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Posts posted by Seera.5916

  1. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > > > And this is exactly what i've been warning about for years.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'm sorry you have to deal with this, I have pointed out this major flaw in living world for many years as well as the reality that it gets worse and worse the more living world chaptors are introduced to the game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Bringing new players to the game is all well and good but if they cannot complete the main game story despite buying both expansions then there is a serious problem there.

    > > > > > Granted Anet have been pretty generous with expansions overall, atm you buy PoF and get full game access and HoT for free which is awesome.

    > > > > > But you need that living world to fill in a lot of story gaps and frankly there is so much of it now that price tag is pretty bloated.

    > > > > > Yes you can farm in game gold and buy them that way but that's a long and tedious process..

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I've said for years that if you buy the special editions of expansions then they should come with the previous season of living world as a bonus.

    > > > > > Likewise we need more living world season bundle discounts and more so.. a reasonable heads up on when that is due to happen so people have time to put money aside to buy them.

    > > > > > It is infuriating when something you really want goes on sale in the store and you can't afford it.. specially when if you had known it was coming you could have put some money aside for it.. I recently went through this with character slots myself and missed the sale only to buy one shortly after for full price.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Living world is a big part of this game so it needs to be made easier to obtian for newer players who missed it, otherwise I see it as more of a reason for new players not to bother with this game and that's just unfortunate and I don't want anyone to feel that way about one of my favourite games.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I am a Gw2 Collectors owner as well as an owner of both HoT and PoF ultimate editions and will be adding Expansion 3's ultimate edition to this collection as well.

    > > > > > I've played the game since Beta and been present for all the free living world over the last 8 years and i've put god knows how much into the gemstore over the years on account upgrades, keys, cosmetics, toys etc.. and that's just Gw2, I played Gw1 too for many years and invested a bit in that game as well.

    > > > > > I think i've payed my fair share is all im saying there, so I think i've earned the status of longtime paying customer of this franchise.. so any weight that has to support my above statements please add it.

    > > > >

    > > > > Except that you can complete the main game's story w/out spending a dime now, since it's F2P. The main game story ends at Zhaitan, after all, and you're not required to buy anything. But, let's look at this from my perspective: I am relatively new. I missed LS 1, 2 and 3. I got LS 4 for free, as I was actively playing when it released. Guess what? I harbor no resentment, or ill will. Just like I don't expect I should be able to get any rewards that were offered for special promotions for the time I wasn't here. I wasn't here, and I shouldn't get it any differently than anyone else did. If someone that was playing somehow missed a window, and had to buy content, then it shouldn't be any different for me, and it shouldn't be any different for someone that starts tomorrow.

    > > >

    > > > It's not so much about the principle of it, more the negative effects of it.

    > > >

    > > > Sure you can buy the core game and the expansions in one go for pretty cheap now but if you know that you are going to have to spend a significant amount of money to fill in story gaps that are not included with the paid expansions you bough then that is a big turn off for a lot of people.

    > > > When you buy something you expect it to be a complete product.. not something that is essentially cut up into parts.

    > > >

    > > > I'd argue including HoT with PoF is actually a worse deal than including Season 2 with HoT and Season 3 with PoF.

    > > > If I were a new player I would much rather buy 2 expansions seperately with their previous living worlds included rather than buy 1 expansion and get the other for free.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Ok, and? I purchased HoT and PoF, and then purchased the LSs that I could that I was missing, so 2 and 3, and still spent less than I did over 6 months of DDO VIP. I get why people want to play the "new player card" in these threads, but what is it that anyone doing so is expecting? Is it that they're expecting devs to think "Hey, they're right, those new players don't understand the concept of "this was introduced for free for a limited time" so we need to change our practices"? That's what it looks like from where I'm sitting, all as a justification for things like "I'd get another account, but I don't want to have to buy all that stuff again, so they need to make concessions". I mean, it's not like I didn't offer my perspective on it, as a new player, and not as someone that got them all for free. I'd pay a sub, if I had to, in order to play. The options we have now are far cheaper than maintaining a sub all year, or for however long over a month or two.


    > I would say you're in a minority on that front.

    > From personal experience I've tried to get many of my friends into Gw2, several of them back into Gw2 as they used to play back in the day before expansions.

    > The one thing that makes all of them decide not to is becuase of how much living world they would have to buy to catch up.

    > It's not so much the price that bothers them although it is a contributing factor, it's their placement in the game's story that bothers them most of all.

    > Simply put they do not want to buy 2 expansions that are seperated by 2 seasons of content they have to buy seperately to understand the story and they are not ok with skipping ahead to play the content they have bought and then going back at a later time.


    > Considering they want to play it together they also don't want to have everyone buy the expansions and then wait around for everyones financial situation to allow for filling in the living world stuff.

    > It's just too messy and ultimately puts them off coming back to the game.


    I wouldn't claim either side was a majority or a minority. There's also the minority that doesn't care for the story and only tolerates it long enough for things locked behind the story.


    Really only Living Story 3 and on needs to be purchased to get the bulk of the story. Since Living Story 2 does not have maps that are locked to players with the Living Story unlocked, friends can tag along for the ride and enter the instances with players. The only thing would miss is anything that would only show up to a player during the portions that are open world in dialogue menus with NPC's. And nothing there is super critical to the story I don't recall.


    I would liken it to the way Sims 4 does its additional packs. HoT and PoF are expansion packs. Living Story are game packs. They add a little extra game play for a smaller cost than an expansion pack. ANet however encourages players to at least log into the game by offering those game packs for free if you log in during the time that they are the most recently released story.


    By the time your friends finished the HoT story, they would know if they wanted to spend more money for Living Story 3 or not. Or have earned enough gold to convert to gems to do so.


    And speaking as someone who barely did any of Living Story 3 and has completed PoF's story, I wasn't that confused by things. I could still follow the story and anything crucial was referenced. I might not know the exact how certain things happened, but that they happened.


    Could they offer a bundle with the EP or EP's that includes the Living Story chapters at a discount? Yes, and they do offer a discounted Living World Season 2 at check out when purchasing the game - they should add Living Story Season 3 and 4.


    Could they do a better job of communicating the fact that there are "game packs" with additional story that bridge the gap between the expansion packs that have to be purchased unless you log in while they are being released? Yes.


    But it's not unreasonable for them to ask for players to buy the content that they've spent time working on. We active players should actually be glad that they give them out for free if we're logged in. What other game gives content away regularly for free to active players that doesn't have a more aggressive cash shop (aka pay to win) or a subscription model?

  2. If you read the fine print you would have seen that the gems can take up to 72 hours to be delivered.


    How long ago did you purchase the Ultimate version?


    If it's under 72 hours ago, you'll need to be patient.


    If it's greater than 72 hours, submit a ticket.


    The delay is there because when they released HoT Ultimate edition they did not initially have that delay and scammers were using stolen credit cards to buy Ultimate Edition keys and then using the gems to convert to gold to give to people who bought gold illegally. So they added that delay. Basically the money has to fully clear the bank before you get your gems to reduce the chances of that happening.

  3. > @"Pspeon.4705" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > You get Heart of Thorns free. No cost. It makes sense you don't get the added perks of a purchased expansion. (And, at the present time, both expansions for just $20.00!)

    > > It's also clearly stated on the official purchase site what comes in the bundle.


    > I would not say 'no cost'. There is no such thing as 'no cost'. It is more like a packaged deal and there is always a reason for it.


    > Clearly stated or not, I doubt new players would know before hand about this issue, which is why I try to raise it.


    > It is good if the expansion upgrade becomes cheaper for new players to get into, but that is not directly related to the main point here.


    You might not. But ANet does and therefore they have designed the perks of purchasing it that way according to the fact that HoT is now a perk of buying PoF.

  4. Ranger's is fine as long as those unique pets are unique skins of existing pets or if Norn gets Pet 1 Skin A, then Asura need to get Pet 1, Skin B.


    Otherwise those unique pets will either have to be so watered down that no one uses them except for very casual play like the racial skills are today OR people will demand that you have to be X race if you're a ranger on Y build because of the unique pet.


    An example of this done right are the pets earned from the Hall of Monuments for players who played GW1 - they are just skins of existing pets.

  5. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > > > > Again, how do you know they weren't 'banned, even for an hour', unless you are watching them 24/7? Which, again, amounts to stalking.

    > > > > > > It's really not anyone's business but ArenaNet's after someone has been reported. The ArenaNet team decides what, if anything, should be done, and once reported it's out of the reportee's hands.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There are hundreds of people that would notice if those players wouldnt be doing what hes doing.

    > > > > > Also even if its arenanets business, and they would allow breaking their rules, Whats this game then?

    > > > >

    > > > > And those hundreds of people were also spending all of their time in game watching to see if they got banned? How do you guys play when you're spending all of your time watching who is and who is not banned?

    > > >

    > > > People dont spend time watching, they just simply see sometimes if this person ISNT online. The online-uptime contains between 23-24hours a day , 7days the week.

    > > >

    > > > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Mr Hildebrand.6742" said:

    > > > > > > > Does anyone else have this problem? I've literally been waiting two weeks for my issue to be resolved and I still have got nothing. It took one week for me to get an offhand response that didn't amount to anything and it's been another week since that reply. What's going on over there that they can't even help fans of 15 years with a minor issue? This type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable for any kind of company and it should not and will not be tolerated anymore.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > We checked with our Customer Support team to see if we could resolve this for you. Your tickets have already been reviewed by four separate GMs all the way up to our Lead GM, and they've sent multiple responses, giving all of the information that they're able to. As explained, our CS team is not able to provide information regarding how they detect third party software and breaches to our terms of use.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I (and others) also have a problem of reporting an player where the behavior shouldnt be tolerated. We have tried the ingame report function, multiple times with no luck.

    > > > > > So i decided to make an ticket directly to the support. One ticket every 7months or so, if nothing has changed. They only copy-pasted the answere to use the ingame-report. Even asked for evidence ,which they havent even looked at(there are view-counters :bleep_bloop: ) After always copying the same thing and asking for things, they directly closed every ticket , so i had to make an new one for an answere. What happened? They gave an 30days ban from the support ticket due to what they wanna call "spam".

    > > > > > Still nothing happened.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Since they wont help (not even the leading staff), are there other options where we/i could get "help" from?

    > > > >

    > > > > If it concerns offensive language the chat filter would remove, and you have the filter set to off, odds are they can't be justified in removing a player from the game who's inappropriate behavior would have been removed by the automated, defaulted-on system that you deliberately disabled and confirmed the warning box about. There is also a block list for a reason, and harassment problems only really manifest when there is a concerted effort across multiple accounts/players to haze and harass another player. Being a jerk is sadly not bannable unless it hits certain levels which are usually defined in the ToS.

    > > > >

    > > > > Flooding the system with the same exact ticket is considered spam and is against the rules for their support system, which you agreed to having read and used prior to making the ticket as well.

    > > >

    > > > It is not spam if they ask for answere and close right afterwards or there is a delay between every ticket of +6months

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > but enough of that. Otherwise its going to get into detail and would cause some more problems.

    > > > Its getting off topic. The topic from me was if there is an option to take if the support (via ticket system) isnt helping at all.

    > >

    > > Ok, so you can't guarantee that they haven't been punished if it's only people by chance seeing it. They may have by chance missed the person's ban time.


    > so u would say it would have been an ban for some hours?


    I don't know. You don't know.


    The only people or group of people who know are ANet and the person who broke the rules. Given that ANet does not discuss their punishments for players except with the player in question and only via ticket unless they're personally claiming innocence on the forum, we're not likely to know for certain as if this person is the troublemaker you make them out to be, they aren't likely to tell you they were punished because they want you to give up on reporting them.


    So report them when they've crossed the line and ANet will do what the rules dictate. Remember that some things are easier said than done to prove and some things they don't punish right away to avoid their detection methods from being discovered.

  6. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > > Again, how do you know they weren't 'banned, even for an hour', unless you are watching them 24/7? Which, again, amounts to stalking.

    > > > > It's really not anyone's business but ArenaNet's after someone has been reported. The ArenaNet team decides what, if anything, should be done, and once reported it's out of the reportee's hands.

    > > >

    > > > There are hundreds of people that would notice if those players wouldnt be doing what hes doing.

    > > > Also even if its arenanets business, and they would allow breaking their rules, Whats this game then?

    > >

    > > And those hundreds of people were also spending all of their time in game watching to see if they got banned? How do you guys play when you're spending all of your time watching who is and who is not banned?


    > People dont spend time watching, they just simply see sometimes if this person ISNT online. The online-uptime contains between 23-24hours a day , 7days the week.


    > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > > > > > @"Mr Hildebrand.6742" said:

    > > > > > Does anyone else have this problem? I've literally been waiting two weeks for my issue to be resolved and I still have got nothing. It took one week for me to get an offhand response that didn't amount to anything and it's been another week since that reply. What's going on over there that they can't even help fans of 15 years with a minor issue? This type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable for any kind of company and it should not and will not be tolerated anymore.

    > > > >

    > > > > We checked with our Customer Support team to see if we could resolve this for you. Your tickets have already been reviewed by four separate GMs all the way up to our Lead GM, and they've sent multiple responses, giving all of the information that they're able to. As explained, our CS team is not able to provide information regarding how they detect third party software and breaches to our terms of use.

    > > >

    > > > I (and others) also have a problem of reporting an player where the behavior shouldnt be tolerated. We have tried the ingame report function, multiple times with no luck.

    > > > So i decided to make an ticket directly to the support. One ticket every 7months or so, if nothing has changed. They only copy-pasted the answere to use the ingame-report. Even asked for evidence ,which they havent even looked at(there are view-counters :bleep_bloop: ) After always copying the same thing and asking for things, they directly closed every ticket , so i had to make an new one for an answere. What happened? They gave an 30days ban from the support ticket due to what they wanna call "spam".

    > > > Still nothing happened.

    > > >

    > > > Since they wont help (not even the leading staff), are there other options where we/i could get "help" from?

    > >

    > > If it concerns offensive language the chat filter would remove, and you have the filter set to off, odds are they can't be justified in removing a player from the game who's inappropriate behavior would have been removed by the automated, defaulted-on system that you deliberately disabled and confirmed the warning box about. There is also a block list for a reason, and harassment problems only really manifest when there is a concerted effort across multiple accounts/players to haze and harass another player. Being a jerk is sadly not bannable unless it hits certain levels which are usually defined in the ToS.

    > >

    > > Flooding the system with the same exact ticket is considered spam and is against the rules for their support system, which you agreed to having read and used prior to making the ticket as well.


    > It is not spam if they ask for answere and close right afterwards or there is a delay between every ticket of +6months




    > but enough of that. Otherwise its going to get into detail and would cause some more problems.

    > Its getting off topic. The topic from me was if there is an option to take if the support (via ticket system) isnt helping at all.


    Ok, so you can't guarantee that they haven't been punished if it's only people by chance seeing it. They may have by chance missed the person's ban time.

  7. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > Again, how do you know they weren't 'banned, even for an hour', unless you are watching them 24/7? Which, again, amounts to stalking.

    > > It's really not anyone's business but ArenaNet's after someone has been reported. The ArenaNet team decides what, if anything, should be done, and once reported it's out of the reportee's hands.


    > There are hundreds of people that would notice if those players wouldnt be doing what hes doing.

    > Also even if its arenanets business, and they would allow breaking their rules, Whats this game then?


    And those hundreds of people were also spending all of their time in game watching to see if they got banned? How do you guys play when you're spending all of your time watching who is and who is not banned?

  8. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > >

    > > > I (and others) also have a problem of reporting an player where the behavior shouldnt be tolerated. We have tried the ingame report function, multiple times with no luck.

    > > > So i decided to make an ticket directly to the support. One ticket every 7months or so, if nothing has changed. They only copy-pasted the answere to use the ingame-report. Even asked for evidence ,which they havent even looked at(there are view-counters :bleep_bloop: ) After always copying the same thing and asking for things, they directly closed every ticket , so i had to make an new one for an answere. What happened? They gave an 30days ban from the support ticket due to what they wanna call "spam".

    > > > Still nothing happened.

    > > >

    > > > Since they wont help (not even the leading staff), are there other options where we/i could get "help" from?

    > > Not knowing the full story, it's entirely possible they _have_ checked your report, and just didn't find the behaviour of the player in question to warrant taking action. Or they have taken action, and you just haven't noticed it (it's easy to miss someone getting a 72h hour suspension, for example).

    > >

    > > Remember, that the one thing they will definitely not do is to tell you how they've reacted to it. They made it clear over the years, that (unless the reported player starts airing things in public first) they won't be discussing any matters related to report with any third party. Player sending report also being considered a third party. There might be occasional exceptions to it, when the case is so big they just have to make a public response, but for 99.9% of cases you will never actually learn whether they did something (and if so, what exactly they did).

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > We are "spectating" the whole thing since beginning and now if any action has been taken or not, which hasnt. Their behavior is against the rules but the support doesnt care about anything.

    > Not even an 1h suspension has been given.


    > Some of the people complaining about this player say "A game where the support doesnt care about anything is equal to a dead game"


    How do you know they weren't punished?


    You can't trust the person you reported, they want to make it seem like reporting them is pointless so of course they are going to say they weren't banned. ANet won't discuss what punishment has been given except with the person they punished and then only via ticket unless they come on the forum claiming innocence. So you can't ask ANet.


    So again, how do you know?


    If it was the first offense and the transgression was minor, they may have also just been punished with a verbal warning and no ban/suspension issued.

  9. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > > > > > Wrong, that's not my argument. Conquest and Stronghold are both structured PvP modes with a certain amount of players. SPvP.

    > > > > > > > Edge of the Mists is just another WvW map that is sadly not used, it doesn't change the core gameplay. It still belongs to WvW as a whole.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > There's no false equivalence here.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Same thing with PvE:

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Raids and Dungeons/Fractals are instanced, structured content, while OW is not.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So :

    > > > > > > Stronghold and pvp - both PvP modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > > > > > WvW and Eotm - both WvW modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > > > > > OW and fractals/raids - both PvE modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Hence my point.

    > > > > > > Regardless of if they are instanced or structured it doesn't prevent them from being grouped as PvE content to which end already has a set of armour. I mean in your own words the "core game-play" doesn't change.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you're treating OW and Raids as the same PvE content, then treat SPvP and WvW the same, as PvP content.

    > > > > > To me it looks like you're creating a false link between OW and Instanced content.

    > > > > > The core game-play between OW and Raids/Fractals is drastically different. Their structure is completely different.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Your "fundamentally the same system" seems to work for everything. Why not just group every gamemode under "Gameplay Mode", since you seem to be fond of that. Guess we don't need any new content, since they're all based on the same combat system, just different objectives and means of success.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And stop putting WvW into a "WvW mode". It still belongs to the PvP category and is a PvP mode. EotM never really was a own mode, it was just a overflow map.

    > > > >

    > > > > Actually PvP and WvW are different enough to be considered separate game modes.

    > > > >

    > > > > Open world and instanced PvE content are not different enough to be considered separate game modes. They are both purely player vs environment. The only difference between them is their difficulty level. Hard mode of a single player RPG is not a different game to Easy mode of the same single player RPG.

    > > > >

    > > > > And PvE armor does already require play in the open world to obtain. It's the precursor that's obtained through raids.

    > > >

    > > > Their difficulty level, the level of cooperation between the players, the maximum amount of players, the fact that you have to group up (If you're not doing some solo kill on a raid boss), not being able to revive fully dead players, not being able to "waypoint-zerg"...

    > > > There are a lot of differences, even mechanical changes.

    > > > Raids and OW are distinct enough that people are calling themselves raiders, and some calling themselves OW-players.

    > > >

    > > > Comparing difficulties in a single player RPG to the difference of open world and raids is pretty daring, as they mostly just adjust damage and hp numbers, not some completely different mechanics (there are, of course, exceptions).

    > > >

    > > > Legendary Weapons also require WvW and Dungeon tokens, yet they are mostly seen as open world legendaries.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Not enough differences to be considered a different mode. It's a difficulty change. They've put in different mechanics to achieve that difficulty increase. But it is just a difficulty increase.

    > >

    > > If you've actually looked at the PvE legendary armor you'd see that it requires raids, fractals, AND open world PvE in order to complete. Meaning that it is armor for all of PvE. Not just raids.

    > >

    > > Yet they aren't open world legendary weapons. They are just legendary weapons. Because there isn't a method that just requires PvP or a method that just requires WvW. There are just legendary weapons.


    > Enough difference that Anet always lists them separately in update patchnotes, and that there's a group that considers themselves raiders. If you're only seeing a difficulty change, I don't know what to tell you.

    > Raiders are not going to like it if you tell them they get enough PvE content, when Anet releases PvE maps. They want Raids and similiar structured PvE content.


    > The only thing needed for legendary armor from fractals are Stabilizing Matrices afaik. Those are also needed in the PvP versions of the legendary armor. Guess they aren't even PvP armors, just PvP/Fractals and WvW/Fractals armors.


    > So if we're going by material costs like you do, fractals actually has 3 legendary armors!


    And ANet puts story stuff separate as well from regular open world stuff. It's how they do their patch notes. So that if someone was looking to see if a bug got fixed, they can easily find out if it has or has not.


    And again that's the difficulty speaking. Raids are a much higher difficulty and some people want that level of difficulty. So yes, they will complain if ANet isn't releasing content for their preferred difficulty level.


    I see you haven't looked at the list of things required for legendary armor or read my reply correctly. I said open world PvE. That's more than just Fractals. So please read again.

  10. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > > > Wrong, that's not my argument. Conquest and Stronghold are both structured PvP modes with a certain amount of players. SPvP.

    > > > > > Edge of the Mists is just another WvW map that is sadly not used, it doesn't change the core gameplay. It still belongs to WvW as a whole.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There's no false equivalence here.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Same thing with PvE:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Raids and Dungeons/Fractals are instanced, structured content, while OW is not.

    > > > >

    > > > > So :

    > > > > Stronghold and pvp - both PvP modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > > > WvW and Eotm - both WvW modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > > > OW and fractals/raids - both PvE modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > > >

    > > > > Hence my point.

    > > > > Regardless of if they are instanced or structured it doesn't prevent them from being grouped as PvE content to which end already has a set of armour. I mean in your own words the "core game-play" doesn't change.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > If you're treating OW and Raids as the same PvE content, then treat SPvP and WvW the same, as PvP content.

    > > > To me it looks like you're creating a false link between OW and Instanced content.

    > > > The core game-play between OW and Raids/Fractals is drastically different. Their structure is completely different.

    > > >

    > > > Your "fundamentally the same system" seems to work for everything. Why not just group every gamemode under "Gameplay Mode", since you seem to be fond of that. Guess we don't need any new content, since they're all based on the same combat system, just different objectives and means of success.

    > > >

    > > > And stop putting WvW into a "WvW mode". It still belongs to the PvP category and is a PvP mode. EotM never really was a own mode, it was just a overflow map.

    > >

    > > Actually PvP and WvW are different enough to be considered separate game modes.

    > >

    > > Open world and instanced PvE content are not different enough to be considered separate game modes. They are both purely player vs environment. The only difference between them is their difficulty level. Hard mode of a single player RPG is not a different game to Easy mode of the same single player RPG.

    > >

    > > And PvE armor does already require play in the open world to obtain. It's the precursor that's obtained through raids.


    > Their difficulty level, the level of cooperation between the players, the maximum amount of players, the fact that you have to group up (If you're not doing some solo kill on a raid boss), not being able to revive fully dead players, not being able to "waypoint-zerg"...

    > There are a lot of differences, even mechanical changes.

    > Raids and OW are distinct enough that people are calling themselves raiders, and some calling themselves OW-players.


    > Comparing difficulties in a single player RPG to the difference of open world and raids is pretty daring, as they mostly just adjust damage and hp numbers, not some completely different mechanics (there are, of course, exceptions).


    > Legendary Weapons also require WvW and Dungeon tokens, yet they are mostly seen as open world legendaries.



    Not enough differences to be considered a different mode. It's a difficulty change. They've put in different mechanics to achieve that difficulty increase. But it is just a difficulty increase.


    If you've actually looked at the PvE legendary armor you'd see that it requires raids, fractals, AND open world PvE in order to complete. Meaning that it is armor for all of PvE. Not just raids.


    Yet they aren't open world legendary weapons. They are just legendary weapons. Because there isn't a method that just requires PvP or a method that just requires WvW. There are just legendary weapons.

  11. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > Wrong, that's not my argument. Conquest and Stronghold are both structured PvP modes with a certain amount of players. SPvP.

    > > > Edge of the Mists is just another WvW map that is sadly not used, it doesn't change the core gameplay. It still belongs to WvW as a whole.

    > > >

    > > > There's no false equivalence here.

    > > >

    > > > Same thing with PvE:

    > > >

    > > > Raids and Dungeons/Fractals are instanced, structured content, while OW is not.

    > >

    > > So :

    > > Stronghold and pvp - both PvP modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > WvW and Eotm - both WvW modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > > OW and fractals/raids - both PvE modes, fundamentally the same system but slightly different objectives and means of success.

    > >

    > > Hence my point.

    > > Regardless of if they are instanced or structured it doesn't prevent them from being grouped as PvE content to which end already has a set of armour. I mean in your own words the "core game-play" doesn't change.

    > >

    > >


    > If you're treating OW and Raids as the same PvE content, then treat SPvP and WvW the same, as PvP content.

    > To me it looks like you're creating a false link between OW and Instanced content.

    > The core game-play between OW and Raids/Fractals is drastically different. Their structure is completely different.


    > Your "fundamentally the same system" seems to work for everything. Why not just group every gamemode under "Gameplay Mode", since you seem to be fond of that. Guess we don't need any new content, since they're all based on the same combat system, just different objectives and means of success.


    > And stop putting WvW into a "WvW mode". It still belongs to the PvP category and is a PvP mode. EotM never really was a own mode, it was just a overflow map.


    Actually PvP and WvW are different enough to be considered separate game modes.


    Open world and instanced PvE content are not different enough to be considered separate game modes. They are both purely player vs environment. The only difference between them is their difficulty level. Hard mode of a single player RPG is not a different game to Easy mode of the same single player RPG.


    And PvE armor does already require play in the open world to obtain. It's the precursor that's obtained through raids.

  12. > @BCA92F2C-8984-4852-8314-06572C0A5487 said:

    > i just recovered an account which was inactive for over a year because when support helped me with my account years ago it gave me a long letters and #s display name. at the time they said it was more trouble than it was worth to change it. then i find out i won't be able to log in 3 years later. while getting support on an unrelated issue, i discovered that account was once again playable. having this stupid name is a pain, you can't send it mail for example. but it's nice to be able to use it again.


    Your account has a valid reason to get a display name change as it's an error. Contact support and they would be willing to get your display name changed.

  13. > @"DiogoAfonso.2136" said:

    > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > Yikes, another topic about the same thing. You are allowed to have your own opinion about the "worth" of skins, but remember it's just your opinion.

    > > And my opinion is that "prestigious" skins are just bogus. Overall character design > "prestige" skins

    > >

    > > You're also generalizing an awful lot about what players want, conceiling your own desires. Also, you don't get to decide what "real" content is for others, every player can decide that himself. Some people enjoy raids, others enjoy dressing up their characters and some enjoy doing JPs. To them that is their content.


    > I guess that the LFG being almost dead all day (except some meta events, and only during some hours of the day) when GW2 and GW1 had millions of players, tells you a lot about what players want. Most of them stopped playing to go play games that are not better, not even close, than our sweet GW. I tell you, WoW is a trash compared to GW in almost everything. But people there go play and farm miniatures. Because that is the kind of thing that keep old content and maps alive, that give reasons to play that areas and game modes. Sure, it's a rare drop. But once more, you could buy it from Trading Post if gemstore wouldn't exist. So, what's really that excuse of "gemstore allows us to not depend on luck." . No. It allows you to banalize cool things that should be rare and a reason for people to play and work for them. It doesn't depend on luck to make 100 gold to go to trading post to buy the rare minipet you want... but when he is already on gemstore and A LOT of people has it for some €, you don't even want to convert gold to gems to have it also. Because it doesn't feel special anymore when u know you worked for that, while others paid some € for that.


    If I want a minipet that's on the gem store and I don't already have the gems or want to spend money on the gems, I would want to convert my gold to gems to buy it. I don't care how many other players have it.


    I obtain things in Guild Wars 2 because I want them and their cost is within the realm of how much I want to pay for it based on what I'm going for. Not dependent on how rare or common an item is.


    I don't care how other people think I obtained something. Because I know how I obtained it and I'm the only one that matters in that. Like I don't care if people think I bought my Meteorlogicus with a credit card. I crafted it and the precursor. But I know I crafted it and that's all that matters.


    Like right now, I'm not looking to buy any karma gear because I might want to use my karma for obsidian shards. I know there are likely better means to acquire them but they involve farming and my threshold for farming tolerance is low. Like I can barely tolerate doing Silverwastes for one loop of the meta low.

  14. Your word choice is making it very hard for me to try to figure out what you're purpose in this thread is.


    Your first post asked how long to expect a reply back to a ticket regarding b an. Now you're saying that it's pointless to talk to them because they won't lift it.


    Which is it? Because it can't be both.


    The only way they won't lift your ban is if you've actually broken the rules and deserved the ban. So it's not pointless to talk to them if you did not break the rules.

  15. > @"Funky.4861" said:

    > > @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:


    > > Who are you to say what it "deserves"?

    > >

    > > Legendary armor should have been craftable from the get-go, right alongside the weapons.


    > Legendary armour is much more complicated to make than legendary weapons in terms of dev resources (number of items, animations, clipping, dye channels, attachment points etc) so it's no wonder to me that it took until HoT expac for them to be ready for release. In player terms it's also quite a step-up in effort to acquire from ascended gear; that step-up can be achieved in pvp/wvw because players don't follow scripts like mobs do. In OW, the challenge simply isn't there if you discount raids/fracs because anything which causes difficulty you can ask for help in mapchat and people will come- that's what i mean when i say OW doesn't deserve lege armour.


    I'd be fine if they had the same skin as the ascended equivalent - because open world is so easy compared to the other means of acquisition.

  16. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > The fact that supporters of this idea try to tell you that OW and raids aren't part of the same game mode should give you a clear idea of it's value.


    > This is just another thread of people looking for the top rewards from PvE (Legendary Armor) without doing it's hardest content (raids).


    They are part of the same mode. I'm not arguing for it.


    But I wouldn't be unhappy if they put in open world PvE legendaries as long as they take an obscene amount of time to obtain. Like I would say that you'd have to really really really hate raids to not want to decide to go that route.


    I also wouldn't be unhappy if they don't.

  17. > @"Gautama.5378" said:

    > > @"Gautama.5378" said:

    > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > > @"Gautama.5378" said:

    > > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > > > From what i know ANET has been out of the office for the last two weeks cause of the holidays. Even then it can take upwards of a week or more for a response(longest i had was 2 months).

    > > > >

    > > > > sounds like playing with my life with theirs. if i understand correctly if today they go holiday for 2 weeks they blocked me for their holiday which i will not have in my only game and they do what they like. coz block was made with unfair duration coz i did almost nothing. it was talk about my personal things in which they must have no business. block 2 weeks from today and they r in holiday from same day for 2 weeks? its criminal steal of my life.

    > > >

    > > > Its not. You agreed to the terms of service, when you registered for the game, they dont ban players for no reason. Ive literally played since beta and not once have i ever been banned(in game, not on here.) Somebody reported you for something, whoever looked into it agreed with the reports.

    > >

    > > this primitive explanation dont fit to things which is related with me. even god in heaven do mistakes of decisions so who r anet in understanding of my situation. that must agree with terms before play could be used as criminal cheating what i experienced in rl.


    > when i buy game and still pay for it by buying things with rl money do they agree with my terms be fair and dont make mistakes in decisions? block was robbery of my life time in game and money payed for this game when i want to spend time in things where i put my money.


    ANet staff are humans. Humans by their nature make mistakes. They can't guarantee that no mistakes will be made.


    If your account was banned in error, once a ticket to support reaches the top of the queue and they review what happen, they will reverse it. Whether that will happen before or after the actual ban is up is unknown, but it would remove the "previous violations" from the account should you in the future actually do something worth being banned for.


    Expecting no mistakes is unreasonable.

  18. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > As long as the skin is different why does it matter if there's a you've done a lot of collections legendary armor? The raid specific one will still remain unique.


    > Maybe, since they are separate modes, they should add the next generation of legendary weapons (when they finally appear) as future Raid/Fractal rewards, if it's a different skin then what's the problem?



    I'd have no problem if they introduced a set of legendary weapons that required raids/fractals.


    > @"Funky.4861" said:

    > NO!


    > Open world content is the easiest, most rewarding content in the game; there is nothing that can't be zerged-down and you want to give it legendary armour too? World map completion gives you a part of a legendary weapon, that's what level it's at, and i think that's entirely appropriate.


    Getting the time to effort ratio right is the tricky part due to that disparity in difficulty between raids and open world. I'd also be fine if they just had the QoL on them and had no visual difference from non-legendary armor as part of the trade off between the two parts of PvE.


    And the first step would have to be something like purchase a tome that unlocks the achievement - no being able to just get it accidentally.

  19. > @"flog.3485" said:

    > > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > > @"flog.3485" said:

    > > > Please no.

    > > > I mean, at this point it is sheer laziness. Take a look at what they have been doing to make legendary armor more accessible over the recent years:

    > > > -they made legendary armor accessible to all game modes

    > > > -they created 10 man easy content for players just so that we can have an easier time getting into 10 man content

    > > > And taking into account all of that, they also made the effort to create the build templates which actually made legendary armor even less relevant.

    > > >

    > > > I think it is enough.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Time i learned open world pve(the only place that doesnt have it own armor set) isnt a game mode.


    > Hate to break it to you but raids are actually PvE.


    As long as the skin is different why does it matter if there's a you've done a lot of collections legendary armor? The raid specific one will still remain unique.


    As long as there is enough time and requiring the more difficult open world content to be done as well to compensate for the lessened difficulty, I don't have a problem with it. It should definitely be the option that takes the longest to do as it is just open world.

  20. > @"EQOAnostalgia.4106" said:

    > > @"Seera.5916" said:

    > > > @"EQOAnostalgia.4106" said:

    > > > It's not very select at all... most people who play, already have it downloaded, this is effecting a large portion of those who don't. It will get louder around here given enough time, but my hope is that it's NOT given enough time lol. I expect a fix soon. Meanwhile... it's annoying but what can you do other than submit a ticket?

    > >

    > > How do you know? The players who have successfully installed the game recently aren't likely to post that their install was successful.

    > >

    > > I have a second computer and I'm downloading the game. I will let you know how it goes. But it's going to take time so I will edit or post a new response depending of if any replies have been posted.


    > I know because i have 2 PC's... that's how i know... i know because unless problems get fixed, they only compound... that's how i know.


    Unless the issue is due to a bad port somewhere between your computer and ANet's servers.


    Because Inculpatus cedo was able to install it just fine. So it's not everyone.


    All you've proven that it's not due to any variables that make your two computers different (as if it was due to something that was different between them one computer would have installed and the other wouldn't have).


    And I had proven that I was able to get past the 35% mark with my test last night. So again, not everyone.


    Which means the issue may not be something that ANet can fix or even quickly fix.

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