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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. Or realize that legendary weapons aren't meant to be something earned quickly and that the ideal progression is to work on the precursor collection at the same time as everything else. 120 days if you assume perfect acquisition of materials needed for the time gated materials isn't that long in the scheme of legendary creation.


    It does/did put those of us who were working towards everything but the precursor from before the crafting one was an option at a bit of a problem as we hit that time gate.


    I totally get how you feel. It's even more frustrating when you hit one of the bugged collection items. Get so close and then stopped by a bug. I'd rather hit a time gate than a bug that prevents the collection item from being able to drop.

  2. > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

    > > @"NoiseRen.2403" said:

    > > > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

    > > > > > dont forget to put gear and skills before going in.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > how do you even die though.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Sorry to be the one to say it, but it's a l2p issue

    > > > >

    > > > > I agree and am not trying to be kitten about it. It almost sounds like the OP came back to GW2, used a level 80 boost and is trying to quickly get into PoF to get access to mounts without understanding their class mechanics. A lot has probably changed since s/he last played.

    > > > >

    > > > > I recommend learning the class before diving headfirst into PoF solo.

    > > >

    > > > Actually I leveled this character up the normal way. I was absent from the game just prior to the drop of PoF and until a few days ago.

    > > >

    > > > Since it seems the mission I am stuck on it longer then I had thought, I'll try and best describe where I am stuck. After the pyramid you go to a burning village. That's where I am stuck the most. The farthest I've gotten was after the Hearld send her to attack dogs after you. At that point I got stonewalled and had to go back to Lion's Arch because I did nothing but die and my armor was entirely broken. I also end up dying a lot at the pyramid as well, but not as much probably due to the ally bot help.

    > >

    > > Well there is an anvil near pyramid exit and dogs don't regenerate so you can easially spam die to end this mission.


    > Wait there is? I never saw it nor any icon on my minimap. The heck?


    > Also here's my build, I can't seem to figure out how to show my armor setup as it seems to just use generic armor types.

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJIQNApeUnUJCFggtdAOeAUthBjADTdrglnFA2g5sMHs3OCA-e


    I've got a warrior so I decided to see if I could take this build and go through the mission solo. There's meta, then there's viable. While this build isn't meta, I wanted to see is it viable.



    * Your gear is primarily Zerk gear given the meta before Living World Chapter 2. And players who aren't that skilled will gravitate towards ready made builds. Which are meta builds. I'm not that skilled and I gravitate towards the ready made builds.

    * Your build means you probably didn't do much Fractals and you probably didn't bother too much with Ascended gear. You may have a ring or two or a piece of armor or weapon.

    * Viable means able to get through the mission without taking an absurdly long time on any one part or dying too terribly often.

    * Too terribly often with regards to dying is having to repair after fully damaging the armor 2 times over. AKA you have to die 12 times. There is an anvil in here or this mission would be 1 time (aka 6 deaths).


    My warrior is human and not Charr, so I had to adjust the build. I have also noted what gear I had on (adjusted build below):



    I did complete the mission within a reasonable time frame (under 45 minutes) and only died about 3-4 times.


    For the part in the pyramid, either the mace/shied or the rifle will work. If you want to go for the achievement, I would choose rifle and try to stay max range. You'll be out of the range of her hammer attacks. I was able to get the achievement on this set up. I had messed up previously on my Elementalist. Don't worry about how slow you are taking here. She'll move on once all of the villagers are dead.


    For the village part, just use the mace/shield. And move around. Don't be a tree. I do realize that that is easier said than done, especially if you were previously playing mostly Core Tyria areas. Just attack whatever is attacking you as they are really prone to moving to attacking a villager instead of you even if they were previously attacking you.


    When you get to the hounds, don't focus on one dog, until one dog just seems to have a noticeable amount more missing of his health. Then focus on that hound. If you can get them to where you just pull one hound, that's even better. But that is easier said than done.


    I would recommend swapping your elite. Racial skills aren't all that powerful. I personally use the Signet of Rage as I use the F1 skill often. With the mace, this F1 skill will stun. Which is useful, especially against the hounds. Even if it is just one of them. If you wait until you have all 3 levels filled, it's a 3 second stun. That reduces the damage done to you by 50% on average for 3 seconds.

  3. > @"Will.9785" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > They are only worth more becouse people want to pay more, if you make a 10k listing you will get it eventualy I would guess since there is people who dont want to take the extra hassle to find a buyer and a middleman.


    > There are dozens of orders on the TP already that are not being filled. The chances of getting one at the current cap are basically nill. Chak egg sac is currently worth 18k-20k gold. Trust me, if someone wants to sell they WILL go through a middleman because they can get more than double the money when you factor in the TP fees.


    If I got one and wanted to sell it to someone other than a real life friend, I would use the TP. I don't know others well enough to not risk being scammed. Because while the scammer will be punished, I won't get either the Chak egg sac back nor the gold I was promised.

  4. > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

    > > Trying to run the Intro Mission of Path of Fire (Sparking the Flame), and you just...can't run it. I am a level 80 Warrior and I cannot beat it. I am getting annoyed by the fact that they made a DLC Story you are forced to run with others. I don't have many people who I can run with, so I end up playing Solo. I mean GW2 is a Solo optional game. So why did they totally break the AI and make Solo impossible. I do nothing but die, get back up, die, get back up and repeat the loop.

    > >

    > > You cannot even get past the intro mission on your own. The AI flood you and even when you had the support of the Ally AI they were pointless.

    > >

    > > Remembering why I quit the game for so long. The Devs seem intent on forcing you to not do anything Solo. About to give up again.


    > Sorry, no idea what you're talking about. I beat it easily with both a Ranger and a Holosmith. I see no reason you shouldn't be able to beat it with any class. I think your problem here is that you're not actually supposed to get into any fights. If you're getting into fights you're not doing the mission correctly.


    There are places in that mission where you do have to fight or do you mind making a video of how to do without fighting.

  5. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > You can solo all the expansions and LW stories but it's just so frustrating. If you die, just go back and you will continue from where you left off. And if you keep dying, i suggest that you bring along a repair canister or two. Repair your gears only when four or more of your armours are broken.


    > Storylines are supposed to be enjoyable and not challenging. Many has brought this up but still... sigh ANet. There are many here with top gears and thousands of hours of gameplay and they will tell you all contents are easy. Try to understand them.


    But some people find challenging content enjoyable. I don't want story instances to be super boring combat wise.


    At some point, ANet has to set the line. I do not think the first PoF storyline crosses that line.

  6. > @"Deathanizer.3716" said:

    > So should Arena net maybe have a warning before spending any money on the game that their support is currently MIA? I've even tried to call them and the number actually just drops you without ringing. How many levels of unacceptable does this need to be before any action is taken?


    Their support isn't MIA. They just suddenly got an influx of tickets that exceeds their ability to process in a timely fashion. They are working on increasing the staff, but that takes time to do and the backlog will take time to go down.

  7. > @"Bones.5730" said:

    > > @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

    > > I may be wrong, but I believe the ops problem may be the same thing I have complained about in the past. Until you complete the core tyria masteries, you no longer earn any experience from doing anything in core tyria. Your bar fills up, but never resets. It can be very annoying playing every day, killing mobs, gathering etc and getting no experience for doing any of it.


    > Exactly. If I can not do some of the Group Required ones for example, why not allow me a Mastery Point for that full Experience Bar instead of freezing it. From what I have heard when you have all the masteries they give you a Spirit Shard, I have no idea what that is, I would rather get a Mastery Point.


    Mastery Points aren't meant to be an unlimited pool. They are meant to be something earned that can be used to unlock perks in Core Tyria (most usable outside of Core Tyria) and to unlock some required and some perks in HoT and PoF. They force players to look at the perks and the required items and decide which ones they want to unlock first.




    And you haven't answered any of the questions in my first post. Which area are you having trouble getting Mastery Points in? Since there are different Mastery Point pools for Core Tyria, HoT areas, and PoF areas.

  8. > @"Sonja Teh Trapper.7012" said:

    > i have mpost of them done except for the points part. all i can say is try an get the meta events an the ten group raids? i should do those raids but i do not know how to! i think he is talking about hot seera


    Some of them sound like Core Tyria ones. Karka is definitely a Core Tyria mastery. And crazy collections sounds like the spoon one, but I don't want to assume as I know there are some mastery points in HoT and PoF that aren't just go to spot X and hit F.

  9. > @"Blue.2734" said:

    > I invested a great deal of time in getting the collection to start making a Legendary Weapon, only to run up against a brick wall. Seems the next step requires me to do PVP and WvW to get the components to make the first stage. I am not a pvper never have been and never will be. Please ANet come up with other ways for us to make them without pvp of any kind. I understand that is my choice but what happened to being able to play my way.


    If it's the Shard of Glory and the Memory of Battle items, those you can buy on the Trading Post.


    The only part of a legendary that requires actual "play" is the Gift of Battle which is a WvW reward track. You can do the easier dailies and slowly progress to it (like kill a sentry, kill a caravan, take a camp, land claimer etc). Those easier dailies typically do not require any PvP, especially if you do them off-peak hours. The reward for doing WvW dailies is a jar of something that grants reward track progress. It will take a while, but if you're doing the collections for the precursor, you're not aiming for quick as possible.


    Which legendary are you working towards?


    Edit to add: Legendary items are just as good as ascended items stat wise so you're not held back in any way by not getting a legendary. So them requiring specific avenues for play is not against their creed. I'd be perfectly fine if they changed the requirements to require both PvP and WvW play instead of being able to get around the PvP play completely and most of the WvW play. And I don't PvP either.

  10. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > It makes me think, if they won't approve it, why do they not add this feature in? Is the excessive clicking intended? I just don't get it. I just want to improve my game experience.


    Because there is only so much time in a day and they have to prioritize what they work on. QoL items tend to fall low on the priority scale because the game is still playable without it. Bug fixing (especially of game breaking and progress breaking bugs) and adding new content typically fall higher than QoL.

  11. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > Anet might want to consider making the lowest-level starter area (maybe at least levels 1-7) a mount-free zone, keeping the destruction out of the shallow end of the kiddie pool.


    Nah, I don't want to have areas that aren't jumping puzzles where I can't use my mount just because some players don't stop to consider what their actions lead to.


    I'd rather it be that the mount attack does no damage in starter zones or that they figure out how to scale the mount's damage.

  12. > @"lilypop.7819" said:

    > It will run GW2 fine, you'll certainly notice the difference. Be a lot quieter as well. With RAM and Graphics prices atm it looks a good deal (no idea on being the best). The 1400 should be a serious bump over the FX4....


    > Only niggle is the 1tb mech drive, so plan on getting a ssd in future - the effect will only be slower texture loading - however for some reason Windows Updater 10 loves to churn and churn on mech drives on boot-up (twice a month on Tuesdays) - which really is annoying. Well worth trying to get a ssd prior to buying as it will be much easier to clone the OS over (120gb will do but >240gb is probably best value for money, any brand will do as most have pretty much the same read speeds) See if you can flog your old PC to get the ssd. or borrow with that in mind.


    > Otherwise wait for the 2400G desktops to hit the shops with ssd in them ... better cpu poorer igpu. Pricing should be approximately the same.



    Unless you're just going to put the OS on the SSD, I would recommend at minimum a 250 GB SSD if not a larger one. And even the 250 GB SSD will get full fast if you aren't careful.

  13. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > I checked on the use of in-game reports recently, and I was assured that reports were being reviewed and acted upon. I know it's frustrating to see the same people being abusive, so if you are inclined to do so -- no obligation, of course, just an option -- you could send a ticket with the names and the times of the incidents. I imagine during a PvP match that could prove challenging, but maybe it would be something you'd consider doing for those you feel are the worst, repeat offenders?

    > >

    > > Here's how I would formulate a report:

    > >

    > > * PvP Match: Date and Time

    > > * World Name

    > > * Names of characters (with exact spelling)

    > > * Your own character name (so the team can see where you were and match chat around you -- contextual reference)

    > >


    > Sorry Gaile, but if I report using the report function in the specific chat ( with the incriminating word ) isn't the support able to read the phrease i chose to report?

    > If not, why don't you implement something like this?


    > Reporting a player is currently a waste of time ( not because no action would be taken, but just because you lose 5/10 secons to make the report ), but thinking to add everything you said is kinda ridiculous ( 1 min per report more or less ).


    > Knowing this, i will stop report anybody from now on, until a proper report system will be introduced ( right click > end ).


    She said you could send in a ticket with that information in it. Hence the need for time and date information. The external ticket system like you would use if you forgot your password and couldn't log into the game at all.

  14. > @"Bee.9217" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Bee.9217" said:

    > > > Really bad system when you can not get guild mates or friends on the same server. Our guild recently came back was on a locked server moved off of it for find out five weeks later we are on another locked server. Low pop servers are a bad choice for WvW zero chance we would go to a low pop server, the server we moved too was marked as high, in five weeks it went from High to Very High now Full.

    > > >

    > > > I have already paid once to move, since I have started this game on release day I have moved a total of six times. The few dollars they make from these transfers are nothing compared to the players they never get because of them. Bad system that keeps people from returning and new players joining thus making less money and fewer players. Our guild forums already have old members that are stuck, paid to get all the new stuff can't join our guilds server. Also makes it very hard to advise any of my old friends to come back as they are on the wrong server with no way to move. **I do not understand why a server should be locked that has servers linked to it for WvW, unlink them open the servers up and stop trying to make a nickle while losing dollars.**

    > >

    > > So ANet's supposed to let a server become overstacked and risk having that server have long queue times? And you end up still not being able to play with your guild mates anyway because every guild is waiting for their group to all get into WvW.


    > So you missed the part of unlinking full servers that I put in bold in the first post. A server should not be full to transfers that is linked with another server for WvW is my point exactly.




    And maybe it wasn't full when the relinking happened and it became full since then.

  15. > @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

    > Bank space!!


    > @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

    > I would be eternally grateful to anyone who would give me an extra bank tab. Still saving up money for PoF and in-game gold is getting eaten by crafting ascended armors.


    > Server: NA


    Bank tabs are account upgrades and therefore not giftable. Players can only gift you gold to go towards the bank space.

  16. > @"Bee.9217" said:

    > Really bad system when you can not get guild mates or friends on the same server. Our guild recently came back was on a locked server moved off of it for find out five weeks later we are on another locked server. Low pop servers are a bad choice for WvW zero chance we would go to a low pop server, the server we moved too was marked as high, in five weeks it went from High to Very High now Full.


    > I have already paid once to move, since I have started this game on release day I have moved a total of six times. The few dollars they make from these transfers are nothing compared to the players they never get because of them. Bad system that keeps people from returning and new players joining thus making less money and fewer players. Our guild forums already have old members that are stuck, paid to get all the new stuff can't join our guilds server. Also makes it very hard to advise any of my old friends to come back as they are on the wrong server with no way to move. **I do not understand why a server should be locked that has servers linked to it for WvW, unlink them open the servers up and stop trying to make a nickle while losing dollars.**


    So ANet's supposed to let a server become overstacked and risk having that server have long queue times? And you end up still not being able to play with your guild mates anyway because every guild is waiting for their group to all get into WvW.

  17. > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Zedek.8932" said:

    > > > Isn't a name always capitalized? So it maks sense. Even song titles are often capitalized, because it is a name - of the song.

    > > >

    > >

    > > But if the word "the" comes up in the middle of the song title, it's not capitalized. That's what the OP is referring to. Those small subset of words that aren't capitalized in proper nouns unless they are the first word.


    > I just read how it is done, and there is more to it, even though are right about what you said.

    > But still, I'd simply put it as my name then, I mean, he is literally free to choose any name he feels like. Maybe "The" is, uh, a funky spanish part of a name (not using the soft TH). Now that's what I call stretching reality.


    > Excelsior.


    And it's obvious in the example that it is the English word "the" and not Spanglish as there is no Spanish word "the".


    And I never said he wasn't able to choose a name he wanted. He's just complaining that the name he wants can't be grammatically correct and wishes ANet would allow for the first letter of words to not have to be capitalized.

  18. > @"geochan.9184" said:

    > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > > @"geochan.9184" said:

    > > > Flushing below minimum buy order is a good thing.

    > >

    > > Why does it matter? How does tidying up the TP help?


    > so we don't waste our time clicking those runes thinking we can sell them instantly but we actually can't because their buy orders are under minimum selling price.


    > and just probably, the buyers didn't know they were buying something that they can't buy. Quality of Life improvement so we don't waste our time.


    Those orders no one would really mind getting flushed and ANet has flushed some of them.


    However, the OP is talking about orders that are above the minimum, but haven't been filled after 6-12 months. Those people do not want flushed as they see no good reason to do so.

  19. > @"Neural.1824" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > The alloted time for responses is 72 hours, barring high volume or a more difficult request. Alas, posting on the forums does not speed up the process.

    > >

    > > Good luck.


    > Wait, so they've completely removed/given-up on the thread that allowed people to post information on support requests that had gone beyond the 72hour window? Wow. Wonder why that would be.


    Possibly because many would post their tickets there well before the 72 hour mark.

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