super-duper-non-meta-200%l-legit-20k-dps-celestial-necro_" then go play this kind of abominations on modes which doesn't demand bloody the best of the best out of you.

    > BTW: There should be option in poll: FAILING EVERY SINGLE MECHANIC.


    I think you're a bad attitude kicker.


    You sound like you join the LFG's that ask for experienced players who play the meta and want a smooth, quick run. Players who do not fit that requirement who join anyway have a bad attitude. Either a "don't care to read the LFG" attitude or a "the LFG requirements don't apply to me" attitude. Both of which are bad to take into a group.

  5. > @DarkEmiLupus.2876 said:

    > how do i submit screenshots in the tickets? I don't have any clue


    You don't in the initial submission process.


    Once you submit a ticket, you should get an automated response. You can reply to that email and upload images to that how you would normally handle emailing pictures to people.

  6. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > > > Think he means that you can make a post on reddit in order to trade with Strangers...But ofc it's up to you to trust em or not.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I could decide to sell through mail a legendary to Another player, yeah... in order to exploit the tp System... But I could get scammed and the item could be lost.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Though the scammer will be banned.

    > > > > > I mean, knowing the AP of your trader could decide if the trade is Worth item or not.

    > > > >

    > > > > AP wouldn't be enough to let me know if someone was trustworthy or not. But that's just me.

    > > > >

    > > > > I'd have to be real life friends with someone in order to trade with them anything of any real value. Otherwise, I'd only be willing to trade up to what I would be willing to delete.

    > > >

    > > > But if trading and scamming would mean to lose your account, the chances would be really Low.

    > > >

    > > > Unless maybe someone who's quitting.

    > > >

    > > > Btw I can understand the doubts about.

    > >

    > > And people risk their accounts by using unauthorized macros even with high AP. Players break all kinds of rules with high AP - inappropriate names, inappropriate language in the chat, etc. Amount of AP a player has is not a fail safe way to determine if a player is safe to trade with.


    > Nah it's different.

    > If you scam and i provide proof of it you are 100% banned.


    > The case you are talking about sees a player who play with macro and


    > 1. He must be spotted and reported

    > 2. He must be caught in the actually


    > I see no way to avoid a scam, but I see many ways to avoid being caught with a illegale macro.



    True, but that wasn't my point. My point was that players with high AP still do things that can get their account banned, therefore AP levels are not a good judgement on whether or not a player is willing to risk their account or not.

  7. > @StinVec.3621 said:

    > > @Myhr.9108 said:

    > > Aaaaw, no option to says "none, I think everything's ok." :(


    > As the question was posed, a "none, everything is fine" option does not mean anything since you wouldn't change anything. The poll is for "if you _did_ want to change one, which one?", **not** "do any of them need changing or are you ok with things how they are?"


    > Having a 'no I wouldn't change any of them' option is the same as simply not voting at all since the poll is targeted at those who _would_ change something. Knowing you wouldn't change anything means nothing in relation to this poll.


    The question was if you COULD, not if you DID want to change.


    Since it's a COULD, a valid option is "no, I wouldn't change any of them"

  8. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > > Think he means that you can make a post on reddit in order to trade with Strangers...But ofc it's up to you to trust em or not.

    > > >

    > > > I could decide to sell through mail a legendary to Another player, yeah... in order to exploit the tp System... But I could get scammed and the item could be lost.

    > > >

    > > > Though the scammer will be banned.

    > > > I mean, knowing the AP of your trader could decide if the trade is Worth item or not.

    > >

    > > AP wouldn't be enough to let me know if someone was trustworthy or not. But that's just me.

    > >

    > > I'd have to be real life friends with someone in order to trade with them anything of any real value. Otherwise, I'd only be willing to trade up to what I would be willing to delete.


    > But if trading and scamming would mean to lose your account, the chances would be really Low.


    > Unless maybe someone who's quitting.


    > Btw I can understand the doubts about.


    And people risk their accounts by using unauthorized macros even with high AP. Players break all kinds of rules with high AP - inappropriate names, inappropriate language in the chat, etc. Amount of AP a player has is not a fail safe way to determine if a player is safe to trade with.

  9. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > Think he means that you can make a post on reddit in order to trade with Strangers...But ofc it's up to you to trust em or not.


    > I could decide to sell through mail a legendary to Another player, yeah... in order to exploit the tp System... But I could get scammed and the item could be lost.


    > Though the scammer will be banned.

    > I mean, knowing the AP of your trader could decide if the trade is Worth item or not.


    AP wouldn't be enough to let me know if someone was trustworthy or not. But that's just me.


    I'd have to be real life friends with someone in order to trade with them anything of any real value. Otherwise, I'd only be willing to trade up to what I would be willing to delete.

  10. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Can someone tell me how to trade with the trading post?

    > As I'm going to assume for example if someone wanted to give me Shadow Abyss Dye for let's say Bloody Red Dye... I don't know how to go about doing that with the trading post.

    > Because those that's mentioning and defending the trading post, all I see is that it's literally what other MMOs call as an AH (Auction House).


    You don't. Not directly. The Trading Post ensures that EVERYONE gets the market price for items. Right now, Shadow Abyss Dye is about 100 gold more expensive than Bloody Red Dye. You'd sell your Bloody Red Dye to some random person and take the gold you get + about 100 of your own gold and buy Shadow Abyss Dye. The other person would sell their Shadow Abyss Dye and use the gold from that to buy Bloody Red Dye and they'd have about 100 gold left over.

  11. > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > No matter how ANet did it, player to player trading would result in scams. And ANet has come out many times on the old forums to say they have no plans on adding player to player transactions like they did in GW1.

    > >

    > > Just because other MMO's have it, doesn't mean GW2 should have it.

    > >

    > > Pros of person to person trade:

    > > * No listing fees

    > > * You get your items immediately, no need to go to a trading post

    > >

    > > Cons of person to person trade:

    > > * Chance of being scammed is always present no matter what ANet does.

    > > * Loss of listing fees means inflation has one fewer check as fewer people use the gold sink that is the trading post listing fees.

    > > * Spamming of map chat and/or LFG for people looking to trade person to person.

    > >

    > > To me, the cons outweigh the benefits.

    > >

    > > The trading post is also player to player trading. It just utilizes a middleman who charges a fee to keep sellers and buyers anonymous. It also allows for the exchange of goods between the EU and NA servers.


    > I'm sorry but being scammed with P2P trading is a matter of natural selection rather than actual design flaw. Any trade you make, whether in game or RL should be made with due care.


    It's not natural selection when scamming is against the rules of the game. ANet's found the best way to prevent scamming when it comes to trading. The Trading Post.


    It greatly reduces the number of tickets sent in to support saying that Johnny scammed Billy. Which is the main reason ANet decided to go for the Trading Post. Reduces the number of tickets sent in to support for the reason of scamming.


    And have you seen the posts in the Account section where there's currently a long wait time for tickets? Imagine how much longer it would be if you added a lot more "I got scammed" tickets to the fray.....

  12. > @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said:

    > I don't expect any help from this but a friend told me about this thread :/ im so tired of having to clean my bags out so maybe theres someone out there with more cash than they need to help a guy out / show how to make bank all day everyday so i can reach my goals.


    > # What I NEED the stuff to make:

    > 1. 3x 32-Slot Courier's Pannier

    > 2. 1x 32-Slot Hamaseen Pannier

    > 3. 2x 32-Slot Marshal's Pannier

    > 4. 1x 32-Slot Hardened Leather Pannier


    > ## What I WANT:

    > 1. Halloween Mount skins

    > 2. 19 shared inventory slots (im dreaming here)

    > 3. Permafrost Dye

    > 4. The Predator



    > :/ also really just want someone that knows how to get lotsa gold in this game to where i can buy most of it myself if possible. mail me in game for tips etc


    > EDIT: could not find my old post on this thread:/ was unable to remove my old forum post in the old forums :(



    JustTrogdor LINKED your post in this thread, in which you asked for The Predator and Permafrost dye.


    You are not supposed to remove your previous posts. You're supposed to make ONE post and EDIT it when it has been filled to state that it was filled. Not edit it to add in new items you want. It's like a genie. You get 1 wish and you can't ask for more wishes or change your wish once you've wished.

  13. > @Bollocks.4078 said:

    > > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > > > @kitten.4078 said:

    > > > > @Rauderi.8706 said:

    > > > > Hit 80 on an alt. Needed a new pair of boots, so I put some cash down before I dinged, giving the market a chance to fill the order.

    > > > > Day or two later, ding 80. Still no boots! Hm.

    > > > > Check the market, someone had an order 30s over mine.

    > > > > Grr.

    > > > > No wonder I don't have boots.

    > > > > Bid 1c over him.

    > > > > Get my boots within a few minutes.

    > > > > Praise Joko!

    > > >

    > > > So you're complaining about someone outbidding you by 30s but then implying that 1c bid increment is good? This is actually a good example of why it's not good. Looks like your price wasn't high enough. Someone else set a price that was good enough but you sniped the next sale by taking advantage of the 1c loophole. It's also possible that you're price was actually good enough but others were sniping your sale by 1c bid increments and you just didn't see it.

    > >

    > > I got outbid. (Not even mad, bruh.)

    > > Working as intended.

    > >

    > > I picked a higher bid, at my convenience.

    > > Working as intended.

    > > And you bet your bippy I 1c'd that bid. This thread *inspired* me.

    > >

    > > I got my item sooner than the other guy, because I offered more for it.

    > > Working as intended.

    > >

    > > Nevermind that my original bid was "first". ...Though the person who was below me once my bid came up was firster than first, so...

    > > The point being, chronology of the bid *order* means nothing (I guess unless the bids are tied?), so it's not an "issue".

    > >

    > > Also, if there *had* been a 5% minimum bid, it would have cost me an extra 8.5 silver, instead of 1c. But I still would have gotten my item first. How is any of that fair to the guy below me, no matter the price I cut in front of him with? All it does is punish me and ...reward the seller? But to the person who got "annoyed" by being out-bid, there is nothing other than the schadenfreude that I had to pay more.

    > >

    > > And if I *am* willing to wait, but bid 1c *below* the top bid or 1c *above the second bid*? I still cut in line for all those buy orders that came before me? So where does the hand-wringing about buyer's feelings end?

    > >


    > Oh, ok, you weren't mad. I must have missinterpreted what you meant by "Grr." I guess "Grr" is the new "whatevs", right bruh?


    > Chronology does matter for the same bid amount. Bidding 1c different on a 1.7g item is a way of getting ahead of other bidders without actually offering more. As Flesh just said, 1s is trivial. If 1s is trivial then 1/100 of 1s is 100 times more trivial.


    > Yes, you're original bid was first, then you were legitimately outbid. You're 1c increment shows that you were not willing to wait or to offer more for the item. It's a perfect example of how people exploit the lack of a minimum bid increment to the detriment of others.



    The problem is, what's trivial money wise to veteran players is not trivial to new players. 5% (or whatever the minimum is) of a higher priced item may not be that high for you or I, but the player who just started that amount is likely not trivial.


    Because it would have to be high enough that the veterans would think twice about it. But that's likely too high for new players. The cons of a non-1 copper minimum difference between orders outweigh the benefits, imo.

  14. No matter how ANet did it, player to player trading would result in scams. And ANet has come out many times on the old forums to say they have no plans on adding player to player transactions like they did in GW1.


    Just because other MMO's have it, doesn't mean GW2 should have it.


    Pros of person to person trade:

    * No listing fees

    * You get your items immediately, no need to go to a trading post


    Cons of person to person trade:

    * Chance of being scammed is always present no matter what ANet does.

    * Loss of listing fees means inflation has one fewer check as fewer people use the gold sink that is the trading post listing fees.

    * Spamming of map chat and/or LFG for people looking to trade person to person.


    To me, the cons outweigh the benefits.


    The trading post is also player to player trading. It just utilizes a middleman who charges a fee to keep sellers and buyers anonymous. It also allows for the exchange of goods between the EU and NA servers.

  15. > @Healix.5819 said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > Here’s something they said about the Personal Story.


    > They did end up resetting the Orr story like a year later after doing that however, for those that missed the part they cut. It'll never be replayable like the newer stories due to the way it's linked, but they could fully reset it if they really wanted to. It's just not worth the cost, so it'll never happen.


    To add to this:


    The reworked the last 2 chapters numerous times. Each time causing problems for characters.


    And each time they went to fix it, they broke it for other characters.


    I had a character that had completed the personal story (I had the Pact chests/token/weapon equal to the number I had completed it on), that lost progress on about 5 steps at their last fix. I think I've replayed the missions again (and got loot again).

  16. > @Bollocks.4078 said:

    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > @kitten.4078 said:

    > > > > @Syktek.7912 said:

    > > > > Going to penny everything just to spite you.> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > > > I personally went through something like that and it is annoyimg. Yesterday i noticed an item i had in my inv for a yeat and a half i had forgotten about was put for 300 gold on tp, people ordering would offer 100g, so i put mine for 250 hoping someone would buy it. I wake up the other day and suddenly my item was burried by 4 others for 1 copper lower than my price each. The chances of my item getting sold was low enough i doubt now that im 4th in line it will ever sell. And i gave 20 gold just to list it so it was a waste of gold. There should be at least a small difference otherwise people who want to play broker simulator screw over people who actually play the game instead of lurkimg like vultures ober the tp. It is unhealthy for the tp

    > > > >

    > > > > That's called low demand. It'll continue to get pennied until buyers think it's worth buying straight up.

    > > > >

    > > > > You weren't going to sell at that price regardless.

    > > >

    > > > That is so not how it works. I guarantee nobody was looking at that item he listed for 250g thinking "Gee, 250g? No frickin way. If only I could get it for 249.9999g then I'd be all over it." That's completely absurd. What's really happening is people are trying to sell their item for the same price but at the same time get their orders filled first. For a high value, low volume item it all comes down to timing and who has the last 1c increment at the random moment when someone buys the item.

    > >

    > > You'd actually be surprised.

    > >

    > > Why do you think everything is sold at like 9.99 or 5.99? They did studies and saw that people are more likely to buy something that's priced $9.99 vs $10.00 even though there's only a penny difference.


    > I think you are vastly overstating the similarity between fixed price grocery store items that people buy with real money and variable price in-game trading post items that people buy with pretend currency. TP prices are all over the place and I've never seen a trend of ending prices with 99c there.


    Just saying that 1 copper could be enough to make someone buy something. Which is what you said was absurd. I was stating that it's not that absurd. It obviously doesn't come into play as much with the trading post as in regular stores.

  17. > @Bollocks.4078 said:

    > > @Syktek.7912 said:

    > > Going to penny everything just to spite you.> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

    > > > I personally went through something like that and it is annoyimg. Yesterday i noticed an item i had in my inv for a yeat and a half i had forgotten about was put for 300 gold on tp, people ordering would offer 100g, so i put mine for 250 hoping someone would buy it. I wake up the other day and suddenly my item was burried by 4 others for 1 copper lower than my price each. The chances of my item getting sold was low enough i doubt now that im 4th in line it will ever sell. And i gave 20 gold just to list it so it was a waste of gold. There should be at least a small difference otherwise people who want to play broker simulator screw over people who actually play the game instead of lurkimg like vultures ober the tp. It is unhealthy for the tp

    > >

    > > That's called low demand. It'll continue to get pennied until buyers think it's worth buying straight up.

    > >

    > > You weren't going to sell at that price regardless.


    > That is so not how it works. I guarantee nobody was looking at that item he listed for 250g thinking "Gee, 250g? No frickin way. If only I could get it for 249.9999g then I'd be all over it." That's completely absurd. What's really happening is people are trying to sell their item for the same price but at the same time get their orders filled first. For a high value, low volume item it all comes down to timing and who has the last 1c increment at the random moment when someone buys the item.


    You'd actually be surprised.


    Why do you think everything is sold at like 9.99 or 5.99? They did studies and saw that people are more likely to buy something that's priced $9.99 vs $10.00 even though there's only a penny difference.

  18. > @vpchelko.4261 said:

    > Update the driver is evil - if the current driver version is OK.


    > For example my PC is not working with current nVidia Drivers (video card reboots after 2-3 minutes), I installed an old nVidia Driver pack to make my PC work correctly, and fully disable all system/driver update on my PC to avoid such problem in future.


    But if you're having problems that could be related to the graphics card or some other part that has drivers, updating the drivers is a valid suggestion.


    My nVidia keeps telling me there's a new driver. I haven't installed it. Because my games currently work just fine. The last time I updated drivers was when I got my new card and before that when I was troubleshooting a crashing problem that happened around high graphics cut scenes.

  19. > @Bollocks.4078 said:

    > > @Seera.5916 said:

    > > > @kitten.4078 said:

    > > > Here's why this is a problem: when someone outbids a buy or sell order on a high price item by 1 copper they are effectively butting in line. The new offer is essentially the same price but now the new bid is first in line. If someone wants to outbid the existing buy or sell offer it makes perfect sense that they should have to change the bid amount by enough to make it essentially a new offer, not the same offer.

    > > >

    > > > This is in no way at all about being outbid or about being impatient. Why does the first bidder have to be patient and wait but the penny increment bidder doesn't? If the next bidder wants to buy or sell for the same price then they should bid the same price and take their place in line behind other bids of the same price, not be able to butt in line.

    > >

    > > The Trading Post isn't an auction house. It's like the two gas stations at the corner who start competing to see who get more customers by dropping their cost to $0.01 below the other to get people to buy from them.

    > >

    > > The game just doesn't let players choose who they buy from. They assume all players want to sell for the highest and buy at the cheapest.

    > >

    > > Anyone doing anything other than instant buy/sell is gambling that no one else will be willing to buy or sell at a better price before someone comes along and fills the order. There's also a good chance that the first bidder "outbid" someone else by 1 copper as well.


    > Yes, it's not an auction house. That's really not relevant. That's just a flimsy argument people are using to try to derail the basic idea of this thread. Your gas station analogy is way off. Here's how that would work. There's one gas station with one pump. All gas is bought and sold by individuals. Sellers have two choices: sell for whatever price per gallon the current highest buy offer is or set your own price and wait. Buyers have two choices: buy for the whatever is the current lowest sell offer or set your own price and wait.


    > Here's the problem part of it. You pull in to the gas station to buy 10 gallons. You think the lowest sell price is a little high so you specify a price you feel is reasonable. It's half way between the high buy and low sell. While you are waiting for someone to come along and sell gas for your price, someone else pulls in wanting 15 gallons. They offer 1 penny more than your offer so now they are ahead of you in line. Someone else pulls in and offers 1 penny more than your offer. They are now right behind the other guy but in front of you. A new person pulls in and offers 1 penny more than the other guys (2 pennies more than you). They are now in front of you and the other guys. Now there are 3 people who are offering virtually the same price as you but have effectively butted in line in front of you.


    > There are a lot of other posts here that seem more aimed to falsely derail the suggestion without actually saying anything meaningful about why this basic idea is bad. The % doesn't specifically have to be 5%. It could be whatever makes the most sense. If that % on a super high value item seems like too much gold there can be a high cap on the increment. There's currently no increment of coin less than 1 copper so if the % is less than or equal to 1 copper then the bid increment is 1 copper.


    > Saying that if someone outbids you by 1 copper on a 500g item really doesn't make sense. They would have outbid by 1 copper no matter what reasonable price you set. If you tried to sell for 400g instead of 500g they would have done 399.9999g. If you had offered 600g instead of 500g they would have offered 500.0001g.


    > No matter how you slice it, a 1 copper increment allows people to butt in line on the TP for higher valued items. It's just silly to have a 1c increment on a 500g item.


    It's not a flimsy argument. Only auctions have minimum bid increments. Flea markets don't have a rule that states that no two sellers may have prices that are within X% of each other unless they want to sell for the same price. Gas stations don't have a requirement that states that two gas stations near each other who do not wish to sell for the same price must have a price that's X% different.


    It's a free market. Players are free to place buy or sell orders for whatever they are willing to. The only rules that exists is that you may not buy or sell for less than the vendor price after fees are taken and you are limited to the max the TP is willing to accept which is 10K gold.


    If you don't want to wait, then sell or buy at the instant. Otherwise be patient and chances are that within a week or two, the item will have sold at the price you listed it at for most of the items on the trading post. If you're that scared of being bumped to not being the next person, then post it at the absolutely most you're willing to pay for it or the least you'd be willing to sell it for. Chances are it's low/high enough that most people won't engage in a price war. Or maybe, you'll bring the item closer to the market equilibrium, reducing the chances of things being bumped in line. Equilibrium being the point where buy and sell orders are basically the same.

  20. > @Bollocks.4078 said:

    > Here's why this is a problem: when someone outbids a buy or sell order on a high price item by 1 copper they are effectively butting in line. The new offer is essentially the same price but now the new bid is first in line. If someone wants to outbid the existing buy or sell offer it makes perfect sense that they should have to change the bid amount by enough to make it essentially a new offer, not the same offer.


    > This is in no way at all about being outbid or about being impatient. Why does the first bidder have to be patient and wait but the penny increment bidder doesn't? If the next bidder wants to buy or sell for the same price then they should bid the same price and take their place in line behind other bids of the same price, not be able to butt in line.


    The Trading Post isn't an auction house. It's like the two gas stations at the corner who start competing to see who get more customers by dropping their cost to $0.01 below the other to get people to buy from them.


    The game just doesn't let players choose who they buy from. They assume all players want to sell for the highest and buy at the cheapest.


    Anyone doing anything other than instant buy/sell is gambling that no one else will be willing to buy or sell at a better price before someone comes along and fills the order. There's also a good chance that the first bidder "outbid" someone else by 1 copper as well.

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