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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. Please no more confirmations to make sure that I'm meaning to do what I'm trying to do.


    Any system like this needs to be optional and an opt in. Meaning that if you are prone to typos and do not have the patience to double check before you hit sell/buy, then you have to be the one to go turn on the option.


    I should not have to opt out of such a system nor should I have to deal with it being mandatory.


    It's not that hard and doesn't take too long to make sure you're selling/buying at the price you intended to.

  2. > @"Stajan.4581" said:

    > I said most bounties can not be soloed and that is true, if you had a read of the whole post I said earlier that hard mode would be something you can select or you can be in normal mode it is up to you. There is nothing fun about taking over a year to achieve something that is in a video game, video games as based right away satisfaction, so taking a year is not satisfaction at all , the time line it took me to get my backpack from the fractals was about right which was a few months. So you will ask how we control a flood of legendaries in the market well that is easy to. You simply limit the number of legendaries that can be made in x number of months buy each player so 4 that is all you can make in a 5 month period.


    > If you watch this video

    time stamp 2min 45 seconds, just watch what this guy Guild MM has in the screen shot of his bank and tell me that he could not just flood the market and drive prices down if he wanted to time stamp for screenshot 5min 24sec.


    > Than after you see that realize that this was last year and there are people out there with even more than that

    > So saying that allowing legendaries to be easier would wreck the market these guys can do it already, if they want to. If the market gets flooded than players like this do nto become as strong as they are in the community and everything comes onto a level playing field.


    > Casual players need something to keep them here and legendaries that take years to complete is not the way


    I use legendaries as a long term goal. I need long term goals in MMO's to work towards.


    Your suggestion gets added, then I would likely move onto other games as you've removed the long term goals in the game.


    Also just because that player and others like him can wreck the market doesn't mean that ignoring the fact that your idea would wreck the market is a smart idea.

  3. Racial skills were intentionally designed to be weaker than other skills. They didn't want the meta to include race as a factor.


    They're great for thematic builds and for new players to use while leveling up and unlocking their skills.


    But beyond that, I don't think ANet will ever add more racial skills or improve the others. Nor do I think they should. I agree with them that race shouldn't be part of the meta. And ANet should work on adding more content to the game and fixing the content already in the game than working on a system that most players won't ever use.

  4. If you haven't fully unlocked Tempest to get the build you're aiming for, it's probably best to play a core Elementalist build and switch over to Tempest once you've unlocked everything. Or at least wait until you can choose a major trait in each of the three columns in Tempest at the minimum.


    You should be able to post your build's chat code for sharing or use one of the various build sharing sites to generate a web page that shows your build.

  5. > @"Margeon.9650" said:

    > .....took a lot of maxed out tanks and me at a very high level to take hum out..but I have done it 2x..But I agree they need a serios overhaul on this, I mean really one hit and you have 10 Life points and your like level 40-60..oh the Q I had..why is it they scale your life/Hp down in areas?..I earned this level!! LOL


    So that low level areas don't lose their relevance just because you gained a level.


    I personally wish that their downscaling worked a little better as it's still way too easy for a max level character on a starter map.


    Edit: It sounds like your build may need some work if you needed 10 tanks to beat the enemy. I've only needed 2-3 others at max to help out and I originally played my Elementalist main with random stats while leveling up (but tried to maintain even so aimed for Celestial?) and then at max level was Clerics which is Healing Power main with Toughness and Power as secondary. I was not winning any awards for speed clearing stuff. I was actually slow enough that I would face the same before I killed my second foe, the first had respawned, issue. But I knew it was a build issue since I wasn't geared for fast clearing. I was built however for self-sustain so I just had to make sure I was making progress towards my goal and didn't get too upset when I just couldn't outlast them if I ended up overpulling.


    Can you post your build so that we can look to see if we can help improve it?

  6. Are you on NA or EU server?


    Sometimes partying up can help with tough areas. Be it tough enemies or finding the right path. I know I had to ask for help to figure out how to get to a few Vistas and POI's during my first map completion and I needed a help for a few of the tougher hero challenges.


    My first two map completions were done before gliding or mounts were added. First on an Elementalist and second on a Warrior. So it is possible to do without gliding or mounts. Some areas it's actually easier without gliding due to the ability to not be able to separate the jump button from the glide button and it's not too hard to accidentally glide past where you wanted to jump.


    I can bring my Elementalist (my main) and help if you're on NA. I can also bring my Mesmer (I may have to run some as I do not have map completion done for her) for porting if you're not that good with jumping and just want to be done with things. I can't guarantee that I won't die however on my Mesmer as I haven't quite found the right build for me yet on my mesmer.


    Just let me know!

  7. > @"sasoefje.6708" said:

    > I guess my point with the spoon collection is that all but three of the spoons you buy from vendors. So it seems that buying them is not considered bad. Yes, I know you have to complete the heart for some of them, but that is not hard. If that is the case, then why not allow the last three to be sold on the trading post. My opinion is that there are way too many things that we destroy that should be sellable. And if it helps us complete a collection, then so what. I still have to take time to earn the gold to buy it.


    > And for very causal players - like I might have 1 hr twice week - getting some masteries is hard. Just the right timing that the world boss is popping, that there is enough to complete (that happened last night with Triple Trouble). Why make it harder by putting some in areas that some of us will never see. BTW, I did try LFG for Mists last night. Only 1 group with a level 21 run.


    > Just my opinion.


    Because some things should require players to go outside of their comfort zone. And for me, WvW and PvP are out of my comfort zone and I tolerate WvW long enough to do what I need to do for what I want from WvW.


    There are more mastery points available than are currently required to fully max out things so players can avoid some masteries if they so choose.


    No collection is required in order to have the best gear or best set up. So it's just fine if some collections require you to play multiple areas.

  8. > @"Deeb.7638" said:

    > > @Zohane.7208

    > >6) I find it curious that it could be seen as "looking for attention" to state that we think that a proposed feature designed to draw attention to one self is bad. Can you clarify how you come to this analysis?

    > Yes sharing your thoughts is a way to get attention, whether you agree with it or disagree. There are people who stay in shades just to avoid attention, so absolutely you are looking for attention when sharing something. Might be that you think your goal is more than just attention, but in the end you cant share something with other people without some form of attention regardless the amount. Also if my suggestion caused that many people to reply, chances are it's a good suggestion. Bad suggestions are most likely to be ignored by everyone. Sometimes even good suggestions can look bad for some because they look at it from their own prospective only, or maybe you are just one of these people who don't like change. Just want everything to remain the same which will never happen.


    > Sources: Common sense and logic.


    Bad suggestions also get tons of replies from people telling the company that they do not like this idea in an attempt to get the company to not go through with it.


    Considering no one has posted in agreement, there's a high chance that ANet won't implement it. Especially since your suggestion to those of us who would not want to be thanked is to turn off the social aspect of this game. When this game is an MMO designed around being social.


    I shouldn't have to turn off my whispers and pray I don't get flooded with mails just because I decided to drop boosters.


    They put this in the game, I will just delete my boosters or dump them in my own personal instance when I'm alone so that only I benefit from the boost. And I'm sure many others would do the same. So your suggestion would overall hurt the game.

  9. > @"Deeb.7638" said:

    > *Brings popcorn* You don't have to agree with me but did you all need to make drama about it.

    > How many are you here inside my thread? and how many poeple playing GW2? Don't make me laugh, still a lot of people don't use forums anyways.

    > And this is not your business. This suggestion is for anet to read and decide not you. A feature to block whispers from strangers would be gold to have. other than that I have the right to suggest whatever. But you are the ones who got issues and if you are not looking for attention you wouldn't post here at all would you?


    Just because we don't seek attention doesn't meant that we don't make our voices known when the situation calls for it. This thread will likely last for a relatively short period of time in the long run. Your change would last for the rest of the game's life. Bring attention to myself now for at most a few days or bring attention to myself every time I want to just drop a booster to clear my inventory and move on with my day? I prefer the former.


    And our posting here against it doesn't mean that we have issues.


    This is a forum, not a suggestion box. That means anything posted on these forums can have replies made to it.


    And I'm sure ANet will read all of the counter points to your suggestion and your rebuttals to our counter points and make the decision that's best for the game. Given that I haven't seen another person post here that agrees with you, I'd be willing to guess that they will not be likely to add this feature to the game.

  10. > @"Deeb.7638" said:

    > @robertthebard.8150

    > >The "idea" is that the system works just fine the way it is. If you want to have people fawning over you for dropping a buff, you can let 'em know you're doing it, and stand around the buff waiting for the pats on the back. If you just want to clear up some inventory space, you can drop it at a starter wp and go on about your business with no-one being the wiser, and no need to "go invisible" or to have ANet develop more systems for chat to assuage your ego.


    > The feature should be there not because I said so. Because most people will find it useful. Being able to block whispers from people that are not in your FL/G without having to go invisible is great for say streaming so nobody ruins your stream for example, or if you cant bare with whispers. Or to make the system even better for everyone they should allow you to block all messages in every tab from strangers. And as for the display name on items, you just don't like it but others will. So it's not something personal. It's not even about gratitude. As you know this game is full of casuals and most of them don't even read wiki and they can ask you where you get that from. So then they will learn about them and you will see them placed more often. No need to be needlessly negative.


    And players can ask map chat or say chat where you get that boost. You do not have to ask the player who dropped it where to get it.


    You have still not countered the biggest con to your supposed solution: it opens the doors to innocent players getting harassed by people for an accidental drop of an item.


    You're trying to solve a non-existent problem as well.


    People who want recognition badly enough will remain on the map for all of the thank yous that people post in map/say chat.


    I do not want to nor should I have to turn off my whispers or go invisible just to drop a boost or a fun item to use. I do not want my chat flooded with whispers (which make a noise by the way, even if you're in cut scene or loading screen) while I'm out and about doing other things because I do not drop things for the recognition. I drop things for the benefit of others and to increase inventory/bank space.

  11. When people that don't play PvP can fully understand that this would be bad for the game mode, maybe it's time to stop and think if it's actually good or not.


    This change would make me less likely to want to get into PvP and get better. Because as soon as I get good, I risk limiting myself to only playing one aspect of PvP up to 2 times a day.


    Wouldn't you want your better players playing as much time as possible? Because that's how you get your weaker players to improve - by playing against better players.

  12. > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > > > > > lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

    > > > >

    > > > > Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

    > > > >

    > > > > We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

    > > >

    > > > How so? there's far few pros than there are players. Giving players a better chance to get that first place will in fact encourage them to play it more will it not? Im sure I prob will the system right now lets them curb stomp every match all day long without giving everyone else a chance to shine. it doesn't have to be 2 wins a day maybe get a win hold of on the next one then play the one after something to not let them farm 24/7 the ATs which is whats happening now.

    > > >

    > > > Maybe instead of flat out saying no give ideas to help the problem don't just let it sit there... Help make Gw2 pvp e better place.

    > >

    > > Well, if you read my first post you'd know why I'm not giving counter suggestions.

    > >

    > > To get me to play PvP would require a fundamental change in PvP. One that is impossible for ANet to put in place and unrealistic to ask of other players.

    > >

    > > They can't reduce my stress levels about being a drag on my team because my desire and time to learn rotations is very low.

    > >

    > > All I know is, it's bad to limit the number of times players can play.


    > See you don't pvp because its already hard for new players and other players to get into.. so why not make it a better experience for other people so they don't have to stay away from it and get that population up.


    And you've entirely missed my reason for not getting into PvP in the first place.


    The stress from being a drag on my team mates because my desire and time to learn rotations is low.


    No realistic changes to PvP are going to fix that. The game mode would have to nerfed into easy play for all and that would just chase more players away than it would bring in.

  13. > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > > > lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

    > > > >

    > > > > Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

    > > > >

    > > > > If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

    > > > >

    > > > > Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

    > > >

    > > > and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

    > >

    > > Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

    > >

    > > We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.


    > How so? there's far few pros than there are players. Giving players a better chance to get that first place will in fact encourage them to play it more will it not? Im sure I prob will the system right now lets them curb stomp every match all day long without giving everyone else a chance to shine. it doesn't have to be 2 wins a day maybe get a win hold of on the next one then play the one after something to not let them farm 24/7 the ATs which is whats happening now.


    > Maybe instead of flat out saying no give ideas to help the problem don't just let it sit there... Help make Gw2 pvp e better place.


    Well, if you read my first post you'd know why I'm not giving counter suggestions.


    To get me to play PvP would require a fundamental change in PvP. One that is impossible for ANet to put in place and unrealistic to ask of other players.


    They can't reduce my stress levels about being a drag on my team because my desire and time to learn rotations is very low.


    All I know is, it's bad to limit the number of times players can play.

  14. > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > > > lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

    > > > >

    > > > > You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

    > > > >

    > > > > I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

    > > >

    > > > there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

    > >

    > > Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

    > >

    > > If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

    > >

    > > Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.


    > and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.


    Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.


    We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

  15. > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > > > lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

    > >

    > > You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

    > >

    > > I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.


    > there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.


    Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.


    If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.


    Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

  16. > @"Exile.8160" said:

    > lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.


    You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.


    I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

  17. As someone who doesn't play PvP and would therefore need a system like this in order to get legit wins at my current skill level, I do not support this.


    Off hours for you may be the only time those players have to play most days.


    The best players shouldn't be told they can't play anymore just because they won too many times.


    If you want to stop them from winning so much, get better yourself.

  18. > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

    > > > I don't think so. I'm pretty sure everyone who's still playing this is going to play the game.

    > > Considering that most of the players that are left are _not_ interested in raids and raidlike content, i'd say it is extremely unlikely.

    > > I mean, there's not enough players left that are interested in _10-man_ raid content to justify their further development. The amount of people interested in 40-man raids would be even smaller than that.

    > > Forcing people into that content won't make them like it. On the contrary, it is likely to stop them from accessing content locked behind that - and thus, from playing the game at all.

    > >


    > I'm literally in a guild full of people asking to do raid training. Yesterday we went through slothasor where I helped with eating the poison.


    You've missed the point.


    The point is that the desire for large group content is low. Not that it's non-existent.


    Plus, I highly doubt you're guild is large enough to be a good sample size for raid popularity.

  19. > @"Deeb.7638" said:

    > @robertthebard.8150

    > > It affects me, and therefore is about me. In my mind, it not only affects me, it adversely affects me, or has the potential to do so. As mentioned, if someone is looking for recognition, they can get it by advertising map chat that they're dropping something, and stick around to get all the pats on the back their ego requires. For those of us that may just be clearing bank space, it's just a means to get rid of something while possibly helping the community in that map a bit. I shouldn't have to go invisible to assuage your need to be patted on the back for dropping a buff in a map.


    > The way you are talking showing too much ego already (I'm just clearing bank space).

    > There is nothing wrong with recognition or attention, it's fun. Sorry but people like you are sad.


    Since when is it sad that someone just wants to help without being recognized or attention brought to them?


    And you still haven't addressed how your suggestion will be better when the majority of messages from it will go to people who have placed an NPC/TP/item down on top of loot or important NPC due to an accident or some other means that is not equivalent to trolling. The majority of messages due to your system will not be of thanks but of harassing players that spawned an NPC or dropped an item in a bad spot on accident.


    Because a majority of people will give very little care to who gave them the booster. Just that they got one.

  20. > @"Deeb.7638" said:

    > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > > @"Deeb.7638" said:

    > > > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > > > I don't drop these things, when I drop them, for recognition, and I may not even drop them to be especially helpful, I may just drop them to get them out of my inventory/bank, and I surely don't want a bunch of whispers later on about when I'm dropping something else, so no thanks.

    > > >

    > > > You could go invisible mode lol some people are able to notice who is doing it if they pay attention and then you will still get recognized and possibly stalked by someone so it wouldn't really matter. But in the long run if you are the one who is putting them then most people will be nice to you and I think it's a good thing. Think of it in real life if you are doing something for everyone in a party of course they will love you for it and you might start to get annoyed by it. But if you do then trust me you need to change your mentality, life is full of repetitive tasks so better get over it than get annoyed by it which will not help you in any way. It will only effect your happiness and health.

    > >

    > > When I donated to charity, I did it anonymously, again, because I'm not looking for recognition. It's the way I did things for 40ish years. I neither want, nor require a "pat on the back" for being helpful, when that's the motivation. Why should I go invisible, when I can drop whatever now, w/out having to worry about getting spam whispers about when I'm doing it again?


    > And again its not about you alone many people out of curiosity just want to know who is doing what. Why everything has to be anonymous? It's like you are trying to be invisible in life. That makes no sense. If you think it will make you suffer then it's your problem. No matter how hard you try to avoid problems you will get problems. Best thing to do is change your mental from avoiding problems to solving problems.


    Those that want the gratitude will stay in the area and accept the thanks of those who use it.


    Those that don't want it don't want people whispering them or flooding their mailbox with thanks.


    The majority of people who want to know who placed what is when people can't access loot or an important NPC because of a drop in order to yell at them for the placement. And while some of those placements might have been to troll, many are not.


    Unfortunately, the cons of your suggestion outweigh the pros and I will have to agree with those who are saying it should remain anonymous.

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