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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > The problem is ANet has no way to know that you are indeed his parent.


    > ANet has no way of knowing anything. You could be the Cookie Monster that's contacting support with the login information provided by the account owner. That's no valid point to refuse assistance. I could contact support and claim I was the Pope - they'd still have to help me as they cannot validate my identity anyway.


    > > @"xaviyago.7924" said:

    > > Appeared to be a mix up on the customer support side and I was able to assist my son.


    > Next time, just don't say who you are and simply request support. It's not like you need to provide fingerprints or a webcam shot to prove you are the rightful owner of the account. Having all the account data required is enough, just state your business and request help. Any additional information about your identity and family relations is irrelevant.


    Not sure what any of your examples have to do with the OP's case.


    Neither Cookie Monster or the Pope are relationships to an account (owner, parents of owner, etc).


    Because I assume that if someone claims they are owner or parent of owner that ANet has a series of things that the person must check off in order to verify they are who they claim to be in order to provide assistance. But ANet doesn't care what your legal name is or your profession with regards to giving assistance.

  2. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > Got to the 35% mark and there appears to be a large file that the game is downloading at this point. Like over 3 GB. My MB is growing for amount downloaed, but the number of files remaining isn't changing.


    > The largest file is only around 100 MB. A situation like this happens when the file it downloads isn't what it expected, so it tries to download it over and over. The same will happen if it can't download the file at all, except the speed will drop to 0. You can use the -log option if you want to see which file it is (let it run for a minute, then exit - find Gw2.log under %appdata%/Guild Wars 2).


    I did restart the launcher and it was downloading files. So it does not appear like I'm affected by the issue. Since I was not running it with the -log option I unfortunately did not catch which file it is that's caused the problem. And as it took about 2.5 hours for this laptop to reach the 35% mark and CPU running at 100% the entire time pretty much, I'm not inclined to repeat the test. However, those of you running into this issue should do this to see if the file getting stuck on is the same.


    People should keep in mind that if you close the launcher while patching it won't uninstall the files it already downloaded. You'll just start from where you left off, but the launcher will treat it as if it's that's the entire patch.


    When I first launched the patcher on my laptop the playable mark was somewhere around the 25% mark. It had obviously passed this at the 35% mark where it started having problems. I closed the launcher and reloaded it to see if it would hang again and the playable mark was at 0%.


    The laptop is Windows 7.

  3. Posting an intermediary here before I forget.


    Got to the 35% mark and there appears to be a large file that the game is downloading at this point. Like over 3 GB. My MB is growing for amount downloaed, but the number of files remaining isn't changing.


    So those of you affected are you looking at the MB downloaded section at all? Is it growing?


    Files remaining when it hits this large file: 343,944. And if the .dat file doesn't change until a file has been fully downloaded, I've been downloading it for 30 minutes at mostly 2 MB/sec. Occasionally will dip down to the KB/sec and sometimes will even hit 0 for a second or two.

  4. > @"EQOAnostalgia.4106" said:

    > It's not very select at all... most people who play, already have it downloaded, this is effecting a large portion of those who don't. It will get louder around here given enough time, but my hope is that it's NOT given enough time lol. I expect a fix soon. Meanwhile... it's annoying but what can you do other than submit a ticket?


    How do you know? The players who have successfully installed the game recently aren't likely to post that their install was successful.


    I have a second computer and I'm downloading the game. I will let you know how it goes. But it's going to take time so I will edit or post a new response depending of if any replies have been posted.

  5. > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

    > I'm not so much worried about people selling names. Imagine someone snatching names like 'Nike', 'Teapot' or 'Gaile Gray' after they were made available


    That wouldn't happen unless ANet purges names and the players behind those names fell into the category of "you lose your characters' names" or if they decided to delete/rename the character and didn't remake/name another character it within 24 hours or before someone else took the name beyond that 24 hours. Whether they deleted/renamed because they were selling/giving a character away or they were tired of the character/name is beyond the point.


    And I'd suspect that former highly known ANet employees would not be included the list of accounts whose names would be purged.


    I'd make sure that the player understood (or at least claimed to) that they were pretty much buying a chance at the name, but they would know when it would become available so they would have the best chance at it and would recommend they make a random character to claim the name before actually making the character to go with the name.


    I don't agree with name purges because some people choose their names specifically for the character they are making and a Sara would be different from a Sarah despite the same pronunciation. Or a name might have sentimental value for them. But I'm totally fine with players asking for something when other players ask them to give up a name.

  6. > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

    > Sounds like a great way to abuse identities for personal gain imo.


    For most of my names it likely wouldn't take more than a few gold and a name change contract. And I don't have characters with names that many people would want - at least that wouldn't be used. My key runner is named Seera Key for instance. It's my only "non-used" character that I have. I have plans for my other characters. So it's not like I'm hoarding names in hopes people message me for them. And I would say that hoarding names for that purpose is rude and should not be done.


    Only my main character would it require things like legendary weapons to get me to agree.

  7. > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > > One thing I've not seen suggested is to try contacting the person who has the name you want. I know there's an assumption here that all the "good" names are always taken by people who stopped playing years ago, but as far as I'm aware there's no way to know for sure and if they do still play there's a chance you'd be able to get it.

    > > > >

    > > > > This is dependant on them having the same attitude as the OP that it's just a name and doesn't matter and if someone else wants it they're entitled to claim it, but these topics come up often enough that it's obviously not a unique perspective. It couldn't hurt to ask, and offer to buy them a name change contract if they need one.

    > > > >

    > > > > Admittedly I wouldn't give up any of my permanent characters names (but I could tell you all the variations I considered which were also available) but if it was a temporary character I'd let you have it. And for some reason it's more often those characters where my first choice was taken and I had to change it. I'm not sure if that's because I spend less time thinking about it and so end up with something less creative, or when I'm taking it seriously I think of different names to most people, but I assume that means it's my temporary ones which are most likely to be in demand by other people.

    > > >

    > > > I know it's all with good intentions, and the last person I want to disagree here is you.

    > > > You've been the kindest, most respectful person, I know in these forums.

    > > >

    > > > But I think that request would come across to most people as extremely rude and inappropriate.

    > > >

    > > > In my case, I play often, again, now.

    > > > But I stopped playing some time ago for several years due to unfortunate circumstances.

    > > > I wouldn't take it well at all some cheeky buggar contacting me to request me to give up my character's name.

    > > >

    > > > At best, my kindest answer would be... use your own god darn imagination mate.

    > > > At worse, in a bad day, I'd tell him to f right off.

    > > >

    > > > But hey, my good friend.

    > > > Each to their own.

    > >

    > > I wouldn't say a request for a name would be rude by itself.

    > >

    > > If a person politely asked for the name of one of my characters that's not my name and was willing to pay for the name change contract I'd at least consider it. Such as "I was making a character and [name] really screamed at me that that was her name and she is adament that it is spelled the way you have her name. What would it take for you to release that name for me to try to get?"

    > >

    > > Depending on the name, I'd probably even ask what would they be willing to give me for the name (aka what's the name worth to them). Whether or not I collect all or a portion of that would depend on what they say and any conversation we'd had up to that point.

    > >

    > > I'd have to be given a few legendary weapons (possibly even including Eternity) and a name change contract before I'd even consider changing my main's name. And that's just to consider. I wouldn't be able to guarantee it. They'd also have to have a really good reason for wanting that name.

    > >

    > > Now if they sent me a message saying "Give me the name", then that's rude and I'd say no and they would find it impossible to reach the minimum amount I'd want to release the name for them to try for.


    > Well.

    > Here's a person who can take advantage of a situation to go in their favour.

    > If a few legendaries are up for grabs, well, that's a whole different cattle.


    > You do have a point.

    > Can't really argue with that. Do you work in business marketing?

    > Or are you just really good at negotiating?


    I don't work in business marketing. Haven't really done much negotiating so can't say how effective I am. I just now that very very very little doesn't have a price and I'd imagine there's no name for a character in an online game that doesn't have a price. The price may just be too much for most if not all players.


    My main is the only one I'd need things of high value to give up the name. I don't RP and I don't have elaborate back stories. My main is just my first character I created back in 2012 when the game launched and has sentimental value attached to it.


    Xar is right that at the end of the day a name is just a name and if someone is desperate enough for a specific name for their character to message a random player hoping they still play, I'm not opposed to changing.

  8. > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > One thing I've not seen suggested is to try contacting the person who has the name you want. I know there's an assumption here that all the "good" names are always taken by people who stopped playing years ago, but as far as I'm aware there's no way to know for sure and if they do still play there's a chance you'd be able to get it.

    > >

    > > This is dependant on them having the same attitude as the OP that it's just a name and doesn't matter and if someone else wants it they're entitled to claim it, but these topics come up often enough that it's obviously not a unique perspective. It couldn't hurt to ask, and offer to buy them a name change contract if they need one.

    > >

    > > Admittedly I wouldn't give up any of my permanent characters names (but I could tell you all the variations I considered which were also available) but if it was a temporary character I'd let you have it. And for some reason it's more often those characters where my first choice was taken and I had to change it. I'm not sure if that's because I spend less time thinking about it and so end up with something less creative, or when I'm taking it seriously I think of different names to most people, but I assume that means it's my temporary ones which are most likely to be in demand by other people.


    > I know it's all with good intentions, and the last person I want to disagree here is you.

    > You've been the kindest, most respectful person, I know in these forums.


    > But I think that request would come across to most people as extremely rude and inappropriate.


    > In my case, I play often, again, now.

    > But I stopped playing some time ago for several years due to unfortunate circumstances.

    > I wouldn't take it well at all some cheeky buggar contacting me to request me to give up my character's name.


    > At best, my kindest answer would be... use your own god darn imagination mate.

    > At worse, in a bad day, I'd tell him to f right off.


    > But hey, my good friend.

    > Each to their own.


    I wouldn't say a request for a name would be rude by itself.


    If a person politely asked for the name of one of my characters that's not my name and was willing to pay for the name change contract I'd at least consider it. Such as "I was making a character and [name] really screamed at me that that was her name and she is adament that it is spelled the way you have her name. What would it take for you to release that name for me to try to get?"


    Depending on the name, I'd probably even ask what would they be willing to give me for the name (aka what's the name worth to them). Whether or not I collect all or a portion of that would depend on what they say and any conversation we'd had up to that point.


    I'd have to be given a few legendary weapons (possibly even including Eternity) and a name change contract before I'd even consider changing my main's name. And that's just to consider. I wouldn't be able to guarantee it. They'd also have to have a really good reason for wanting that name.


    Now if they sent me a message saying "Give me the name", then that's rude and I'd say no and they would find it impossible to reach the minimum amount I'd want to release the name for them to try for.

  9. There's something happening that's causing this problem.


    It's unclear what the exact reason is but a number of people have had success with the various solutions posted in the various other threads on this issue.


    If those solutions work for you, I would definitely post that it did as it will help ANet troubleshoot on their end.


    If the solutions don't work, I would definitely send in a ticket to ANet and state what you've tried either in the initial ticket or in a follow up one.

  10. And right now ANet is on holidays and will be back in a few days.


    It does stink when issues come up over holiday weekends, but sometimes things happen.


    Once they come back from holiday it will be looked into, especially if players submit support tickets. However, if the players who are having the issue don't send in support tickets and do what the reps suggest or it is affecting very few even if everyone contacts support, it might make it hard for ANet to pinpoint the issue and resolve it (technical issues like this can be hard to resolve due to the number of variables that are possible causes without a large number of cases to compare).

  11. > @"xaviyago.7924" said:

    > Hi. I have two minor children with whom I enjoy playing GW2. One hasn't logged in a while and requires password support. When I completed the online account recovery on his behalf I was told by customer support that the request must come from him. I thought this was odd since I purchased his game, supplied the game serial code in the support request form, and ultimately authorize all his in-game purchases and account decisions. Can I not assist him as his parent and legal guardian?


    The problem is ANet has no way to know that you are indeed his parent.


    Since this should be an easy fix you could have him contact support and ask you for help if needed. This would also be a nice easy life lesson for how to reach out to support to get a problem resolved.

  12. Third party software is software not developed by ANet.


    So if ANet used software developed by Such and Such Co., they have to give them credit for their product that's being used.


    Otherwise Such and Such Co. can sue ANet claiming that ANet is trying to take credit for creating something that they did not.


    It's basically like the Works Cited page of a paper.

  13. > @"demitel.1340" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > Source for that? Otherwise it's just speculation.


    > Dude, trust me.


    > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"demitel.1340" said:

    > > > > @"Hornet.9305" said:

    > > > > some ppl talking about gw3 !!!it is true?gw3 preparing?_? relase 2021 --22 ?_?

    > > >

    > > > Yes. Guild Wars 3 is expected to be released at the end of 2020.

    > >

    > > Source for that? Otherwise it's just speculation.


    > Dont listen to him, it will get released at febuary 2020


    Any source for these claims?


    I highly doubt we're getting GW3 next year given where we are in the story with GW2.


    We've only gotten the prologue of the Icebrood Saga and Episode 1 and we won't get Episode 2 until January 28, 2020 due to holidays. Sagas are more than a prologue and a chapter so a February 2020 release date is not logical at all.


    LW2 was 8 episodes long. LW3 and LW4 were both 6 episodes long. However, this has been touted as giving us Expansion Level content.


    HoT was 16 chapters long

    PoF was 13 chapters long


    Any hyping of GW3 would likely kill off purchasing of items in GW2 as people decide to wait to see which they like better. So the Icebrood Saga would need to be over before they'd likely start hyping it up.


    June 2020 is probably the earliest we'd likely see the saga end and that's assuming 6 more Episodes are released in the Saga including Episode 2 and they release on a monthly schedule. This doesn't account for any delay in release schedule due to SAB and other things. There was a 2 month delay between the Prologue (mid/late September) and Episode 1 (mid/late November). There is a 2 month delay between Episode 1 and Episode 2 (late January). This leads me to believe that there is at least 2 months between releases. Which means we're looking at end of 2020 before the Icebrood Saga ends.


    2020 just doesn't seem the right year since we've still got content being developed for the game and we've not heard anything from ANet directly regarding GW3.


    Unless of course you guys start listing your sources for these 2020 claims.


    It sounds like they're looking for people to bring on for the development of GW3 which means we're likely 2-3 years at the minimum away from GW3 and I wouldn't be shocked if it was more like 3-5 years.

  14. > @"demitel.1340" said:

    > > @"Hornet.9305" said:

    > > some ppl talking about gw3 !!!it is true?gw3 preparing?_? relase 2021 --22 ?_?


    > Yes. Guild Wars 3 is expected to be released at the end of 2020.


    Source for that? Otherwise it's just speculation.

  15. I would not go to a map with open world PvP enabled. I don't enjoy PvP at all. I do the PvE type options in WvW in order to get things from WvW that I can't get in PvE. Even if it takes me a lot longer to complete than if I participated fully.


    i'm probably not the only one here. The map's usage and players it would bring to the game will likely not be enough to justify the cost needed to make the map.

  16. > @"Starshine.8739" said:

    > See people disagree with the idea for the sake of disagreeing, 3~~ min added to enrage timer wouldn't hurt anyone, especially when you basically never even go past half of it in 10 man squads(regardless of skill level, really). For now these are duo-able for highly skilled players, they aren't really carrying the noobs by duo-ing it either so not really sure what's the issue in adding bit more time to make them possible to solo for the few players that are good enough to solo them. Who knows, maybe it would even encourage the people who just started with 10 man squads to try and lowman these and get better in process? This content can be perfectly suited for both sides of the stick, total newbies and the best players so really, I don't think there is a reason to put limitations on it.


    > P.S. Dungeons, fractals and few raid encounters weren't meant to be soloed either, yet here we are :)


    I'm not disagreeing to disagree.


    You seem to miss the point of strike missions. They are designed to be group content in order to get people skilled enough to move onto the group content of raids. Each strike mission is meant to get harder in order to prep players for raids.


    The fact that some strike missions are soloable is pure luck and not by design.


    Adding 3 minutes to the enrage timer would hurt that function of strike missions.

  17. > @"MisterMagician.8614" said:

    > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > Here's my current favorite open world setup of the moment:

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAwilZwmYXMJmJOKXbvfA-zRRYkRC7NKwlROJQmFgDzCPTbA-e

    > >

    > > You can adjust the stats to taste. You have all the boons you need including easy 25 stack might as well as excellent swiftness, vigor, and protection uptime and stability rolled into your offense with primordial stance. You also have strong recovery with evasive arcana adding two additional heals to your water/earth rotation (cleansing wave on dodge in water plus an additional blast on dodge into riptide's water field on earth). On offense, your utility cooldowns dish out massive burn stacks with primordial stance, glyph of elemental power, and fire signet giving you solid damage even if you choose to go really tanky. All in all it's a fun and active playstyle that can handle almost anything.


    > I have been interested in leveling my elementalist, so I will definitely try to use this one. Is weaver with gs a good class?



    If by gs you mean greatsword, Elementalist does not currently have access to the greatsword through any of its elites or with just the core spec.


    And I take it you're taking my suggestion of not boosting a character to level 80 to get a feel for the changes to the game?

  18. That's the thing. Strike missions if I recall correctly are supposed to be the stepping stones to raids. Meaning that as you go from strike mission to strike mission they should get progressively harder. Reducing an enrage timer is one way to increase the difficulty. I'm sure they'll do other things and maybe future missions will be soloable depending on mechanics and timers.


    And the missions are designed and balanced around having a group of players.


    So I don't think that a strike mission not being able to be soloed is something that ANet needs to do anything about.

  19. > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > To start off, you need to state whether you're NA/EU for region.

    > I didn't know that achievement was just story mode side. I thought it was on the Exploration side.


    There's one for doing each of the story modes. It's called Dungeons Discovered. It gives a Mastery.


    I know, because I'm short on Sorrow's Embrace and it likes to show up in my Nearly Completed section on my Achievements Summary page.


    I'm NA so I'd definitely be able to help with that dungeon and would be willing to help with others. We'd likely need other people as I don't know if I'm good enough to duo a dungeon.

  20. > @"Evon Skyfyre.9673" said:

    > Mobile games and how the operate are huge revenue streams. Studios with them have a constant flow of development cash to fund new projects. Love them or loathe them, there are enough players willing to spend to excell in them. It's a fact of gaming life. MMORPGS, Subs, are dying. That said games like Fortnite are raking in the revenue. I'm told it is heavily monetized. EA brings in 5 bil or so annually, from all their IPs. Fortnite did almost as much it's first year. FROM ONE GAME in a 40 bil industry. Something has to give. Micro transaction show no sign of dieing off. GW2 has been around for 7 years. If it is going to continue it needs to monetize better. Just relying on gem sales means it must broaden the scope of what is for sale. Take me for example. I bought gw2. All the expansions were gifts. So in 7 years they have not made a dime off me. I am old school, grinding out what I need is habit. New gamers won't live in game like we did. I think many here hate this idea because they had to work for these masteries, so everyone else has to. And some feel like they will get left behind, and not be as competitive as quickly as others. Lets face it, most finished the new LS content in 1 or 2 days and are gone again. There is no chance for any revs from them. Farming, ecto gambling, etc. Cause many to never spend a dime. So how can the game continue?


    > To clarify something. I am not suggesting those masteries are only achieveable by buying a token, you would have the choice. Grind it or buy the tokens. What if they added a boost to hot/pof packages? We need new blood in game, we need new players.


    That only works if the increased monetization doesn't chase away the playerbase.


    Your suggestion would likely do just that especially coming after the template monetization issue.


    The players of this game have tended to be vocal when the game pushes too much monetization. Mobile games tend to start with high monetization and high monetization is the expectation for that genre. Going from where the game is now to mobile game level will drive the playerbase away. No players mean no gems bought which would put the game in a worse situation than it is now.


    It's a one time unlock. It doesn't take long to do and forces players to do the maps and learn the combat for that area. And given the tendency for players to complain things are too difficult, giving an option to buy your way out of playing in theap for things that make bypassing the content easier this would be detrimental to the game in the long term as those who bypass by paying would be more likely to stop playing due to difficulty of the content than those who played through it.

  21. I'm not one of those who think they shouldn't break even or show a profit.


    The level 80 boost is a per character unlock, not a one time unlock. It's also something that players can already do for the most part on their own except for the free items that come with the boost. It just takes 80 tomes of knowledge (or some combination of other in game earned level boosting). There is no equivalent for mastery levels or obtaining the necessary mastery points in order to unlock the masteries.

  22. Pay to finish a game quicker?!


    If someone feels that they need to pay to finish a game quicker, then they should just stop playing that game. Because that's a sign that a game has ceased to be fun and a game should only be played for as long as you have fun while playing it.


    It doesn't take that long to level up in this game. It's a one time unlock across all characters.


    This is coming from someone who has none of the mentioned masteries unlocked. My highest unlocked mastery is gliding 2. I've been playing since headstart in 2012 and was around when HoT, PoF, and all of the living story seasons started that had masteries. So this isn't coming from someone who has already grinded through it all and wants others to experience the same.

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