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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. If you don't like WvW but want the Gift of Battle, just do the PvE type WvW dailies:


    1. Big Spender - spend 25 badges of honor. I personally buy the cultural armor. There's an achievement for getting all of them, or at least a fair number of them, so this helps progress 2 things.

    2. Master of Monuments - go claim a ruin. They're in the borderlands and they're simply go stand in a spot for like 30 seconds. If your side gets enough they get bloodlust I believe, so this helps out your team without having to touch a single button.

    3. Land Claimer - kill an NPC sentry. They're the flags on the map. This either helps our supply dolyaks get through or hinders opponents supply dolyaks depending on who controls things and where things are going. You kill it, then stand in a circle for like 10-15 seconds and voila.


    If you do #2 and #3, you'll be in the zone long enough to get participating ticks on the reward track as well. Tier 1 (you start here) is at 25 points. Doing #3 is typically enough to push to Tier 2 and you get 60 points for that. Which the running to and from the monuments and sentries can tick that time down so you can get a few ticks usually on top of the dailies.


    Still takes a while to complete the reward track though, but shorter than if you just did Big Spender. And depending on how many badges you have, you might have to do #2 and #3 as well if you don't have enough badges.


    Just be glad world completion no longer includes WvW maps. It did when the game launched. That as a PvE player who absolutely hates PvP type play is much much much worse than the current situation to get the Gift of Battle.

  2. > @"BlackLotus.8349" said:

    > I know that I would love to go back to the original game content (miss you so much old LA), but I'm skeptical that there are enough people who feel the same to justify them doing it.


    I miss old LA a lot and prefer it to the current form.


    But I don't miss it enough to give up on all of the QoL and features added to the game since launch.


    And that's the rub. There might be enough who miss old LA. But not enough who love it so much they'd give up all that was added to the game since launch.

  3. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"Sylv.6514" said:

    > >Playing literally all day to enjoy the activities i like then seeing i only made like 1g per hour is just sad. Especially considering how old this game is.

    > If you are only making 1g an hour OW gathering you are doing it poorly.... very very poorly.

    > Maybe start improving your route, buffing yourself correctly, dealing with trash mobs better.

    > Because 1g/hour for gathering mats Open World is more indicative of a problem with how you are playing than a problem with the game.




    Yea, I don't use any kind of official open world farming route and I can easily get a few gold if not more from a couple of hours of farming depending on map and how many events and enemies I run into and how many mats I gather. I should mention I very rarely remember to use appropriate boosts either if at all.


    So less than a gold an hour is suspicious on what they are doing or more likely what they are not doing.

  4. > @"Maglus.2751" said:

    > similar here...


    > "We were unsuccessful in restoring the character back to the account. We are currently experiencing an issue with our character restoration tool. Please contact us at a later date to attempt to restore the character again."


    > so tool is either down, or having issues... or they just playing ping-pong game to respond quickly and close the case instead of do actual job... or maybe they doesn't want to bother before anniversary... doesn't seems too professional ;(



    How is it unprofessional for a tool to be having issues? Sometimes issues aren't quick to fix. At least they now have a tool for it, even if it is currently broken. They used to not be able to restore characters at all.

  5. > @"Lily.1935" said:

    > You don't need optimized groups to complete endgame content. You just need effective builds.


    No one is saying that effective builds aren't viable in end game content.


    Those builds just have to work with 4 or 9 other players' builds depending on the content.


    When you PUG, you're playing with strangers. You don't know their skill level. So while they may be the best player in the game and totally has a workable build for the content you're doing, the other players do not know that.


    There's very little in game to show a player's skill at the specific content, if anything. The closest thing that has any kind of actual proof of knowledge on an encounter is their build. Do they have the skills expected for the roll they are trying to fill?


    Which is why PUG's who want efficient runs tend towards wanting players to play the meta. Because then everyone knows what's brought to the table is something that can fill the roll. They don't want to wait until they've wiped 5 times to figure out that at least one player isn't bringing enough to the table.


    A static can tend away from the meta as people can adjust to builds that better fit their play style and skill level. And the other members can pick up and drop skills/traits as appropriate to adjust for the change in what a party member brings to the table.

  6. There will only ever be a minority of builds that are meta for end game content like raids and strikes and high level fractals.


    When you enter group content like raids where the success of the group is dependent on everyone pulling their weight, you have to be able to do things at a certain ability. In a PUG, that's following the meta because that's the only way to ensure that everything needed is present.


    In order to not be meta you have to run with a static who is aware of what your build brings and doesn't and is willing to adjust their builds to compensate.


    In other words: in group content, it should not be unexpected to have to compromise on your build in order to be successful.


    Open world, most everything is viable for most instances. Some builds require more skill than others to be successful.


    As for player expectations, that's on players for not doing their research before buying the game if they don't go the free to play route first. Changing classes at this point to be in line with expectations would be more damaging to the game than keeping them as they are. A lot more people would likely leave as their class was drastically changed from what they enjoyed than would likely join due to the changes.

  7. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Sigerk.2897" said:

    > > Yes to revamp existing dungeons. Update the mechanics to be on par with the newer systems. Add lvl 80 options/hard modes to them. Give achievements per dungeons like no-death runs, under 30 min speed clear, hard mode/cm clear and more creative achievements tied to specific dungeons such as ''Defeated X without stepping into Y''. Tie titles and dyes to them as possible rewards. Go crazy and reward a mount skin for completing all new dungeon achievements. Stuff like this.


    > So.... do all of this and stop working on raids and strike missions.


    That wasn't what Sigerk said at all.


    Just said to revamp the existing dungeons.


    Just because someone wants some much needed work on the original end game content, doesn't mean that they want work on the current end game content to be stopped.


    I honestly would love the dungeons to be reworked to make them more utilized. But also want them to continue working on strikes and raids.

  8. > @"Harak.8397" said:

    > I love dungeons, I really do but I never run them because it's all "gogogo" and "what do you mean you 're not running the meta config for class XYZ??"

    > In the end all I really want from them is the tokens to unlock weapons and armor skins and I'd never set foot in a dungeon again if I could get them some other way (that didn't involve suffering through PvP )


    You can do WvW reward tracks and just do the more PvE type daily activities. Like Big Spender or the one for the ruins or the one to kill a sentry. It will take some time to get the tokens doing it this way.


    It's what I've been doing.

  9. Funny, I seem to be having fun and my the amount of gold I have tends to increase until I spend it on either making something for a legendary or gearing up a new character/build.


    So I fail to see how obtaining gold isn't fun.


    People have different tolerances for farming and it seems you, like me, have a low tolerance for farming for something. That means that we will on average get less gold than someone who has a high tolerance for farming.


    I have no problem with knowing that my rate of gold gain is no where near as high as it could be. It just means that goals for me take longer than they could if I haven't already got the gold for it.

  10. If you noticed the fine print, it can take up to 72 hours for those gems to get awarded.


    Basically, ANet waits for the money to fully clear the bank.


    They initially let the gems be awarded instantly but people with stolen credit card (aka gold seller accounts) were buying that version, converting those 4000 gems to gold and passing that gold out to their buyers.


    So ANet put in the time delay to help reduce the number of fraudulent purchases that get those gems.


    As they have to go in and remove that gold, which may have by that time reached the hands of innocent players. If they don't remove the gold, it increases the rate that inflation occurs at in the game.


    If it has been over 72 hours, however, submit a ticket so that it can be looked at. Otherwise, wait for the 72 hours to pass before submitting a ticket.

  11. > @"diomache.9246" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > I dislike most of the festivals... Kinda glad they don’t force them on me in WvW.

    > Which of the festivals has an impact on a game mode like this one?

    > Right, not a single one.

    > Yeah, sorry, I'm an Ele player and I want to be able to play my preferred game mode without having a huge disadvantage especially with a huge bonus for WxP and reward tracks.



    As an Ele main myself, it's one week. Think of this week as a week to improve your play to avoid getting downed in the first place.


    Or to try out another class that you don't feel is impacted by this event.

  12. Add on for # 12. Unless you're an Elementalist. Then remember that you have other attunements.


    Adding a few:


    13. If you have poison and need to heal, see if you can wait until the poison comes off. Poison reduces the effectiveness of your heal. You'll heal more if you wait until it goes away. Of course, use your heal if it's use it or get downed.

    14. It's ok to abandon a fight and let it reset and start again.

    15. Know which skills you have that affect the Break Bar. Some enemies are designed to be super tough until you break their break bar and then they melt.

    16. Know your limit, but occasionally test your limit. You won't improve unless you find yourself in situations where you have trouble. If you stay in easy areas you won't get better, or at least no where near as fast as if you went to an area that was more challenging.

    17. Don't feel like you have to play the meta for your class. Know what it is the meta and then adjust to fit what's fun for you for solo play. Most builds are just fine for solo open world and personal story/living world story quests.

    18. Don't rush your goals. What's the point of rushing to your goal only to get burnt out in the process?

  13. > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > > > I could be remembering wrong but...doesn't FFXIV, another very popular MMORPG, do the same thing of gating story by level?

    > > >

    > > > If true then I really don't understand what's so bad about having to level up a bit to progress the story. I started the game as a new player with this level gate on the personal story and don't remember it being that bad because they make you scale down in the lower level zones, allowing you to earn decent exp from lower level maps just as easily. Whenever I hit a wall in the story I just took it as an opportunity to map complete or try out the skills on some new weapon my character could use. I was a new player, everything was new so not being able to spam through the story didn't matter to much.

    > > > Sure, I haven't "naturally" leveled a character in years but i remember doing it and don't recall it being that bad as a brand new player. If all I wanted was to get to end game because I made a new account then yeah, I can see it being somewhat annoying as someone that's use to already having everything on their main account but if you don't like the feel of starting from nothing again then...why do it?

    > >

    > > Yes, FFXIV does do that. You have to be on a class that has a certain level to do a quest.

    > >

    > > As for GW2, I wouldn't actually recommend players to rush through things to get to newer content.

    > >

    > > Here's why:

    > >

    > > The newer content is noticeably more difficult than core game content - even in open world. If you rush through the core game content, you may not be able to do the content because you don't know the game well enough. But if you take your time, you can learn the game more and be better able to know what to do to complete the newer content.

    > >

    > > So some of the level gating on the story and locking skills to levels is to better prepare players for the challenges they'll face in the story steps and in the open world. It helps force players to slow down some.


    > I mean....I agree? XD

    > I don't really recommend new players just rush to the end game either. But unless I'm reading wrong, the OP is someone that's already played that is now trying to start up a 2nd account


    It was more a comment directed to the OP.


    Seems like he's trying to rush it and may be trying to get his friends to do the same.


    Hence the frustration at the level gating on the story missions.

  14. > @"Caprasia.6107" said:

    > Thanks for the replies, have tried it again and I can probably do it by getting the higher jump upgrade so I'll aim for that, thanks again :)


    If that doesn't work, I've gone through the PoF chapters on my Elementalist so I know I can do that step and I've got a Mesmer. If you're on NA, I don't mind helping you out.


    Might take me a try or two or three as I'm not necessarily the best at platforming myself, but I can definitely help you out.

  15. > @"Ototo.3214" said:

    > I could be remembering wrong but...doesn't FFXIV, another very popular MMORPG, do the same thing of gating story by level?


    > If true then I really don't understand what's so bad about having to level up a bit to progress the story. I started the game as a new player with this level gate on the personal story and don't remember it being that bad because they make you scale down in the lower level zones, allowing you to earn decent exp from lower level maps just as easily. Whenever I hit a wall in the story I just took it as an opportunity to map complete or try out the skills on some new weapon my character could use. I was a new player, everything was new so not being able to spam through the story didn't matter to much.

    > Sure, I haven't "naturally" leveled a character in years but i remember doing it and don't recall it being that bad as a brand new player. If all I wanted was to get to end game because I made a new account then yeah, I can see it being somewhat annoying as someone that's use to already having everything on their main account but if you don't like the feel of starting from nothing again then...why do it?


    Yes, FFXIV does do that. You have to be on a class that has a certain level to do a quest.


    As for GW2, I wouldn't actually recommend players to rush through things to get to newer content.


    Here's why:


    The newer content is noticeably more difficult than core game content - even in open world. If you rush through the core game content, you may not be able to do the content because you don't know the game well enough. But if you take your time, you can learn the game more and be better able to know what to do to complete the newer content.


    So some of the level gating on the story and locking skills to levels is to better prepare players for the challenges they'll face in the story steps and in the open world. It helps force players to slow down some.

  16. Group content means sometimes compromising and doing something you don't necessarily want to do.


    Like creating a second set of gear for one character to put in your build and equipment templates to swap into for raids should your current build not cut it.


    Because while solo content is fine to be selfish as you only hold up your progress, in group content it is wrong to be selfish. You're not just holding up your own progress at that point. You're holding up the progress of 4-9 others depending on the content.

  17. Any of you experiencing issues should do as much troubleshooting of your own that you know of to rule out your end being the problem (go wired if wireless, restart router, etc), and then reach out to support if you've not solved the problem.


    1. If the issue is between you and ANet, they can help you find it if you are unsure how. Gives them another user that's affected by a bad port - they can reach out to the owners and say "We have X users being affected by a problem and we've narrowed it down to the port at Y location." The more users they know of, the more weight their request holds.

    2. If the issue is on their end it can help them troubleshoot because as it is clear that it does not affect everyone. Meaning there's something that causes the problem for some but not others. The more users having problems send in reports the quicker they can find the problem and then work to address it.

  18. > @"Stajan.4581" said:

    > How much gold do you think you can make in a day running around doing all the profit things, the answer is about 20g on average you could get lucking in fractals but just your basic stuff you are looking at 20 gold minimum now from my example 20 gold will get you 1/10 of the gold you need just for the blood. That means that you need to spend 2 weeks just doing that stuff over and over again to get enough gold to buy the blood you need. This is the issue bring drop rates up have the materials you need drop more often. This will bring the prices of legendaries down which will allow for casuals to buy them. Unless you are one of the guilds or members of one of these guilds with all the super rich kitten players, who are sercumventing the TP than spending that kind of time just to get one component you need to make another component you need is to much. They need to redo the legendaries and make them easier to get. The time for legendaries are a stats symbol is over, no one care if you get a legendary and the only one that should care is you. But if you want one and cant get one because of these reasons than you know what I am saying. The need to be easier to get either by drops easier to make or cheaper to buy. This again will allow casual players to afford them and it was sink these big ticket rich guilds and players because the horde them as currancy. It needs to be better balanced to all casuals the same chance as the not so casuals and the self proclaimed elites



    Legendary items aren't meant to be short term goals. They're meant to take a long time and a lot of investment in both time and gold to create. All MMO's need long term goals to keep players playing between content releases. Legendary items are one way that ANet gets players to log in and play between content releases.


    I am a casual player. I can afford legendary items. I have made one. Meteorlogicus. I am working on another. Incinerator. I have taken many breaks during the 7 years that I've been playing. I could have made several legendary weapons during that time had I so chosen to do so. But I did not.

  19. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > >

    > > An MMO aimed for the lower skilled players does not mean that the MMO is bad quality. It's just not designed for players looking for a challenge.

    > >


    > Except, that is never how GW2 was marketed in the first place. Yes, it was marketed to people who game more casually than others, but it was never marketed only to them. From the start they've told us that the game would have both easy and challenging content. In fact, at the start of the game dungeons were that challenging content, because they were a lot harder than they are now. Fractals of the Mists, back when it only went so far as level 50, was a lot harder than Fractals are now. Level 50 then was harder than level 100 now. This is what people always seem to forget when they talk about the demographic the game is aiming for. GW2 has, and was always supposed to have, both easy and challenging content. I truly believe that people complaining content is too difficult (except for people with disabilities) are the kind of people who just flat out refuse to improve and want everything handed to them as easy to swallow bits. Either that, or they have the wrong expectations based on faulty data.


    I never said that GW2 was. I was just countering what the OP said. That aiming an MMO at the lower skilled playerbase creates a bad quality MMO. Hence me saying MMO and not GW2.

  20. > @"Tharnaron.2967" said:

    > It's not my client.. when I get in I can play until the connection is lost.. connection lost is their end... and ANET you have a CRITICAL INCIDENT ongoing that you are not managing... FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And it could be some spot in the middle that belongs to neither you nor ANet.


    If you calmly reach out to ANet's support, they should be able to help you figure things out.


    It's like traffic. You have a Starting Point and an Ending Point. If there's an accident blocking traffic on a highway, it's not the Ending Point's fault.


    In this case your computer is the Starting Point and the ANet servers are the Ending Point. You're complaining to ANet without checking to make sure there wasn't an accident blocking the highway in the middle.


    Not to mention anything that requires a constant internet connection is probably more strained as there is more traffic on the internet than normal since more people are working from home or currently off work until the pandemic calms down. More traffic means things get congested. Which can slow things down. And for a service that needs instant feedback, that slowdown can cause a drop in connection because a response wasn't received back quickly enough due to that congestion.


    This doesn't mean that ANet's in the clear, but without working with them to help figure it out, you're just going to be proverbially yelling to a wall.

  21. The thing is different players want different things and sometimes those things are mutually exclusive.


    An MMO aimed for the lower skilled players does not mean that the MMO is bad quality. It's just not designed for players looking for a challenge.


    **And that is just fine.** Not all games will be able to cater to all types and all genre of games should have games in it that cater to a variety of different player types.


    Guild Wars 2 aims at the casual player who doesn't necessarily have the time and/or desire and/or ability to be highly skilled.


    This is why all builds for the most part are viable for the majority of the game's content.


    This is why most open world maps and story instances tend to be nerfed and made easier if they end up requiring too much skill.


    Right now they're plan for making raids more accessible seems to be using strike missions. Strike missions on average get a little bit more difficult each time. So that players can gradually learn the skills needed in order to raid. That does not lessen or worsen the raids currently available in game.

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