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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > > 1. Currently 6 per character, with as many as 24 additional "saved build" slots across your account.

    > > >

    > > > The _total_ is 24, so that makes 21 additional ones you can purchase at the Gem Store.

    > > >

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > That is BS. Why Is it called templates if it cannot be saved????

    > > >

    > > > It is being saved - on your character. The Build Template Storage is just for sharing purposes. But I agree, it would have been more logical to allow you to save an unlimited amount locally on your computer, like in GW1.

    > >

    > > Technically, you can save unlimited amounts on your computer for the builds at least. You just need to generate the chat link and save that to a file on your computer.

    > >

    > > Yes, I realize that this is probably more steps than you would need in GW1, but the option is still there.


    > But you can only do that for traits and not gear right?


    Correct. Since gear is unique. However, Ashantara was talking about the Build Template Storage area having a limit and wishing they could be stored on the local system like in GW1.

  2. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > That is BS. Why Is it called templates if it cannot be saved????

    > > >

    > > > Tell me hiw is it possible that someone could make templates as anaddon for free many years faster then anet and it worked 1000 times better?

    > >

    > > What do you mean by that? They can be saved.


    > Lets say you open template number 2 on chrono. Then you swap weapon from focus to sword offhand because you dont need pull. That will overwrite that template so next tim I switch to it it will have sword and not focus.


    > That would be fine IF i could have enough templates to save all variations but then i would need at least 30 on chrono. 6 is definitely not enough for this.



    So your problem isn't that they don't save. They do. You have a problem that they autosave.


    Meaning if you are on Equipment Set 1 and you change from Sword to Focus, you wouldn't be able to just hit your keybind again to reset back to Sword instantly.

  3. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > 1. Currently 6 per character, with as many as 24 additional "saved build" slots across your account.


    > The _total_ is 24, so that makes 21 additional ones you can purchase at the Gem Store.


    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > That is BS. Why Is it called templates if it cannot be saved????


    > It is being saved - on your character. The Build Template Storage is just for sharing purposes. But I agree, it would have been more logical to allow you to save an unlimited amount locally on your computer, like in GW1.


    Technically, you can save unlimited amounts on your computer for the builds at least. You just need to generate the chat link and save that to a file on your computer.


    Yes, I realize that this is probably more steps than you would need in GW1, but the option is still there.

  4. > @"yumi.5170" said:

    > I would be fine with that. I just came here to ask if we could move the tabs we buy around, so that if I delete a char or if a class gets nerfed to the ground i could use that slot somewhere else. But i would be okay with this idea.


    I'd assume that outdated templates could at least be overwritten when you wanted to update them. Rather to put in a new class's stuff or to change up an existing class's build.


    Don't know about the reordering of the tabs though.

  5. > @"GWMO.4785" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"GWMO.4785" said:

    > > > quick question in regarding to the slots. Given arcdps is approved by ANet, even tho they prefer not to. Does this even matter? I mean lets be honest most of us uses the third party app, which on its own can/does have build templates add-on. Does having limited slots in the actual one ingame even matter?

    > >

    > > Arcdps was only allowed to have build templates until ANet released their own official ones. The creator of arcdps will be removing the build templates from arcdps when the official ANet build templates goes live in game.


    > I've missed out on this. Do we know why? Like, is it because he no longer felt the need for it? Or did ANet suppress the creator duo to w/e reason? I mean from a "consumer" perspective, so far, it makes a lot of sense for a player to keep using the build templates add-on in arcdps.


    Because technically the templates add on broke TOS on approved add ons. ANet just waived it since it was such a popular request from players giving the creator a stipulation that if/once they release an official version he has to stop supporting his add on.

  6. People aren't made that they are monetizing it in and of itself.


    It's a culmination of a few things:


    1. They allowed arcdps to have build templates in it for awhile now. Under the stipulation that they be removed once ANet releases their own version. The creator of arcdps has stated that he will comply and arcdps will no longer have build templates once the official ones go live in about a month.

    2. Arcdps allowed for practically unlimited number of builds (there is a limit I believe, but it's high enough to not matter)

    3. From what I understand arcdps handles some parts of the swapping in a better way than ANet's based on what is known. I believe related around the legendary sigils and runes.

    4. The starting base number you get for build and equipment storage is low for those who would actually be using this feature from what I've seen people say.


    Just one or maybe 2 of the above were there, maybe people wouldn't be this upset. But all of them and people are understandably upset at this change.

  7. > @"GWMO.4785" said:

    > quick question in regarding to the slots. Given arcdps is approved by ANet, even tho they prefer not to. Does this even matter? I mean lets be honest most of us uses the third party app, which on its own can/does have build templates add-on. Does having limited slots in the actual one ingame even matter?


    Arcdps was only allowed to have build templates until ANet released their own official ones. The creator of arcdps will be removing the build templates from arcdps when the official ANet build templates goes live in game.

  8. > @"Wakani.1829" said:

    > > @"Crystal.8051" said:

    > >Do something like adding it to the achieve total rewards and if your so high you unlock so many automatically. Or based on years of gameplay.

    > >


    > Now that is actually a solid solution aswell. 10k+ points netting you a free slot every few thousand AP you earn after that, retroactively added ofc

    > (im personally just passing 8.5k btw, so theres no instant gain bias here for those that may be thinking that).




    Adding a few to the account birthday gifts, would be another way. Gives a boost to players who have played for years but don't chase down the AP.


    Like maybe additional template and storage every 3-5 years.


    I do like the idea of those with HoT and PoF getting at least 1 extra per expansion pack.


    Or at least make them character specific and not account specific. Then it becomes 3 base per character. Which is a lot better than 3 base per account. Especially for altaholics who play many of those alts.

  9. > @"Hawken.7932" said:

    > I think the feature, as presented, looks pretty good.

    > Those complaining about the paid slots - let's get real. We're playing a free-to-play game, and I would expect this kind of thing in all features of the game going forward. The equipment templates part of this with free up huge bag space for many people, which will certainly cannibalize their "bag slot" gem sales, so it stands to reason they need to replace this revenue stream at least somewhat.

    > That's not to say that I particularly like that there is no subscription option in GW2 to remove all this kitten - I would much prefer that that there was - but given that the MMO genre has ended up in this free-to-play mess, at least I find this feature to be reasonably implemented.


    This is a buy to play game. ANet lets players have a very long extended free trial of the game.


    They let arcdps have build templates for a while now. They didn't communicate with players to figure out what a good starting amount would be for free templates and instead made it relatively small. So players got used to using a lot of templates and the ability to just make a new one to try out a new build for kicks, but be able to go back to their main build when it's time to do something important.


    Now ANet's come in and said, you'll only get this small number for free, but after that you'll have to pay.


    And it's even more of an issue because GW1's templates you could have as many as your hard drive could store. For free.


    So yes, players are mad and honestly ANet should have anticipated it and reached out to players to figure out the average number of builds per character people had. So that their initial limits at least were close to if not at average number.

  10. Some questions that I've thought of:


    1. Is the low limits for starting templates and storage a way to prevent bugs from really crippling a player's account? If there are no major bugs or once the major bugs are worked out, are there plans to increase the starting amounts?

    2. What is the maximum number of slots allowed? IE: if I had unlimited gems, how many total build templates and equipment templates and storage slots can I purchase?

    3. If I put a legendary weapon into an equipment template, would I be able to use that legendary on any character that can use that weapon or would I have to take it out of the equipment template first? Example: I have two characters who use Scepters, Chymea and Sollemnis Pyrestorm. I have 1 Meteorlogicus. If I create an equipment template for Chymea that uses Meteorlogicus, can I do the same for Sollemnis? Or would I need a second Meteorlogicus to do that?

  11. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > > > > > However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You do realize that ANet intended for legendary gear to only have QoL/cosmetic benefits and not be more powerful than the next lower tier, right? So your suggestion and the OP's goes against ANets intentions for legendary gear.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > They wanted the items you had to grind for ages to get be something optional. So that players didn't have to spend months grinding in order to get top gear to join in with the end game content.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yes, I necessarily realize that they're contrary to their core philosophy - I'm specifically saying that clinging to the same philosophy for as long as they have may have had unintended consequences. The gear ceiling in GW2 is easy to hit. Even if you just play PvE and all of its faceroll content you can get them with ease. If you play the other game modes in addition, then it's 2-3 fold easier since you can use all of those mode-specific currencies to acquire ascended.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I have 18 characters, each with a full set of ascended and 2-3 of them have an extra set sitting in their inventory. Some have legendary weapons. But none have legendary armor. I stopped at 57ish legendary insights and am always on the fence about whether or not I want to continue on them since all my ascended is just as good. Mystic forge stat swapping is barely an inconvenience if I want to do a different build. At this point I'd only want them for their cosmetics, but the more I think about it I lose more and more interest in them.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What's the point? Why get legendary beyond its appearance or QoL? There is none.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > This proposal would make those items required as it would make them meta.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And that's a problem why exactly? Because of this?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > The day your or the OP's suggestion is put in is the day I uninstall and never play again. I do not want to have to grind to get legendary gear for all of my characters. I doubt I'm the only one who would.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > I barely tolerate the very very very very little WvW that I have to do to get the legendary weapons. But I do it slowly via the dailies and on days that I feel like it because I don't need the legendary for anything. I can shelve working on my legendary to gear a character out in Ascended if I felt like it. And not be hurt.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If people are worried about bullying and absurd gear checks, I don't see that as being relevant here. If anything, people post trophies from raid bosses as "kill proof" to show them they've done the bosses before. As I mentioned, raids can be done in gear as common as blues if you're worried that community standards will fall, that's on the community for deciding to go a certain way.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > ---------------

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Let me level with you. I'm just a player sitting at the edge of every release because that's about all I can do. Between new content in PvE and whatever farming I do I'm just in WvW or PvP. But I play everything. Every game mode, and let me just say there's not a whole lot to work on, so I welcome a goal. I welcome something to chase after. Most of the things I see right now don't move me in any capacity. So I'm just here waiting for new things to do, new content, new _anything_ really. I don't see much in the way of longterms goals that mean anything and that's my problem here - in addition with the game simply being too easy.

    > > > >

    > > > > 1. I don't raid. I don't have the attention span to really learn a rotation. I should mention that I main an Elementalist. I'm just fine with not getting legendary armor due to this as I believe that raids should have some reward that is appropriately better given their difficulty compared to other content in the game. I also didn't bring up raids at all, so not sure why you're making it a point to mention to me that they can be done in blues like I missed it the first time.

    > > >

    > > > My point for bringing up raids in the specific way that I did was solely to showcase how completely trivial the gear tiering in this game is in the first place. I understand you don't raid, but I also haven't set foot there in about a 6 months. It's less about the content of raids and more about how frustratingly unimpactful gear is anyway. And a change like OP's change would be exciting. I understand it would necessarily raise a bar, but it's something I'd be interested in.

    > > >

    > > > > 2. I have no problems getting into groups when I choose to do so. I stay out of the ones that look like they are looking for the pros or are trying to speedrun. And ask if it's not clear. And I start my own if I can't find one and don't want to wait for someone to start one. I think people PUGing have every right to have requirements for who joins them. Even if they are ridiculous and super specific. I don't think there is a huge bullying problem with PUG's.

    > > >

    > > > Precisely. Guild Wars 2 is typically free from those same elitist nonsense and I don't understand someone's argument that it would change just because of the OP's idea.

    > > >

    > > > > 3. I have come to realize that in most games that don't have a definite "win" point that I need a long term goal to work on while I play what I want or directly to get it. This goal needs to not be something that's part of the meta as I like to run meta as it increases the pool of groups I can join. I like that I can decide that I want to work towards gearing up a new character in ascended without feeling like I'm hurting the character I'm getting the legendary gear for.

    > > >

    > > > And I'm glad that you've found something that works for you! I just don't think the idea here forces anyone to do something.

    > > >

    > > > > 4. I do get that you need a goal that's not just a small carrot, but it would turn me off of the game if there were no long term small carrot goals like what legendary gear currently is.

    > > >

    > > > I simply don't understand why the carrot would necessarily disappear in this scenario. If anything it's just an... improved carrot? It's the same one you were going for before, but just _better_.

    > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > I do hope you find a goal that works for you, but hope that you also realize that for many of us that this is the only game out there where the long term goals are cosmetic and QoL based and not with it being fully gearing out our characters in max tier gear.

    > > >

    > > > And I just hope to point out that for a significant amount of people, my mentality around this and the other points I brought up are of significant concern. Cosmetics will simply come to me over the course of my, or anyone else's, playtime. To me, I'm in it for the cosmetic, the efficacy, the everything. There is no need to distinguish between them to me.

    > >

    > > I don't want my long term goal to be gear that is the best in the game stat wise. Making the carrot the best gear in the game stat wise just turns me off. I don't want it to take months if not years to fully gear out a single character in the best gear stat wise. I may one day decide that I do want to put forth the time and effort into learning rotations to try raids. I get that they can be in blues, but that's not something someone learning should try. Someone still mastering the content should play in the best stat gear until it's easy and then go down to the next lowest tier and so forth. I don't want to be years away from being able to do that including time playing the content that I would need to do in order to get that way. Especially if they started designing the game overall around that being top tier.

    > >

    > > I say months/years because I do not buy my legendary gear or any precursors and I'm casual. I buy my way past the steps that require WvW and PvP that can be bought - Memories of Battle, Shards of Glory (the PvP equivalent to Memories of Battle if that's not their name). To get the Gift of Battle I do now have to go in and do WvW and I do the PvE dailies - Big Spender, Capture a Shrine, etc that have the lowest chances of me finding anyone - so I don't tend to do Vet slayer. And I did actually map complete in WvW a couple of times back when that was required to get Gift of Exploration. I have made 1 legendary weapon. I've been playing since launch. I'm working on my second currently.


    > So, if the recommendation for newer players to raids is ascended/exotic quality gear, there's very much a place for gear as it pads your chances to win the encounter, this much we agree on. If it has this kind of effect, one can assume that OP's idea would help even further.


    > Just so I know, can you define "casual" in the way you see it? I've been around since launch as well and if it helps at all, I've got somewhere in the vicinity of 5.6 k hours played. However, I would hazard a guess that as another longtime player you know a great deal of the mechanics in the game and probably don't struggle with combat to the capacity I described in a previous post.


    > Do you go into WvW by yourself though? It's often much easier to get the other dailies with even 1 more person. I'd rather not digress much on this point, but I'm just curious.


    Casual as in I only have 1,647 hours played over the last 7 years. I'll play for several hours a day for a few days/weeks. Then go months without playing the game at all except maybe to log in to unlock the living story chapter or collect my daily login reward. I know of the mechanics. I don't necessarily know how to execute it. Like I know breaking break bars would have made Eater of Souls so much easier. Couldn't do it the one time I did it back before they nerfed him, so had to kill him the long way as I couldn't prevent his attacks. Haven't played that mission since. Sad they nerfed him, though. I won't get as huge of a rush if I one day manage to beat him easily because part of me will be like "it's just because they nerfed him, not because you got better".


    I mostly run around core Tyria doing map completion or running characters through the personal story, starting with the core game story. Unfortunately, the open world and core game story doesn't do much if anything to teach mechanics. And by the time a new player has reached HoT content, bad habits have been set. It's why HoT faced such a backlash because suddenly you had to use game mechanics in open world. They do need to do a better job of teaching mechanics. It would let them increase the difficulty without facing the same backlash. Which would likely help at least to some degree with the lack of goals if the difficulty was allowed to increase enough over the course of the missions to where it was actually difficult for you but not impossible.


    I go into WvW alone. My friends that I joined in with GW2 have left for other games and had switched servers mostly anyway. Very introverted and shy so it makes it hard to do things which require actually playing _with_ someone and just alongside them. And it's not so much the difficulty as it is the anxiety that keeps me from playing. Which I do realize is a bit of a catch 22. If I learned how to play, I wouldn't be so anxious which would increase my fun in the game mode. I did have to some extent play the mode when the game first launched for map completion and I did find the mode more interesting than I had originally anticipated. Just not fun enough to get over the anxiety of the mode.

  12. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > > > However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.

    > > > >

    > > > > You do realize that ANet intended for legendary gear to only have QoL/cosmetic benefits and not be more powerful than the next lower tier, right? So your suggestion and the OP's goes against ANets intentions for legendary gear.

    > > > >

    > > > > They wanted the items you had to grind for ages to get be something optional. So that players didn't have to spend months grinding in order to get top gear to join in with the end game content.

    > > >

    > > > Yes, I necessarily realize that they're contrary to their core philosophy - I'm specifically saying that clinging to the same philosophy for as long as they have may have had unintended consequences. The gear ceiling in GW2 is easy to hit. Even if you just play PvE and all of its faceroll content you can get them with ease. If you play the other game modes in addition, then it's 2-3 fold easier since you can use all of those mode-specific currencies to acquire ascended.

    > > >

    > > > I have 18 characters, each with a full set of ascended and 2-3 of them have an extra set sitting in their inventory. Some have legendary weapons. But none have legendary armor. I stopped at 57ish legendary insights and am always on the fence about whether or not I want to continue on them since all my ascended is just as good. Mystic forge stat swapping is barely an inconvenience if I want to do a different build. At this point I'd only want them for their cosmetics, but the more I think about it I lose more and more interest in them.

    > > >

    > > > What's the point? Why get legendary beyond its appearance or QoL? There is none.

    > > >

    > > > > This proposal would make those items required as it would make them meta.

    > > >

    > > > And that's a problem why exactly? Because of this?

    > > >

    > > > > The day your or the OP's suggestion is put in is the day I uninstall and never play again. I do not want to have to grind to get legendary gear for all of my characters. I doubt I'm the only one who would.

    > > >

    > > > > I barely tolerate the very very very very little WvW that I have to do to get the legendary weapons. But I do it slowly via the dailies and on days that I feel like it because I don't need the legendary for anything. I can shelve working on my legendary to gear a character out in Ascended if I felt like it. And not be hurt.

    > > >

    > > > If people are worried about bullying and absurd gear checks, I don't see that as being relevant here. If anything, people post trophies from raid bosses as "kill proof" to show them they've done the bosses before. As I mentioned, raids can be done in gear as common as blues if you're worried that community standards will fall, that's on the community for deciding to go a certain way.

    > > >

    > > > ---------------

    > > >

    > > > Let me level with you. I'm just a player sitting at the edge of every release because that's about all I can do. Between new content in PvE and whatever farming I do I'm just in WvW or PvP. But I play everything. Every game mode, and let me just say there's not a whole lot to work on, so I welcome a goal. I welcome something to chase after. Most of the things I see right now don't move me in any capacity. So I'm just here waiting for new things to do, new content, new _anything_ really. I don't see much in the way of longterms goals that mean anything and that's my problem here - in addition with the game simply being too easy.

    > >

    > > 1. I don't raid. I don't have the attention span to really learn a rotation. I should mention that I main an Elementalist. I'm just fine with not getting legendary armor due to this as I believe that raids should have some reward that is appropriately better given their difficulty compared to other content in the game. I also didn't bring up raids at all, so not sure why you're making it a point to mention to me that they can be done in blues like I missed it the first time.


    > My point for bringing up raids in the specific way that I did was solely to showcase how completely trivial the gear tiering in this game is in the first place. I understand you don't raid, but I also haven't set foot there in about a 6 months. It's less about the content of raids and more about how frustratingly unimpactful gear is anyway. And a change like OP's change would be exciting. I understand it would necessarily raise a bar, but it's something I'd be interested in.


    > > 2. I have no problems getting into groups when I choose to do so. I stay out of the ones that look like they are looking for the pros or are trying to speedrun. And ask if it's not clear. And I start my own if I can't find one and don't want to wait for someone to start one. I think people PUGing have every right to have requirements for who joins them. Even if they are ridiculous and super specific. I don't think there is a huge bullying problem with PUG's.


    > Precisely. Guild Wars 2 is typically free from those same elitist nonsense and I don't understand someone's argument that it would change just because of the OP's idea.


    > > 3. I have come to realize that in most games that don't have a definite "win" point that I need a long term goal to work on while I play what I want or directly to get it. This goal needs to not be something that's part of the meta as I like to run meta as it increases the pool of groups I can join. I like that I can decide that I want to work towards gearing up a new character in ascended without feeling like I'm hurting the character I'm getting the legendary gear for.


    > And I'm glad that you've found something that works for you! I just don't think the idea here forces anyone to do something.


    > > 4. I do get that you need a goal that's not just a small carrot, but it would turn me off of the game if there were no long term small carrot goals like what legendary gear currently is.


    > I simply don't understand why the carrot would necessarily disappear in this scenario. If anything it's just an... improved carrot? It's the same one you were going for before, but just _better_.


    > >

    > > I do hope you find a goal that works for you, but hope that you also realize that for many of us that this is the only game out there where the long term goals are cosmetic and QoL based and not with it being fully gearing out our characters in max tier gear.


    > And I just hope to point out that for a significant amount of people, my mentality around this and the other points I brought up are of significant concern. Cosmetics will simply come to me over the course of my, or anyone else's, playtime. To me, I'm in it for the cosmetic, the efficacy, the everything. There is no need to distinguish between them to me.


    I don't want my long term goal to be gear that is the best in the game stat wise. Making the carrot the best gear in the game stat wise just turns me off. I don't want it to take months if not years to fully gear out a single character in the best gear stat wise. I may one day decide that I do want to put forth the time and effort into learning rotations to try raids. I get that they can be in blues, but that's not something someone learning should try. Someone still mastering the content should play in the best stat gear until it's easy and then go down to the next lowest tier and so forth. I don't want to be years away from being able to do that including time playing the content that I would need to do in order to get that way. Especially if they started designing the game overall around that being top tier.


    I say months/years because I do not buy my legendary gear or any precursors and I'm casual. I buy my way past the steps that require WvW and PvP that can be bought - Memories of Battle, Shards of Glory (the PvP equivalent to Memories of Battle if that's not their name). To get the Gift of Battle I do now have to go in and do WvW and I do the PvE dailies - Big Spender, Capture a Shrine, etc that have the lowest chances of me finding anyone - so I don't tend to do Vet slayer. And I did actually map complete in WvW a couple of times back when that was required to get Gift of Exploration. I have made 1 legendary weapon. I've been playing since launch. I'm working on my second currently.

  13. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.

    > >

    > > You do realize that ANet intended for legendary gear to only have QoL/cosmetic benefits and not be more powerful than the next lower tier, right? So your suggestion and the OP's goes against ANets intentions for legendary gear.

    > >

    > > They wanted the items you had to grind for ages to get be something optional. So that players didn't have to spend months grinding in order to get top gear to join in with the end game content.


    > Yes, I necessarily realize that they're contrary to their core philosophy - I'm specifically saying that clinging to the same philosophy for as long as they have may have had unintended consequences. The gear ceiling in GW2 is easy to hit. Even if you just play PvE and all of its faceroll content you can get them with ease. If you play the other game modes in addition, then it's 2-3 fold easier since you can use all of those mode-specific currencies to acquire ascended.


    > I have 18 characters, each with a full set of ascended and 2-3 of them have an extra set sitting in their inventory. Some have legendary weapons. But none have legendary armor. I stopped at 57ish legendary insights and am always on the fence about whether or not I want to continue on them since all my ascended is just as good. Mystic forge stat swapping is barely an inconvenience if I want to do a different build. At this point I'd only want them for their cosmetics, but the more I think about it I lose more and more interest in them.


    > What's the point? Why get legendary beyond its appearance or QoL? There is none.


    > > This proposal would make those items required as it would make them meta.


    > And that's a problem why exactly? Because of this?


    > > The day your or the OP's suggestion is put in is the day I uninstall and never play again. I do not want to have to grind to get legendary gear for all of my characters. I doubt I'm the only one who would.


    > > I barely tolerate the very very very very little WvW that I have to do to get the legendary weapons. But I do it slowly via the dailies and on days that I feel like it because I don't need the legendary for anything. I can shelve working on my legendary to gear a character out in Ascended if I felt like it. And not be hurt.


    > If people are worried about bullying and absurd gear checks, I don't see that as being relevant here. If anything, people post trophies from raid bosses as "kill proof" to show them they've done the bosses before. As I mentioned, raids can be done in gear as common as blues if you're worried that community standards will fall, that's on the community for deciding to go a certain way.


    > ---------------


    > Let me level with you. I'm just a player sitting at the edge of every release because that's about all I can do. Between new content in PvE and whatever farming I do I'm just in WvW or PvP. But I play everything. Every game mode, and let me just say there's not a whole lot to work on, so I welcome a goal. I welcome something to chase after. Most of the things I see right now don't move me in any capacity. So I'm just here waiting for new things to do, new content, new _anything_ really. I don't see much in the way of longterms goals that mean anything and that's my problem here - in addition with the game simply being too easy.


    1. I don't raid. I don't have the attention span to really learn a rotation. I should mention that I main an Elementalist. I'm just fine with not getting legendary armor due to this as I believe that raids should have some reward that is appropriately better given their difficulty compared to other content in the game. I also didn't bring up raids at all, so not sure why you're making it a point to mention to me that they can be done in blues like I missed it the first time.

    2. I have no problems getting into groups when I choose to do so. I stay out of the ones that look like they are looking for the pros or are trying to speedrun. And ask if it's not clear. And I start my own if I can't find one and don't want to wait for someone to start one. I think people PUGing have every right to have requirements for who joins them. Even if they are ridiculous and super specific. I don't think there is a huge bullying problem with PUG's.

    3. I have come to realize that in most games that don't have a definite "win" point that I need a long term goal to work on while I play what I want or directly to get it. This goal needs to not be something that's part of the meta as I like to run meta as it increases the pool of groups I can join. I like that I can decide that I want to work towards gearing up a new character in ascended without feeling like I'm hurting the character I'm getting the legendary gear for.

    4. I do get that you need a goal that's not just a small carrot, but it would turn me off of the game if there were no long term small carrot goals like what legendary gear currently is.


    I do hope you find a goal that works for you, but hope that you also realize that for many of us that this is the only game out there where the long term goals are cosmetic and QoL based and not with it being fully gearing out our characters in max tier gear.

  14. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Aaron Forestman.4758" said:

    > > I think it would be nice to at least have a warning when depositing over 500 gold in a guild bank that you won't be able to get it back right away.


    > A warning like that sounds fair!


    > For sequestering gold - there's no limit to withdrawing from the Trading Post, right?

    > A buy order of 30 Eternity @ 100 g each stashes away 3000 g for instant retrieval (as I understand it) with absolutely *no* risk of the order being filled.


    And if it is, then you can turn around and sell it for a huge profit if you didn't want it or a huge bargain if you did!

  15. > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > However, my stance that legendaries should be powerful is solely based on the fact that there's no reason to get them outside of what was stated: they offer no benefit other than QoL, and to me, that's not special. Yes, I do play multiple builds on multiple characters. What's legendary about them? Legendary aesthetics? OK, it's a good start, but it hasn't been enough.


    You do realize that ANet intended for legendary gear to only have QoL/cosmetic benefits and not be more powerful than the next lower tier, right? So your suggestion and the OP's goes against ANets intentions for legendary gear.


    They wanted the items you had to grind for ages to get be something optional. So that players didn't have to spend months grinding in order to get top gear to join in with the end game content.


    This proposal would make those items required as it would make them meta.


    The day your or the OP's suggestion is put in is the day I uninstall and never play again. I do not want to have to grind to get legendary gear for all of my characters. I doubt I'm the only one who would.


    I barely tolerate the very very very very little WvW that I have to do to get the legendary weapons. But I do it slowly via the dailies and on days that I feel like it because I don't need the legendary for anything. I can shelve working on my legendary to gear a character out in Ascended if I felt like it. And not be hurt.

  16. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > The free for all on armour weights has been suggested for most the game's lifespan. Not sure if there has ever been an official response to it mind you - I'm sure someone with all the dev quotes handily bookmarked will confirm if one exists


    There has. I am unfortunately not one of those who bookmarks dev quotes so I can't post one and many of those quotes may be on the since deleted original forums as this has come up many times before.


    The short answer is that it is not possible to do while maintaining current quality levels.


    The long answer is each armor weight class has a different mesh. The meshes are designed to work well with the other meshes of its weight class. So heavy shoulders look good on heavy chest armors. The meshes do not work well with meshes of other weight classes. A light shoulder piece may sink into a heavy cheat armor. There would be a LOT of clipping issues beyond what's already present. Especially at places where meshes meet. Like chest pieces and legs.


    There have been too many armor pieces created using the current system for there to be a removal of the armor weight classes.

  17. > @"WolfSparkSmack.2649" said:

    > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > > @"WolfSparkSmack.2649" said:

    > > > > @"Wisty.4135" said:

    > > > > Legendary weapons already have the footfall effects and draw, carry and sometimes attack animations and sounds. Many of them are pretty obnoxious (quip and dreamer come to mind). I'm uncertain of what addition effects could be put on them without making a visual disaster.

    > > > >

    > > > > But I'm curious - what would you change or add specifically to give legendaries "more value" - and are there any legendaries you're referring to specifically?

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"WolfSparkSmack.2649" said:

    > > > > > Maybe not everybody will like it but... What if each different legendary weapon has a specific bonus/passive/proc effect or anything of that sort to fit with the theme of the weapon and the lore behind it nothing to op . Its just to make Legendary weapons meaningful.

    > > > >

    > > > > Or, do you mean to add a stat bonus of some sort to the legendaries as equipped? Because I could see that being.... Slightly unfair in WvW, say, but ultimately inconsequential in all but the highest form of PVE content.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > You may got me wrong... I mean something that actually makes difference (not visuals) but rather any kind of bonus ofc not too OP but something to cover up for the 2k gold you spend on compare to many high quality exclusive skins and black lion which are less than 200g most of them, so what they are practically giving us is footsteps and draw effect for another 1500g? i mean come on why bite the bait? :D just saying. Extra combo field now and then, some boon proc, passive regeneration resource,... i mean we can go on and on easy ideas for this that will make the legendary weapon - LEGENDARY

    > >

    > > This would also make legendary weapon meta, which means that players in fractals/raids starts to Ask ppl to ping legendaries. Dont belive me? We just got a new food that increase dps by 150 and its already meta.


    > Anything bad about that?




    Legendary weapons and gear already have a cost that greatly exceeds exotic or ascended gear.


    Increasing the demand due to making them meta would increase those costs and the cost of the base materials likely exponentially.


    Think Mystic Coins are too expensive now? Wait until players need to buy them to get their mystic clovers quicker so that they can get their legendaries.


    Legendary gear should remain as just QoL improvements and cosmetic differences from ascended gear.

  18. > @"WolfSparkSmack.2649" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > I say no for only reason:

    > >

    > > Legendary weapons/armor/etc are meant to be the same as Ascended except for the QOL of being able to change the stats at will when out of combat for free. They're not meant to be better than Ascended gear because it's supposed to be something that players can feel just fine in not going for it.

    > >

    > > If legendary items get these boosts, then the Ascended gear would need to get the same boosts in order to not make it a requirement to get legendary weapons to be meta.


    > And why not, have some sense of progression its not like they are adding new level cap every year. I mean we do 1 month and full maxed in this game vs never ending farm in other games, you know there could be a middle between right... There is a reason Fashion wars meme exist :D


    Let's say one of the boosts for the legendary staff is a buff to healing. Then the meta for healers because "Druid with legendary staff with the healing buff"


    That makes the legendary no longer optional. It makes it mandatory.


    Your suggestion has nothing to do with fashion wars. Fashion wars would be adding stuff to legendary items that change the appearance or create an aura. That I could get behind. It's just visual additions.


    But nothing that could make a specific legendary item become part of the meta.

  19. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > > Strike Missions is a prime example of this in action. I want 10 man casual dungeons with good mechanics but not Raid difficulty because I don't want to have to rely on dedicated Raid Guilds and the drama that comes with that. I had fun in the recent strike mission just would like better boss fights in general and some dungeon mobs and it's good for me.


    > The problem is the Strike Mission we got is not 10 man content and lacks any mechanics. It's less challenging even than dungeons/T1 fractals, or Freezie from Wintersday. That's just bad


    Unless they have each strike mission become a little bit harder than the previous one.


    Then it becomes a good way to get people into raids who don't just want to jump into the deep end.

  20. I say no for only reason:


    Legendary weapons/armor/etc are meant to be the same as Ascended except for the QOL of being able to change the stats at will when out of combat for free. They're not meant to be better than Ascended gear because it's supposed to be something that players can feel just fine in not going for it.


    If legendary items get these boosts, then the Ascended gear would need to get the same boosts in order to not make it a requirement to get legendary weapons to be meta.

  21. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > This threat is already showing one of my fears. Mounts making people lazy and expecting to always have them available anywhere and everywhere.

    > What happened to your sense of adventure? Why do you desperately need to race through content? Enjoy the scenery for a change


    Maybe they want to experience the metas and do the story while there are still a lot of people around.


    Maybe they just want to experience the story on the first character and will enjoy the scenery on a future character they bring through.


    And maybe, just maybe, one can ride a mount and enjoy the scenery at the same time.


    I can use my mounts to see how far up a mountain I can get. If you lock away mounts, there goes that sense of adventure.

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