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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > what next? Complete set of ascended gear with those lvl80 boosts, along with a weapon and mats to start vison?

    > I can't even.



    He's not asking for something that unreasonable. He's just asking for a gift that looks at account age rather than character age.


    While this may not be an issue for the first few years, I can see how players who don't want to buy new character slots may want to make new characters every 3-4 years. Which means they may not hit years 5+ on individual characters but have been around for several years.


    And it's not like he's asking for the gift to be unreasonable either. Just for there to be a gift.

  2. > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > >

    > > > ...

    > > >

    > > > You know, these build templates they are working on, will have a lot greater effect on people and character slots. If we can swap builds on same character, many people won't need multiple chars of the same class. By your logic, what the heck is anet doing, hurting their revenue!

    > > >

    > > > > How exactly did birthday gifts change and become a necessity exactly?

    > > > Raids - not necessity, roles - not necessity, elite specs - not necessity. New birthday gifts are starting to get some exclusive skins. Skins are huge part of the game, we all know that. I would just like to think if next year or year after that brings something I like, I'm not missing it because of shoddy system.

    > >

    > > If you think they arent going to sell build template slots your living in a imaginary world.

    > > We probabely will get1 for free so we can have both elite specs at start.

    > > But some classes want core aswell, warrior comes to mind for the better cc for example and then there will be elite spec 3,4 ,5,6 and so on


    > Even one slot is plenty. I doubt many people would like to swap elite specs 5x a day. I imagine they would be mostly used to swap builds and utlities an maybe weapons around, for example mesmer swaping to reflect build for reflect heavy fight. Playing some core warrior this hour and then berserker next hour and then a bit of spellbreaker.... Idk, hard to imagine.


    WvW zerg build. WvW roaming build. Raid build. Fractal build. Dungeon build. World Boss build. Gathering build. Open world build. Build created to do that one story instance you needed to change your build for and you didn't want to immediately delete it in case it could be useful for a future instance.


    Also players who literally only have 1 character would likely need to buy some if they want to play in multiple modes.

  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > >

    > > ...

    > >

    > > You know, these build templates they are working on, will have a lot greater effect on people and character slots. If we can swap builds on same character, many people won't need multiple chars of the same class. By your logic, what the heck is anet doing, hurting their revenue!

    > >

    > > > How exactly did birthday gifts change and become a necessity exactly?

    > > Raids - not necessity, roles - not necessity, elite specs - not necessity. New birthday gifts are starting to get some exclusive skins. Skins are huge part of the game, we all know that. I would just like to think if next year or year after that brings something I like, I'm not missing it because of shoddy system.


    > If you think they arent going to sell build template slots your living in a imaginary world.

    > We probabely will get1 for free so we can have both elite specs at start.

    > But some classes want core aswell, warrior comes to mind for the better cc for example and then there will be elite spec 3,4 ,5,6 and so on


    1 free so that people can get a taste for it and then offer more stored templates for a fee.

  4. > @"Shaogin.2679" said:

    > We could always compromise here and add account birthdays alongside character birthdays. So everyone would get birthday gifts based on the age of their account to catch them up. This way, people that delete characters would get all the gifts they've been missing out on, and people that have multiple old characters will just receive extra rewards.


    That's what the OP suggested in the first post.


    That they add an account birthday. This account birthday would give different gifts than the character birthdays and the character birthdays remain as they are (with the account rewards removed and shifted to the account birthday side)

  5. > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:


    > > Would you be fine if they kept the character birthdays like they are, but added an account birthday? And of course removing account based gifts from the character gifts and adding a vendor or option to an existing vendor to give the account based gifts to players like yourself who don't have a character old enough but whose account is old enough.


    > May I kindly ask you to reread my original post? You would realize that is basically idea I was going for.


    I had not caught on to that and I don't know why people are against adding an account birthday gift.


    But you may have been better served by being more explicit about not wanting to replace the current rewards when people were initially getting the wrong idea.

  6. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"rng.1024" said:

    > > > The better option yet could be to implement a retroactive soulbound currency given upon character birthdays, which can be used at the birthday vendor for account bound goods. This would encourage long time characters (more currency each year) while at the same time allowing you to more carefully select the rewards you want instead of the generic package.

    > >

    > > That might not solve the OP's problem unless he keeps them around for at least 1 year. He hasn't said what the average lifespan of his characters are before he deletes them.


    > Yeah, but if that is the case then the whole idea of "character" birthdays goes out the window and only account birthdays would work. As something that's not yet implemented I imagine that would be a lot of work so I tried to come up with a simple solution that would somewhat compromise. Since we already have daily log-on rewards which can be collected on multiple accounts, I seriously doubt the developers would go so far as to add days to the counter instead of years, since it's meant to be a milestone of sorts unaffiliated with the daily grind.


    They could add account birthdays and leave the character birthdays as is (except moving the 1 per account items from character to account birthday system). Maybe have it be in achievement tied to number of days played. If you type in /age into the chat bar, it will tell you you've played X hours Y minutes over the past Z days.


    They can add a tier each year or add a new achievement each year if they can't add a tier. If you have a 2 year old character you are assumed to have obtained the 2 year old account bound gifts and not awarded them again.

  7. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > The better option yet could be to implement a retroactive soulbound currency given upon character birthdays, which can be used at the birthday vendor for account bound goods. This would encourage long time characters (more currency each year) while at the same time allowing you to more carefully select the rewards you want instead of the generic package.


    That might not solve the OP's problem unless he keeps them around for at least 1 year. He hasn't said what the average lifespan of his characters are before he deletes them.

  8. > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > They don’t need to “collect dust.” I have a lot of chars and I’ve found a use for each one. I have chars parked at chests and nodes. I use them for storage of wanted but seldom needed items (at 100 plus slots vs 30 for a bank slot they’re a good deal). I also use them for alternate elite spec builds, for example one necro is a Reaper and the other is a Scourge. All my level 80s are fully set up and I switch between them as wanted for play variety. I’ve had level 80 chars that I set aside for a few years then restarted when new elite specs came out and I wanted a char for that. In addition, each year I get 5 teleports, a valuable Dye Kit and other goodies for each of my char’s birthdays. That alone has paid off the cost of buying the char slots.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I have 8000 hours in game, mate. I know how things work. If you have 50 characters sitting on farming spots, that is your decision and I got no problem with that. I personally like to keep characters that I actively play with and don't keep those that I don't play with. It's a simple matter really. Why I decide to delete my characters is my business. I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea, because if you wan't to keep getting next new gift, you have no choice but to keep your character.

    > > > > > > > Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character. I doubt anyone at Arena net cares how old are our characters. They are probably more happy about knowing people stuck with the game for 6+ years.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So what you’re saying is you deleted chars with full knowledge of the consequences and now you want ANet to revamp a 6+ year old reward system because now you want the rewards.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Good luck on your request.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I don't remember requesting anything. I just shared my opinion on this, in my opinion, flawed system. Perhaps at some point they will think about it and change it. I don't believe it would be THAT hard. Simply for next birthday, instead of putting unique skin that is only available through birthday gifts, could be instead put as anniversary gift when you account reaches 5th year or whatever. While character would still get birthday gifts as normally, just not special items like these unique skins. Just quick example, I haven't thought it through a lot, so might be imperfect. I just wanted to express an opinion and have a discussion.

    > > > >

    > > > > Your suggestion that they completely revamp the 6+ year birthday reward system is a request for it to be done.

    > > > >

    > > > > You might consider who ANet values more when they look at these types of suggestions. Do they value the account that never buys char slots but only deletes and remakes or do they value more the accounts that buy multiple slots instead of deleting multiple chars. They’re going to value more the accounts that puts more money in their pockets. They aren’t going to revamp the reward system to favor the accounts that aren’t high value to them, especially after years have gone by and most people are fine with the current system.

    > > >

    > > > You have no idea how many character slots I have or how many I have bought. You only know, or should by now, because I'm repeating myself for third time, that I don't like keeping characters I don't play around. That doesn't mean that I shouldn't be good for rewards. Imagine if they splitted achievement points between characters. Would that be good idea? Everytime you kill X boss on new character you get achievement there and everytime you hit 10k ap on character, you get gems and loot.

    > >

    > > Achievements are account based.

    > >

    > > Birthdays are character birthdays, not account birthdays.

    > >

    > > You still haven't said anything that states that your suggestion is better than the current method. I strongly believe that you are very much likely in a small minority of players who don't keep a single character around.

    > >

    > > Especially since your suggestion will reduce the number of gifts that a majority of players receive and the fact that the current method may affect how one chooses which dye or which armor or which weapon, etc and how much consideration is put into it.

    > >

    > > If I know I can get 10 dyes out of a pack of 50, I wouldn't be so picky, but if it's 1 out of 50. That's a big difference.


    > If you only look at rewards, then yes, hard to argue. It would be almost like discussing with Istan farmer who can't accept he makes less money after the nerf.

    > Ah, matters not folks. It seems I somehow offended people, because I'm getting warning points. I apologize to all offended if it helps them and I apologize for expressing myself.


    But that's what the birthday gifts are: rewards for keeping your character around for another year. So yes, it's fine to consider the rewards in a discussion of account vs character based.


    Would you be fine if they kept the character birthdays like they are, but added an account birthday? And of course removing account based gifts from the character gifts and adding a vendor or option to an existing vendor to give the account based gifts to players like yourself who don't have a character old enough but whose account is old enough.

  9. > @"Zeefa.3915" said:

    > You only need to keep 1 character for the luminous stuff, since it is only once per account anyway. The gift for each character after that is pretty much as you describe, somewhat useful and nice, but nothing anyone would/should be mad about missing out on (scrolls and dyes).


    > Since part of the reward/gift is only once per account anyway, I can see the reasoning to untie it from the character, while the stuff all characters get could stay. Anet might even have wanted to do that, what with even having a once per account reward, but could have run into problems with changing the system, by the time they started that. I certainly don't know how simple or difficult it would be... I don't even know how to fix supposedly simple issues with my own PC... but it might not be that easy.


    Yes, untying the account based gifts from the character gifts would be something I would not be opposed to happening. Just as long as I still get to get multiple dye packs and other such items.

  10. > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > They don’t need to “collect dust.” I have a lot of chars and I’ve found a use for each one. I have chars parked at chests and nodes. I use them for storage of wanted but seldom needed items (at 100 plus slots vs 30 for a bank slot they’re a good deal). I also use them for alternate elite spec builds, for example one necro is a Reaper and the other is a Scourge. All my level 80s are fully set up and I switch between them as wanted for play variety. I’ve had level 80 chars that I set aside for a few years then restarted when new elite specs came out and I wanted a char for that. In addition, each year I get 5 teleports, a valuable Dye Kit and other goodies for each of my char’s birthdays. That alone has paid off the cost of buying the char slots.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I have 8000 hours in game, mate. I know how things work. If you have 50 characters sitting on farming spots, that is your decision and I got no problem with that. I personally like to keep characters that I actively play with and don't keep those that I don't play with. It's a simple matter really. Why I decide to delete my characters is my business. I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea, because if you wan't to keep getting next new gift, you have no choice but to keep your character.

    > > > > > Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character. I doubt anyone at Arena net cares how old are our characters. They are probably more happy about knowing people stuck with the game for 6+ years.

    > > > >

    > > > > So what you’re saying is you deleted chars with full knowledge of the consequences and now you want ANet to revamp a 6+ year old reward system because now you want the rewards.

    > > > >

    > > > > Good luck on your request.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I don't remember requesting anything. I just shared my opinion on this, in my opinion, flawed system. Perhaps at some point they will think about it and change it. I don't believe it would be THAT hard. Simply for next birthday, instead of putting unique skin that is only available through birthday gifts, could be instead put as anniversary gift when you account reaches 5th year or whatever. While character would still get birthday gifts as normally, just not special items like these unique skins. Just quick example, I haven't thought it through a lot, so might be imperfect. I just wanted to express an opinion and have a discussion.

    > >

    > > Your suggestion that they completely revamp the 6+ year birthday reward system is a request for it to be done.

    > >

    > > You might consider who ANet values more when they look at these types of suggestions. Do they value the account that never buys char slots but only deletes and remakes or do they value more the accounts that buy multiple slots instead of deleting multiple chars. They’re going to value more the accounts that puts more money in their pockets. They aren’t going to revamp the reward system to favor the accounts that aren’t high value to them, especially after years have gone by and most people are fine with the current system.


    > You have no idea how many character slots I have or how many I have bought. You only know, or should by now, because I'm repeating myself for third time, that I don't like keeping characters I don't play around. That doesn't mean that I shouldn't be good for rewards. Imagine if they splitted achievement points between characters. Would that be good idea? Everytime you kill X boss on new character you get achievement there and everytime you hit 10k ap on character, you get gems and loot.


    Achievements are account based.


    Birthdays are character birthdays, not account birthdays.


    You still haven't said anything that states that your suggestion is better than the current method. I strongly believe that you are very much likely in a small minority of players who don't keep a single character around.


    Especially since your suggestion will reduce the number of gifts that a majority of players receive and the fact that the current method may affect how one chooses which dye or which armor or which weapon, etc and how much consideration is put into it.


    If I know I can get 10 dyes out of a pack of 50, I wouldn't be so picky, but if it's 1 out of 50. That's a big difference.

  11. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > > > > The game and its birthday system is almost 7 years old. Right or wrong they aren’t going to revamp the whole birthday reward system to accommodate those who delete their chars.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > However, you could always make a ticket and ask for your oldest char to be reinstated. You’ll need an empty char slot, the name to be available and they need to still have records on it. Give that a try and don’t delete it again if they do reinstate it.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I deleted every character fully aware I will miss out on the gifts. I don't like having characters collect dust, especially if I know I will never play them again. I just think it's a sloppy system, that's all. Things we get are account bound anyway, so it would be better to have them as account gift, rather than character tied. Ah, well..

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They don’t need to “collect dust.” I have a lot of chars and I’ve found a use for each one. I have chars parked at chests and nodes. I use them for storage of wanted but seldom needed items (at 100 plus slots vs 30 for a bank slot they’re a good deal). I also use them for alternate elite spec builds, for example one necro is a Reaper and the other is a Scourge. All my level 80s are fully set up and I switch between them as wanted for play variety. I’ve had level 80 chars that I set aside for a few years then restarted when new elite specs came out and I wanted a char for that. In addition, each year I get 5 teleports, a valuable Dye Kit and other goodies for each of my char’s birthdays. That alone has paid off the cost of buying the char slots.

    > > > >

    > > > > I have 8000 hours in game, mate. I know how things work. If you have 50 characters sitting on farming spots, that is your decision and I got no problem with that. I personally like to keep characters that I actively play with and don't keep those that I don't play with. It's a simple matter really. Why I decide to delete my characters is my business. I just don't think tying birthday gifts to characters was well thought out idea, because if you wan't to keep getting next new gift, you have no choice but to keep your character.

    > > > > Don't you think it makes more sense for player to get reward for being loyal to the game for six years, rather than having a six years old character. I doubt anyone at Arena net cares how old are our characters. They are probably more happy about knowing people stuck with the game for 6+ years.

    > > >

    > > > So what you’re saying is you deleted chars with full knowledge of the consequences and now you want ANet to revamp a 6+ year old reward system because now you want the rewards.

    > > >

    > > > Good luck on your request.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I don't remember requesting anything. I just shared my opinion on this, in my opinion, flawed system. Perhaps at some point they will think about it and change it. I don't believe it would be THAT hard. Simply for next birthday, instead of putting unique skin that is only available through birthday gifts, could be instead put as anniversary gift when you account reaches 5th year or whatever. While character would still get birthday gifts as normally, just not special items like these unique skins. Just quick example, I haven't thought it through a lot, so might be imperfect. I just wanted to express an opinion and have a discussion.


    > Your suggestion that they completely revamp the 6+ year birthday reward system is a request for it to be done.


    > You might consider who ANet values more when they look at these types of suggestions. Do they value the account that never buys char slots but only deletes and remakes or do they value more the accounts that buy multiple slots instead of deleting multiple chars. They’re going to value more the accounts that puts more money in their pockets. They aren’t going to revamp the reward system to favor the accounts that aren’t high value to them, especially after years have gone by and most people are fine with the current system.


    Especially if it may anger players who had a character at 4 and 5 years old who picked an option out of the selection knowing they would be able to get another one next year. More detailed example of the player: On their 5 year old character they couldn't decide between the Ruby Red or the Pumpkin Orange. So they picked one knowing next year, their 4 year old character would be 5 years old and they could pick up the other dye. If your suggestion got implemented between those two dates, then that player may be angry that they didn't get to choose the other dye because their account already got the 5 year birthday gift.


    How do you explain to those players who have a lot of characters that they suddenly get a lot less gifts just because you can't keep a single character around permanently?


    I lose out 10 fold. You still haven't convinced me why your system is better than the current system.

  12. Keep in mind that this was also how they did birthday gifts in Guild Wars - with it being tied to character and not account.


    The thing is your method punishes players who have alts and don't routinely delete their characters.


    1 set of gifts per account vs 1 set of gifts per character.


    I don't have the numbers, but I'd imagine that you are probably in the minority with deleting every character.


    I personally have 10 permanent characters (I have 11, but 1 is a character for key runs, she gets deleted weekly) that range from 6.78 years old to 1.78 years old. Your suggestion would reduce the gifts I get for each year ten fold. So instead of getting 10 year 8 dye packs, I'd only get 1. That's 9 dyes that I could have gotten but was denied just because a minority delete their characters routinely.


    So I don't agree with your suggestion, though I do sympathize.

  13. > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

    > > @"Rasimir.6239" said: .......

    > > @"Taygus.4571" said: .........

    > > @"Voltekka.2375" said: ....


    > I analyzed my playstile and based on that I posted my opinion supporting the OP point of view against the time gates. For me a game without time gates can give me the feeling of freedom of action. I can play for a goal as long as I want. More time in one day. Less time (or even zero time) for the same goal in other day. But in that way I consider you can fell that you decide when to do something and how much time you spend for that something. The gates prevent this.


    > You disagreed but, even by reading carefully your posts I wasn't able to see arguments other than: "Gates are good" / the gates are ingame, so keep them because are good / you cannot handle something for free (this is hilarious - the time needed for 7880 tickets is nothing?) etc.


    > To make sure I understand your point of view (and keeping the debate in the legendary WvW armor realm) , please, tell us in what way canceling the time gates will negatively affect **your personal** playstile and the enjoyment of playing GW2.


    > Please don't post how you think that this can affect ANet income/playerbase/etc. Also, please don't post how you think this may affect **other players experience**. Please tell us how this can affect **your personal** experience.



    That's the thing. ANet will only change it if they feel it will change their income/playerbase/etc. So talking about a single player's experience when there are THOUSANDS of players isn't going to change their minds.


    The game started off with just exotic armor being the highest tier. Players very very quickly achieved that and then found they had nothing to progress to. Without that carrot, many players left the game or posted that they were displeased with the lack of things to work toward. This was even true for weapons as there was no more intermediary step between easy to obtain exotic and the grind that is the legendary.


    So ANet added Ascended tier gear in order to bridge that gap.


    Without the time gates, too many players would finish "everything" they want to do in a short period of time and then move on to other games. And only a small portion of those players will likely ever return the game. The time it would take for them to patch the game wouldn't be worth the time it would take them to achieve new things unless they waited like a year or two.


    Most players are not like you. They need in game given long term goals to work towards. For some players that's topping the PvP leader boards. For some that's getting to top level in WvW. For others that legendary gear. Some people work toward multiple long term goals. Removing time gates on the legendary gear removes a long term goal for players who do not wish to PvP or WvW or raid.


    The convenience of changing stats on it without paying for it each time is purchased with the time spent on the time gates.


    It should be noted that I'm doing the WvW portion of the legendary weapons' gift of battle, the slow way. WvW daily reward potions for when it's "Big Spender" "Kill a sentry (forget the name XD)". So we're talking months for me. And that's just to get 1 gift of battle. I don't know if legendary armor is doable by that method, however.


    I have not been inconvenienced at all by any of the time gates in game. It's very clear if you look at how to get things what exactly it will entail. And what it entails should tell players that it's not something that you're supposed to quickly get a lot of.

  14. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > Don't know what else you could have expected ... you're working towards THE best armor and gear in the game ... be thankful you don't NEED this armor for anything and you can shoot lower for Ascended gear if you want the same performance.


    > It sounds to me like if you want to target a higher level of gear intended for a higher level of play to obtain and use ... you need to up your game from a casual on and off relationship with it. I don't want to discourage you but it sounds from your playing profile that even obtaining full Ascended gear is going to push your limits ... unless you got deep pockets.


    > I guess the bottom line is that better or worse, the game is designed smartly so the requirements to obtain the different tiers of gear match the playstyle profiles of the people that benefit from them. In otherwords, if you play on and off casually ... you should probably target getting a Ascended weapon (because it does have a significant DPS increase over exotic), maybe a few Ascended trinkets if you have LS3 with exotic armor.


    > To be completely fair here ... the game feels time gated and grindy because it sounds like you don't play it very much.


    Getting a legendary without spending money isn't hard. It's just longer.


    I'm very casual in that I'll play only open world PvE for the most part and I don't care to memorize the meta's rotation or find the most efficient way to get gold. I just play how I want to play that day.


    I've had the game since launch. I got my precursor for my only legendary currently after the crafting method was added and I've started working on my second. It's slow going because being social enough for dungeons and fractals is hard and while I managed to luck out and bypass needing play WvW for my first legendary, I've got to at least go into WvW to play even if only very very lightly (and I have no problems with this!). But it's my very long term goal. I know I won't have it and the end of the day, or even at the end of this month. It will probably be end of this year or the next year or two before I get it. Depends on how often I play and how long it takes me to deal with the social and WvW aspects. Then I'll probably start working on the next one.


    However, given the money and/or time sink involved, I wouldn't make a legendary to try out builds.

  15. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > Ya'll missed where i asked the point of it being long term progression if i can't know what my character is capable of without it. Managing that many gear sets isn't tractable. I tried raiding once but was turned down because i wasn't a healer (didn't have the set or appropriate class for it)


    > You know... you can experiment with exotics, right?


    > And there are websites that give build sets for different roles, to help you pick.


    You can even experiment with rares if you aren't wanting to spend a fortune on a maybe and you don't join groups asking for meta if you go for non-open world content. Of course WvW may not be the smartest place to experiment.

  16. > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > I'm tired of answering the same thing again and again, I'm going to do it one last time and ignore the next comments asking about it.


    > I do not want to have to play in a way that isn't optimal, that will get me late to events and such, in order to have that fun. This is why I share my thoughts about it, so if the majority of people agreed to it, we could maybe implement that change and all have a better game. I don't see how I'm supposed to know most people don't like this idea, and you know what? That's why forums exist.


    > > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

    > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > The most fun way of playing the game should also be the most optimal. I think that the current most optimal way of playing the game isn't the most fun, hence my original suggestion.

    > >

    > > Are we gonna start policing people's builds too? Non-meta builds aren't very optimal, take away their choice to play sub-optimally and force them into a build they may not like, all in the name of "fun".


    > This is... actually supporting my suggestion?


    > People don't play meta builds, because they are sub-optimal. In a way we actually do take away their choice of playing these builds because meta builds are mandatory. These non-meta builds should be buffed so these people can have their fun. If swaping to griffon was just as good as gliding after using Bound of Faith, I would have no problem. But it is not the case.


    Except it's not mandatory to do so.


    You just have to be more willing to wait longer as not everyone wants to play with people who don't run optimal builds.


    I played for the first few years after hitting max level (and I've played since launch) on a Cleric's build. Which is Healing Power, Power, Toughness. It was laughable at what DPS I did. I was able to play with friends in Fractals and story dungeons without any issue of them trying to force me to do otherwise. I now at least play with meta gear, though I don't think I'll be able to get a rotation down. But I don't join groups that ask for meta and if I'm not sure I go "hey, I'm not running meta as I don't know the rotations, is that ok?". Sometimes it is and sometimes it's not. But I've never felt forced to switch my gear or change my build - not by others.


    So no, her comment doesn't support your suggestion.

  17. > @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

    > Are people seriously wasting coins to make clovers? *mind-boggling*


    Some of us don't like the content that gives out the clovers. I always do it before I finish getting the T6 mats so that when the recipe "fails" and gives me some T6 mats, it's mats I don't have to buy.

  18. > @"Haishao.6851" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Haishao.6851" said:

    > > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > > > The only real problem I see when it comes to legendary weapons is that you don't have to do a single thing in PvP.

    > > >

    > > > That's the opposite of a problem.

    > > >

    > >

    > > It's a problem if you feel that you should have to do a little a bit of everything to get a legendary. While I personally like that I can bypass the PvP aspect, I would not be upset if ANet changed things to require it.


    > Forcing people into that cesspit would be a good way to lose players.

    > At least in WvW we don't have to interact with any of them.




    I'll say it again. It's a legendary. Not something required to be successful at a game. If a player leaves the game because ANet locked a completely optional item behind playing a little bit of everything, then that's not ANet's fault.


    It should be comparable to the WvW and be easily done through the dailies so the usage of the daily PvP rooms could be used.

  19. > @"Haishao.6851" said:

    > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > The only real problem I see when it comes to legendary weapons is that you don't have to do a single thing in PvP.


    > That's the opposite of a problem.



    It's a problem if you feel that you should have to do a little a bit of everything to get a legendary. While I personally like that I can bypass the PvP aspect, I would not be upset if ANet changed things to require it.

  20. > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?


    > D:


    Find PvE maps or custom PvP rooms to do the RP you do in WvW. Because, personally, RP should not be done in WvW due to the map cap of players.


    There are only X number of spots for people to come into WvW. RP can happen on any map, anywhere. WvW can only happen on a specific map. And a large number of RP'ers on an active WvW player map is a hinderance for the world of those RP'ers. It means that the map gets overrun by enemies as the players who own the land can't get enough players onto the map to defend.


    Which means I'm basically saying that RP concerns should be the very very very very very last thing ANet devs consider when designing this system. And things put in place for RP'ers should only happen if they wouldn't negatively impact WvW players or would benefit WvW players.

  21. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > It is worth any premium for CPU limited games. Maxing out RAM performance will give better performance advantage than going from Sandy Bridge 4.5GHz to Coffee Lake 5GHz CPUs.

    > I have 16GB of 4266CL19 and overclocked it to 4266CL17 and I feel the game would profit from even better RAM. Saying RAM does not matter much is nothing but a meme.


    > The reason why reviews show low performance plusses is because they usually test with the XMP profiles, which are garbage and designed to run on as many mainboards as possible.


    You're missing Crinn's main point: that the cost to get maxed out RAM is not worth the price to do so.

  22. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > id recomend to never get a "gaming" laptop for your normal gaming at home, if you dont have a desktop computer, dont get a laptop,

    > they usually have smaller screens, no way to get a bigger one, you dont have many choices for future upgrades and they usually dont bring the power that desktops bring for the same price (because everything has to be smaller)

    > ...also i hate laptop keyboards


    This. Don't get a laptop unless you can only afford one computer and you need it to be mobile.


    Though, desktops are cheaper than laptops so you may be able to get a desktop for gaming and a general use laptop for what you need it to be mobile to do for about the same cost. So you may want to do some research into that, especially if you have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse already.

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