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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. You can get addicted to gambling. The rush that happens right before the drawing for a lottery or right before you pull the lever at a slot machine or right before you open a BLC can be addictive. It's why many state run lotteries when they advertise their lottery always put in something to advertise gambling help services for those addicted to gambling.


    That being said, I do not have any problem with the BLC and have not had one during the lifetime of the game. Now that the statuette comes with them, it does mean that players do get X number of chests before they can win anything offered except from what I saw the permanent contracts - which I can fully understand there. So the BLC's are in the best state they've ever been.


    If the items in the common area are useless to you, I would not buy any keys. Just use the keys that you get for free - rare drop in the game and the key from certain story steps. If you find the items in the common area useful, then by all means buy keys either with gold or with real life money.

  2. > @"Trae.2384" said:

    > > @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

    > > it hasn't been resolved yet, friend made a new account and submitted a ticket there ,they're really slow on replies and my friend hasn't gotten 1 since. His ticket # is 6770017 but overall he still hasn't gotten a reply from anything. He would play again if he got his account back but problem is hes unable to access it and isn't getting any help


    > I see it was resolved but I must just add that over the years ive contacted support maybe 3-4 times and every time im responded to within minutes so your buddies experience was not the norm ive experienced. I think it was more a technical issue of responses in transit than ignoring.


    And the nature of the request. They have to make sure the person making the anonymous request actually does own the account in the ticket which can take more time than someone who has an in game problem like accidentally salvaging an ascended or legendary.

  3. > @"Leamas.5803" said:

    > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

    > > > @"Leamas.5803" said:

    > > > But it's not a game related issue...it's an account issue. He can't get in to the game to have issues or log on to the web site to contact support since his entire account is locked. What will calling hurt? They might say they can't help, or they might be able to forward him to someone who can.

    > >

    > > An account issue is a game issue. The issue at hand is a GW2 account issue and not an NCSoft account issue, so NCSoft would just direct the caller to the support website for GW2 (just as the NCSoft support webpage does). Sure, calling wouldn't hurt anything, but it'd be a waste of time.


    > Perhaps, whether it's a game issue or not is a matter of semantics, but I lack patience, and have worked on an IT service desk as well as tier-2 technical support, so know how they work. I would definitely be looking for a more direct means of contact than an anonymous support ticket, which I'm sure gets the lowest of low priorities and you're most likely to get a form reply, if at all. If the anonymous tickets turned out to be the ONLY option for contact, which is ridiculous, I would be sending them requests at least a couple times a day until they acknowledged me.


    > I recently went through the exact same thing with my PSN account, which got compromised in one of the big hacker attacks on Sony. Support told me I'd have to wait 6 months for the lock to clear and I had JUST renewed my PS+ membership a week previous to that. Well, that was not an acceptable answer since it was preventing my kids from using the PS+ games and I only have PS+ for them. Between on-line chats, support tickets and the phone, it magically got resolved within 4 days when I demanded to speak to support supervisor and demanded a refund if it didn't get pushed to tier-2 support (Specifically a DBA to remove the lock flag from my account).


    > It's the squeaky wheel man... ;)


    Your issue was pushing through up the chain with the company you had an issue with. And you had leverage.


    NCSoft has no way to fix the player's problem and the OP would find it hard to have enough leverage to get them to do anything other than tell him to contact GW2 Support.


    The OP's friend needs to sort out the email problem and resubmit a ticket.

  4. > @"coglin.1496" said:

    > > @"CounterCookie.9403" said:

    > > So my friend told me he sent his ticket due to being denied access to his account he had to submit one anonymously but has never gotten a reply on it. He has no ticket # or email, what should he do then?


    > So why doesn't "your friend" post on the forums and ask about this himself?


    Because like the OP said, he is denied access to his account.

  5. > @"Swoll.1483" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"Swoll.1483" said:

    > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > > > > Thinking on it, what's the difference between this and Boxing Day/ Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Ghastly Tuesday?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They give a sale/good deal (or so people think) just before releasing a newer/better thing.

    > > > >

    > > > > The point is, the question here is "Did people get the value for keys they used" ... well, people did because when they opened those chests AT THAT TIME, they knew what they could get; the decision to use those keys AT THAT TIME, was theirs; they could have held onto them to gamble on better offerings in the future. It's nonsense to complain that there was better value from a future offering, so Anet is being dishonest or unfair. This thread is just sour grapes.

    > > >

    > > > The point is, which you seem to continually miss, is that holding a promotion for an item before you drastically change/upgrade it is deceptive and rubs people the wrong way. Everything else you're talking about is moot.

    > >

    > > That point isn't missed, it simply doesn't make sense. There isn't any deception ... if you bought the item, then at the time you bought it, you must have felt it was worth the value ... or you wouldn't have bought it. When or if it changes isn't very relevant. Again, the question is if a consumer feels the price is worth the value the item gives. If they bought it, then they must have thought yes. Claiming there is some deception at play indicates you don't act like someone that spends their money on things they think are worth the money .. or just acts out because they feel they didn't get the value from the times in the first place. Seems to me that's not an Anet issue.


    > And stilllll not getting it lol


    It isn't deceptive though. PR wise it wasn't the best decision to have that sale (which they do do periodically) right before they made the exact change that they made. It's not like this was the first time in the history of BLC's that they've changed the contents. Or a time when a change in what's in them wasn't expected. Wintersday just ended so a change in at least the Seasonal item should have been expected. And given the whole situation with loot boxes in general, one should have thought of the BLC's as they are loot boxes. This move does make the BLC's more fair than they had been in the past.


    They should have had the sale coincide with the change, especially since this time they did limit the number you could buy at sale prices. Then more people would get their hands on the statues and be more likely to buy more as they've got some and have investigated what they can get and how many statues they would need.


    But it's not a huge deal that they didn't and nothing that ANet needs to be roasted for.

  6. > @"Jojo.6140" said:

    > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > > So after this, I mailed with Anet (of course I had little to no expectation of an actual retribution, but I wanted to try, if only for the sake of making it heard, nonetheless).


    > How do you think this should work out? I dont think its possible to take away all the things you got from those chests earlier, particularly since you used things like wardrobe unlocks and dye-packs already, so its impossible to refund it.




    Possibly getting the number of statues equal to the number of chests he/she opened (I am going to assume that this is the bone of contention and not the change in seasonal item).


    He/She had 0% chance of getting them if he/she didn't submit a ticket. He/She had a small chance through making a ticket. There was nothing to lose by doing that and it's not like there's a huge ticket queue where something this trivial would hold up tickets with a much more serious issue (like issues with gem purchases or EP purchases, hacked accounts, etc).


    And it also puts on record that a player was unhappy with the timing.

  7. > @"Swoll.1483" said:

    > It is extremely deceptive of them, and I'm requesting a refund through my CC (little good it will do). If/when that fails, I've resolved to never spend another dime in their store. I've always been of the mind if you like the game you should support it but after being taken advantage of in this regard I have no interest in supporting the company further.


    > I would also like to point out that I love this game, I feel it is the best on the market, and I am a fanboy in every sense of the word. But this store 'move' was extremely disheartening to me over all and I'm just sad about it.


    You will want to stop your CC company from doing that if you want to continue playing GW2. That will get you permanently banned from the game. ANet's contract with the company who handles the credit card transactions (Digital River) is such that if you do a charge back that they have to permanently ban you.

  8. > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > > > You bought keys with full knowledge of their potential contents. You received the known content. You now complain about getting what you were told you would be getting. There is some unfairness going on bere but it isnt Anet.

    > > >

    > > > No one told us about the statuettes, or a change. But continue

    > >

    > > So what.

    > >

    > > We were told what was in the boxes, purchase decisions were made based on that. Anet delivered what was promised.

    > >

    > > Anyone who didnt know that the content of the chests would eventually be changed has not been paying attention.


    > Looooooooololol. You're acting like people are dumb, and think nothing drops from chest.


    > Please, send us a link pre-tuesday that hints we were getting a change for the guaranteed drops. Since you have some-kind-of insider knowledge that it was going to drastically change.


    Ashen wasn't saying that the chests were going to change when they changed. Just that if you hadn't caught on that chest contents do change at times, you had not been paying attention to the last few times they changed. As they have changed what's in them at least 4 other times since they moved to having a Seasonal slot. That's what Ashen was referring to.


    Granted I think everyone knows that, but are angry at the timing of the change and what the change was.

  9. I'm not seeing the point of this thread. The fault here lies with the players not ANet. ANet's already given an alternate route that doesn't require an event to fail for the achievement.


    Here's what you do:


    1. Tell the players nicely about the alternate event

    2. Report and block those who break the rules - continuing to try to make the even fail after being told not to, being rude in map chat, etc.


    Let ANet sort out the ones who crossed the line with the rules and what punishment they deserve.


    ANet can't punish the players who break the rules if we don't report them. While they may not be actioned for just one offense, if they get a lot of reports from different instances in a relatively short amount of time, they may find themselves banned.

  10. > @"Changer the Elder.2948" said:

    > Yeah, I know all that.

    > But the fact that it got removed pretty much immediately instead of the 3 hours stated on the login message, makes me think that it was a bug, rather than a feature. Also, what are the chances 5 people are gonna get hit in the same group, when at least 2 of them literally just met with each other and the group as a whole?


    Seeing as how bans can only be put on or taken off before they expire by a live person and not an automated system, it's neither a bug nor a feature.


    Probably comes down to pure coincidence.

  11. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"Dreamy Lu.3865" said:

    > > Sorry, but I keep not understanding the point of changing race, even more nowadays where many options allow to level up high speed to 80.

    > >

    > > So, why change an existing char rather than creating a new one (and deleting the old one if needed to spare slots)? To avoid the efforts needed to get a good equipment? But those efforts are part of the game yes? And even that is not clear to me, because if we talk ascended equipment, it is account bound and can be transferred between chars. So what remains would be to keep exotic stuff? Come on, it cannot be the only reason...

    > > I would - really and kindly - like to understand what advantages there would be at changing race of a char. @ OP, can you explain what is the reason motivating that you would like to change the race of a char?

    > >

    > > Personally, I am attached to my chars. For me, they are "someone" with a personality. That's part of playing a RPG. And in the rare cases I am not attached to one and/or don't like it much, I delete and re-create. As easy as that.


    > I'm not the OP, nor do I want a Race-change feature, but Birthday Gifts and World Completion/open Maps/Waypoints come to mind, if nothing else.


    And crafting.

  12. > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

    > I know this happened to some players where their credit cards were declined or the person reversed the charges after the fact. This causes ANet to deny further service for that account. It could also have something to do with communication with the bank. For example, the transaction errored or something similar. Denial can also occur if the player used a credit card that's flagged because that player did something against the TOS like scammed a player or bought/sold gold or used a hack. Something along those lines.


    > Unfortunately, without insight or further information, everything is speculation on our parts. It's probably best for a developer to answer your question since they can tell you exactly what happened. Either way, hope things work out for your brother. Despite some of the forum complaints, Guild Wars 2 is a great game. :)


    > Happy Holidays.


    And the best way for the communication to happen is for your brother to send in a support ticket (he doesn't have to log in to do it) and ask for the reason. That way the issue can get closer to be resolved.

  13. > @"Bladezephyr.5714" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > You are wrong mate they keep the gems in the pool they dont vanish, what vanish is the extra gold you pay to get 389 gems


    > Your assertion is not supported by basic arithmetic. Player 1 buys 100 gold, pays 575 gems. Player 2 sells 100 gold, receives 389 gems. There's no extra gold anywhere in that equation. There is only 186 gems that go missing.


    The gold vanishes, not the gems. You're just using instances where the player has fiddled with the controls enough to sell/buy 100 gold. I could go in game and do the same thing but make the gems stay constant.


    The game deletes gold, not gems. Gems are only generated, never destroyed. They do get effectively deleted when players stop playing the game or get their accounts permanently banned. But those are the only times when gems get "deleted".


    575 gems really buys more than 100 gold, you just lose what's over 100 to the fees. 100 gold really buys more than 389 gems, you just lose some gold before the transaction happens to pay fees.

  14. > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > @"Noa.7490" said:

    > > > > > Probably. Truth is, players should not have to resort to those kind of tricks when a simple change from champion to veteran would do just fine.

    > > > >

    > > > > Probably. But one should also consider that making changes to the game that reduces the need for players to group up and help each other may be beneficial in each individual case for that particular player but detrimental to the game overall.

    > > >

    > > > The reality is that the Orr maps are severely depopulated since HoT and PoF came out. Apart from certain metas, Orr is empty so I believe that the difficulty pertaining certain areas should be adjusted by taking that in consideration.

    > >

    > > Unless someone needs that hero point right away they can wait till the Orr map has a daily event requirement. At that time there should be plenty of people on the map, some of which will need that hero point also. Even only one more person would be a help and others might join in to get the champ bag from killing it.


    > Like I said previously, I managed to get on the Malchor meta event and ask for help as soon as it was done and no one offered to help. That particular area is tricky because the area is very enclosed and you have to fight a champ and a vet who closely orbit one another. The other risen around notwithstanding. There's absolutely no need to have a champ there, let alone to guard a hero point that's only worth 1 point. Also, yes, the token are good but they give you a HP randomly, not the one you need.


    But if you do all of the ones except the ones you have trouble with and then use the tokens, then they'll go towards the ones that you need.

  15. > @"BloodySaker.2365" said:

    > Does anyone know the response time for tickets at this moment? I made very explicit ticket about a problem about 4 days ago and I'm still waiting for a response. I've seen a person on the forums that made a ticket after I did mine and got a response in just 8 hours. Should I resend mine?


    If 4 days ago is when you made the transfer, support may not be able to do anything until 3 days for now. I don't know if they have the tools to bypass the 1 transfer every 7 days limitation. That could be one reason for the lack of response (not saying they shouldn't have told you if this was the case, though).


    You could reply to the automated response you got and ask for an update on your ticket.

  16. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > I said that it's over because noone of you nor the result posted from outside the forum are valuable data.


    > There should be something who made things like me to provide an different result.



    Data from anyone and from anywhere is valuable. Provided enough information is provided alongside it (like MF% and number of bags opened if only giving # of drops that meet a certain criteria - like your 14 precursors in 600K drops). The larger the number of drops, the more accurate the results are. The less likely the results are just a bad/good run of luck.


    Not sure what you mean by the second line?

  17. You don't get to decide when a discussion between more than 2 people is over. You can say that you're done with a discussion, but don't anyone else that they are done. This is a forum and more than just you and I can discuss this.


    > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > No need for data.

    > > > I am going to explain since it seems that they did modify something.

    > > >

    > > > Before the patch i managed to use only blue, due to cost and profit.

    > > >

    > > > Here what was ( and what is currently, talking about the tires i made after the hidden nerf ).

    > > >

    > > > * 300 From LUCK

    > > > * 10 From Fireworks

    > > > * 30 From Halloween Food

    > > > * 30 From Halloween Utility Item

    > > > * 10 From guild Magic Find Potion

    > > > * 100 From Birthday Boost

    > > > * 150 From The Silverwastes map ( i didn't do the meta event, which would have granted me 50 more MF ).

    > > > * 20 From Neck iNfusion

    > > >

    > > > Total MF = 650%

    > > >

    > > > I managed to have a precursor every 42k unidentified items, more or less.

    > > >

    > > > Here's my current drop list in less that 1 month

    > > >

    > > > * Tooth of Frostfang

    > > > * Spark **x2**

    > > > * The Energizer **x1**

    > > > * Chaos Gun **x1**

    > > > * Storm **x2**

    > > > * Zap

    > > > * The Bard

    > > > * The Chosen **x1**

    > > > * Rodgort's Flame

    > > > * Howl **x1**

    > > > * Dusk **x1**

    > > > * Dawn **x2**

    > > > * The Colossus

    > > > * Leaf of Kudzu **x1**

    > > > * The Hunter **x1**

    > > > * The Lover

    > > > * The Legend

    > > > * Charcharias

    > > > * Rage

    > > > * Venom **x1**

    > > >

    > > > **Now, after the patch ( due to instan, uncommon gear price dropped ) i managed to try _Uncommon Unidentified items_, and after 300k unitendified items i got zero precursors**.

    > > > The 11 december i posts here about the possibility, but since i only managed to try uncommon there was the possibility that precursors were only common unidentified items related, so i decided to try.

    > > >

    > > > After 300k of unidentified common items, no precursors ( the rest seems the be the same as before ).

    > > >

    > > > So, from what i happened to test, there was definitely a hidden nerf.

    > > > Now we should ask ourselves if they

    > > >

    > > > * just removed the chance of dropping precursors from unidentified items

    > > > * managed to adjust the MF requirement needed to let em drop ( something like "if you have 800 MF, then you could roll for precursors too" ).

    > > > * lowered so far the chance ( as said before was 1 out of 42k, now i couldn't manage to get one out of 300k green and 300k blue ).

    > > >

    > > > I have enough MF boosters to make a try ( read the point 2 here above ), but i am not interested ( since whatever the outcome, it wouldn't be a good deal ).

    > > >

    > > > That's it.

    > > > Of course I am glad that they managed to make buy thousands of gems and all permanents stuff, but i really don't like stealth nerfs.

    > >

    > > You can't prove anything without data and as you only listed the precursors, your data that you've posted is worthless. We need every drop. Not just the drops that are worth something.

    > >

    > > Without knowing what percentage of the drops the precursors were before the patch, it can't be determined if getting 0 precursors after the patch is statistically significant or still within the realm of possibility.

    > >

    > > You haven't provided enough data for anyone but yourself to answer those questions. So until you're willing to provide exact numbers (every 42K or so is not exact numbers), you might as well stop asking if post-patch things changed. Because currently published complete data shows that there has been no significant change in drops.

    > >

    > > Especially if you're talking only about precursor drops since the chance for those is so low to begin with. Not even fully topped out MF is likely to increase it by a large amount.


    > You don't need the specific data if you know that out of 600k i got 14 prec.

    > What are you complaining about?


    > > Were there any other drops?

    > Ofc they were.

    > > Are they relevant if the goal is to prove that before 1 the rateo was 1 prec every 42k ( more or less ) and that now out of 300k both blue and green ( 600k total ) not a single precursor has been seen?


    > Definitely not.


    > So stop whining about this.

    > I could understan if you don't believe that i dropped that many precursors ( 1 every 2 days more or less ), but stating that you need the garbage drop is ridicolus.


    > Get a hold of yourself, please.


    Given the total drops you had pre- and post-patch have been given and assuming actual drop rates between blue and green are close enough that the differences aren't statistically significant (ie: what the game is coded for), your results are statistically significant. There's somewhere between 0.1% and 0.01% chance that your results are due to chance. If my calculations are correct (and it's entirely possible that I didn't use the appropriate formula and there isn't any significant difference between pre- and post- patch drops).

  18. > @"Leamas.5803" said:

    > This has been a problem with GW2 since pretty much launch. I started having these crashes in December of 2012 on a brand new machine. This computer is still used by my kids every day and to this day, the ONLY thing I've ever had crashing problems with on it was GW2. There has never been a definitive explanation or fix for it or fix from ANet. Typically, it only affects GW2. Other games and software meant to stress the hardware such as Furmark or Intel's CPU stress test work fine. I've only ever seen people with nVidia cards have this problem. I've never seen anyone with an ATi have this problem.


    > Things that have worked in the past for some:

    > * Downclocking any overclocked hardware. i.e. GPU/CPU. Downclocking my video card (eVGA vNidia 670gtx SC) completely fixed this issue for me as well as many others, but it does not work for everyone. I played the entirety of HoT without a single crash as long as I remembered to downclock. If I didn't I would typically crash within an hour.

    > * Changing windows power management settings to performance rather than balanced has worked for some.

    > * Downgrading the video driver has worked for some, although this is a less than ideal solution for many reasons.

    > * Doing a clean install of the graphics driver has worked for some

    > * Lowering video graphics setting, especially setting the frame limiter to 60 or less, have helped reduce the regularity of these crashes, but doesn't completely fix it

    > * Doing a repair on the GW2 installation has worked for some.


    > In the end, there are still many who have the issue and none of these solution work.


    Without knowing if his CPU is overheating or not, we can't be sure if he is one of the unfortunate people who do have the random crashes that haven't had the cause identified.

  19. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > No need for data.

    > I am going to explain since it seems that they did modify something.


    > Before the patch i managed to use only blue, due to cost and profit.


    > Here what was ( and what is currently, talking about the tires i made after the hidden nerf ).


    > * 300 From LUCK

    > * 10 From Fireworks

    > * 30 From Halloween Food

    > * 30 From Halloween Utility Item

    > * 10 From guild Magic Find Potion

    > * 100 From Birthday Boost

    > * 150 From The Silverwastes map ( i didn't do the meta event, which would have granted me 50 more MF ).

    > * 20 From Neck iNfusion


    > Total MF = 650%


    > I managed to have a precursor every 42k unidentified items, more or less.


    > Here's my current drop list in less that 1 month


    > * Tooth of Frostfang

    > * Spark **x2**

    > * The Energizer **x1**

    > * Chaos Gun **x1**

    > * Storm **x2**

    > * Zap

    > * The Bard

    > * The Chosen **x1**

    > * Rodgort's Flame

    > * Howl **x1**

    > * Dusk **x1**

    > * Dawn **x2**

    > * The Colossus

    > * Leaf of Kudzu **x1**

    > * The Hunter **x1**

    > * The Lover

    > * The Legend

    > * Charcharias

    > * Rage

    > * Venom **x1**


    > **Now, after the patch ( due to instan, uncommon gear price dropped ) i managed to try _Uncommon Unidentified items_, and after 300k unitendified items i got zero precursors**.

    > The 11 december i posts here about the possibility, but since i only managed to try uncommon there was the possibility that precursors were only common unidentified items related, so i decided to try.


    > After 300k of unidentified common items, no precursors ( the rest seems the be the same as before ).


    > So, from what i happened to test, there was definitely a hidden nerf.

    > Now we should ask ourselves if they


    > * just removed the chance of dropping precursors from unidentified items

    > * managed to adjust the MF requirement needed to let em drop ( something like "if you have 800 MF, then you could roll for precursors too" ).

    > * lowered so far the chance ( as said before was 1 out of 42k, now i couldn't manage to get one out of 300k green and 300k blue ).


    > I have enough MF boosters to make a try ( read the point 2 here above ), but i am not interested ( since whatever the outcome, it wouldn't be a good deal ).


    > That's it.

    > Of course I am glad that they managed to make buy thousands of gems and all permanents stuff, but i really don't like stealth nerfs.


    You can't prove anything without data and as you only listed the precursors, your data that you've posted is worthless. We need every drop. Not just the drops that are worth something.


    Without knowing what percentage of the drops the precursors were before the patch, it can't be determined if getting 0 precursors after the patch is statistically significant or still within the realm of possibility.


    You haven't provided enough data for anyone but yourself to answer those questions. So until you're willing to provide exact numbers (every 42K or so is not exact numbers), you might as well stop asking if post-patch things changed. Because currently published complete data shows that there has been no significant change in drops.


    Especially if you're talking only about precursor drops since the chance for those is so low to begin with. Not even fully topped out MF is likely to increase it by a large amount.

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